NSTPCW1 Syllabus AY 2022 2023
NSTPCW1 Syllabus AY 2022 2023
NSTPCW1 Syllabus AY 2022 2023
For NSTP101-related concerns, kindly email the faculty in-charge or the NFO
at nfo@dlsu.edu.ph
Course Description
The National Service Training Program Civic Welfare Training Service (NSTP-CWTS) Program
aims to provide opportunities to appreciate and apply the Lasallian Social Development
Principles. Projects shall be conceptualized in the course with partner communities to create
relevant and responsive activities for the partner community.
Learning Outcomes
Learning Plan
Health Protocols
All students and faculty members are encouraged to continue wearing face masks while on
campus, observe physical distancing whenever possible, and practice the hygiene and
sanitation protocols.
All students, faculty members and staff who have Covid, or have Covid symptoms whether
tested positive or not, should stay home and isolate. Students and faculty members may have
their class, or catch up on their classes, online.
Students, faculty members and staff who exhibit Covid symptoms while on campus should
report immediately to the Clinic, and go home right after. The slip issued by the Clinic shall
serve as an approved absence slip.
Faculty members shall continue the practice of posting all learning materials, including those for
face-to-face sessions on their AnimoSpace course site.
Attendance Policy
The attendance policy stated in the Student Handbook shall be in effect. However, attendance
shall not be recorded during in-person sessions.
Students who missed requirements due to absences may be allowed to make up for these only
if they have an approved absence which may be secured from the Associate Dean of their
college, or the approved absence slip they get from the Clinic when they have to go home
because of Covid symptoms.
As announced on 21 March 2022, the No-Fail Policy no longer applies starting Term 1 AY 2022-
2023. As such, W are no longer used in place of 0.0.
Students directly affected by Covid may file for excused absence through their associate deans.
Students may secure approved absence from their associate deans for their inoculation