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1. A 26 year-old female presented with two months of excessive menses and gum
bleeding. Physical examination revealed pale conjunctiva, petechiae’ and ecchymosis.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Hemophilia
C. Scurvy
D. Vitamin K deficiency
3. A health officer was evaluating an anemia patient. Laboratory test revealed: Hgb 7
g/dl, MCV-7711, WBC – 5400/ul, Platelet – 650,000/µl. Which of the following is the
most likely diagnosis?
B. Aplastic anemia
C. Iron-deficiency anemia
D. Megaloblastic anemia
4. A 45 year-old woman presented with fatigue and orthostatic dizziness of two months
duration. She has conjunctival pallor. Complete blood count revealed: Hgb= 8 g/dl,
WBC = 4200/µl and platelet 170,000/μl. Which of the following co-morbidities is LEAST
C. Colorectal cancer
D. Disseminated tuberculosis
5. A 57 year-old man is admitted to the Medical Ward with hemorrhagic stroke. After a
week the patient suddenly developed plueritic chest pain and shortness of breath
Physical examination revealed signs of respiratory distress and a swelling involving his
right calf and thigh.
B. Aspiration paeumonia
C. Fat embolism
D. Pulmonary embolism
6. A 26 year-old man with rheumatic heart disease came for follow-up. He has active
precordium and rumbling mid-diastolic murmur. What valvular lesion is most likely in
this patient?
A. Aortic regurgitation
B. Mitral regurgitation
C. Mitral stenosis
D. Tricuspid regurgitation
B. Acute pericarditis
C. Aortic dissection
D. Pulmonary embolism
8. Which of the following is a major criteria for the diagnosis of rheumatic fever?
A. Elevated ESR
B. Fever
C. Prolonged PR segment
D. Polyarthralgia
9. A 29 year-old woman came to the OPD with shortness of breath and body swelling of
three weeks. On physical examination she has raised JVP, accentuated P2 and grade IV
diastolic murmur at the apex.
A. Frusemide
B. Penicillin
D. Digoxin
10. A 45 year-old male with heart failure is comfortable at rest. He develops dyspnea
and fatigue to walk to a nearby shop and is forced to rest for five minutes before
symptoms improved.
A. Stage A. Class II
C. Sage C, Class IV
11. A 30 year-old man was found to have a BP-170/100, He has a history of asthma.
Which one is the most appropriate drug of choice?
A. Atenolol
B. Enalapril
C. Hydralazine
D. Furosemide
12. A 40 year-old man presented with fever, shaking chills of three days duration. He
also has non-productive cough and right-sided pleuritic chest pain. He has no significant
past medical history. Physical examination revealed crepitation on the posterior right
lower chest.
A. Chest X-ray
B. Culture of sputum
13. A 25 year-old woman who was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis and started
anti- tuberculosis treatment two weeks ago is found to be HIV positive on screening On
physical examination, she has pale conjunctiva and laboratory investigation shows CD4
count of 100cells/μl.
Which one is the most appropriate first line antiretroviral regimen for this patient?
14. A 24 year-old man has generalized lymphadenopathy, aphthous ulcers, and gray-
white plaques around his scrotum. Dark field microscopic examination demonstrates
spirochetes. Which of the following is the treatment of choice?
A. Ceftriaxone
B. Erythromycin
C. Penicillin
D. Tetracycline
15. A 30 year-old prisoner presents with intermittent fever and headache of two days
duration. He claims that three of his roommates had similar symptoms and were
treated in the prison. Blood film examination showed a spirochete.
Which one of the following is the most appropriate antibiotic choice for this patient?
A. Ceftriaxone
B. Procaine penicillin
D. Vancomycin
B. Ciproflocacillin
16. A 20 year-old male patient presents with abdominal swelling of three weeks
duration She lives in a rural village where the water source used is river water.
Ultrasound examination reveals peri-portul fibrosis.
Which one of the following is most likely cause for the patient’s condition?
A. Leishmaniasis
B. River blindness
C. Ascariasis
D. Schistosomiasis
17. A 22 year-old HIV positive patient who presented with shortness of breath was
suspected to have Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia but he has no signs of respiratory
distress and his CD4 count is 150/μl. Which of the following drugs is recommended for
this patient?
A. Co-trimoxazole
B. Prednisolone
C. Fluconazole
D. Pyrimethamine
18. A 60 year-old male had cough for five years with clear sputum production and
shortness of breath. He has smoked a pack of cigarettes per day for 20 years.
Laboratory examination reveals haemoglobin of 19 g/dl. X-ray of the chest shows
hyperinflation without infiltrates.
A. Bronchial asthma
D. Pulmonary Tuberculosis
19. A 40 year-old alcoholic develops productive cough and fever. Chest x-ray shows an
air-fluid level in the superior segment of the right lower lobe. Which of the following is
the most appropriate pharmacotherapy?
20. A 25 year-old man presents with abdominal pain, headache and fever of five days
duration.The Health officer suspected the diagnosis of typhoid fever.
A. Stool examination
B. Blood culture
C. Weil-Felix titer
D Widal test
21. A 27 year-old man complains of fever, rigors, productive cough with rusty-coloured
sputum and pleuritic chest pain. Chest examination revealed increased tactile fremitus
and dullness to percussion in the right lower lung field.
A. Lobar pneumonia
B. Bronchopneumonia
C. Lung abscess?
D. Pleural effusion
22. A 35 year-old woman presented with trismus for a day. She also has shoulder and
back pain.
She reported that she sustained a puncture over the left foot a week ago. She is fully
A. Carbamazepine
B. Diazepam
C. Phenobarbital
D. Phenytoin
23. A 30 year-old man presented with epistaxis, easy fatigability and intermittent fever
for one month. Physical examination revealed hepatosplenomegaly.
A. Blood culture
C. Stool examination
D. Ultrasound of abdomen
24. A 60 year-old man presented with sudden onset of right sided weakness on both
upper and lower extremities before a day. The weakness is maximal at onset and during
sleep. He is hypertensive but does not take medications.
A. Hemorrhagic stroke
C. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
25. Which of the following is the most common cause of hemorrhagic stroke in
A. Aneurysm
B. Anticoagulation
C. Brain tumor
D. Hypertension
26. A 24 year-old HIV positive woman presents with fever and skin rash over the left
chest two days ago. The rash is vesicular and follows dermatomes (T4-5). She is
confused and meningeal signs are positive. Which of the following is the most likely
A. Fungal meningitis
B. Pyogenic meningitis
C. Tuberculos meningitis
D. Viral Meningoencephalitis
27. A 30 year-old male presented with headache, fever and progressive weakness on the
left side of his body two weeks ago. He has right ear discharge since two months. On
physical examination BP-140/80 mmHg, PR-102/min, T-39°C. He is mentally alert and
power on the left upper and lower extremities is 3/5. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Brain abscess
B. Brain tumor
C. Ischemic stroke
D. Subdural hematoma
28. A 60 year-old alcoholic patient presented with fever, headache and neck pain of two
day duration. On examination body T-39°C and has neck stiffness. Bacterial meningitis
suspected but lumbar puncture was deferred because he has papilledema.
Which of following is the best empiric therapy for this patient in addition to Ampicillin?
29. A 36-year-old male presented with fatigue and tea-colored urine for five days.
Physical examination revealed jaundice and tender Hepatomegaly. Laboratory
investigation reveal Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) = 2400 U/L, Alanine
aminotransferase (ALT)-2500 U, Alkaline phosphatase-210 U/L and total bilirubin-8.6
Which of the following is the LEAST likely cause for the patient’s condition?
A. Acetaminophen poisoning
A. Furosemide
C. Hydrochlorothiazide
31. Which of the following is the most common complication of Peptic ulcer disease?
A. Hemorrhage
C. Malignancy
D. Perforation
32: A 50 year-old woman presented with fever, cough and chest pain for two days.
Chest X- ray showed pleural effusion. Pleural fluid analysis showed: WBC neutrophils,
PH=7.2, blood culture was positive for streptococcus pneumonia,
What is the next best step in management of this patient besides antibiotics?
A. Dexamethasone
B. Chest CT scan
A. Esophageal cancer
B. Esophageal varices
C. Mallory Weiss
D. Reflux esophagitis
35. A 29 year-old man with HIV infection presents with chronic diarrhea associated
with anorexia, abdominal cramps and significant weight loss. His recent CD4 count -
20 cells/mm3. A modified acid-fast stain of a stool specimen shows 4-6 um oocytes.
A. Cryptosporidium parvum
B. Microsporidia
D. Pneumocystis jiroveci
36. Which of the following is the best early indicator for diabetic nephropathy?
B. Alburainuria
C. Hypertension
37. A 35 year-old man presents with generalized body swelling of two months.
Physical examination reveals BP-120/70mmHg, ascites and +3 pretibial edema.
Protein = 4.5g/24hour urine collection. Which of the following is the most likely
B. Heart failure
C. Nephrotic syndrome
D. Glomerulonephritis
38. A 55 year-old man comes to the Emergency OPD because of excruciating pain
in his right big toe. He was diagnosed to have gouty arthritis. Which of the following
is the most appropriate pharmacotherapy?
A. Allopurinol
B. Ceftriaxone
C. Indomethacin
D. Morphine
A. Breast Abscess
B. Breast Cancer
C. Fibroadenoma
D. Fibrocystic Change
40. A 32 year-old man presented to the surgical OPD with complaint of neck mass of
one year duration. On examination he l as a hoarse voice and a solitary 2cm x 2cm
thyroid mass on the right side which has firm consistency and fixed to underlying
structures. There was no lymphadenopathy. What is th: most likely diagnosis?
A. Thyroid adenoma
B. Thyroid cancer
C. Thyroiditis
D. Toxic Nodule
41. A 35 year-old man with a chronic peptic ulcer disease presented with features of
acute abdomen and chest x-ray revealed pneumo-peritoneum. His symptoms lasted
for six hours and his vital signs were stable af er infusion of one liter of Normal
Saline solution.
B. Endoscopy
C. Triple therapy
D. Laparotomy
42. A 50 year-old woman brought an ultrasound imaging result which showed Gall
Bladder Stone.
She has no abdominal pa n and no known medical illness. Which of the following
is the recommended management?
A. Cholecystectomy
C. Reassurance
D. Ursodeoxycholic acid
A. Amebic dysentery
B) Colorectal cancer
C. Sigmoid Volvulus
D. Ulcerative colitis
44, A 55 year-old man presented to the surgical OPD with a complaint of rectal
bleeding of one month duration. He has no protruding mass per rectum and digital
rectal examination was non- revealing. What is the investigation of choice?
A. Abdominal CT-Scan
B. Barium Enema
C. Colonoscopy
D. Upper GI Endoscopy
45. A 30 yeur-old man was seen at the Emergency surgical OPD with perianal pain
of two days duration. He has fever and chills. He has left perianal induration with
tenderness but no fluctuation. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Anal fissure
B. Perianal Abscess
C. Perianal fistula
D. Thrombosed Hemorrhoids
46. A 20 year-old man was seen at the emergency department following road traffic
accident of one hour duration. He has sustained trauma to the abdomen. On
examination; Vital signs: BP 80/50 mmHg and PR-120/min. He has tire marks on the
abdomen and it was tender. The patient is started on 1V fluids.
A. Abdominal CT-scan
B. Exploratory laparotomy
C. Observation
47. A 50 year- old man came complaining of fatigue and dyspepsia of three months
duration Physical examination revealed a pale conjunctiva with a palpable mass at
the epigastrium that moves with respiration. What is the gold standard diagnostic
B. CUpper GI Endoscopy
48. A man was stabbed to the abdomen and presented to the Health Center with
eviscerated small bowel which was getting dark. Which of the following is the correct
initial measure before referral?
49. A2 year-old farmer presented to the OPD with abdominal pain and frequent
vomiting of one day duration. On examination the abdomen is slightly distended and
has visible peristalsis. Plain abdominal x-ray showed step ladder pattem air-fluid
A. Caecal Volvulus
C. Sigmoid Volvulus
B. Compound Volvulus
50. A 65 year-old man was seen at the Emergency OPD with abdominal pain,
distension and failure to pass feces and flatus of two days duration. He had two
similar attacks in the last three years and was successfully treated with rectal tube
deflation. On Examination BP-90/60 mmHg and PR=110/min. The abdomen was
tender and bowel sounds were absent.
A. Analgesics
B. Antibiotics
C. IV fluid
A. Ludwig’s angina
B. Periodontal abscess
C. Submandibular cellulites
D. Submental abscess
52. A 20 year-old man presented to the OPD forty minutes after he sustained stab
injury to his left posterior chest. He has shortness of breathing. He is acutely sick
looking; BP= 110/60 mmHg. PR-90/min, RR-26/min. He has decreased air entry on
the lower left chest with visible air rush through the stab wound. What is the best first
step in the management of this patient?
53. A 35 year-old male patient came to emergency OPD 12 hours after he started to
have sudden onset of epigastric pain. He has long standing history of dyspepsia for
which he has been taking anti-acids repeatedly. Examination revealed tachycardia,
rigid and tender abdomen. What is the appropriate imaging study to reach a
definitive diagnosis?
B. Barium meal
C. chest X-ray
54. A 27 year-old patient was involved in a road traffic accident. He was brought to
the Hospital by the driver. He is agitated; PR-140/min and feeble, BP-80/40 mmHg.
He has pale conjunctiva and his chest is clear with good air entry. He has an
ecchymosis over his left flank area. Abdominal Ultrasonography showed a significant
collection of fluid in his abdomen.
A. Cardiogenic shock
B. Hemorrhagic shock
C. Neurogenic shock
D. Septic shock
55. A 64 year-old male patient presented to the Emergency OPD after he failed to
pass urine for a day. He had difficulty of urination for the last one year. The previous
night he took seven bottles of beer with friends. On examination he is acutely sick
looking and in pain. Bladder is palpable 10 cm above the pubic bone and tender.
What is the most likely cause for acute urinary retention?
B. Bladder cancer
C. Bladder stone
D. Urethral Stricture
56. An 18 years old male presented with right scrotal swelling of 1 day duration. He
also has associated pain and it started while he was asleep, it woke him up. He also
has fever and pain during urination. On examination right testis is tender, hot to
touch, swollen, and the testicular cord is not thickened. What is the most likely
A. Testicular torsion
B. Epididymo-orchitis
C. Infected hydrocele
D. Testicular tumor
57. A 36 year-old male patient came with difficulty of urination for the last two years.
He had previous history of whitish urethral discharge for which he was treated with
tablets and injections. What is the most likely diagnosis?
B. Prostatic Cancer
D. Urethral Stricture
58. A 43 year-old male patient came to the Emergency OPD after being involved in a
road traffic accident before a day. He has failed to urinate since the incident and is
unable to move his right lower limb. On examination his vital signs are normal, there
is right pubic tenderness and blood on the penile meatus. What should be the next
step in management?
B. Do image-guided catheterization
59. A 24 year-old man came to the Emergency OPD with severe pain originating in
the flank, radiating inferiorly and anteriorly. He also has nausea and vomiting. His
vital signs are within normal limies. Abdominal examination showed marked
costovertebral angle tenderness.
A. Cystitis
B. Pyelonephritis
C. Pyonephrosis
D. Ureteric colic
60. A 60 year-old female patient presented with right sided flank pain and hematuria
of one month duration. She also has significant weight loss, night sweats and
malaise. On physical examination, she is chronically sick looking with normal vital
signs, a bimanually palpable mass on the right flank. What is the most likely
A. Chronic pyelonephritis
B. Neuroblastoma
D. Wilm’s tumor
81, A 25 year old gravida2 para1mother comes to your clinic for a quest of transfer to
other hospital for delivery. She is currently 36 weeks. She was diagnosed to have
HIV at first screening and was put on HAART since then. Her pregnancy otherwise
was uncomplicated. A recent viral Load was 2000 copies/ml. What is the most likely
method and timing of delivery to reduce the risk of mother to child transmission is?
82, A 25yrs old para2 gravida 1 mother whose GA is 36wk fromelnmp comes to
emergency opdwith compliant of pain full vaginal bleeding of 2hr duration at
presentation her Bp =80/40 PR=128 with paper white conjuctia & 34 WK sized
uterus FHB=184 for 10 min ultrasound shows fundal placenta with hypoechoic mass
at retroplacental area what will the diagnosis of thise patient?
83, What should be the definitive management for the above patient?
Resuscitation with fluid & prepare cross match blood then c/s at 39 WK
Correcting the shock with fluid &blood transfusion then emergency c/s
Active labor
Latent labor
False labor
Stage 1 of labor
85, What is the most appropriate next step in the management of this
Administer terbutaline
chest X-ray
pelvic ultrasound
Grand multiparity
Twin pregnancy
89, A 21 year old woman has presented for first prenatal visit. Her LNMP was 12
wks ago, which she was certain about. Upon abdominal examination you noted
bilaterally enlarged adnexae and the uterus is about 20 wks sized. Abdominal
Ultrasound depicted a snowstorm pattern in the uterus. What is the specific next
step management?
Primary hysterectomy
90, With typical use, which of the following contraceptive methods has the highest
failure rate within the first year of use?
Male condom
Progestin-only pills
91, Surgical infection that is erythematous and edematous with shiny skin, sever
pain and fever but has no sharply circumscribed border/edge is most characteristic
Boils (Furuncle)
Ludwig angina
Septic thrombophilebitis
95, which one of the following is the most common cause of small bowl obstraction
Post op adhesion
Poor flow
Barium swallow
CT scan
MRI Scan
99, A 55 years old male presents with progressive dysphagia which is more for
solids, weight loss and he is alcoholic since the age of 15. Examination entirely
normal. Diagnosis is?
Esophageal stricture
Esophageal Cancer
100. 65 years old male patient presented with compliant failure to urinate of a day
duration during DRE he has smooth convex and elastic prostate with mobile rectal
mucosa .Which diagnosis go with DRE finding
Prostatic ca
Prostatic caliculi
101. Among the blood products one can be used beyond 5 years
Whole blood
Thyroid enlargement
Overproduction of TSH
A and C
106. A 25 years old male patient presented 1hrs after he sustained a road traffic
accident. At presentation the vital signs were BP: 80/40mmHg PR:108b/m RR:26
Temp:36.7. He has no site of bleeding but has a bilateral femoral shaft deformity. He
has no other site of injury. What should be your first step in Emergency management
of this patient ?
peak age of acute appendicites is b/n 2nd and 3rd decade of life
Hemodynamic stability
109. Which one of the following combination is TRUE about Abdominal trauma?
Blunt abdominal trauma —– Organs with largest surface area are prone to injury
Blood pressure
Pulse rate
Urine output
111.A victim of road traffic accident is brought to emergency room unconscious and
with blood pressure of 80/60 mmHg. The first step in management of this patient is:
Skull x-ray
112. the most common immediate cause of death in a major trauma includes:
113. Alemitu is 18 years old female patient who was admitted in the surgical ward
with a diagnosis of severe anemia secondary to acute blood loss secondary to
unstable pelvic fracture.she was investigated with CBC and her hgb was 2mg/dl and
her platelet count was 80, were the one who manage her in the emergency,
what is your first choice to treat the severe anemia?
Whole blood
Ringer lactate
Whole blood
Normal saline
115. If you want to give platelet to Alemitu, how many units do you want to transfuse
her to attain the lowest normal level of platelet count?
5 units
7 units
8 units
4 units
Isolated atresia
118. Which of the following is not predisposing factor for adenocarcinoma of the
Barrett’s esophagus
Esophageal web?
Open pneumothorax
Simple pneumothorax
Tension pneumothorax
120. 22years old male patient presented with abdomenal pain of a day duration wich
was intially around periumbalical region later on shifted to RLQ and has associated
anorexia during physical examinatin he has pain on right lower quadrat during
palpation of LLQ…..which sign is posetive in this patient
Rovsing sign
psoas sign
obturater sign
Pointing sign
41, A 5 year old female child presented with generalized body swelling of 1wk
duration. She has history of skin rash a month back. And has hx of cola colored urine
of 3 days duration. On P/E- V/S: PR: 110, RR: 28, T-37, BP: 140/80 and Urine
analysis reveals full of RBC.
Nephrotic syndrome
disseminated TB
44, Which one of the following statement is not true about childhood asthma?
Parent asthma is one of the minor criteria of asthma predictive index in children
A & C
Sexual abuse
Ascending infection
Hematogenous spread
46, A developmental disorder starting at or soon after birth and occurring most
frequently in infants with immature lungs is?
Congenital pneumonia
47, If you encounter a neonate with a scaphoid abdomen, having respiratory distress
and upon auscultation there is bowel sound heard on the left side of the chest. What
could be the possible diagnosis for this neonate?
Chonal atresia
Diaphragmatic hernia
Tracheoesophageal fistula
48, Among the different vaccine which is available in our country which vaccine is
protective and has a good efficiency in preventing tuberculosis?
Bulging fontanel
N. Gonrrehea
C. Tracomatis
S. Aures
51, Which one is not a poor prognostic sign of SAM among the following?
52, Which one of the following is NOT a disease of URTI (upper respiratory tract
Common cold
53, Which one of the following is NOT true about croup disease?
54, For a patient having typical clinical manifestation of congestive heart failure, what
investigation can we send to support our diagnosis?
55, A 7 yrs old male patient presented to you at pediatric emergency OPD
complaining of generalized body swelling of week duration. Additionally, he has
history low grade fever and decreased urine amount, severe headache and one
episode of abnormal body movement but, he denies of having urine color change.
Two weeks back he had history of sore throat at which it resolved out spontaneously
without treatment.
On P/Ex he has puffy face, V/S: BP 150/100mmHg PR: 110 bpm RR: 28 T:
56, Which one is the most likely diagnosis and it’s feared complication for this
57, A 10 years old female known asthmatic patient whom on follow up presented to
emergency OPD with dyspnea, cough but no fever. On examination v/s: PR: 110
RR: 50 T: 37.4 oC and the pulse oximetry reads 88% of O2 saturation in room air.
She has sign of distress and diffuse wheezing over the whole chest and no other
pertinent finding.
What would be your next best stepyou should follow in the of management this
Hold on any treatment and call for anesthesiologist for endotracheal intubation
58, At which stage of growth and developmental child would normally develop an
emotion of fearing darkness?
Infancy age
Preschool age
School age
Adolescent age
D hemolytic anemia
60, one of the following is not diagnostic investigation of HIV for 8 month infant
Antibody test
cardiorespiratory distress
bulged fontanel
62, one of the following is not true about CSF finding in normal child
63, Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for ovarian cancer?
67, A 25yrs old G3P2 mother with GA of 35wks + 2D present with compliant of gush
of fluid per vagina of 1days duration, on sterile speculum examination there is
pooling of posterior vaginal fornix. Which of the following is NOT appropriate
Strict Bed rest
Prophylactic antibiotics
Kick chart
68, A 30yrs old nulliparous women presents with compliant of inability to conceive of
3yrs duration on pelvic US she has Four submucosal myomas, Hematocrit is 27%.
What is the appropriate management?
69, A 25yrs old laboring multiparous mother is on second stage of labor for 2hrs, she
has two moderate contractions and station is +2. What is the next appropriate
Do cesarean section
Forceps delivery
Vacuum delivery
70, Which one of the following is the least commonest degenerative change of
Sarcomatous degeneration
Red degeneration
Hyaline degeneration
Septic degeneration
Ease of repair
Less dyspareunia
72, Multiparous patient who has received no prenatal care presents to Labor and
Delivery with a complaint of vaginal bleeding. Her fundal height is 24 cm. Which of
the following laboratory tests supports the diagnosis of preeclampsia?
Hct 40%
73, A 23 yrs old primigravida lady with GA of 28wk presented at antenatal care clinic
and her blood group is A- and her husband blood group is B+ so what should be
done next for this patient?
Administration of anti D
Older Age
75, A woman who is currently pregnant presents to your office for antenatal care.
She had two abortions, one ectopic pregnancy, fetal death at 36weeks of gestation
and three live births. How are you going to describe her obstetric history?
G7 P3 A3 E1
G7 P4 A3 E1
G8 P4 A2 E1
G8 P3 A3 E1
76, One of the following IS NOT among the classic clinical triad of ectopic
Abdominal Pain
Vaginal Bleeding
77, Assume you are responsible physician at ANC clinic and a 45 year old known
hypertensive pregnant mother comes to you for first evaluation. Under which WHO
follow up category do you put her for next follow up?
Specialized care
Basic component
Can be reclassified in basic component follow-up, if her blood pressure one’s well
80, A 35 year old G3P2 mother who claims to be amenorrhic for the last 8 months
present to emergency OPD with vaginal bleeding of 06hr duration. She has history of
1 previous C/S scare and you proceed with P/E. Which one of the following is true
for this case scenario?
77, Which one of the following is True about abnormal uterine bleeding?
Pregnancy must be considered in any reproductive age group mother who present
with vaginal bleeding.
It can be caused by wide variety of local and systemic disease or drugs
78, You are with your family on vacation, and one of your cousins need advise after
she missed four pills of companied oral contraceptive in row in the first week of her
normal menstrual cycle. She has no history of sexual contact in the last 5 days. What
will be your best advice?
To take her pills as soon as possible, but no problem for missed pills
To take her pills as soon as possible, and to use condom for the next 7 days
79, A 19 year-old female patient presents with recurrent non-foul smelling curd like
whitish vaginal discharge. Her current episode started a week back. She never had
any sexual intercourse. She has no other oral, hair nail or skin lesions. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
Vaginal candidiasis
Primary syphilis
80, A 37 year-old female HIV patient with presents with a persistent painful ulcer
involving the genital area and the inter-gluteal cleft of two years duration. She recalls
that the initial lesions were vesicles which easily ruptured. What is the most likely
Pressure ulcer
Herpes simplex
Herpes zoster
Aphthous ulcer