(BATCH – 2021-23)
I sincerely acknowledge him/her for extending his/her valuable guidance, support for
literature, critical reviews of projects & researches and above all the moral support he/she
provided to me at all stages of this project.
(Signature of Student)
Ranjit Javalkar
MBA (Batch 2021-2023)
I also declare that the work undertaken by me is original and has not been copied from any
other source. I further declare that the information presented in this project is true and
original and has not been submitted to JSCOE or any other Institute for any other
examination, before this. It is based on the original research work and will be used only for
the academic purpose. It will not be produced in any condition as a source of information to
an industry.
Date: Signature
Place: Ranjit Javalkar
MBA(Batch 2021-2023)
Chapter 1:
Chapter 1 is about Introduction on Financial Statement Analysis.
Chapter 2:
Chapter 2 is about Research objectives & Scope of the study.
Chapter 3:
Chapter 3 included sector profile , company profile & product profile.
Chapter 4:
In this research project chapter 4 contains information about the review of literature. This
chapter is various past research of well-known researchers is included which gives and
frame work for project report.
Chapter 5:
Chapter 5 is about Research Methodology includes, Research objectives, Scope of the
study, Research Design, Research Instruments, Data Collection Method, etc.
Chapter 6:
This chapter is all about Data Analysis and Interpretation. I have done some financial ratios
to analyse the financial statement analysis of Aarti Industries Limited includes, Profitability
Ratio, Turnover Ratio, Liquidity Ratio and Leverage Ratio. I have also done Horizontal
Analysis, Trend Analysis and Vertical Analysis.
Chapter 7, 8 & 9:
The Findings, Suggestions and Limitation of the study are presented in chapter 7, 8 & 9.
Chapter 1
Financial Statement Analysis is a method of reviewing and analyzing a company’s
accounting reports (financial statements) in order to gauge its past, present or projected
future performance. This process of reviewing the financial statements allows for better
economic decision making.
Globally, publicly listed companies are required by law to file their financial statements
with the relevant authorities. For example, publicly listed firms in America are required to
submit their financial statements to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Firms
are also obligated to provide their financial statements in the annual report that they share
with their stakeholders. As financial statements are prepared in order to meet requirements,
the second step in the process is to analyze them effectively so that future profitability and
cash flows can be forecasted.
Therefore, the main purpose of financial statement analysis is to utilize information about
the past performance of the company in order to predict how it will fare in the future.
Another important purpose of the analysis of financial statements is to identify potential
problem areas and troubleshoot those.
There are different users of financial statement analysis. These can be classified into
internal and external users. Internal users refer to the management of the company who
analyzes financial statements in order to make decisions related to the operations of the
company. On the other hand, external users do not necessarily belong to the company but
still hold some sort of financial interest. These include owners, investors, creditors,
government, employees, customers, and the general public. These users are elaborated on
1. Management
The managers of the company use their financial statement analysis to make intelligent
decisions about their performance. For instance, they may gauge cost per distribution
channel, or how much cash they have left, from their accounting reports and make decisions
from these analysis results.
2. Owners
Small business owners need financial information from their operations to determine
whether the business is profitable. It helps in making decisions like whether to continue
operating the business, whether to improve business strategies or whether to give up on the
business altogether.
3. Investors
People who have purchased stock or shares in a company need financial information to
analyze the way the company is performing. They use financial statement analysis to
determine what to do with their investments in the company. So depending on how the
company is doing, they will either hold onto their stock, sell it or buy more.
4. Creditors
Creditors are interested in knowing if a company will be able to honor its payments as they
become due. They use cash flow analysis of the company’s accounting records to measure
the company’s liquidity, or its ability to make short-term payments.
5. Government
Governing and regulating bodies of the state look at financial statement analysis to
determine how the economy is performing in general so they can plan their financial and
industrial policies. Tax authorities also analyze a company’s statements to calculate the tax
burden that the company has to pay.
6. Employees
Employees need to know if their employment is secure and if there is a possibility of a pay
raise. They want to be abreast of their company’s profitability and stability. Employees may
also be interested in knowing the company’s financial position to see whether there may be
plans for expansion and hence, career prospects for them.
7. Customers
Customers need to know about the ability of the company to service its clients into the
future. The need to know about the company’s stability of operations is heightened if the
customer (i.e. a distributor or procurer of specialized products) is dependent wholly on the
company for its supplies.
8. General Public
Anyone in the general public, like students, analysts and researchers, may be interested in
using a company’s financial statement analysis. They may wish to evaluate the effects of
the firm on the environment, or the economy or even the local community. For instance, if
the company is running corporate social responsibility programs for improving the
community, the public may want to be aware of the future operations of the company.
There are two main methods of analyzing financial statements: horizontal or trend analysis,
and vertical analysis. These are explained below along with the advantages and
disadvantages of each method.
Horizontal Analysis
This method of analysis is simply grouping together all information, sorting them by time
period: weeks, months or years. The numbers in each period can also be shown as a
percentage of the numbers expressed in the baseline (earliest/starting) year. The amount
given to the baseline year is usually 100%. This analysis is also called dynamic analysis or
trend analysis.
Vertical Analysis
Vertical analysis is conducted on financial statements for a single time period only. Each
item in the statement is shown as a base figure of another item in the statement, for a given
time period, usually for year. Typically, this analysis means that every item on an income
and loss statement is expressed as a percentage of gross sales, while every item on a balance
sheet is expressed as a percentage of total assets held by the firm.
Vertical analysis is also called static analysis because it is carried out for a single time
Chapter 2
o Robust demand
Large population base coupled with strong export demand
o Policy support
Setting up PCPIRs, plastic parks and CIPETs
The chemical industry in India is an indispensable part of the economy of the country, for it
constitutes around 6% of the country’s GDP. Chemicals industry in India is highly
diversified, covering more than 80,000 commercial products. It is broadly classified into
Basic chemicals, Specialty chemicals, and Agrochemicals.
The Indian chemicals industry is projected to reach $304 bn by 2025. India is a strong
global dye supplier, accounting for approximately 16% of the world production of dyestuff
and dye intermediates. Chemicals industry in India has been de-licensed except for few
hazardous chemicals. Upcoming Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment
Regions (PCPIRs) and Plastic parks will provide state-of-the-art infrastructure for
Chemicals and Petrochemicals sector.
100% FDI Chemical Industry in India is allowed under the automatic route (except in the
case of certain hazardous chemicals).
Diversified manufacturing base
Vibrant downstream industries in different segments
Competitive core industries
Capability to produce world-class end product
Large domestic market
Major raw material component sources within the country
Good R&D base and quality human resources
Strong presence in the export market in sub-segments such as Dyes, Pharma and
Cost of Power
Cost of Finance
Scale of Production
Cost Disadvantages
Multiple taxes
Extras transportation cost for raw material and finished goods
Low investment in R&D and technology
Market in developed country is opening up
Success in Dyestuff has boosted other sectors
Being close to middle east India has close vicinity to petrochemicals Large no of
product going off patent
Competencies to utilize renewable resources
Climatic condition in India
Competency to emerge as a global player in area of speciality chemicals
Reduction in import tarrifs
China’s lower chemical cost
Threat of extinction, if competency is not acquired Bilateral / multilateral trade
3.2 Company Profile
Development of International markets for AARTI’s Products.
Toll manufacturing.
3.3 Product Profile
Aarti industries manufacturing of two types product
1. Chemical Products
2. Pharmaceuticals
These two types product include 200+ products
In 2012, Erik Hofmann, Kerstin Lampe has conducted a study on “Financial statement
analysis of logistics service providers: Ways of enhancing performance” and came to a
conclusion saying “The result of this paper yield differentiated financial insight into LSP
markets (Based on services). Analyzed based on analogies of Non quoted LSPs to quoted
ones might also yield useful conclusion on the financial performance on the financial
performance of Non quoted LSPs.”
In 2013, Ting-ya Hsieh, Morris H.-L. Wang has conducted a study on “Finding critical
financial for Taiwan's property development firms in recession” and came to a conclusion
saying “This work purpose a novel staged approach for evaluating property development
firms. The proposed approach aims at assisting the selection of ratio in financial analysis.”
In 2013, Chunhui Liu, Grace O’Farrell, Kwok-kee Wei and Lee J.Yao has conducted a
study on “Ratio analysis comparability between Chinese and Japanese firms ” and came to a
conclusion saying “The questions such as the stability of financial ratios over time, across
industries, and conditions that lead to changes in financial ratios of firms need to be
answered. Research is also needed to compare financial ratios by sectors to identify sector-
wide differences of economic significance.”
In 2015, Nigel Purves, Scott James Niblock, Keith Sloan has conducted a study on “On the
relationship between financial and non-financial factors” and came to a conclusion saying
“This study also showed that non-financial and financial factors have a relationship between
organizational success and failure in prominent Australian agricultural firms; thus, rejecting
both research hypotheses posed.”
In 2015, Paulaa Diane Parker, Nancy J. Swanson, Michael T. Dugan has conducted a study
on “Management of pension discount rate and financial health” and came to a conclusion
saying “In conclusion, our study extends prior research by examining the unexpected
portion of the pension discount rate based on the z-score determination of whether a firm is
considered financially healthy or financially unhealthy.”
In 2017, Ting-ya Hsieh, Sara Trucco has conducted a study on “Performance measurement
and Management for manufacturing SMEs: A financial statement-based system” and came
to a conclusion saying “The aim of this exploratory study was to propose a PMMS suitable
for SMEs, based on the firm’s financial statements and additional information on its
business practices.”
In 2018, Stephanie M. Weidman, Daniel J. Mcfaraland, Gulser Meric, Ilhan Meric has
conducted a study on “Determinants of return-on-equity in USA, German and Japanese
manufacturing firms” and came to a conclusion saying “Since electronics is the most
important manufacturing industry in all three countries, we also applied our empirical tests
to data for electronics manufacturing firms. NPM is the most important determinant of ROE
in electronics firms in all three countries.”
Year Author Title Keywords Conclusion
2018 Ali Karimi, Financial Financial There is no
Masoud Barati performance performance ideal approach
evaluation of evaluation, to evaluate
companies Tehran Stock financial
listed in tehran Exchange, performance of
stock Negative data companies.
exchange: A Envelopment The available
negative data analysis performance
envelopment evaluation
analysis systems ignore
approach the nature of
indicators and
fail to give
reasons for
rejection or
acceptance of a
company in the
In 2018, Ali Karimi, Masoud Barati has conducted a study on “Financial performance
evaluation of companies listed in Tehran stock exchange: A negative data envelopment
analysis approach” and came to a conclusion saying “There is no ideal approach to evaluate
financial performance of companies. The available performance evaluation systems ignore
the nature of ranking indicators and fail to give reasons for rejection or acceptance of a
company in the optimal portfolio.”
In 2019, Carlo Caserio, Delio Panaro, Sara Trucco has conducted a study on “Management
discussion and analysis: A tone analysis on US financial listed companies” and came to a
conclusion saying “Methodologically, this research provides stakeholders with a set of
dictionaries and a statistical tool useful to conduct tone analyses and thus to deepen the
understanding of company disclosure.”
Chapter 5
5.1. Problem Statement
Production is considered as the backbone of the manufacturing sector. Production function
is considered the effective tool to satisfy the consumer demand and to operate in an
economical and efficient manner ales are the important component for the development of
the business. Sales can be enhanced only by the following good sale policy. Due to the
pricing policy of the government the companies have to face some fluctuations in the sales.
These fluctuations may lead to increase or decrease the financial risk of the companies.
1. Ratio analysis
Financial ratios
Turnover ratios
Liquidity ratios
Leverage ratios
2. Horizontal analysis
Horizontal analysis is the comparison of historical financial information over various
reporting periods. It helps determine a companies’ growth and financial position versus
competitors. The horizontal analysis technique uses a base year and a comparison year to
determine a company’s growth.
3. Vertical analysis
Vertical analysis is a method of analyzing financial statements that list each line item as a
percentage of a base figure within the statement. The first line of the statement always
shows the base figure at 100%, with each following line item representing a percentage of
the whole.
4. Trend analysis
Trend analysis is the process of looking at current trends in order to predict future ones and
is considered a form of comparative analysis.
Chapter 6
1. Gross Margin
The gross margin ratio varies from business to business and from industry to industry. The
performance of the business increases as the gross margin rises. Additionally, this ratio
shows owners how manufacturing expenses affect their revenue. The formula below can be
used to determine this ratio.
The higher the gross margin, the higher the performance of the company. From the graph it
is seen that the gross margin increases after 2018, but after 2020 there is a slight decrease.
Thus, after 2020, the performance of the company is seen to be a little weak. Gross margin
is highest for the financial year 2022 and lowest for the year 2018.
2. Profit Margin
Profit margin aids investors in determining whether management of a firm is producing
sufficient profits from sales and whether operational and overhead expenditures are in
check. One of the most crucial measures of a company's overall financial health is its profit
margin. The following formula is used to calculate it, and it is expressed as a percentage.
Profit margin defines a company’s overall profitability. If the profit of the firm is high then
the profit margin will be high. From the chart it is clear that the profit margin has been
increasing since 2019. Profit margin is highest for the financial year 2022 and lowest for the
year 2018.
Return on capital employed gives company’s financial position and overall profitability of
the company. If the ratio is high which depicts that the company has provided good returns
to the shareholders. Here from the graph it is clear that ROCE has been decreasing from the
year 2019. Then in financial year 2022 ROCE increased slightly. Highest ROCE is recorded
in financial year 2022.
4. Return on Shareholder’s Equity
One of the most widely used measurements in basic analysis; the return on equity ratio
helps you determine a company's ability to make a profit using only the funds from its
shareholders. It gives you a good idea of a return on Production Company for all 100 rupees
invested by shareholders.
When the ROE is high, the company makes good use of shareholders' money to make a
profit. This ratio is expressed in percentages and can be calculated using the following
The higher the percentage, the more money is being returned to investors. This ratio helps
business owners and financing professionals determine a company's financial health. The
above chart shows that this ratio decreases till 2021. And after 2021 there will be a slight
5. Return on Assets
You can determine how effectively a company can use its assets to produce income by
looking at its return on assets ratio. High returns on assets show that a business is proficient
at generating profits from its assets. The following formula is used to calculate it, and it is
expressed as a percentage.
Return on Assets (ROA) in % = (Profit after Tax / Average Total Assets) × 100
Year Profit after Tax Average Total Assets Return on Assets
2018 346 4327 8.00
2019 504 5857 8.61
2020 546 6332 8.62
2021 535 7641 7.00
2022 1307 9672 13.51
This ratio defines a company’s profitability based on assets it has. Here from the graph it is
clear that return on assets is showing decreasing trend since 2020, this shows the firm’s
weak financial performance. The lowest was recorded for the financial year 2021 and
highest for the financial year 2022.
This ratio indicates the ability of the firm’s assets to generate operating income. As a rule of
thumb, the higher this ratio is the better. It is important to realize that this ratio shows the
return shareholders are actually achieving on their investment, using current market value
for listed shares. Earnings per Share had increased from 8.65 to 11.72 from 2018 to 2019
and decreased in the year 2020 with 6.28. It had decreased again by 6.15 in 2021 and had a
slight rise by the next year which is 2022 with 7.22 Earnings per Share. The shareholders
can be assured that the company can be considered as a safe player in terms of investment
but it has to improve.
1. Stock Turnover Ratio
The number of times a company has been able to sell and refill its stock of finished items is
determined by the stock turnover ratio. Typically, it does calculations for a while. The Stock
Turnover Ratio can be calculated using the following formula.
The performance ratio that helps determine how good a company is in managing its stock
inventory while generating sales during a given time period. The ratio indicates how many
times during a specific period of time a company is able to sell its inventory. The Stock
Turnover Ratio had a steady growth since the beginning of 2018. It was 11.08 in 2018,
increased slightly by 13.43 in 2019 and decreased by 10.71 in 2020, 10.00 in 2021 and
10.42 in the year 2022.
2. Debtors Turnover Ratio
The accounts receivables turnover ratio is another name for the debtor turnover ratio. It
shows how frequently typical borrowers were converted to cash throughout the course of
the year. The efficiency ratio, which gauges a business's capacity to generate money, is
another name for this. This formula is used to calculate it.
A high receivables turnover ratio can indicate that a company's collection of accounts
receivable is efficient and that it has a high proportion of quality customers who pay their
debts quickly. The above chart shows that this ratio is seen decreasing year by year. The
debtors turnover ratio from 2018 to 2022 with 11.91, 11.67, 10.70, 11.00, 9.75 in 2022.
3. Working Capital Turnover Ratio
A company's ability to generate revenues for each dollar of utilised working capital is
measured by its working capital turnover. A higher working capital turnover ratio is
preferable and shows that the business can produce more sales volume. This formula is used
to calculate it.
Higher ratio means higher performance of the firm. From the graph it is clear that working
capital turnover ratio has been decreasing since 2018. It shows that firm is not using its
working capital effectively. The highest data was recorded for the financial year 2018 and
lowest in 2021.
Higher the current ratio higher will be the firm’s capability to pay its obligations. From the
graph it is evident that the firm’s shows decline in current ratio for the year 2021 followed
by 2019. It would have been difficult for the firm to pay off its obligations. There was a
slight increase in current ratio for the year 2022. Current ratio is highest for the year 2022
and lowest for the year 2021.
2. Quick Ratio
The quick ratio gauges a company's capacity to cover its immediate liabilities. A smaller
ratio might be preferable in a sector where revenue is predictable and stable, like retail,
where it can be predicted that the expected revenue will meet the necessary revenue. On the
other hand, a high fast ratio will shield a business from a drop in sales in a volatile or
seasonal industry. The Quick Ratio formula is as follows.
Quick ratio for a business is 1:1. Higher the quick ratio higher is the liquidity for the
business. From the graph it is clear that quick ratio is highest for the year 2019 and lowest
for the year 2018 in relation to current assets. For the current year is 0.83:1.
The Debt to Equity Ratio for last 5 years is decrease 1.22 to 0.37. Lower the Debt to Equity
Ratio company is on the safer side. From the graph it is evident that AIL has strong
financial stability as its debt to equity ratio is very low for last four years.
The higher the debt to capital ratio, the riskier the company. This is because a higher ratio,
the more the company is funded by debt than equity, which means a higher liability to repay
the debt and a greater risk of forfeiture on the loan if the debt cannot be paid timely. The
above chart shows that this ratio is 0.98 in 2018, 0.98 in 2019, 0.95 in 2020, 0.97 in 2021 &
0.92 in 2022. The company debt to capital ratio is decreasing year by year so it can be said
that has no risk.
If the debt to total assets ratio is greater than one, a business has more debt than assets. If
the ratio is less than one, the business has more assets than debt. A ratio greater than 1
indicates that a significant portion of assets is funded with debt and that the company has a
higher default risk. Therefore, the lower the ratio, the safer the company. The above chart
shows that this ratio is 0.47 to 0.23 for the year 2018 to 2022.
4. Proprietary Ratio
A sort of solvency ratio called the proprietor's ratio is helpful for estimating how much the
owners or shareholders have contributed to the overall assets of the company. It is
sometimes referred to as the net worth ratio, shareholder equity ratio, or equity ratio. The
Proprietor's Ratio can be calculated using the following formula.
Proprietary ratio helps the creditors of the company in seeing that their capital or loans
which the creditors have given to the company are safe. The proprietary ratio depicts a
firm’s financial leverage capacity and strength. The above graph shows an increasing trend
from the financial year 2018 to 2022 with 0.38, 0.47, 0.49, 0.46 and 0.62.
A higher interest coverage ratio indicates stronger financial health and the company is more
capable of meeting interest obligations. Thus, the above chart shows that the interest
coverage ratio has been increase 2018 to 2022 with 4.26, 4.41, 6.42, 8.69 and 16.88.
Balance Sheet:
Mar-22 Mar-21 Mar-20 Mar-19 Mar-18
Shareholder's Funds
and Liabilities:
Share Capital 181.25 87.12 87.12 43.33 40.65
Reserves and Surplus 5,604.17 3,324.62 2,814.69 2,517.08 1,474.52
Non-Current Liabilities 1,407.86 1,703.44 1,317.46 1,181.98 1,056.79
Current Liabilities 2,310.34 2,398.55 1,869.95 1,885.26 1,545.54
Total Funds 9503.62 7513.73 6089.22 5627.65 4117.5
Fixed Assets 5,826.54 4,808.68 3,719.28 2,774.03 2,275.45
Non-Current 43.42 36.26 37.16 33.36 55.9
Deffered Tax Assets 0 0 0 0 0
Long Term Loans and 0 0 0 0 0
Other Non-Current 414.9 317.14 391.95 296.97 217.01
Total Current Assets 3,218.76 2,351.65 1,940.83 2,523.51 1,569.14
Total Assets 9,503.62 7,513.73 6,089.22 5,627.87 4,117.50
Balance Sheet:
Mar-22 Mar-21 Mar-20 Mar-19 Mar-18
Shareholder's Funds and
Share Capital 181.25 87.12 87.12 43.33 40.65
Reserves and Surplus 5,604.17 3,324.62 2,814.69 2,517.08 1,474.52
Non-Current Liabilities 1,407.86 1,703.44 1,317.46 1,181.98 1,056.79
Current Liabilities 2,310.34 2,398.55 1,869.95 1,885.26 1,545.54
Total Funds 9503.62 7513.73 6089.22 5627.65 4117.5
Fixed Assets 5,826.54 4,808.68 3,719.28 2,774.03 2,275.45
Non-Current Investments 43.42 36.26 37.16 33.36 55.9
Deffered Tax Assets 0 0 0 0 0
Long Term Loans and 0 0 0 0 0
Other Non-Current Assets 414.9 317.14 391.95 296.97 217.01
Total Current Assets 3,218.76 2,351.65 1,940.83 2,523.51 1,569.14
Total Assets 9,503.62 7,513.73 6,089.22 5,627.87 4,117.50
Vertical Analysis
Shareholder's Funds and
Share Capital 1.91 1.16 1.43 0.77 0.99
Reserves and Surplus 58.97 44.25 46.22 44.73 35.81
Non-Current Liabilities 14.81 22.67 21.64 21.00 25.67
Current Liabilities 24.31 31.92 30.71 33.50 37.54
Total Funds 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Fixed Assets 61.31 64.00 61.08 49.29 55.26
Non-Current Investments 0.46 0.48 0.61 0.59 1.36
Deffered Tax Assets - - - - -
Long Term Loans and - - - - -
Other Non-Current Assets 4.37 4.22 6.44 5.28 5.27
Total Current Assets 33.87 31.30 31.87 44.84 38.11
Total Assets 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Balance Sheet
Mar-22 Mar-21 Mar-20 Mar-19 Mar-18
Shareholder's Funds and
Share Capital 181.25 87.12 87.12 43.33 40.65
Reserves and Surplus 5,604.17 3,324.62 2,814.69 2,517.08 1,474.52
Non-Current Liabilities 1,407.86 1,703.44 1,317.46 1,181.98 1,056.79
Current Liabilities 2,310.34 2,398.55 1,869.95 1,885.26 1,545.54
Total Funds 9503.62 7513.73 6089.22 5627.65 4117.5
Fixed Assets 5,826.54 4,808.68 3,719.28 2,774.03 2,275.45
Non-Current Investments 43.42 36.26 37.16 33.36 55.9
Deffered Tax Assets 0 0 0 0 0
Long Term Loans and 0 0 0 0 0
Other Non-Current Assets 414.9 317.14 391.95 296.97 217.01
Total Current Assets 3,218.76 2,351.65 1,940.83 2,523.51 1,569.14
Total Assets 9,503.62 7,513.73 6,089.22 5,627.87 4,117.50
Trend Analysis
Shareholder's Funds and
Share Capital 445.88 214.32 214.32 106.59 100.00
Reserves and Surplus 380.07 225.47 190.89 170.71 100.00
Non-Current Liabilities 133.22 161.19 124.67 111.85 100.00
Current Liabilities 149.48 155.19 120.99 121.98 100.00
Total Funds 230.81 182.48 147.89 136.68 100.00
Fixed Assets 256.06 211.33 163.45 121.91 100.00
Non-Current Investments 77.67 64.87 66.48 59.68 100.00
Deffered Tax Assets - - - - -
Long Term Loans and - - - - -
Other Non-Current Assets 191.19 146.14 180.61 136.85 100.00
Total Current Assets 205.13 149.87 123.69 160.82 100.00
Total Assets 230.81 182.48 147.89 136.68 100.00
Chapter 8
To increase the gross margin, the company should reduce the production cost so that
the profit can increase.
AIL should concentrate more on its working capital utilization. Proper allocation and
utilization of working capital would help AIL to increase its net profit margin.
A company should reduce its incremental costs to increase its net profit.
AIL should concentrate more on technology and innovation and new products to meet
the customer’s needs and desires.
AIL’s global networking team should increase their channel in all parts of India
including remote rural areas to increase their market share.
Chapter 9
5 years data was only analysed for conducting this study
The study is based on secondary data, obtained from the published report and as its
findings depends entirely on the accuracy of such data.
Chapter 10
The company has a good market position despite facing strong competition from local and
global Chemical players. Thanks to its presence, it enjoys a leading market position in
various consumer categories. AIL's established business model is a treat for investors
looking for exposure to the Chemical segment. The company has delivered in the past and
has the potential to be better in the future.
Analysis of financial statements refers to the treatment of information contained in the
financial statement in a way so as to afford a full diagnosis of the profitability and financial
position of the firm concerned. The process of analysing financial statements involves the
rearranging, comparing and measuring the significance of financial and operating data.
Balance sheet is the main document to access the financial sound ability of the concern. The
asset details in the balance sheet shall help the investor to decide the investment ideas. The
ratio analysis is the necessary tools to the investors to necessarily select and built an
effective portfolio. The data helps the investor in developing the strategy for effective
investment management.
The future of the company is also looking bright as Chemical market in India is still
expanding and so we can safely conclude that AIL will be able to secure its number one
position in Chemical product. The company’s future also appears to be good.
Chapter 11
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