Ethiopia MOH - Obstetrics Protocol 2020
Ethiopia MOH - Obstetrics Protocol 2020
Ethiopia MOH - Obstetrics Protocol 2020
December 2020
1. ............................................................................................................................................ R
ESPECTFUL MATERNITY CARE ............................................................................................ 1
2. ............................................................................................................................................ R
3. ............................................................................................................................................ T
RIAGE.......................................................................................................................................... 10
LIAISON .................................................................................................................................................. 12
4. ............................................................................................................................................ A
NTENATAL CARE .................................................................................................................... 18
5. ............................................................................................................................................ E
CTOPIC PREGNANCY ............................................................................................................. 25
6. ............................................................................................................................................ M
OLAR PREGNANCY ................................................................................................................. 31
7. ............................................................................................................................................ H
YPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM ................................................................................................ 35
8. ............................................................................................................................................ A
NTEPARTUM HEMORRHAGE .............................................................................................. 41
PLACENTAL ABRUPTION ......................................................................................................................... 41
PLACENTA PREVIA .................................................................................................................................. 43
ADHERENT PLACENTA ............................................................................................................................ 44
9. ............................................................................................................................................ M
ULTIPLE PREGNANCY ........................................................................................................... 46
10. .......................................................................................................................................... P
REMATURE RUPTURE OF MEMBRANE ........................................................................... 52
APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT OF PROM............................................................................................... 53
11. .......................................................................................................................................... M
ANAGEMENT OF LABOR AND DELIVERY ........................................................................ 58
12. .......................................................................................................................................... T
HIRD STAGE OF LABOR ........................................................................................................ 67
13. .......................................................................................................................................... N
EWBORN CARE AT THE TIME OF BIRTH ........................................................................ 70
15. .......................................................................................................................................... A
BNORMAL LABOR................................................................................................................... 93
16. .......................................................................................................................................... P
RETERM LABOR ...................................................................................................................... 98
17. .......................................................................................................................................... U
MBLICAL CORD PROLAPSE .............................................................................................. 102
18. .......................................................................................................................................... M
ALPOSITIONS AND MALPRESENTATION..................................................................... 105
OCCIPUT POSTERIOR POSITION ............................................................................................................ 106
PERSISTENT OCCIPUT TRANSVERSE POSITION ...................................................................................... 107
BROW PRESENTATION ......................................................................................................................... 108
FACE PRESENTATION ............................................................................................................................ 108
COMPOUND PRESENTATION ................................................................................................................ 109
TRANSVERSE LIE (SHOULDER PRESENTATION) ..................................................................................... 110
19. .......................................................................................................................................... B
REECH PRESENTATION ..................................................................................................... 112
VAGINAL BREECH DELIVERY ................................................................................................................. 114
CESAREAN DELIVERY ............................................................................................................................ 118
20. .......................................................................................................................................... C
EPHALOPELVIC DISPROPORTION ................................................................................. 119
21. .......................................................................................................................................... O
BSTRUCTED LABOR AND UTERINE RUPTURE .......................................................... 123
OBSTRUCTED LABOR ............................................................................................................................ 123
UTERINE RUPTURE ............................................................................................................................... 129
22. .......................................................................................................................................... P
OST PARTUM HEMORRHAGE .......................................................................................... 132
PRIMARY PPH ...................................................................................................................................... 132
23. .......................................................................................................................................... P
OST TERM PREGNANCY..................................................................................................... 142
24. .......................................................................................................................................... I
NDUCTION AND AUGMENTATION OF LABOR ............................................................ 144
INDUCTION OF LABOR .......................................................................................................................... 144
AUGMENTATION OF LABOR ................................................................................................................. 150
25. .......................................................................................................................................... O
PERATIVE VAGINAL DELIVERY ...................................................................................... 151
VACUUM DELIVERY .............................................................................................................................. 151
Management protocol on selected obstetrics topics for hospitals.
MOH, Ethiopia
FORCEPS DELIVERY ............................................................................................................................... 153
CRANIOTOMY ...................................................................................................................................... 156
CRANIOCENTESIS ................................................................................................................................. 159
26. .......................................................................................................................................... C
................................................................................................................................................... 161
CESAREAN SECTION (CS) ...................................................................................................................... 161
TRIAL OF LABOR AFTER CESAREAN SECTION (TOLAC) ........................................................................... 164
27. .......................................................................................................................................... F
AMILY PLANNING ................................................................................................................ 168
28. .......................................................................................................................................... C
OMPREHENSIVE ABORTION CARE ................................................................................ 172
29. .......................................................................................................................................... H
IV IN PREGNANCY ................................................................................................................ 179
30. .......................................................................................................................................... H
YPERTENSIVE DISORDERS ............................................................................................... 187
GESTATIONAL HYPERTENSION ............................................................................................................. 187
PRE-ECLAMPSIA ................................................................................................................................... 188
ECLAMPSIA: ......................................................................................................................................... 192
CHRONIC HYPERTENSION ..................................................................................................................... 195
31. .......................................................................................................................................... D
IABETES MELLITUS IN PREGNANCY ............................................................................. 196
MANAGEMENT OF PREGESTATIONAL DIABETES MELLITUS .................................................................. 196
MANAGEMENT OF GESTATIONAL DM .................................................................................................. 201
32. .......................................................................................................................................... M
ALARIA IN PREGNANCY ..................................................................................................... 203
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 208
Ethiopia made a significant achievement in the last two decades to reduce maternal and
neonatal mortality. However, reduction in preventable mortality is still a challenge. A number
of factors contributed to high maternal and neonatal mortality. In addition to a diverse range of
individual and household problems, health system challenges like poor infrastructure and
supply, shortage of skilled manpower, weak referral system and poor quality of care, lack of
standard guideline and protocols along the continuum of care are the most important factors.
High impact interventions like preconception care, family planning service, access and quality
emergency obstetric and newborn care services, skilled care during child birth and delivery,
skilled postnatal care and comprehensive abortion care service will significantly reduce
maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity which will help achieve the sustainable
development goal.
Even among those who received skilled care at continuum of care, adverse obstetric outcomes
remain higher than expected in most low-income countries. This might be due to poor access to
timely and appropriate obstetric care within health facilities. Sometimes there is potential for
important steps of management to be missed in emergency obstetric and newborn situations,
even in the presence of many health care team members.
Cognizant with this, Ministry of Health-Ethiopia, revised the 2010 hospital protocol by
organizing three series of workshops involving experts in the field from universities, partners
and Ministry of Health staff. Relevant evidence based up to date global and national guidelines
and recommendations were used in the protocol revision considering the national policy and
plan, strategy, standards, potential implementation capacity and challenges on maternal and
newborn health care.
Having evidence based revised version of this obstetric protocol at each level of hospitals will
help to ensure standardized care and practice , continuity of care and promotes positive health
outcomes. In addition, this obstetric protocol will allow systematic approach for a specific
obstetric and newborn condition, helps to avoid serious mistakes and variation in treatment. It
also help to order correct investigations and to institute optimal treatment. The protocol is
designed for use by health professionals involved in maternal and newborn health care at all
levels of the hospitals (primary, general and teaching), for pre-service health education, private
and non-government organization hospitals and centers.
This protocol touches on the management of common obstetric problems encountered during
clinical practice and professionals can use their experience and judgment if there is a need and
new or recommendations which were not included in this protocol as evidences subject to
change with time.
This protocol will contribute significantly in improving quality of care and patient safety for
every woman and every newborn and is critical to implement it as soon as possible in order to
accelerate reductions in maternal and new born mortality and morbidity .Hence, this is to
underscore that the ministry of health will put all its effort for the realization of all
recommendations included in this protocol to ensure a positive pregnancy and child birth
The Ministry of Health would like to convey a special gratitude for Engender Health of
Ethiopia, World Health Organization and World Vision Ethiopia for their technical and
financial contributions in the revision and finalization process of the protocol.
Special thanks go to those health professionals who devoted their time and energy throughout
the revision process. We would like to thank Dr Mulat Adefris, Mr Zenebe Akale, Mr Sheleme
Humnessa and Sr Zemzem Mohammod who managed to coordinate all the revision process.
We also grateful for Dr and Dr who did a final touch to the content of the
document and did the editorial process.
We appreciate members of universities, partners and professional associations for giving their
feedback during the revision.
This protocol is a collaborative effort of medical professionals and program managers from
various disciplines with huge experience in the field. MOH would like to acknowledge all who
participated in the revision process.
Name Organization
Dr Eyasu Mesfin AAU
Dr Berhanu Kebede Yekatit 12 Hospital
Dr Dereje Nigussie Abt Associate
Sheleme Humnessa MOH
Etenesh Gebreyohaness MOH
Dr Mulat Adefris MOH/EH
Dr Balkachew Nigatu SPMMC
Dr Meseret Zelalem MOH
Zenebe Akale MOH
Dr Mengistu Tefera Engender health
Dr Fikru zeleke Adama Teaching Hospital
Sr. Zemzem mohammod MOH
Dr Fikremelekote Temesgen AAU
Dr Gelane Lelisa Yekatit 12 Hospital
Dr Hailemariam Segni Transform Primary
Dr Wassie Lingerh MOH/EH
Takele Yeshwas MOH/MSI
Dr Nega Tesfaw MSI
Dr Kiros Terefe University of Gondar
Dr Goitom Gebreyesus AAU
Likelesh Lemma MOH
Dr Wondimu Gudu SPMMC
Hinsermu Bayu Arsi University
Zewge Moges EMWA
Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) refers to care organized for and provided to all women in a
manner that maintains their dignity, privacy and confidentiality, ensures freedom from harm
and mistreatment, and enables informed choice and continuous support during pregnancy,
labour and childbirth and postnatal period.
RMC is an attitude that permeates each word, action, thought, and non-verbal communication
involved in the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period. Provision
of RMC is in accordance with a human rights-based approach to reduce maternal and neonatal
morbidity and mortality. See table 1 below for categories of disrespect and abuse with
Corresponding Rights.
Abandonment or denial of • Women left alone during labor • Right to timely healthcare
care and birth, and
• Failure to provide monitoring • Right to the highest
and intervene when needed attainable level of health
Maintain privacy
During provision of all maternal health care services, use curtains, doors, screens and separate
rooms to maintain environmental privacy and confidentiality. Ensure bodily privacy by
covering body and minimizing time exposed during undressing and clothing.
Maintain confidentiality
All identifiable information about a patient’s health status, medical condition, diagnosis,
prognosis and treatment and all other information of a client must be kept confidential.
• Let the woman know that she is being listened to and understood.
• Use supportive nonverbal communication such as nodding and smiling.
• Answer the woman’s questions directly in a calm and reassuring manner.
There should be adequate numbers of competent and trained staff with appropriate skills mix
(health work force), working in multidisciplinary teams that are able to provide respectful and
continuous care to all women. There should be regular practice-based training on RMC
provision to enable effective delivery of RMC services that meet the social, cultural and
linguistic needs of women and orientation of new staff.
• Provisions for staff in labor ward e.g. refreshments (snacks, drinks).
• Health education materials in written or pictorial format, accessible and available in the
languages of the communities served by the health care facility.
• A standard informed consent form.
• Information (written or pictorial, e.g. as leaflets) for the woman and her companion.
• Essential medicines for maternal and new-born health care that is available in sufficient
quantities at all times.
Basic and adequate equipment for maternal and new-born health care that is available in sufficient quantities at all
times in the health facility.
The facility should ensure the presence of enhanced physical environment including:-
Good-quality supervision, communication and transport links between facilities needs to be established to ensure
that referral pathways are efficient.
It means immediate identification and recognition of specific problems for taking quick action
to save the life of the patient during arrival to the facility.
All staff at the health facility should perform a Quick Check of a woman who presented with
an emergency condition.
• Observe the woman:
o Did someone carry her into the health institution, and how was she transported?
o Is there blood on her clothing or on the floor beneath her?
o Is she grunting, moaning, or bearing down?
o Is she conscious and alert?
• Ask the woman or her companion whether she has or has recently had:
o Vaginal bleeding, severe headache/blurred vision, convulsions or loss of
consciousness, difficulty breathing, fever, severe abdominal pain, pushing down
• If the woman has or recently had ANY of the above danger signs, immediately:
o Call for help.
o Don’t panic, focus on the needs of the woman.
o Do not leave the woman unattended.
o Ask and check relevant information from referral.
o Avoid confusion by having one person in charge
• Breasts: tender
• The woman also needs prompt attention if she has any of the following signs: gush of
fluid per vaginum, pallor, weakness, fainting, severe headache, blurred vision,
• After emergency management, discuss the decision to refer the woman with her and
the family.
• Quickly organize transport and possible financial aid.
• Inform the referral center by radio or phone.
• Give the woman a referral slip containing all the necessary identification and clinical
• Send with the woman:
o A health worker trained in child birth care
o Essential emergency drugs and supplies
o A family member who can support and attend her
o If there is a newborn, send a family member who can go with the mother to
care for the neonate.
• During journey:
o Maintain IV infusion
o Keep the woman (and newborn, if born) warm but do not overheat
o Give appropriate treatment on the way
o Keep record of all IV fluids, medications given, time of
administration, and woman's condition
Note: Most emergencies happening in the hospital can be prevented by:
• Careful planning
• Following clinical guidelines
• Close monitoring of the woman
Remark: For specific management of each emergency condition refer to appropriate sections
in this document and other relevant national protocols.
Sorting of obstetric patients at the triage unit into priority groups according to their need or
level of acuity.
NOTE: In hospitals where there is a central triage pregnant and labouring mothers are not supposed to
visit the central triage. They rather are directly seen at the obstetric triage unit.
1. To identify emergency or life-threatening problems of the pregnant woman and/or fetus.
2. To provide timely emergency or life saving treatment and prevent further complications
3. To determine further assessment and plan further management
4. To utilize resources efficiently and prevent unnecessary admissions.
5. To improve client/patient flow and decrease waiting time.
NB: The specific health institution should have clear admission criteria at the triage unit.
Main activities:
• Initiate appropriate triage assessment and emergency care.
• Classify acuity level based on the five level color coded emergency triage system
using the triage assessment and acuity scale classification tool shown below (Annex 2).
• Request very important investigations
• Initiate appropriate interventions based on their level of acuity (Annex 3).
• Reassess and re-triage as necessary
• Transfer patients according to their level of acuity to labour & delivery or maternity
ward, medical side, procedure room, or waiting area.
NB: If admission is not possible refer to other health institutions following the standard
referral procedures.
Liaison is a means of good communication on specific case management readiness from
sending and receiving referrals with facilitation beyond checking availability of beds.
There is no need for separate liaison office or officer for Obstetrics and Neonatology
• Referring facility health care provider should call/contact the receiving hospital’s
specific obstetrics department or Neonatology department.
• Receiving facility will take highlight about specific referral and reason for referral
from the referring health professional.
• Receiving facility’s responding health care provider should inform the senior in
charge and the team about the specific case and has to get ready specified to referred
• Pre informed receiving facilities will rapidly initiate assessment and decide
management after triaging specific obstetrics or neonatal cases.
• Anything that does not seem to pose threat to the • Intervention in ≤120 minutes
woman or fetus Level 5 • Link to ANC, regular OPD or
other RH services as required
( Non-Urgent)
ANC is defined as the complex of interventions that a pregnant woman and adolescent girl
receives from skilled health care professionals in order to ensure the best health conditions
for both mother and baby during pregnancy
To provide pregnant women with respectful, individualized, person-centred care at every
contact, with implementation of effective clinical practices (interventions and tests), and
provision of relevant and timely information, and psychosocial and emotional support, by
practitioners with good clinical and interpersonal skills within a well-functioning health
Risk identification; prevention and management of pregnancy-related or concurrent diseases;
and health education and health promotion.
• Gather and Interpret information (History, P/E, Investigations,)
• Classify type of care
• Develop a care plan
• Implement care plan
• Evaluate care plan.
Use the ANC classifying format (diagram) in the MoH integrated pregnancy, labor, delivery,
newborn and postnatal care card to gather detailed information during first visit (Annex: See
Integrated client card.)
(All Women)
Transfer of patients
Basic Care
throughout ANC • Specialized care
• Additional investigations
and follow ups, including
referral care
N.B. Those classified under basic care needs a minimum of eight contacts while those
having pre-existing or newly developed problems will be followed in a specialized care
Date of visit
Family/Social History X
General Appearance and Vital sign
(Pulse, Respiration, BP, Temperature, X X X X X X X X
Pallor X X X X X X X X
Breast X X
Chest X X X X X X X X
Abdominal examination/ Leopold
examination, and SFH measurement
Pelvic assessment as
Ultrasound X
Haemoglobin preferably with
hemoglobinometer / CBC when available
Blood group, RH X
Nausea and vomiting – Ginger, chamomile, vitamin B6 are recommended for the relief
of nausea in early pregnancy.
Heartburn– Advice on diet and lifestyle (avoidance of large, fatty meals and alcohol,
cessation of smoking, and raising the head of the bed to sleep) is recommended to
prevent and relieve heartburn in pregnancy. Antacid preparations can be used depend
on the women symptoms.
Leg cramps – Magnesium, calcium or non-pharmacological treatment options can be
used for the relief of leg cramps in pregnancy.
Low back and pelvic pain – Regular exercise throughout pregnancy, treatment options
such as physiotherapy, support belts can be used
Constipation– dietary (modification, high fiber diet, regular bowel habit and adequate
fluid intake
Varicose veins and oedema– Non-pharmacological options, such as compression
stockings, leg elevation and water immersion
Woman-held case notes– It is recommended that each pregnant woman carries her
own case notes during pregnancy to improve continuity, quality of care and her
pregnancy experience.Ensuring the women holds her own medical record summary
starting 36 weeks
Community – based interventions to improve communication and support- use of HDA,
pregnant women conference.)
* For those women with positive HBSAg, determine HBV DNA viral load. HBV viral load
greater than 20,000 international units per milliliter (IU/mL) of blood indicates that the virus
is active and is an indication to give tenofovir for the mother starting from 28 wks of
gestation until delivery. If lab test for HBV viral load is not available, determine HBeAg. For
mothers with detectable HBeAg, give tenofovir starting from 28 wks of GA until delivery.
Linkage/ referral for medical evaluation is also important (assessment of eligibility for life
long treatment and follow up).
Client Name __________________________ Age ______ Card No.______
Initial booking Date _______ Gravidity ________ Parity _____ Abortion ______
LNMP ____________ Due Date ________________
An ectopic pregnancy is implantation of a fertilized ovum outside the uterine cavity.
• Tubal - the fallopian tube is the most common site of implantation.
• Extra-tubal.
• History of PID (e.g secondary to STD), ectopic pregnancy or tubal surgery,
• History of infertility, contraceptive failure.
Symptoms: The common symptoms ascribed to ectopic pregnancy are:
• Amenorrhea
• Vaginal bleeding
• Abdominal / pelvic pain
• Other symptoms: - early pregnancy symptoms, fainting or syncope, features of anemia
(e.g. dizziness), pain on defecation and shoulder tip pain.
Signs: Clinical presentations are extremely variable depending on whether the tube has
ruptured or not. See table 6 below
• Abortion
• Ovarian torsion
• Ruptured ovarian cyst
• Acute appendicitis
Diagnostic tests:
• CBC, Blood group and RH
• Urine hCG
• Serum ß-HCG
• Ultrasound (abdominal/ transvaginal)
o The ultrasound exam should be performed both transabdominal and transvaginal
(if available). The transabdominal component provides a wider overview of the
abdomen, while a transvaginal scan is important for diagnostic sensitivity.
o Positive pregnancy test and intrauterine pregnancy finding by US almost always
excludes ectopic pregnancy. These US findings are presence of double decidual
sac, embryonic pole, yolk sac or embryonic cardiac activity in the uterine cavity.
o The most reliable and specific sign of ectopic pregnancy is the visualization of an
extra-uterine gestation (i.e fetal cardiac activity, yolk sac or embryonic pole) with
an empty uterine cavity. These features, however, are seen only in a minority of
o The presence of free intraperitoneal fluid collection (hemoperitoneum) in the
context of a positive pregnancy test and empty uterus suggests ruptured ectopic
o A complex or solid adnexal mass with a positive pregnancy test and empty uterus
is highly suggestive of an extrauterine gestation and is the most common
sonographic abnormality. However, such adnexal masses can also be corpus
luteum, endometrioma, hydrosalpinx, ovarian neoplasm or dermoid cyst.
o Sometimes the extrauterine pregnancy is too small to be visualized during the
initial ultrasound examination in the early process of ectopic pregnancy.
• Ultrasound and serum β-hCG (the discriminatory zone)
Diagnostic Procedures
• Culdocentesis
o Culdocentesis should be considered only in resource limited settings i.e. in the
absence of transvaginal ultrasound.
o Culdocentesis procedure: Let the woman sit at 300 to 450 for few minutes just before
the procedure; insert speculum and pull the posterior lip of the cervix with a
tenaculum; and aspirate cul-de-sac using a 16-18-gauge spinal needle with 5 or 10 cc
▪ Positive culdocentesis is aspiration of at least 5cc non-clotting blood. Besides
ruptured and other causes of hemoperitoneum, 50-60% of unruptured ectopic
pregnancies may have positive results. If non-clotting blood is obtained, begin
immediate management.
▪ Negative culdocentesis is aspiration of at least 5 cc clear-serous fluid. It
indicates the absence hemoperitoneum.
▪ Equivocal culdocentesis is a difficult aspiration of less than 5 cc blood-tinged
fluid. It may represent the incomplete aspiration of a hemoperitoneum or the
aspiration of blood from a vessel in the uterus, ovary or vaginal wall.
• Uterine Suction Curettage
o Uterine suction curettage is performed when the pregnancy has been confirmed to be
nonviable and the location of the pregnancy cannot be determined by
o Once tissue is obtained by curettage it can be added to saline, in which it will float.
Decidual tissue does not float. Chorionic villi are also usually identified by their
characteristic lacy frond appearance.
o The tissue can also be sent for histopathologic examination. Presence of chorionic
villi indicates intrauterine pregnancy.
Hemodynamically Hemodynamically
Stable unstable (ruptured
ectopic pregnancy)
Suspected ectopic
management of
Quantitative ß-HCG ectopic pregnancy
Also known as hydatidiform mole — is pregnancy characterized by abnormal proliferation of
Molar pregnancy is one of type of disease entities in the spectrum of Gestational
trophoblastic disease (GTD).
• Hyditiditiform mole
o Partial molar pregnancy
o Complete Mole
• Invasive mole
o Choriocarcinoma
• Age less than 20 and above 35
• History of previous GTD
• Nausea/vomiting
• Vaginal bleeding
• Partial expulsion of grapes like tissue (vesicles) in cases of complete mole
• Cramping/lower abdominal pain
• Uterus larger than the Gestational age ( in cases of Complete mole)
• Uterus softer than normal
• Absence of fetal movement
• No palpable fetal part or no FHB
• Hyperthyroidism
• Blood group and RH
• Serum B-hCG (preferably) otherwise Urine hCG
• LFT and RFT
• Chest X-ray
• Ultrasound: typical sonographic features suggestive of complete molar pregnancy
may include:
o There may absence of an embryo or fetus
o No amniotic fluid
o Central heterogeneous mass in the uterine cavity with numerous discrete
anechoic spaces.
o Bilateral theca lutein cysts.
N.B. In cases of partial mole, there may be fetus with or without placental
abnormality, there may be no amniotic fluid and absent theca lutein cysts.
→ If the patient is diagnosed with GTN, please refer to the standard management
guideline for the management of cases of GTN.
→ If there are resource limitations to treat GTN, please refer patient to the next
higher facility.
Early prevention
• During any subsequent pregnancy, she needs to have early ultrasound to offer
reassurance of normal development
Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) is severe form of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
resulting in dehydration and weight loss.
• Multiple pregnancy
• Previous History
• Family History
• Overweight
• Young age
• Primigravity
• Molar pregnancy / trophoblastic disease
• Severe nausea and vomiting
• Dehydration: Loss of skin elasticity, sunken eyeballs, dry mucus membranes and lips
• Head ache /Confusion/
• Fainting
• Symptom and signs of complications
NB: The diagnosis of hyperemesis is considered in the presence of severe nausea and
vomiting after exclusion of other causes of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
• Urinalysis • RFT
• Stool Exam • Liver enzymes
• CBC • Pelvic ultrasound
• RBS • Other investigations- guided by
• Electrolytes- serum potassium,
history and physical examination
sodium, chloride
• Correction of Fluid and electrolyte deficits
• Identification and treatment of any co-morbidities
• Identification and management of complications
Outpatient management
IV fluids:
• Infuse first liter over 1-2 hours and then 1000 mls over 4 hours (i.e. 2 litres over 5 to 6
hrs), followed by further assessment, including urine ketone testing.
• Discharge the patient from outpatient care with PO medications and dietary advice.
• Or, transfer / admit for inpatient care.
• Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine):- 10–25mg PO BID-QID and Meclizine 25 mg PO TID, or
• Metoclopramide:- 5-10 mg PO TID, or
• Promethazine:- 12.5-25 mg PO TID to QID, or
• Chlorpromazine 12.5 mg IM BID
Dietary advise
Inpatient management
Indications for admission
• Weight loss > 5% from pre-pregnancy
• Ketonuria above +2
• Electrolyte imbalance
• Deranged renal and liver function tests
• Persistent vomiting / failed OPD management
Fluid management
• Oral feeding withheld for 24 to 48 hrs
• Give 1 to 2 liters of isotonic saline or ringer lactate within 1 - 2 hrs
• Continue fluid repletion at a rapid rate (1-2 L over the next 2-3 hrs) until the clinical
signs of hypovolemia improves (e.g. low blood pressure, low urine output, and / or
impaired mental status,).
• Avoid dextrose containing fluid until thiamine is supplemented with the initial
rehydration fluid
• Give maintenance fluid after deficit is corrected
o 4 ml / kg / hr- for the first 10 hrs
o 2 ml / kg / hr for the next 10 hrs
o 1 ml / kg / hr for the rest
• In addition replace ongoing loss
• Thiamine (vitamin B1):
o Give 100 mg IV with the initial rehydration fluids before administration of
dextrose containing fluids and another 100 mg daily for the next two or three
days i.e 10 ampoules of Vita. B complex containing 10 mg of thiamine per 24
hr (3 ampoules / liter).
Electrolyte management
Depends on the electrolyte abnormality detected on lab tests
Potassium supplementation:
• For mild to moderate hypokalemia (serum potassium 2.5-3.5 meq)
o Give potassium - 20-80 meq / 24 hrs.
o Add 1vial of KCL in each bag of maintenance fluid
• For severe hypokalemia (serum potassium <2.5 meq/l) or symptomatic hypokalemia
o Give potassium – 20 meq/2-3 hrs with careful monitoring every 2-4 hrs,
o Add 2-3 vials of KCL (40-60 meq) in each bag of maintenance fluid.
o Adjust the amount based on the serum potassium level.
• First line
o Meclizine 25mg IV TID, or
o Metoclopramide- 5–10 mg IV TID
o Promethazine 5-10 mg IM every 6-8hrs
• Second line
o Serotonin antagonists - ondansetron 4-8 mg IV or PO, TID
• Third line
o Chlorpromazine 25mg IV or IM QID.
* Combinations of different drugs should be considered in women who do not
respond to a single antiemetic.
* Shift from first to second line if emesis continues without improvement after 24
hrs of therapy.
• PO diets that minimize nausea and vomiting can be resumed after a short period of
gut rest.
• Dietary recommendations stated above for outpatient management similarly applies
for in patient cases.
Refractory patients
• Corticosteroids
o Give methyl prednisolone IV 16 mg TID for 48 to 72 hrs. Then oral prednisone
with tapering dose regimen of 40 mg per day for one day, followed by 20 mg per
day for three days, followed by 10 mg per day for three days, and then 5 mg per
day for seven days.
o Hydrocortisone 100 mg IV bid (or 300 mg a single daily dose) until clinical
improvement. Then oralprednisolone 40–50 mg daily, with the dose gradually
tapered until the lowest maintenance dose that controls the symptoms is reached
o Dexamethasone (if the above drugs are not available)
• Initiate nasogastric tube feeding
• Discuss on individualized decision on pregnancy termination if a patient doesn’t show
improvement and deteriorating despite taking all available therapeutic measures (in
cases of life-threatening conditions such as Wernicke’s encephalopathy, liver and renal
Maternal Fetal
• Esophageal tear or rupture • Preterm deliveries
• Peripheral neuropathy due to B6 and • Stillbirths
B12 deficiency • Miscarriages
• Wernicke's encephalopathy • Fetal growth retardation
• Liver and renal failure • Fetal death
Ante-partum hemorrhage (APH) is vaginal bleeding from the 28th week of gestation till the fetus
(last fetus in case of multiple pregnancies) is delivered.
Placental causes
• Abruptio placentae
• Placenta previa
• Rare causes: vasa previa and other placental abnormalities
Non-Placental causes
• Heavy show
• Uterine rupture / dehiscence
• Local lesions of the cervix, vagina and vulva
• Systemic bleeding disorders
• Indeterminate: causes of bleeding not identified even after delivery and examining the
Placental abruption (also called abruptio placentae) is a separation of the normally implanted
placenta before delivery of the fetus.
Previous history of abruptio placentae, hypertension, multiparity, maternal age greater than 35
years, multiple pregnancy, PROM, distorted uterine cavity, abnormal placenta, low socio-
economic status, smoking, trauma (e.g., ECV), polyhydramnios, short cord, amniocentesis and
The clinical presentation of abruptio placenta mainly depends on the extent of placental
separation, rate of separation and flow of blood through the cervix (concealed/ revealed).
• Vaginal bleeding: menstrual-like (dark), totally concealed or the amount is less than the
degree of the shock
• Abdominal pain/ (uterine) tenderness:
• NRFHRP or absent fetal heart beat
• Coagulation defect: frank bleeding (epistaxis, ecchymosis, petechiae)
• Blood group and Rh,
• Coagulation profile: Platelet count, PT, PTT, fibrinogen or bedside clotting and bleeding
• Ultrasound: Fetal assessment, retroplacental clot and for exclusion of placenta previa.
• Resuscitate and stabilize on arrival, and admit the patient
• Assess maternal and fetal wellbeing
• Prepare cross matched blood (at least 2 units)
Expectant management: <37 weeks, patient in stable condition and reassuring fetal condition
• Give dexamethasone 6 mg IM BID or Betamethasone 12 mg IM every 24 hours for 48
hours if GA< 37 weeks
• Anti D 300µg IM if Rh negative and not sensitized
• Closely monitor maternal and fetal conditions
• Prevent and treat anemia
• Hemorrhagic shock (acute kidney injury, congestive heart failure),
• Utero-placental insufficiency that may lead to IUGR, fetal distress or IUFD.
Placenta previa is defined as the presence of placental tissue over or adjacent to the cervical os.
Placenta previa: Internal cervical os is covered partially or completely by placenta (synonyms:
central PP, major PP)
Low lying: Placenta lies within 2 cm of the cervical os but doesn’t cover it. (synonyms: marginal
PP, minor PP)
• Scarred uterus: previous uterine surgery (CS, myomectomy),uterine curettage.
• Previous history of placenta previa
• Large placenta: Multiple pregnancy, diabetes, smoking, syphilis, Rh incompatibility
• High parity and advanced maternal age
Vaginal bleeding: bright red, painless and recurrent.
Ultrasound (trans abdominal/ trans vaginal): for placental location and fetal wellbeing
Double setup examination: Used only in areas where U/S is not available/or the U/S is not done
by experienced person.The procedure is done only after termination is decided to diagnose the
cause of bleeding and decide the mode of delivery.
• Resuscitate and stabilize on arrival and admit the patient
• Hemorrhagic shock,
• Adherent placenta
• Fetal distress or IUFD
Morbidly adherent placenta occurs when the placenta fails to detach from the uterine wall due to
abnormal implantation at the basal plate.
• Placenta accreta
• Placenta increta
• Placenta percreta
• Previous caesarean section
• Placenta praevia
• Previous uterine surgeries
• Ultrasound
• MRI (if available and U/S findings are inconclusive)
Multiple pregnancy is defined as development of more than one fetus in a pregnant uterus. It
includes twins (two fetuses), triplets (three fetuses) and higher order multiples (more than three
• Dizygotic twins: results from fertilization of two separate ova by two spermatozoa.
• Monozygotic twin: results from the division of a single zygote.
For higher order multiples, either of the two mechanisms mentioned above can operate. For
example, triplets can be monozygotic (from one ovum), dizygotic (from two ova) or trizygotic
(from three ova).
• Family history of twins particularly on the maternal side;
• Previous history of multiple pregnancy
• History of artificial reproduction (Ovulation induction, in vitro fertilization).
• race, old age, Obesity
Diagnosis require a high index of suspicion if obstetric ultrasound isn’t being done routinely.
The following symptoms and sign should trigger the suspicion of multiple pregnancy:
• Excess maternal weight gain
• Breathlessness, palpitation during later months of pregnancy
• Excessive nausea and vomiting.
• Exaggerated fetal movements (Kicks)
• Signs of Anemia,
Supportive care:
• Supplementation of Iron & folic acid: Iron 60 to 120 mg per day, Folic acid 1mg/day
• Nutrition - increased caloric intake by 300 kcal/day, equivalent to an extra snack, above
that of singleton pregnancy.
• Rest - Limited physical activities; early work leave.
• Frequent ANC follow up: For uncomplicated twin pregnancy- Weeks 4 to 24: a prenatal
visit once a month. Weeks 24 to 32: a prenatal visit every two weeks. Weeks 32 to 38: a
prenatal visit every week. For higher order multiples and complicated multiple pregnancies,
more frequent follow up is required.
• Serial growth monitoring (ultrasound every 3-4 wks) especially in monochorionic twins
• Antepartum fetal surveillance starting from 28wks for monochorionic, undetermined
chorionicity and other complicated twins, from 32 weeks of gestation for uncomplicated
twins, every week is indicated.
• Non-stress testing (If there is CTG in the facility)
• Biophysical profile/modified biophysical profile
• Assessing amniotic fluid (deepest vertical pool)
Timing of delivery
The route of delivery of a multiple gestation depends on the number of fetuses, presentation
of the fetuses and whether spontaneous onset of labor is present.
For all twins with 1st vertex, allow delivery by vaginal route and manage the delivery of the
second as for singleton - depending on the presentation. For all twins with 1st non-vertex,
irrespective of the presentation of the 2nd, delivery should be by cesarean section.
The route of delivery for higher order gestations should be cesarean section.
• Deliver the first baby following the usual procedure. Label - Twin-A
• Ask helper to attend to the first baby.
• Leave the other clamp on the maternal end of the umbilical cord and do not attempt to
deliver the placenta until the last baby is delivered.
• Do not give the mother bolus IM/ IV oxytocin until after the birth of all the babies
• Immediately after the first baby is delivered, palpate the abdomen to determine the lie and
presentation of the second twin;
• Check fetal heart rate
• Perform a vaginal examination to determine the presentation of the second twin, presence
or absence of prolapsed cord and whether membranes are intact or ruptured. Bedside
ultrasound can be used to confirm the presentation and lie of the fetus.
• After spontaneous or artificial rupture of the membranes, perform vaginal examination to
check for prolapsed cord. If the cord has prolapsed, manage as a case of cord prolapse.
• If the membranes are intact and if there is no contraindication (e.g., high station), artificial
rupture of membranes (ARM) of the second sac facilitates the labor.
• Birth interval of about 30 minutes is considered a reasonable time, after which delivery
should be expedited. This requires:
• Manage third stage of labor actively after the delivery of the last fetus following the steps
in active management of the third stage of labor (AMTSL).
• Before and after delivery of the placenta and membranes, observe closely for vaginal
bleeding because this woman is at greater risk of postpartum hemorrhage.
• Examine the placenta for completeness, vascular anomalies, and communications, and
zygosity (mono or Dizygotic twin)
Immediate postpartum care
Multiple pregnancy is associated with all obstetric complications with the possible exception of
macrosomia and post term pregnancy:
Maternal complications:
• Hyperemesis
• Anemia;
• Miscarriage;
• Pregnancy-induced hypertension and pre-eclampsia;
• Polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid);
• Uterine inertia (poor contractions during labor);
• Post-partum hemorrhage (uterine atony, retained placenta).
• Placenta previa;
• Abruptio placentae;
• Placental insufficiency;
• Preterm delivery;
• low birth weight;
• Malpresentations;
• Cord prolapse;
• Congenital anomalies (especially in monozygotic).
Complications unique to multiple pregnancies:
• Conjoined twins
• Monoamniotic Twins
• Interlocking of twin
• TAPS:Twin anemia-polycythemia sequence
• TRAP sequence:Twin reversed arterial perfusion
• Cotwin death: Single intrauterine fetal death
• Discordant Twins:A difference in EFW of greater than 20% between twin A & Twin B
expressed as (EFW larger fetus–EFW smaller fetus) / EFW larger fetus
• Twin-Twin Transfusion:MC twins with an oligohydramnios/polyhydramnios sequence and
the presence of a large fetal bladder in the polyhydramnios twin and a small or absent fetal
bladder in the oligohydramnios twin are consistent with TTTS.
Conditions requiring referral to a tertiary center
Premature/pre-labor rupture of fetal membranes is rupture of membranes (ROM) before the onset
of labor
Prolonged PROM is rupture of membranes for > 12 hours
Term PROM: is rupture of membranes after 37 completed weeks of gestation
Preterm PROM: is rupture of membranes before 37 completed weeks of gestation
• Mechanical factors: multifetal gestation, polyhydramnios, pulmonary diseases, preterm
labor, cervical conization/LEEP/cerclage.
• Urogenital infections : UTI, cervicitis, GBS, bacterialvaginosis.
• Previous history of preterm PROM, preterm labor
• Second trimester and third trimester bleeding (e.g. abruptio placenta).
• Other risk factors: low socioeconomic status, nutritional deficiencies, low BMI, smoking
and connective tissue disorders.
Maternal: Chorioamnionitis, abruptio placentae, retained placenta and hemorrhage, maternal
sepsis, maternal death and higher risk for cesarean delivery
Fetal and Neonatal: Infection, umbilical cord compression as a result of oligohydramnios, frank
or occult umbilical cord prolapse, fetal death, preterm birth and associated complications (RDS,
NEC, IVH, etc), neonatal infections, long-term sequelae such as cerebral palsy, pulmonary
hypoplasia and restriction deformities
The classic clinical presentation of PROM is a sudden "gush" of clear or pale-yellow fluid from
the vagina.
Patients can present with intermittent or constant leaking of small amounts of fluid or just a
sensation of wetness within the vagina or on the perineum.
Diagnostic evaluation:
Once PROM is confirmed, a careful P/E is necessary to search for other signs of infection.
The criteria for the diagnosis of clinical chorioamnionitis include:
• Maternal fever
• Tachycardia
• Leukocytosis
• Uterine tenderness
• Offensive vaginal discharge and
• Fetal tachycardia
Because of the low specificity of clinical findings, a consideration of other potential sources of
fever and other causes of clinical symptoms is essential for the diagnosis of chorioamnionitis.
The combination of clinical criteria provides a highly accurate diagnosis of chorioamnionitis.
Laboratory tests
Indications for expedite delivery
Indications for expedite delivery are onset of labor, gestation age ≥ 37wks, evidence for non-
reassuring fetal status, evidence for chorioamnionitis, lethal congenital anomalies, intrauterine
fetal death, if there is high risk of cord prolapse (e.g., transverse lie) and abruptio placenta
Note that if the gestational is below 34 weeks and both the fetal and maternal conditions are
stable, expectant management can be considered for abruption placenta in a setting where close
follow up is possible.
Expectant management
• Admit to the ward (Transfer patients with early preterm PROM to a higher health facility
with newborn intensive care, if possible)
• Avoid digital cervical (pelvic) examination.
• Advise bed-rest, to potentially enhance amniotic fluid re-accumulation & possibly delay
onset of labor.
• Administer antenatal corticosteroids (betamethasone 12 mg intramuscularly 24 hours apart
for two doses or dexamethasone 6 mg IM 12 hours apart for four doses) for lung maturity.
• Note that if preterm birth is considered imminent, treatment for short duration still
improves fetal lung maturity and chances of neonatal survival. Therefore, the first dose of
• Give a combination of antibiotics until the woman gives birth. Note that metronidazole
should be added if the route of delivery is cesarean section to cover the anaerobic
• Option 1: Ampicillin 2 g IV every six hours PLUS gentamicin 5 mg/kg body weight IV
every 24 hours ± metronidazole 500 mg IV TID
• Option 2: Ceftriaxone 1 gm IV BID for 10 days ± metronidazole 500 mg IV TID
• After delivery, shift the antibiotics to PO medication after the symptoms and signs of
infection have subsided for 48 hours.
• Emergency priming and induction of labor if there is no contraindication for vaginal
• If cervix is favorable, labor is induced, unless there are contraindications to labor or vaginal
delivery, in which case cesarean delivery is performed.
• If cervix is unfavorable, ripen the cervix (preferably with PO misoprostol).
• Institute prophylactic antibiotic when the duration of ROM >12hrs.
• Follow for features of chorioamnionitis (maternal fever, tachycardia, leukocytosis, uterine
tenderness, offensive vaginal discharge and fetal tachycardia)
• Antibiotic therapy should continue throughout labor and for at least one dose after delivery
Management of near-term PROM (34-37 weeks)
Labor is a process regular uterine contraction results in progressive dilatation effacement which
ends in the delivery of the fetus and placenta and membranes.
Normal labor is classified as:
• First stage of labor: The period between onset of regular uterine contractions to full
cervical dilatation. It is subdivided into two phases: -
o Latent phase: The phase of labor between the onset of regular uterine contraction to
5 cm of cervical dilatation (often slow & unpredictable rate of cervical dilatation)
o Active phase: The phase of labor after 5 cm of cervical dilatation to the full cervical
dilatation more rapid rate of cervical dilatation)
• Second stage of labor: The stage of labor between full cervical dilatation and delivery of
the last fetus (often associated with involuntary bearing down urge because of expulsive
uterine contraction)
• Third stage of labor: The stage of labor between delivery of the last fetus and delivery of
the placenta & membranes.
• For a woman without known risk and intact membrane- cervix dilation is≥ 4 cms.
• For those with ruptured membranes & known risk factor could be admitted at any cervical
• Warm and friendly acceptance
• Immediate assessment of the general conditions of the mother and fetus including
assessment of whether delivery is imminent or not to act accordingly
• Appropriate history, physical examination / vaginal examination and laboratory
• Inform the client/parturient about her condition and regularly update her.
• Clothing: loose hospital gown
• After review of ANC record and present evaluation, revise her birth preparedness plan
• Revise her ANC plan & prepare accordingly
• During active phase of labor, all admission information should be documented on a
partograph sheet.
• Laboratory tests which are not determined during ANC visits should be completed.
(Hemoglobin/ hematocrit (if not done within two weeks), Blood group and Rh, urine
analysis, VDRL, HbsAg and HIV test). If serology for HIV is positive refer to section on
PMTCT guide
N.B. Team approach is important, and all abnormal clinical/ laboratory findings should be
informed to the most senior personnel in charge of the labor ward activity.
All observations and findings should be recorded on the partograph if the client presents with
cervical dilatation of >5 cm (or when she enters this phase after admission)
Parts of the partograph
• Identification
• Fetal status
• Labor progress
• Medication
• Maternal condition
Crossing of the alert line mandates re-evaluation for maternal & fetal conditions thoroughly.
When maternal & fetal conditions are reassuring there can be a place for observation without
intervention for 2 hours (slow yet normal cervical dilatation patterns can be acceptable in
hospital set up)
The second stage is the time from full dilation of the cervix to delivery of the last fetus.
• Women can assume any position unless delivery is imminent,there is need for operative
vaginal deliveryor episiotomy.
• Options are semi sitting, squatting, kneeling or left lateral position.
• Prolonged recumbent position should be avoided.
• Every 15 min before delivery is imminent
• Every 5 min for high-risk pregnancy (Continuous electronic monitoring is preferred for
fetal monitoring of high-risk pregnancies)
Reduction of maternal trauma, prevention of fetal injury and initial support of the newborn
Routine performance of episiotomy should be avoided and individualization is important.
Indications for episiotomy: threat for a perineal tear, perineal resistance for fetal head descent or
presence of fetal/maternal indication for expedited delivery
Timing of episiotomy: when the presenting part distends the vulva 2-3cms (unless early delivery
is indicated).
Type: medio-lateral episiotomy is recommended
Note that analgesia/anaesthesia should be given before episiotomy is performed and during
Cord clamping
• Delay cord clamping for 1-3 minutes after delivery (unless preterm baby, low birth
weight, asphyxiated, Rh isoimmunized pregnancy or HIV exposed infant)
• Clamp the cord 4-5 cm away from the umbilicus
• Take cord blood if indicated.
Third stage of labor is the time interval between the deliveries of the last fetus upto the expulsion
of the placenta.
• Duration of third stage of labor will be shortened
• Less maternal blood loss
• Less need for oxytocin in post-partum period
• Less anemia in the post-partum period
It is care given to all newborn infants at birth to optimize their chances of survival and wellbeing.
ENC starts before birth (Teaching of parents to be about the unborn child should start at
Antenatal Care level).
• Immediately dry the whole body including the head and limbs.
• Keep the newborn warm by placing on the abdomen of the mother
• Stimulate by rubbing the back or flicking the soles of the feet
• Remove the wet towel
• Don’t let the baby remain wet, as this will cool the body and make it hypothermic.
• Let the baby stay in skin to skin contact on the abdomen and cover the baby quickly
including the head with a clean dry cloth.
Step 2: Evaluate Breathing
Normal breathing rate in a newborn baby is 30 to 60 breaths per minute. The baby should not
have any chest in-drawing or grunting. Small babies (less than 2.5 kg at birth or born before
37 weeks gestation) may have some mild chest in-drawing and may periodically stop
breathing for a few seconds.
• Keep the baby warm by placing it in skin-to-skin contact on the mother’s chest.
• Cover the baby’s body and head with pre-warmed clean cloth including hat and socks. If
the room is cool (<25 ºC), use a blanket to cover the baby over the mother.
Step 5. Initiate breastfeeding in the first one hour
Skin-to-skin contact and early breastfeeding are the best ways to keep an infant warm and
prevent hypoglycaemia.
Early breastfeeding means breastfeeding within the first hour, with counseling for correct
• Early breastfeeding reduces the risk of postpartum hemorrhage for the mother.
• Colostrum (the "first milk") has many benefits for the baby, especially anti-infective
• Skin to skin contact while feeding helps the baby to stay warm.
• Breastfeeding delays the mother's return to fertility because of lactation.
• Breastfeeding provides the best possible nutrition for the baby.
• Feed day and night, at least 8 times in 24 hours, allowing on-demand sucking by the baby.
• If the baby is small (less than 2,500 grams), wake the baby to feed every 3 hours.
• If the baby is not feeding well, seek help.
• Successful breastfeeding requires support for the mother from the family and health
• There is no need for extra bottle feeds or water for normal babies, even in hot climates
• Avoid the use of the bottles and pacifiers.
Step 6. Administer eye drops/eye ointment
• Putting the identification bands on the hands and ankle will save you from misshaping
babies in busy delivery rooms.
Step 9. Weigh the newborn when it is stable and warm
Assessment Decision
Look for
◼ Breathing or crying Yes Routine care
◼ Goodmuscletoneorvigorous movements
A No
► Stimulate by rubbing the back 2 to 3 times. Routine careand
► Suction only if had meconium stained liquor or the mouth Breathing closelyobserve
or nose is full of secretions.
► Transfer to newborn resuscitation area. Breathing
► Position the head/neck slightly extended. well Observe closelyif
continues to
B ► Start positive pressure ventilation with mask and self-
breathe well
inflating bag within 1 min of birth *
► Make sure the chest is moving adequately.
Check the heart rate (HR) with a stethoscope. < 60/min ► Chest compressions
until HR ≥ 100/min
If HR ≥ 60/min
► Give higher
◼ HR 60–100/min: ◼ HR > 100/min: .
► Take ventilation ► Continue to ventilate at
corrective steps.
◼ If HR remains at <
40 breaths per min.
60/min, consider:
► Continue to ventilate at ► Every 1–2 min stop to
► Other ventilatory
40 breaths per min. see if breathing
► Consider higher spontaneously.
► IV adrenaline.
C oxygen concentration. ► Stop ventilating when
► Refer where possible
► Suction, if necessary. respiratory rate is > 30
► Reassess every 1–2 ◼ If no HR for > 10
breaths per min.
min. min or
► Give post resuscitation
remains<60/min for
20 min, discontinue
> 100/min
*Positive pressure ventilation should be initiated with air for infants with gestation > 32
weeks. For very preterm infants, it is preferable to start with 30% oxygen if possible. A and
B are basic resuscitation steps
It is appropriate to consider discontinuing after effective resuscitation efforts if:
• If the baby is breathing or crying,
• If breathing is >30/min and regular
• Infant is not breathing and heart beat is not detectable beyond 10 min, stop resuscitation.
• If no spontaneous breathing and heart rate remains below 60/min after 20 min of effective
resuscitation, discontinue active resuscitation.
• Record the event and explain to the mother or parents that the infant has died.
• Give them the infant to hold if they so wish.
Post-natal care is care that is provided to a mother and newborn baby after delivery and within
the first 42 days after child birth.
A. Type of care
i. Postpartum care: care that is provided to a mother
ii. Postnatal care: care that is provided to a newborn
B. Timing of care:
i. Immediate PNC: Care provided to the mother and/or newborn within the first
24 hours after delivery
ii. Early PNC: Care provided to the mother and/or newborn between 3rd to 7th
day after delivery or birth
iii. Late PNC: At least three additional postnatal contacts are recommended for
all mothers and newborns, on day 3 (48–72 hours), between days 7–14 after
birth, and six weeks after birth.
Table 11. Immediate postpartum/ postnatal care (first 24 hours after birth)
Monitor mother every 15’ for the first hour; at 2, 3, and 4 hrs. then every 4 hrs
• Measure and document blood pressure (BP), temperature and pulse every 30 min with
in the first 2 hours
• If first BP measurement is normal, take the second measurement within six hours
• Check uterine tone
• Check for bleeding
• Check for pallor
• Check for any perineal problem, inspect episiotomy site if done
Monitor newborn every 15’ until the first hr. then before discharge
• Assessment of the newborn as per standards on breathing; movements; the presenting
part for swelling and bruises; abdomen for pallor and distension; malformations; feel
the tone; feel for warmth: if cold, or very warm, measure temperature; weigh the baby.
• Provide essential new born care
• Warm baby by keeping mother and baby together, skin to skin contact
• Initiate BF with in the first one hour
• Frequent observation of baby by the mother for danger signs (unable to feed,
convulsion, fast breathing, lethargy....)
• Check color, umbilical cord for oozing, sucking/feeding.
• Immunization with BCG, and OPV0
• Advise on cord care
Table 12. Early postpartum/ postnatal care (at day 3 and 7 – 14 days)
• Check blood pressure; for urination and urinary incontinence, bowel function, healing
of any perineal wound, headache, fatigue, back pain, perineal pain and perineal
hygiene, breast pain, engorgement, fever and uterine tenderness and status of lochia
• Advise on mobility, exercise and adequate rest
• Check for leg swelling to look for DVT
• Breastfeeding progress should be assessed at each postnatal contact
• Counsel on post-partum nutrition
• Counsel on hygiene
• Counsel on safer sex including use of condoms
• Advise on insecticide treated bed net use for mother and baby as required
• Assess and support emotional and psychological wellbeing
• Counsel on danger signs
• Counsel about family planning and provided if needed serve for any risks, signs and
symptoms of domestic abuse and inform whom to contact for advice and management.
• Counsel on PPFP if not done earlier and initiate mini- pllls, or implants based on the
availability of method based on availability of commodities, instruments and trained
personnel. BTL by ML or vasectomy could be considered if there is a trained
manpower and instruments.
Puerperal fever, also known as postpartum fever is defined as temperature of 38.0°C or higher
during the first 10 days postpartum, exclusive of the first 24 hours.
Fever in the first 24 hours after delivery often resolves spontaneously and cannot be explained by
an identifiable infection. A mother may have a fever owing to prior illness or an illness
unconnected to childbirth. However, any fever during 10 days postpartum should be aggressively
investigated and timely managed.
Most persistent fevers after childbirth are caused by genital tract infection. Other causes of
puerperal fever include breast engorgement, urinary infections, infections of episiotomy,
abdominal incisions and perineal lacerations, and respiratory complications after caesarean
delivery and septic thrombophlebitis.
It is very important to note that endemic febrile illness like malaria may also be the cause of
fever in mothers in these days. Appropriate diagnostic approach and management should be
instituted based on relevant guidelines.
• Prolonged and premature rupture of the membranes,
• Prolonged (more than 24 hours) labor,
• Frequent vaginal examination,
• Retained placental fragments or membranes,
• Anemia and poor nutrition during pregnancy,
• Immunocompromised,
• Genital or urinary tract infection prior to delivery,
• Cesarean birth (20-fold increase in risk for puerperal infection),
• Obesity,
• Diabetes, and
• Indwelling urinary catheter
For diagnosis of puerperal fever see table 14 below.
Common presentation
Fever, painful and tender wound, erythema and edema
beyond edge of incision
ominal, Necrotizing
Less common presentation
episiotomy or fasciitis, sepsis
hardened edges of wound, purulent discharge,
perineal) ±
reddened area around wound
• Blood film
• C reactive protein
• Urinalysis,
• Stool exam
• Abdominopelvic Ultrasound
• Avoid risk factors.
• Keep the episiotomy site clean.
• Careful attention to antiseptic procedures during childbirth
• Administration of prophylactic antibiotics against (e.g. cesarean section, manual removal
of placenta)
• Give a combination of antibiotics before draining the abscess; continue antibiotics until
the woman is fever-free for 48 hours.
• Ampicillin 2 g IV every six hours; - PLUS Gentamicin 5 mg/kg body weight IV every 24
hours; - PLUS Metronidazole 500 mg IV every eight hours.
• If the abscess is fluctuant in the cul-de-sac, drain the pus through the cul-de-sac. If the
spiking fever continues, perform a laparotomy.
General anesthesia (e.g. ketamine) is usually required. Make the incision radially, extending
from near the areolar margin toward the periphery of the breast, to avoid injury to the milk
ducts. Wearing sterile gloves, use a finger or tissue forceps to break up the pockets of pus.
Loosely pack the cavity with gauze. Remove the gauze pack after 24 hours and replace with a
smaller gauze pack.
If there is still pus in the cavity: Place a gauze pack in the cavity and bring the edge out
through the wound as a wick, to facilitate drainage of any remaining pus or perform
ultrasound-guided aspiration for abscesses in which overlying skin is intact and the abscess is
less than 5 cm in diameter. Local anesthesia is generally sufficient. This can often be done as
an outpatient procedure.
If laboratory capacity is available, send drained or aspirated pus for culture and sensitivity
Note: A large surgical incision should be avoided because it could damage the areola and milk
ducts and interfere with subsequent breastfeeding
• If there is superficial fluid or pus, open and drain the wound and debride dead tissue.
Inspect carefully for fascial integrity for abdominal wounds. (Wound disruption or
dehiscence refers to separation of the fascial layer. This is a serious complication and
Postpartum emotional distress is fairly common after pregnancy and ranges from mild blues
(affecting about 80% of women), postpartum depression to psychosis. Postpartum psychosis can
pose a threat to the life of the mother or baby.
• Mild and often rapid mood swings from elation to sadness,
• Irritability, anxiety
• Decreased concentration
• Insomnia, tearfulness and crying spells.
40-80% of postpartum women develop these changes within 2-3 days of delivery. Symptoms
typically peak on the 5th postpartum day and resolve within 2 weeks.
Postpartum blues typically resolve over time and with conservative management. Supportive
treatment is indicated, and sufferers can be reassured that the dysphoria is transient. Advise
Affects up to 30% of women and typically occurs in the early postpartum weeks or months
and may persist for a year or longer.
• In nearly all respects, postpartum depression is similar to other major and minor
depressions. Symptoms must be present for most of the day, every day, for at least 2
• Symptoms include: Depressed mood Loss of interest or pleasure in most or all activities,
Insomnia or hypersomnia,
• Change in appetite, Change in weight,
• Psychomotor retardation and agitation,
• Low energy, poor concentration, thoughts of worthlessness or guilt, recurrent thoughts
about death or suicide.
• The prognosis for postpartum depression is good with early diagnosis and treatment. More
than two-thirds of women recover within a year.
Providing a companion during labour may prevent postpartum depression. Once established,
postpartum depression requires psychological counseling and practical assistance which
• Providing psychological support and practical help (with the baby and through home
• Listening to the woman and providing encouragement and support.
• Referral to a hospital for further psychiatric consultation and management.
Postpartum psychosis is the most severe puerperal mental disorder and typically occurs
around the time of delivery (within 2 weeks). It affects less than 1% of women. Cause is
unknown, although about half of the women with preexisting psychotic illness are at highest
risk, and those with prior episodes of postpartum depression.
Postpartum psychosis is characterized by:
• Abrupt onset of delusions or hallucination
• Insomnia, a preoccupation with the baby
• Severe depression, anxiety
• Despair and suicidal or infanticidal impulses.
Abnormal labor is labor that deviates from the course of normal labor and delivery.
Prolonged Latent
>10hrs >12hrs Bed rest C/s delivery for
urgent problems
Active phase
<1.2cm/hr <1.5cm/hr Expectant/
dilatation C/s for CPD
Descent <1cm/hr <2cm/hr
>3hr >1hr
Deceleration phase
CPD - C/s
Secondary arrest of Rest if exhausted
>2hr >2hr No CPD -
Arrest of descent >1hr >1hr C/ s delivery
Failure of Descent No descent in deceleration phase
are generally denoted by the “three Ps”
• Power: Dysfunctional Uterine Contraction
• Passage: Contracted Pelvis
• Passenger: Macrosomia, Malpresentation, malposition
NB: Labor abnormality can be as a consequence of combination of the three Ps. For example,
abnormality of passage and passenger can result in Cephalo-Pelvic-Disproportion (CPD) or Feto-
Pelvic-Disproportion (FPD)
Diagnosis of labor abnormality is mainly clinical by close observation of progress of labor and
appropriate use of Partograph.
If not managed timely, abnormal labor will contribute to bad maternal, fetal and neonatal
outcome. Complications include:
• Obstructed labor, obstetric fistula, etc
• Uterine rupture, hemorrhage, sepsis and maternal death
• Fetal distress, asphyxia, and death
If the alert line is crossed, thorough assessment of the mother, fetus and progress of labor should
be done to identify the cause.
In the absence of adequate uterine contractions:
• Provide labor support: Sometimes rehydration, emptying the bladder and encouraging the
woman to be more active and move around or adopt an upright position.
• Consider ARM and augmentation if no contraindication
• Reevaluation 2-4 hours later
Presence of adequate labor progress with above interventions (Cervicogram remains to the left of
the action line):Expect vaginal delivery
Inadequate labor progress despite intervention (Cervicogram crosses the action line): Cesarean
Crossing the action line:
When cervical dilatation crosses this line, action must be taken immediately depending on
identified cause.
Management options of dysfunctional uterine contraction include performing ARM, rehydration,
augmentation of labor and caesarean delivery.
Presence of contraindication for augmentation, features of CPD or non-reassuring fetal status
(thick meconium, NRFHR) are indications for emergency caesarean section delivery.
Inadequate Adequate
contractions contractions
Nullipara Multipara
Adequate progress of
labor Augmentation
progress of
labor Cesarean delivery
• Abnormal progress in the second stage is entertained if there is not progressive descent (or
head rotation to a favorable position) with uterine contraction.
• Management depends on identified cause and presence of complications. The management
options are augmentation of labor (particularly in primigravid), caesarean delivery,
instrumental vaginal delivery (in the absence of contraindications) or destructive vaginal
delivery (if prerequisites are fulfilled).
Preterm labor is defined as the presence of uterine contractions of sufficient frequency and
intensity to effect progressive effacement and dilation of the cervix prior to 37 weeks of
Early preterm: 28–32completed weeks
Moderate preterm: 32 plus 1 day to 33weeks plus 6 days
Late preterm: 34 completed weeks –36 weeks plus 6 days
Socio-demographic conditions: low socioeconomic status, extremes of maternal age,
unsupported/unwanted pregnancy, smoking, alcohol consumption, excess physical work/activity.
Medical conditions: UTI, malaria, HIV, syphilis, bacterial vaginosis, DM, hypertension, anemia,
asthma, thyroid diseases, obesity, undernutrition, depression or death of loved one or intimate
partner violence.
Gynaecologic conditions: congenital uterine anomalies, cervical insufficiency, intramural/
submucus myoma, uterine synechiae, other pelvic masses.
Obstetric conditions: previous history, family history, multifetal gestation, short inter pregnancy
interval (< 6 months), polyhydramnios, fetal macrosomia, fetal malformations, poor ANC,
placental abruption and early vaginal bleeding during the index pregnancy, amniocentesis, ECV,
cervical procedures during pregnancy.
Presence of one or more of the following Symptoms
• Abdominal cramps and back pain
• Pelvic or lower abdominal pressure
• Changes in type and amount of vaginal discharge (such as mucus, bloody or leakage of
watery fluid).
• WBC with differential count
• Urine analysis/culture and sensitivity
• Ultrasound (biophysical profile, fetal weight estimation)
Treatment depends on gestational age, estimated fetal weight, presence of absence of
contraindications for tocolytics.
Preterm labor should be managed in a setup where there is best possible neonatal care of the
preterm newborn. Hence, in-utero transfer should be considered whenever possible.
Management of preterm labour includes:
Bed rest
Dexamethasone 6 mg IM BID for 48 hours or betamethasone 12 mg every 24 hours for 48 hours.
A single repeat course of antenatal corticosteroid is recommended if preterm birth does not occur
within 7 days after the initial dose, and a subsequent clinical assessment demonstrates that there
is a high risk of preterm birth in the next 7 days. This recommendation should only be applied if
the gestational age is less than 34 weeks of gestation.
Provide window for administration of antenatal corticosteroids and/or in-utero fetal transfer to an
appropriate neonatal health care setting:
Tocolytic therapy is considered when cervical dilatation is less than 4cm, uterine contraction is
fewer than 4-5 within an hour with no cervical change.
Nifedipine is the preferred drug for tocolysis. Do not give a combination of tocolytic agents as
there is no additional benefit.
Contraindications for tocolytics include preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM),
chorioamnionitis, antepartum hemorrhage, cardiac disease, fetal death, fetal congenital
abnormality not compatible with life, cervical dilatation >4cm and effacement >80%.
Administer MgSO4 up to 32 weeks of gestation to prevent preterm birth-related neurologic
complications (neuroprotection).
• MgSO4 IV 20% 4 gm over 10–15 minutes, followed by IM 5 gm every 4 hours for 24
• Assess urine output, respiratory rate and deep tendon reflexes when administering
• Contraindications to MgSO4: Myasthenia gravis, myocardial damage, impaired renal
Antibiotics should be administered for spontaneous preterm labour with unknown GBS status.
Provide Ampicillin 2gm IV as initial loading dose then 1gm IV every four hours until delivery
for GBS prophylaxis
Progesterone compounds
Some women can also benefit from administration of intramuscular or vaginal progesterone
The criteria for progesterone compound administration are a history of prior preterm birth or no
prior preterm birth but a sonographically identified short cervix.
Progesterone vaginal tablet 100mg to 200mg vaginally each night or progesterone caproate 250
mg IM weekly starting from 16 weeks of gestation until 36weeks of gestation can be considered.
Umbilical cord (UC) descends alongside or beyond the fetal presenting part in the presence of
ruptured membranes.
• Overt UCP: Protrusion of the UC in advance of the fetal presenting part with ruptured fetal
• Occult UCP: Cord descends alongside, but not past, the presenting part with intact /
ruptured fetal membranes.
• Cord presentation: Prolapse of UC below the level of the presenting part with intact fetal
• General: Malpresentations, unengaged presenting part, prematurity, multifetal gestation,
PROM, abnormal placentation, multiparity, polyhydramnios, long UC, pelvic deformities,
uterine tumors/malformations, congenital anomalies, low birth weight less than 2.5kg.
• Procedure related: ARM with unengaged fetal presenting part, intrauterine pressure
monitor catheter insertion, vaginal manipulation of the fetus with ruptured membranes,
amnioinfusion / amnioreduction, ECV, stabilization induction.
• Occult UCP: Pressence of severe prolonged fetal bradycardia or moderate to severe
variable decelerations after a previous normal tracing on CTG/Pinnard stethoscope or fetal
• Overt UCP: Pressence of palpable cord (pulsatile or non-pulsatile) on pelvic examination
or visible cord outside the introitus.
• Cord presentation: Loops of cord are palpated through the fetal membranes on digital
vaginal examination or seen in front of the presenting part on ultrasound examination.
General measures
• Malpositions are abnormal positions of the vertex of the fetal head (other than
occipito-anterior position) relative to the maternal pelvis.
• Malpresentations are all presentations other than vertex
• Occiput posterior
• Persistent Occiput Transverse position
• Breech
• Face
• Brow
• Shoulder
• Compound
• Maternal:
o Contracted pelvis
o Pelvic tumors: uterine myomas, ovarian tumors etc.
o Uterine anomalies: bicornuate uterus, uterine septum etc.
o High parity
• Fetal and placental;
o Prematurity
o Fetal anomaly (e.g., hydrocephalus, anencephalus)
o Polyhydramnious / oligohydramnious
o Multiple pregnancy
o Placenta previa
• Clinical assessment (History, obstetric palpation and digital vaginal examination in labor)
When the occiput is posterior in relation to the maternal pelvis.
• Suggestive abdominal findings
o Flattened lower part of the abdomen
o Anteriorly palpable fetal limbs
o Fetal heart heard in the flank
• Grossly adequate pelvis:- follow labor closely;
o If there is rotation to occiput anterior, expect vaginal delivery as occiput anterior
o If there is incomplete rotation leading to occipito-transverse position:
▪ Expect vaginal delivery if there is stable fetal condition with adequate pelvis and
good progress of labor with progressive fetal descent.
▪ Deliver by cesarean section if there is:-
→ arrest of fetal descent in the presence of adequate uterine contraction
especially in primigravids and in those with borderline pelvis.
→ arrest of fetal descent at high station (station above +2),
▪ Vacuum delivery can be tried if there is arrest of fetal descent at low station (
station at or below +2), especially in multiparous woman with adequate pelvis.
o If no rotation :
▪ Expect vaginal delivery as long as fetal condition is stable, maternal pelvis is
adequate and there is progressive descent of the fetal station.
▪ Augment with oxytocin if there is no adequate uterine contraction
▪ Vacuum delivery can be tried if there is labor abnormality in second stage of labor
and the prerequisites are met.
Persistent occiput transverse position is defined as an occiput transverse position that is
maintained for an hour or more in the second stage of labor.
Usually small fetuses can be delivered in occiput posterior position while others rotate anteriorly
or posteriorly after the fetal head descends in to the pelvic floor.
• High transverse arrest (arrest above station +2 on a -5 cm to + 5 cm scale)
• Deep transverse arrest (arrest below station +2 on a -5 cm to + 5 cm scale)
• Suspect when fetal descent is protracted or arrested.
• On vaginal examination the fetal sagittal suture and fontanelles are palpable in the
transverse diameter of the pelvis; the fetal ears can be palpated superiorly under the
symphysis and inferiorly above the sacrum/coccyx.
• There may be anterior or posterior asynclitism,
o Expectant management if there is any progress in descent and the fetal heart rate is
reassuring, expectant management is the preferred option. Partial or complete
rotation may still occur spontaneously
• Augmentation
• Cesarean delivery if there is high transverse arrest despite adequate uterine contraction
and maternal expulsive effort.
Partial extension of the fetal head making the occiput higher than the sinciput and brow is the
presenting part (the part of the head between orbital ridge and anterior fontanel). See figure 8.
• Suggestive abdominal finding
o Occiput felt above sinciput
• On vaginal examination
o Anterior fontanelle and orbit are felt
• In brow presentation, engagement is usually
impossible and arrested labor is common.
Figure 8. Brow
• Spontaneous conversion to either vertex or face presentation
presentation can occur when brow presentation is
identified in early labor.
• On vaginal examination
o Fetal chin, mouth and nose palpated.
o The mouth with the two malar bone prominences make a triangle (unlike in breech
where the anal orifice with two trochanteric eminences are in a line).
o Mento-anterior: Chin anterior position
o Mento-posterior: Chin posterior position
• Grossly adequate pelvis → follow the progress of labor but augmentation is not
• Forceps delivery can also be used when indicated (prerequisites for out let forceps met),
but vacuum delivery is contraindicated.
• Early admissions with rotation to mento-anterior → follow labor progress with
anticipation of vaginal delivery.
• Persistent mento-posterior presentation: Mento-posterior in the later part of the first stage
(after 6 cm of cervical dilatation) and second stages of labor.
o If fetus is alive → Cesarean delivery
o If the fetus is dead → Craniotomy if all the prerequisites are met
Compound presentation is when a fetal extremity prolapses alongside the main presenting part. It
usually is the hand alongside the fetal head.
Management protocol on selected obstetrics topics for hospitals. 109
MOH, Ethiopia
• On vaginal examination: Irregular mobile fetal part adjacent to the larger presenting part.
• Closely monitor labor. The prolapsed extremity should not be manipulated as it may
retract with the descent of the main presenting part.
• Spontaneous vaginal birth can occur only when the fetus is very small or dead and
• Cesarean delivery S is indicated if there is protraction or arrest of labor.
• Augmentation of labor is not recommended.
Transverse lie is when the long axis of the fetus is longitudinal axis is perpendicular to the long
axis of the uterus. See figure 10 below.
Shoulder presentation is when the shoulder is the presenting part in a transverse lie.
• Abdominal findings:
o Neither the fetal head or breech are felt in the
upper and lower part of the uterus
o The abdomen is transversely elongated than
o Fundal height is less than gestation age.
• Vaginal finding:
Figure 10. Transverse
o The shoulder or the prolapsed arm is felt
• CS delivery if a transverse lie presents in labor in a term pregnancy.
• Consider ECV during pregnancy after 36 weeks GA till early in labor with intact fetal
membranes, if operator is experienced. If ECV:
o Succeeds: Expect vaginal delivery
o Fails: Deliver by CS
Management protocol on selected obstetrics topics for hospitals.
MOH, Ethiopia 110
Note: Neglected shoulder presentation leads to obstructed labor and associated
When the fetal buttock and/ or feet are the presenting part occupying the lower pole of the
• Frank breech
• Complete or flexed breech
• Footling breech /incomplete breech
Clinical assessment
• The mother may report subcoastal discomfort when the head occupies the fundus
rather than the lower segment.
• Identify the following predisposing factors
• The head is felt as hard, globular and ballotable at the fundus and the breech will be
soft and bulky at the lower pole of the uterus.
• FHB loudest just above the umbilicus (may be lower with engagement). Vaginal
examination in labor Soft and irregular parts are felt through the cervical opening at
early labor.
• Palpation of ischial tuboriosities, sacrum and the feet by the sides of the buttock.
• In frank breech hard feel of the sacrum is felt often mistaken for the head. Ischial
tuboriosities anal opening sacrum will be felt.
• To differentiate from face presentation ischial tuboriosities and anal opening will be
identified instraight line. Perform clinical pelvimetry and look for cord presentation or
Ideally, every breech birth should take place in a hospital with the ability to perform an
emergency caesarean section.
At 37 or more weeks of gestation (including early labor with intact fetal membranes) assess
thoroughly and plan management accordingly:
• If there is no any contraindication for external cephalic version (ECV), consider ECV.
If the ECV fails, consider vaginal breech delivery or CS.
• If there is absolute indication for CS (e.g., placenta previa, Fetopelvic disproportion or
compounding factors (e.g., multiple pregnancy, post-term, elderly primigravida, Rh-
isoimmunization)), plan for cesarean delivery.
The most experienced provider in breech delivery should attend the delivery.
The mother has to be counselled for the relative risk of perinatal mortality and morbidity
compared with vertex presentation and ensuring availability of emergency set up.
Figure 12. Pinard’s maneuver
Wait till body is born to the level of the umbilicus. Put fingers on the anterior superior iliac
crests and thumbs on the sacrum to apply downward rotational traction (Use a dry towel to
wrap around the hips (not the abdomen) to help with gentle traction of the infant). Do not
hold the baby by the flanks or abdomen as this may cause kidney or liver damage.
Delivery of the arms and shoulders
When both scapulae are visible the body is rotated 900. Allow the arms to disengage
spontaneously one by one. Only assist if necessary.
If the arm does not spontaneously deliver, locate the humerus, place one or two fingers in the
elbow and laterally sweep the arm across the chest.
Rotate the body 1800 to deliver the other arm.
Figure 13. Holding the baby
4 5 6
Figure 14. Delivery of Arms and Shoulders
If the arms are trapped in the birth canal, use classical method (delivering posterior shoulder)
or Lovset’s maneuver.
Lovset’s maneuver: Hold the fetus around the bony pelvis with thumbs across the sacrum.
The fetus is turned through half a circle (1800) while downward traction is applied at the
same time, so that the posterior arm emerges under pubic arch and then hooked. The position
is restored and anterior arm is delivered in the same manner.
Delivering posterior shoulder: Hand is introduced along the curve of sacrum while the baby
is pulled slightly upwards. First post arm is delivered by applying firm pressure over the arm
and pushing over the baby’s face.
When the nape of the neck is visible, apply fundal pressure to maintain flexion and deliver
the upcoming head.
Mauriceau Smellie VeitManeuver (MSV): Index and middle finger of one hand are applied
over the maxilla, to flex the head, while the fetal body rests on the palm of the same hand and
forearm. Fetal legs straddle the forearm. Two fingers of the other hand are hooked over the
fetal neck and grasp the fetal shoulders. Apply gentle downward traction to deliver the head.
Forceps delivery: specialized type of obstetric forceps (Piper forceps) can be used to deliver
after-coming head when the MSV cannot be accomplished easily.
Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) is disparity between the fetal head and maternal pelvis
which leads to inability of the fetal head to pass through the maternal pelvis for mechanical
Properly taken history, physical examination and completed labor graph allow easy and early
identification and diagnosis of CPD.
• Primigravida (especially teenage pregnancy)
• Prolonged labor
• Previous history of prolonged labor
• Previous history of perinatal death
• Previous history of obstetric trauma
• Properly documented obstetric record (e.g intraoperative measurement of the direct
Antepartum evaluation
• Measurement of the mother and the fetus has been attempted as a means of
detecting CPD before the onset of labor but is found to have poor prediction
Intrapartum evaluation
Generally, CPD, with very few exceptions, is diagnosed after a properly conducted trial of
labor. Abdominal and pelvic assessment should be done in all laboring mothers to rule out
CPD. Findings that may indicate CPD are:-
• Abnormal progress of labor
o Arrest and protraction disorders of cervical dilatation, or crossing an alert or
action line on a partograph.
o Failure of head descent especially in the presence of arrested or protracted cervical
dilatation. Note that failure of head descent in the first stage of labor is not
necessarily a cause for alarm, but may be suggestive of CPD.
o High station of the head during late active first stage of labor or second stage of
labor may suggest presence of CPD, particularly in primigravid woman.
o Failure of progress of labor after correction of inadequate uterine activity (by
amniotomy or oxytocin infusion or both)
• Abnormal clinical pelvimetry
o If the true conjugate is less than 10 cm (a true conjugate or inter-tuberous diameter
of less than 8 cm (a fist size), it indicates a grossly contracted pelvis through
which a fair-sized fetus (with BPD of 8.5 cm) cannot be delivered safely.
o Abnormal measurements of clinical pelvimetry also include easily reachable
sacral promontory, prominent ischial spines, convergent pelvic side walls, flat
sacrum, narrow sub pubic angle and narrow sacrosciatic notch.
• Molding:
o An increasing degree of molding, in the absence of descent of the head is the
hallmark feature of CPD (the ‘ultimate index’ of CPD).
o Severe moldings (+2/+3) at a higher station (3/5th or more above the pelvic prim)
o Parieto-parietal molding (overlap) is highly associated with CPD. Severe parieto–
parietal molding is never normal.
• Caput Succedaneum:
o A severe degree of caput has been associated with prolonged labor and CPD.
Severe degree of caput is diagnosed when the scalp oedema hampers
identification and assessment of the suture lines.
• Abnormal degree of head flexion:
o Deflexion of the fetal head results in greater cephalic diameters presenting at the
pelvic brim.
• Ultrasound examination may reveal macrosomia or congenital anomalies e.g
Trial of labor:
• Trial of labor is conducted in a woman with suspected CPD to determine whether it is
safe for the woman to deliver vaginally or not. It is done in an equipped and staffed
hospital for operative procedures in case vaginal delivery fails.
• CPD is suspected if there is previous history of prolonged labor with bad obstetric
history or operative delivery, if the parturient is teenage, in the presence of borderline
pelvis or if the cervicogram is crossing the alert line without signs of CPD.
• Borderline pelvis is entertained if the obstetric conjugate is 8 to 10 cm or in the
presence of other less specific clinical findings. If there is no other risk factor (such as
previous CS), trial of labor is the best diagnostic approach.
• The trial continues as long as labor progresses well and as long as there is reassuring
fetal and maternal status.
Route of delivery:
• Generally, presence of CPD during labor is an indication for caesarean delivery.
• In permanent absolute disparities (e.g severe pelvic contracture (OC of 6-8 cm) or
extreme pelvic contracture (OC < 6 cm)), there is no possibility of vaginal delivery
and elective cesarean section should be done.
• Induction and augmentation of labor is contraindicated in fetal macrosomia
Maternal: -
• Prolonged / obstructed labor: If CPD is not diagnosed & properly managed the end
result is obstructed labor and its associated complications.
• Maternal sepsis
Fetal / neonatal
• Fetal distress
• Perinatal asphyxia
• Neonatal infections
• Perinatal death
Obstructed labor (OL) is failure of descent of the fetus in the birth canal for mechanical
reasons in spite of good uterine contraction. It is an outcome of neglected and mismanaged
• Contracted pelvis / cephalopelvic disproportion (commonest)
• Soft tissue abnormalities (e.g tumor previa, vaginal septum, tight perineum, uterine
congenital anomalies)
• Macrosomia
• Malpresentations- e.g. shoulder presentation
• Malposition – persistent occipito posterior or occipito transverse positions
• Locked twins, conjoined twins
• Fetal anomalies e.g. hydrocephalus
• Shoulder dystocia
• Abnormally prolonged labor
• Early ROM or prolonged rupture of the membranes
Clinical findings
• General condition of the patient
o Exhausted due to severe pain and lack of sleep
o Anxious, terrified and uncontrollable
o Dehydration is nearly always present. Symptoms of dehydration include dry and
furred tongue and cracked lips; hot and dry skin with loss of tissue turgor.
o Deep and rapid respiration as a result of ketoacidosis
• Clinical signs of infection
o Pyrexia, and tachycardia
o Purulent vaginal discharge
o In advanced cases, infections due to gas-forming organisms may produce a
crackling sensation when the uterus is palpated.
o Terminal severe intrapartum infection results in septic shock with circulatory
collapse, hypotension, and a rapid thready pulse with subnormal temperature.
• The uterus
o Increasing uterine contractions in frequency and duration, that later becomes
atonic (mainly in a primigravida).
o In multiparous women, uterus responds by increasingly frequent and violent
contractions resulting in tonic contractions
• The bladder
o Edematous bladder, displaced out of pelvis
o Blood-stained urine because of prolonged compression traumatizing the bladder
o Decreased urine output
• Abdominal findings
o Distention of the bowel as a result of acidosis and hypokalemia.
o Two/ Three tumor abdomen:
Parthograph findings:
• A prolonged first or second stage of labor with no descent, and
• Cervicogram crossing the alert line and then action line despite adequate uterine
Initial management of OL involves resuscitation and monitoring of the life endangering
conditions such as shock and sepsis followed by identification and treatment of the cause of
OL and its complications.
Further management:
• Empty the bladder:
Supportive care:
• Family members should be encouraged to stay with her to provide comfort and
• Staff should explain all procedures to the woman, seek her permission, discuss results
with her, listen and be sensitive to her feelings
Pain management:
• Give analgesics while resuscitating and preparing her for operative delivery.
Early complications:
• Atonic PPH, uterine rupture, peripartum infection (peritonitis, sepsis and septic shock
leading to various organ failure (temporary or permanent)), tetanus, maternal death,
fetal distress, fetal & neonatal infections, fetal and neonatal death.
Late complications:
• Fistula (e.g vesico-vaginal, rectovaginal) and its aftermath, vaginal stenosis &
stricture, foot drop (sciatic, common peroneal nerve), infertility following postpartum
PID or hysterectomy, psychological trauma due to the painful labor experience, loss
of the baby and social isolation.
• Uterine rupture: A tear through the uterine wall above the cervico uterine junction
during pregnancy and labor.
• Silent uterine rupture: Rupture of the uterus before the onset of labor. It usually
occurs in patients with previous uterine scar involving the upper uterine segment (e.g
repaired uterine rupture, previous classical C/S).
• Obstructed labor and previous cesarean section scar are the most common risk factors
for uterine rupture.
• Complete: Where all the three layers of the uterus are involved and there is a direct
communication between the uterine and abdominal cavities.
• Incomplete: In incomplete uterine rupture, the peritoneum covering the uterus
remains intact
• The clinical findings may vary from mild and non-specific to an obvious clinical
crisis and abdominal catastrophe.
• The classic signs and symptoms of complete uterine rupture are:
o Sudden onset of tearing abdominal pain (sudden feeling of something giving way)
o Cessation of uterine contractions
o Recession of the presenting part
o Absent fetal heart sounds
o Easily palpable fetal parts
o Abnormal uterine contour
o Signs of intra-abdominal hemorrhage
o Tender abdomen
o Vaginal bleeding
o Hemorrhagic shock
o Copious bright red blood through the catheter indicate involvement of the bladder
Emergency management
• Secure good venous access bilaterally
• Resuscitation with IV fluids and blood products
• Prepare for operative interventions (e.g., determine hematocrit, blood group and RH,
avail cross-matched blood and organize the OR)
• Laparotomy should not be delayed till patient is resuscitated out of shock.
Surgical intervention
• Abdominal cavity should be entered through vertical skin incision.
• One of the following operative procedures is undertaken to manage the rupture:
o Repair of uterine tear with preservation of fertility:
▪ If preservation of fertility is desired.
▪ Performed for recent tear, not too large, with accessible and clean (little or no
infection) edges.
o Repair of uterine tear with bilateral tubal ligation:
▪ For less experienced surgeon or
▪ If the patient is in critical condition
o Total hysterectomy
▪ Extensive tear, necrotic edges, tears difficult to stitch (such as posterior tears
and with extension into the vagina), grossly infected uterus, rupture after
prolonged labor, future cervical cancer concern
o Subtotal hysterectomy
▪ Similar indications as total hysterectomy
▪ Relative ease of procedure than total hysterectomy
Excessive bleeding following delivery (>500 ml in vaginal delivery or >1000 ml in Cesarean
Delivery) or a drop in Hct> 10% from the baseline or bleeding resulting in derangement of
vital signs.
Primary PPH: PPH occurring within 24 hrs
Secondary PPH: PPH occurring from 24 hrs until 6 wks after delivery
The 4Ts plus 1: atonic uterus (Tone), genital trauma (Trauma), retained placenta (Tissue),
coagulation failure (Thrombin) and acute inversion of the uterus (Traction)
Atonic Uterus (Tone)
Definition: lacerations and hematoma of the genital tract in the process of delivery (uterus,
cervix or vagina).
Risk factors: mismanagement of 3rd stage of labor, feto-pelvic disproportion, instrumental
deliveries, precipitated labor, scarred uterus, large episiotomy, delivery through incompletely
dilated cervix, tight perineum
Definition: Failure to deliver the placenta and the membranes fully or partially following
active management of labor
Retained placenta is defined as placenta that has not undergone placental expulsion after 30
minutes of birth of the last baby where the third stage of labor has been managed actively.
Risk factors: Mismanagement of third stage of labor, abnormal placentation (morbidly
adherent placenta, succenturiate lobe), constriction of the cervix or lower uterine segment,
untimely use of uterotonics
Diagnosis: Placental examination (incomplete cotyledons and/or membranes), failure to
deliver the placenta by CCT, continuous bleeding, ultrasound (retained echogenic tissue in
the uterine cavity).
Coagulopathy (Thrombosis)
Definition: the uterus turns inside-out partially or completely during or after delivery of the
First degree: Fundus is within the uterus not extending beyond the cervix;
Second degree: the inversion extends out of the cervix and is limited to within the vagina.
Third degree: complete in version to the perineum
Fourth degree: total inversion of the uterus with the vagina
Risk factors: Mismanagement of third stage of labor, adherent placenta, short cord, fundal
placenta, morbid placental adherence, precipitated labor, multiparity
Diagnosis: sudden maternal collapse with active vaginal bleeding and a fleshy “cherry red”
mass in or out of the vagina with disproportionately small or absent uterus on abdominal
palpation; placenta might or might not be attached.
• Give uterotonic drugs while stimulating contraction by gentle massaging of the uterus
• Intravenous oxytocin is the recommended first line uterotonic drug for the treatment of
• All women diagnosed with PPH should be given intravenous (IV) tranexamic acid
(TXA) (table) as soon as possible after the onset of bleeding and within 3 hours of birth,
in addition to the standard care for women with PPH.
Intravenous oxytocin is the recommended first line uterotonic drug for the treatment of PPH.
Dose: 20 – 40 units in 1-liter normal saline (NS) or lactated Ringer’s (LR) solution infuse IV
at fastest flow rate possible.
Give oxytocin 10 units IM in women without IV access.
Maintenance Dose: IV infuse 20 units in 1 L IV fluids at 40 drops per minute
Maximum Dose: Not more than 3 L of IV fluids containing oxytocin
Precautions: Do not give as an IV bolus
Dose: 0.2 mg IM
Maintenance Dose: repeat 0.2 mg IM after 15 minutes (if required, give 0.2 mg IM or IV
every 4 hours)
Maximum Dose: Five doses (1g)
Precaution: should not be given in hypertensives, cardiac patients and in retained placenta
If the bleeding is intractable or in settings in which oxytocin use is not feasible: 800 mcg
sublingual or rectal
Dose: 0.25 mg IM
Maintenance Dose: 0.25 mg every 15 minutes
Maximum Dose: Eight doses (total 2 mg)
Precautions: Do not give in asthmatic patients, do not give IV
NASG applies pressure to the lower body and abdomen, thereby stabilizing vital signs and
resolving hypovolemic shock. NASG can be used as a temporizing measure until appropriate
care is available.
If bleeding does not stop in spite of treatment with uterotonics, other available conservative
interventions (e.g., uterine massage, balloon tamponade), and external or internal pressure on
the uterus, conservative surgical interventions using uterine compression sutures should be
If bleeding is not resolved, uterine or utero-ovarian artery ligation is tried alone or together
with compression sutures
• If bleeding does not stop, further surgical intervention (subtotal or total hysterectomy) is
• Give additional 10 units of oxytocin IM, check the tone of the uterus and attempt CCT.
• If placenta is delivered and uterus is well contracted, closely monitor vital signs and the
tone of the uterus.
• If placenta delivery fails, perform manual removal of the placenta: Give analgesia and
prophylactic antibiotics (ampicillin 2 gm IV or cefazolin 1 gm IV stat), catheterize the
bladder, and remove the placenta gently by holding umbilical cord and identifying the
cleavage line.
• If placenta is not delivered by manual removal of the placenta, consider pathological
adherence of the placenta.
• If placenta is not delivered as a result of constriction ring or technical difficulty in
passing the hand through the cervix and / or lower segment, extract the placenta using
ovum forceps or wide curette in the operation theatre
Treatment of Retained Placental Fragments
• Once the diagnosis is made, uterine replacement should be attempted promptly using
Johnson’s method
• Once uterine replacement is successful, the uterus should be held in place for few
minutes and uterotonics administered.
• Placenta should only be removed after repositioning of the uterus.
• If the uterus cannot be easily replaced, a tocolytic (nitroglycerine 125µg IV) to relax the
uterus may be used.
Surgical replacement:
HUNTINGDON’S OPERATION: The abdomen is opened and gentle upward traction can be
used with two Allis clamps placed sequentially on the round ligaments to pull out the uterus.
HAULTAIN’S OPERATION: If Huntingdon’s operation fails, then a midline vertical incision in
the posterior uterus can be made to aid in lifting the fundus.
Follow up after arresting PPH
• Closely monitor vital signs preferably continuously or every 15 minutes and urine
output for at least 2 hours.
• Monitor bleeding and vital signs (PB, PR, RR) for next 6 hours every 30 minutes.
• Check the uterine tone every15minute for the next two hours.
• Continue with IV fluid and oxytocin drip for next 2 hours.
• Continue with blood transfusion if already initiated or start transfusion if indicated.
• If patient is stabilized, assist her to initiate breast feeding if appropriate.
• BP < 90/60 mmHg or Note: When appropriate, PPH temporizing measures such as bimanual
• PR > 110 bpm or compression, abdominal aortic compression or NASG should be
• Excessive bleeding (≥ 500ml) applied at any stage of the management of PPH.
Treat anemia and shock as appropriate (see section on hemorrhagic shock).
Specific management depends on underlying cause:
• Sub-involution: Oxytocin in drip or ergometrine (PO1 tablet twice a day for 2-3 day).
If bleeding is not controlled with these drugs give misoprostol 800 µg sublingually or
• Infection: Antibiotics against common organisms of the vagina.
• Retained placental tissue: Evacuate the uterus using manual vacuum aspiration with
large sized cannula. (if there is active vaginal bleeding or medical management fails).
Hysterectomy may be done if there is indication.
Post term pregnancy is a pregnancy that advances to or beyond 42 completed weeks or 294
days of gestation from the first day of the last normal menstrual period (LNMP).
• Previous history of postterm
• Nulliparity
• Male fetus of the index pregnancy
• Obesity
• Genetic predisposition
• Older maternal age
• Maternal or paternal personal history of postterm birth
• The diagnosis is based on accurate gestational dating. The most common methods to
determine the gestational age are
1. Knowledge of the date of the LNMP
2. Early ultrasound assessment performed before the 24th week of gestation
(preferably CRL measurement before 14weeks).
• The mode of treatment is termination of pregnancy.
o Induction of labor:
▪ Performed at 42 weeks if the cervix is favorable.
▪ If the cervix is unfavorable (bishop score≤5), ripen the cervix before
o Elective cesarean delivery if indicated
• After 41 weeks of gestation the risk of perinatal mortality and morbidity increases.
Hence to reduce the risk initiate more frequent antepartum fetal wellbeing
assessment at 41 weeks. It can include:-
• Asphyxia
• Meconium aspiration syndrome
• Macrosomia (≥4000 g)
• Shoulder dystocia
• Birth injury
• Fetal dysmaturity (post maturity) syndrome,
• Fetal death.
• Prolonged labor,
• Feto-pelvic disproportion
• Increase risk of operative delivery
• Genital tract injury
• Postpartum hemorrhage
Induction of labor is the artificial stimulation of uterine contractions before the spontaneous
onset of true labor to achieve vaginal delivery.
It can be either planned (elective) or emergency.
Common indications include: - Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, maternal medical
complications (DM, severe cardiac disease), chorioamnionitis, term PROM, IUFD, post
term, abruptio placenta, congenital anomaly, RH isoimmunization.
Absolute: placenta previa, vasa previa, abnormal lie, malpresentations, previous uterine scar
(e.g. myomectomy, CS), contracted pelvis, macrosomia, twin pregnancy, invasive cervical
cancer, active genital herpes infection, severe IUGR with confirmed fetal compromise.
Relative: bad obstetric history, grand multiparity
• Get informed consent.
• Document the indication.
• Make sure that there are no contraindications.
• Determine Bishop score (cervix score) and if unfavorable, consider cervical
• Ascertain availability of labor ward staff and also the capacity to do emergency
caesarean section.
Cervical ripening is the use of pharmacological or mechanical means to soften the cervix.
• The cervical ripening agent may also initiate labor. If not, further pharmacologic
agents (i.e. oxytocin) can be used for induction.
Table 16. Assessment of cervix for induction of labour (Modified Bishop score)
Score Parameter 0 1 2 3
Dilatation (cm) closed 1-2 3-4 ≥5
Length (cm) >4 3-4 1-2 <1
Consistency firm average soft N/A
Position posterior mid anterior N/A
Prostaglandin E1 (Misoprostol):
• Possible routes of administration:
o Vaginal (place into the posterior fornix): 25 mcg (only if misoprostol is
available in the form of a 25-mcg tablet), if required repeat after 6 hours.
▪ Do not divide or cut a 200-mcg tablet into smaller pieces, as this is
o Oral: 25 mcg; if required repeat after 3 hours.
▪ If 25 mcg is not available, dissolve one 200 mcg tablet in 200 mL of
water and administer 25 mL of that solution as a single dose.
▪ For patients with PROM, oral route of administration is preferred for
priming and induction.
• Discontinue misoprostol and begin oxytocin infusion if:-
o Membranes rupture or cervical ripening has been achieved; or
Prostaglandin E2 (Dinoprostol):
• Prostaglandin E2 (3 mg pessary) is placed high in the posterior fornix of the vagina
and may be repeated after six hours if required.
Osmotic dilators:
These are hydrophilic agents that absorb water and thus gradually expand within the
cervical canal, which in turn causes the cervix to dilate (E.g. laminaria).
• During induction, monitor and record rate of infusion of oxytocin, duration and
frequency of contractions, maternal pulse and fetal heart rate every 30 minutes
(never leave her alone).
• The effective dose of oxytocin varies greatly among women. Cautiously administer
oxytocin in IV fluids; gradually increase the rate of infusion until good labor is
Oxytocin infusion
• In women with intact membranes, amniotomy should be performed where feasible
before starting oxytocin infusion.
Suggested standardized dilutions and dose regimens for oxytocin infusion with pump include:
30 IU Oxytocin in 500mls of normal saline, hence 1ml/hr = 1 milliunit Oxytocin per minute
10 IU Oxytocin in 500mls of normal saline, hence 3mls/hr = 1 milliunit Oxytocin per minute
• Failed induction, increased risk of caesarean section, atonic PPH, iatrogenic
prematurity, uterine hyper stimulation/ tetanic contractions, uterine rupture, fetal
distress, placental abruption, water intoxication, amniotic fluid embolism
Definition: failure to achieve regular (e.g. every 3 minutes) contractions and cervical
change after at least 6 - 8 hours of the maintenance dose of oxytocin administration, with
artificial rupture of membranes if feasible.
• If the induction is not for an emergency condition and the fetal membranes are intact
(e.g. IUFD with unruptured membranes), the induction can be postponed.
• If the pregnancy has to be terminated on the day of the induction or the membranes are
ruptured, cesarean section is the only available option.
Six or more contractions in 10 min and/ or durations of 60 or more seconds
• Stop the infusion, position the woman on her left side (left lateral position) and assess
the FHR:
o If the FHR is abnormal, manage for non-reassuring fetal heart rate pattern and
relax the uterus using betamimetics (if feasible): terbutaline 250 mcg IV slowly
over five minutes OR salbutamol 10 mg in 1 L IV fluids (normal saline or
Ringer’s lactate) at 10 drops per minute.
o If the FHR is normal, observe for improvement in uterine activity and monitor
the FHR. If normal activity is not established within 20 minutes and
betamimetics have not been administered, relax the uterus using betamimetics.
Augmentation of labor is stimulation of the uterus to increase its frequency, duration and/ or
strength of spontaneously initiated labor.
The methods for augmentation are ARM and oxytocin and procedure is generally similar to
induction (see the section above).
• If there is no urgency to expedite delivery, oxytocin infusion is initiated one hour
after ARM and if the ARM failed to correct the weak contractions.
The main indication for augmentation is weak and ineffective uterine contractions leading to
abnormal progress of labor.
Contraindications for oxytocin use include; breech presentation, scarred uterus, multiple
pregnancy, feature of CPD, secondary hypotonic contractions due to obstructed labor etc..
Operative vaginal delivery refers to an assisted delivery in which the operator uses obstetric
forceps, vacuum/ventous, or other devices to extract the fetus from the birth canal.
Vacuum delivery is an assisted instrumental vaginal delivery using ventouse (vacuum
extractor). Its main components are the suction cup (metallic or plastic), vacuum pump and
traction devices.
• Prolonged second stage of labor
• Non reassuring fetal heart rate pattern
• To shorten second stage in: Eclampsia, significant cardiac or pulmonary diseases,
glaucoma, and cerebrovascular disease (Eg. CNS aneurysms).
• Cord prolapse in 2nd stage where vaginal delivery is believed to be faster than CS.
• Vertex presentation
• Fully dilated cervix
• Engaged head: station at 0 and below or not more than 2/5 above symphysis pubis
• Ruptured membranes
• Gestational age 34 weeks and above
• No CPD
• No contraindication to vaginal delivery
• Counsel and get consent which is documented on the notes
• Empty bladder
• Identify the flexion point
• Apply the appropriate size cup that
can fit near to the occiput.
• The edge of the cup should be at
about 1 cm anterior to the posterior
fontanel (or the cente of the cup
should be at about 3 cm anterior to
the posterior fontanel) and on the
sagittal suture.
• Check for correct application and
ensure that there is no maternal soft
tissue (cervix or vagina) within the
rim of the cup (Fig. –21). If there is Figure 21. Applying a vacuum cup
maternal tissue entrapment, release it
before creating vacuum.
Vacuum creation
• Create a vacuum of 0.2 kg/cm2 (approximately 200 mmHg) negative pressure and
check that maternal tissue (cervix or vagina) is not entrapped.
• Gradually increase the vacuum to 0.8 kg/cm2 (approximately 600 mmHg), and
recheck the application and that maternal tissue is not entrapped.
• Start traction with contraction with a
finger on the scalp next to the cup to
assess potential slippage and descent
of the vertex.
• Pull in line with the pelvic axis and
perpendicular to the cup.
• Between contractions, check the fetal
heart beat and cup application.
• As soon as the head is delivered,
release the vacuum and proceed with Figure 22. Applying traction
the delivery of the fetus (Fig. –22).
Further care
• After delivery inspect the vagina and cervix; and repair if there is any tear or
Diagnosis of failed vacuum is based on any one of the following condition:-
• The head does not advance with each pull.
• The fetus is undelivered after three pulls with no descent.
• The fetus is not delivered within 30 minutes.
• The cup that is applied appropriately and pulled in the proper direction with
maximum negative pressure slips off the head twice.
NB: If vacuum delivery fails, the fetus should be delivered by Cesarean section.
Maternal complications
• Tears of the vagina or cervix should be repaired as appropriate
Forceps delivery is an assisted vaginal delivery effected using obstetric forceps.
• Low forceps: applied when the station is +2 or below.
• Outlet forceps: applied when the fetal head is at station +3 (at the pelvic floor).
• The same as indications for vacuum delivery. In addition, it can be applied for after-
• Presentation & position
o Vertex presentation with occipito-anterior.
o Face presentation with mento-anterior.
• Station of +2 or below
• Fully dilated cervix
• Ruptured membranes
• No CPD
• No contraindication to vaginal delivery
• Counsel and get consent which should be documented in the notes.
• Local anesthesia infiltration for episiotomy if episiotomy is required.
Application in OA
• Orientation: Hold completely locked forceps in front of the perineum to orient and
identify the right and left blades.
• Lubricate the blades of the forceps.
• Insert two fingers of the right hand into the vagina on the side of the fetal head.
• Slide the left blade gently between the head and fingers to rest on the side of the head.
• Repeat the same maneuver on the other side, using the left hand and the right blade of
the forceps.
• Depress the handles and lock the forceps.
• Check application is correct and no maternal tissue is entrapped.
• Difficulty in locking usually indicates that the application is incorrect. In this case,
remove the blades and recheck the position of the head. Reapply only if rotation is
• After locking, apply steady traction inferiorly and posteriorly synchronized with each
contraction following the pelvic curve.
• Between contractions check fetal heart rate and application of forceps.
• When the head crowns, make an episiotomy if necessary.
• Once the fetal head reaches the pelvic floor, lift the head slowly out of the vagina.
NB: The head should descend with each pull.
Further care
• After delivery inspect the vagina and cervix; and repair if there is any tear or
• Examine the newborn as described for vacuum delivery.
A failed forceps is diagnosed if:
• Fetal head does not descend with each pull,
• Fetus is undelivered after three pulls with no descent or after 30 minutes
Maternal complications:
• Tear or laceration to the cervix, vagina, or vulva. Examine the woman carefully and
repair any tears.
• Uterine rupture may occur and requires immediate treatment.
• Postpartum hemorrhage (traumatic PPH).
Craniotomy is a delivery procedure where the head of a dead fetus is perforated to evacuate
the brain tissue; and decrease its size to effect extraction of the fetus.
• Obstructed labor in cephalic presentation with a dead fetus.
• Entrapped after-coming head with a dead fetus.
• Pelvis with true conjugate diameter of more than 7.5 cm.
• Dead fetus
• Fully dilated cervix
• Descent of 2/5 or below in cephalic presentation or entrapped after coming of head
• Ruptured membranes
• Intact uterus and no imminent uterine rupture.
Cephalic Presentation
Skull perforation
For vertex presentation
• Make a cross-shaped incision
through the skin of the head up to
the skull bone with a finger feel
for a gap (a suture line or a
fontanel) between the bones.
• Push a perforator or scissors
between the bones and enter into
the cranium.
Figure 25. Cruciate incision on scalp
For face presentation:
• Enter the cranium through the orbit/ or hard palate.
For brow presentation:
• Enter the cranium through the frontal bones.
Scalp Traction
• Introduce the perforator, with closed blade, under palmar aspect of fingers
protecting anterior vaginal wall and bladder at predetermined site. Avoid sudden
sliding of your instrument over the skull and getting into maternal tissue.
• Open the perforator or the scissors and rotate it to disrupt the brain tissue; the brain
tissue should now be coming out from the hole.
Craniocentesis is a procedure where a puncture is performed over the skull in case of
hydrocephalic fetus to drain the CSF fluid and achieve vaginal delivery (or to deliver the
hydrocephalic head through the uterine incision at time of cesarean section).
• Cephalic or after coming breech presentation with hydrocephalic dead fetus
• A live fetus with congenital malformation incompatible with life and severe
hydrocephalus (HC>40cm).
• Dead hydrocephalic fetus
• A live hydrocephalic fetus having congenital malformation incompatible with life.
• Descent of 2/5 or below in cephalic presentation or entrapped after coming of head
• Ruptured membranes
• Intact uterus or no imminent rupture
During caesarean
• After the uterine incision is made, pass a large-bore spinal needle through the
hydrocephalic skull.
• Aspirate the cerebrospinal fluid until the fetal skull has collapsed.
• Deliver the baby and placenta as in caesarean.
Further care
• Leave a self-retaining catheter in place until it is confirmed that there is no bladder
• Ensure adequate fluid intake and urinary output.
• Provide emotional and psychological support.
• Cesarean section (delivery):- is the delivery of the fetus (es), placenta and
membranes through an incision on the abdominal and uterine wall at or after 28
weeks of gestation.
• Elective CS:- is a planned cesarean delivery performed before the onset of labor or
the appearance of any complication that might constitute an urgent indication.
• Emergency CS:- is when the CS is done in labor or due to any complication that
necessitates immediate delivery.
• Appropriate indication
• Competent team of providers
• Appropriate facility and equipments
Cesarean section is performed when safe vaginal delivery either is not feasible (absolute) or
would impose undue risks to the mother and/or the fetus/es. Common indications include:-
• Previous CS not eligible for TOLAC
• Feto-pelvic disproportion (FPD) such as CPD,
• Failure to progress in labor despite adequate uterine contraction
• Hemoglobin / haematocrit
• Blood group (ABO) and Rh
• Basic investigations done during pregnancy (e.g. HIV, HBsAg testing, ), if not done
• Investigate specific clinical complications as required
• At least 2 units of cross matched blood should be prepared for conditions that have
high possibility of transfusion need such as:
o Active bleeding
o Placental abnormalities (previa, abruption, adherent placenta)
o Preeclampsia/HELLP syndrome
o Anemia
o Coagulopathy
o Previous uterine scar
o Over distended uterus and other predisposing factors for atonic PPH
• Elective CS:-
o Plan on days when the facility is fully functioning (working hours) preferably
early in the morning.
o Elective repeat CS is done at 39 weeks.
• Emergency CS cannot be planned.
• Elective CS: NPO for 8 hours for regular meal and 2 hours for clear fluid
(commonly done after mid-night for morning planned CS)
• Record maternal vital signs before anesthesia and during the CS
• Position on operation table: Tilt the table to left or place a pillow under the woman’s
right lower back.
• Ensure appropriate monitoring of vital signs.
• After delivery of the baby administer 20 IU oxytocin in 1000 ml of N/S or R/L at 60
drops per-minute for two hours.
• After delivery of the baby and placenta perform BTL or insertion of IUCD if the
woman is already appropriately counseled and has chosen the method.
TOLAC is allowing vaginal birth by a woman who has undergone a caesarean section in a
previous pregnancy.
A woman who has had one caesarean section in previous births has two options of mode of
delivery in a subsequent pregnancy: Trial of Labour After CS (TOLAC) or planned Elective
Repeat Caesarean Section (ERCS). Both options have inherent benefits and risks,
Antenatal follow-up:-
• Does not differ from that of routine ANC but emphasize on:
o Indication for previous caesarian section
o Post-operative course
N.B. Mothers should be instructed to come to hospital at the onset of labor or if labor
does not start after 41 weeks of gestation or if any complications arise without delay.
• Latent phase
o Admit to labor suite, evaluate parturient promptly
o Normal activity with no restriction
o Update Hct/Hgb
• Active phase –
o Reevaluate parturient
o Follow labor using partograph
o Fetal Monitoring
▪ FHB: - record every 15 minutes
▪ If available, use continuous electronic monitoring
→ Closely follow FHB pattern (decelerations/ bradycardia)
o Labor Progress
▪ Assess cervical dilatation and descent every 2-4 hrs
▪ Be alert to pick up active phase arrest timely
• Maternal condition -
o Closely watch for evidence of scar dehiscence. The clinical features
associated with uterine scar rupture/dehiscence include:
▪ FHR abnormality /abnormal CTG
▪ Severe abdominal pain, especially if persisting between contractions
Family planning (FP) allows individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired
number of children and the spacing and timing of their births. It is achieved through use of
contraceptive methods and the treatment of involuntary infertility.
Unintended pregnancy is continuing to be high in developing countries. The unmet need for
contraception and modern contraception prevalence for married women in Ethiopia are 22%
and 41% respectively with wide variations across the country’s geographic regions.
FP is a key life-saving intervention for mothers and their children. FP can avert more than
42% of maternal deaths and 10% of child mortality if couples space their pregnancies more
than 2 years.
Figure 29. Post partum contraception options for breast feeding women
Clients can be counseled during;
• Preconception
• Antenatal
• Intrapartum but not during active labor
• Immediate post-partum
• During maternal visit for immunization and other visits
Abortion is termination of pregnancy before viability; i.e. less than GA of 28 weeks from the
LNMP or if GA is unknown fetal weight of less than 1000 gms.
Based on gestational age: -
• 1st trimester abortion (less than and 12 weeks of gestation)
• 2nd trimester abortion (12 to 28 weeks of gestation)
• A complete patient history should be obtained (in person or over the phone). Use an
approved form to document:
o Major medical problems
o Past surgeries
o Past obstetric history
o Current medications and allergies
• Assess gestational age using reliable LMP and physical examination
o Abdominal examination: assess fundal height with tape measure for second
trimester-sized uterus
o Vaginal examination: only as needed or with a specific concern.
o If there is a discrepancy > 2 weeks between LMP and uterine size by exam, an
ultrasound should be done to determine actual gestational age.
• Ultrasound
The choice of management approach depends on
• Gestational age
• Clinical diagnosis
• Availability of methods of uterine evacuation
• The skill of the providers
• Choice of the women
The management approaches of abortion can be classified as;
• Expectant
• Medical
• Surgical
• In cases of threatened abortion, pregnancy can continue till term and clients can be
managed expectantly.
o Medical treatment is not usually required,
o Avoid strenuous activity and sexual intercourse,
• In cases of inevitable and incomplete abortions expectant management is a reasonable
management option if the contraction is strong or adequate to expel the contents of the
uterus and no active bleeding.
Table 18. Medical management regimens for induced abortion at ≤ 24 weeks of gestation.
Table 19. Misoprostol regimens for spontaneous abortion or post-abortion care (PAC).
For pregnancies up to 12 weeks of gestation the preferred surgical method of termination is
manual or electric vacuum aspiration
Pre-procedure precautions steps in surgical evacuation using vacuum aspirator for 1st
trimester safe termination of pregnancy
• Preoperative antibiotics 200 mg doxycycline/ metronidazole 1 gm/ Azithromycin 500
mg orally once at least 30 minutes prior to the procedure.
• Routine cervical preparation is not mandatory for first trimester MVA unless in
special circumstances.
• Provide pain medication 30 minutes prior to the procedure. Diclofenac 75 mg IM stat
or Ibuprofen 800 mg PO stat can be used.
• Do bimanual examination; assess the cervix and position of the uterus.
• Evaluate the product of conceptus up on completion of the procedure.
Paracervical block
• Use 1-2 ml of 1- 2% lidocaine at the site of tenaculum application (12 o’clock)
• 5 ml of 1-2% lidocaine at 4 and 8 o’clock at the cervical base, or 5 ml of 1-2%
lidocaine at 3,6 and 9 o’clock.
• Avoid 3 and 9 o’clock injections to prevent inadvertent intravascular administration.
Subsequent management
• Post abortion family planning:
o All clients with post abortion and safe abortion should be counseled on all
contraception options before, during and after the procedure as part of abortion
care. See table 20 below for eligibility for different contraception methods for
different contraceptive methods.
Definition of categories
1. A condition for which there is no restriction for the use of the contraceptive
2. A condition where the advantages of using the method generally outweigh the
theoretical or proven risks.
3. A condition where the theoretical or proven risks usually outweigh the
advantages of using the method.
4. A condition that represents an unacceptable health risk if the contraceptive
method is used.
• Rh-immunoglobulin (Anti-D) should be administered to all Rh-negative un-sensitized
women within 72 hours of abortion care if affordable.
o 50 microgram IM for 1st trimester
o 300 microgram IM for 2nd trimester
• Identify any other reproductive health services that the woman might need. For
example, some women may need:
o A tetanus prophylaxis or tetanus booster
o Treatment for sexually transmitted infections or
o Cervical cancer screening
Infection and sepsis: can be managed with IV antibiotics and evacuation. surgical
intervention/referral may be needed in case of further complications (abscess collection,
peritonitis, uterine perforation etc.).
Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission (PMTCT) is the prevention of transmission of
HIV virus from the mother to the fetus and child during pregnancy, childbirth and
The risk of mother to child transmission varies during pregnancy, labor and delivery and
breastfeeding (see table 21 below)
Table 21. Rates of HIV transmission during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and
• All pregnant women attending maternal health services (i.e. antenatal, labour,
postpartum) should have screening for HIV with serologic tests following the national
PMTCT guideline (using the opt-out approach)
• If test result becomes positive: request laboratory tests (CD4 count & viral load)
• Clinical symptoms and signs of opportunistic infections should be thoroughly looked
for and appropriate laboratory tests should be requested & the clinical stage of the
disease assigned.
• If the test becomes negative, repeat HIV counseling and Testing in the third trimester
preferably between 28 to 36 weeks or during labor as appropriate
• All HIV positive pregnant or lactating women should be retested with a second
specimen before initiating ART.
Preconception care
Once a patient is diagnosed to be HIV positive the following should be done:
• Counseling on the diagnosis and linkage to trained personnel for further counseling
• Baseline investigations including CD4 and viral load
• Advise on contraception use with focus on avoiding unintended pregnancy; the
preference is to give them dual contraception with one of them being condoms.
• Advise on general health including good nutrition
* Adequate caloric intake; consumption of iron rich foods (beans lentils, meat, liver);
iron and folate for three months; iodized salt
• Prevention of malaria: use of ITN for women living in malaria endemic areas.
Intrapartum care
• Intra partum care and infection prevention include:
o Safe delivery practices and avoiding invasive procedures whenever possible:
▪ Avoid artificial rupture of membranes to shorten labour and expedite
delivery whenever there is a spontaneous rupture of the membrane.
▪ Avoid routine episiotomy.
▪ Limit use of vacuum extraction and prefer obstetric forceps whenever
instrumental delivery is indicated
▪ Avoid repeated vaginal examinations during labour and
▪ Treat chorioamnionitis with appropriate antibiotics
o Provide essential newborn care...
▪ Regarding mode of delivery:- For women on HAART, if the viral load is >
1000 copy/ml elective cesarean section at gestational age of 38 weeks
should be considered.
Post-partum care
• Continue initial ART for those who are initiated earlier. Start ART for HIV positive
mothers who are breastfeeding even if it was not started before (currently
recommended regimen TDF/3TC/ DTG )
• For mothers who fulfill Acceptable, Feasible, Affordable, Sustainable and Safe
(AFASS) feeding, formula feeding should be considered after thorough discussion
with the family.
• For those who do not fulfill AFASS, breastfeeding must be exclusive for six months
and complementary feeding should start at 6th month. Breastfeeding should be
continued until the first year of life but not more than two years.
• Give NVP + AZT syrup for the first 6 weeks and continue NVP syrup only for the
next 6 weeks for all HIV exposed infants (see table 22 below for dosing).
Table 22. Enhanced Post-natal Prophylaxis (e-PNP) for HIV Exposed Infants
• Do confirmatory rapid HIV antibodies test for DNA/PCR negative HEIs six weeks
after the cessation of breastfeeding
• Discharge negative babies for follow up after rapid HIV antibody test and link the
positive babies to chronic pediatric HIV care, treatment and follow up.
• Give postpartum family planning counseling and provide mothers with family
planning method of their choice as per the PMTCT guideline and post-partum care
section of the protocol.
• Immunization and growth monitoring for the baby should be done the same way as
non HIV exposed babies
• The mother and infant should do their follow up at the MNCH clinic, where they can
get integrated MNCH and HIV care.
• After discharge link the mother with ART clinic in the following scenarios:
o If the baby is DNA/PCR positive
o If the baby is rapid HIV AB test positive
o If the baby is dead.
o If the mother develops any HIV/AIDS related complications of the disease or
its treatment
Hypertension:A systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg or
both in two occasions taken 4 hours or more apart; or a single blood pressure recording of
≥160/110 mmHg.
Proteinuria:Two urine dipstick measurements of at least 1+ (30 mg per dL) taken six hours
apart; at least 300 mg of protein in a 24-hour urine sample; or a urinary protein/creatinine
ratio of 0.3 or greater.
1. Gestational hypertension: hypertension without proteinuria (or other signs of
preeclampsia) developing after 20 weeks of gestation in a previously normotensive
2. Preeclampsia eclampsia syndrome
Preeclampsia:new onset of hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation in a
previously normotensive woman.
Eclampsia: grand mal seizure or coma in a woman with preeclampsia. Important causes
of convulsion or coma like cerebral malaria, meningitis, hypoglycemia, previous seizure
disorder, head injury or intracranial space occupying lesions have to be ruled out.
3. Chronic hypertension:hypertension that antedates pregnancy; is present before 20 weeks
of gestation; or persists after 12 weeks postpartum.
4. Superimposed preeclampsia
▪ Superimposed pre-eclampsia without severe features
▪ Superimposed pre-eclampsia with severe features
First pregnancy, young or old age, multiple gestation, history of hypertension, renal disease,
diabetes, obesity, family history of pre-eclampsia
Hypertension and proteinuria are the hallmark features of preeclampsia.
Severity features of preeclampsia are:
• Headache, blurred vision, oliguria (<400 ml/24 hours), epigastric pain or pain in right
upper quadrant, difficulty breathing (pulmonary edema)
• Low platelet count (<100,000/µl)
• Elevated liver enzymes more than twice the upper limit of normal
• Serum creatinine higher than 1.1mg/dl or a doubling or higher of the baseline serum
creatinine concentration in the absence of other renal disease
Laboratory tests such as urine protein, CBC, liver enzymes, LDH and renal function test
should be determined.
Ultrasound is used to monitor fetal growth andto assess fetal wellbeing.
• Pre-eclampsia without severe features
• Pre-eclampsia with severe features
• Deliveryis recommended.
• Anticonvulsant during labor.
Gestational age < 28 weeks:
In women with severe pre-eclampsia and a viable fetus that is between 34 and 37 weeks of
gestation, expectant management may be recommended, provided that uncontrolled maternal
hypertension, worsening maternal status and fetal distress are absent and can be closely
Gestation after 37 Completed Weeks
For women with pre-eclampsia at term (37 weeks), regardless of severity features, giving
birth is recommended.
Depends on gestational age, fetal condition, presentation, cervical condition & maternal
Indication for Cesarean Section:
• If the cervix is unfavorable (firm, thick, closed) esp. in seriously ill patients
• With poor progress of labor
• Spinal anesthesia can be used, with adequate IV fluid loading (500-1000 ml), to reduce
the risk of hypotension (except in patients with thrombocytopenia (platelets<100,000)
or bleeding disorders).
• If general anesthesia is chosen use of thiopental, succinylcholine& nitrous oxide is
• Watch closely for at least 2hrs after delivery for complications such as shock, PPH &
• Anticonvulsive therapy should be maintained for 24hrs to 48 hrs after delivery or the
last convulsion, whichever occurs last
• Continue anti-hypertensive therapy as long as the blood pressure is ≥ 110mmhg
• Continue to monitor urine output & check for coagulation failure, LFT, RFT
• Postnatal follow-up of these cases is very important for the treatment of hypertension
& possible complications such as DIC, acute renal failure and pulmonary edema.
Administer anticonvulsant drugs to stop the ongoing convulsion & prevent subsequent attack
Magnesium sulphate is the drug of choice in the management of eclampsia (table). Despite
the compelling evidence for the effectiveness of magnesium sulfate, it has potential for
Before repeat administration, ensure that respiratory rate is at least 12 per minute, patellar
reflexes are present and urinary output is at least 30 ml per hour or 100 ml per 4 hours.
Withhold or delay drug if respiratory rate falls below 12 per minute, patellar reflexes are
absent or urinary output falls below 30mL per hour over preceding 4 hours.
Keep antidote ready in case of respiratory arrest.
If there is respiratory arrest, assist ventilation (mask and bag, anesthesia apparatus, intubation)
and administercalcium gluconate 1g (10mL of 10% solution) IV slowly.
The therapeutic goal is to keep the diastolic blood pressure <110 mmHg (between 90 and
100mmHg & prevent cerebral hemorrhage). For drugs used as antihypertensive medication
refer to management of severe pre-eclampsia above (use same drugs & doses).
• Keeping strict input & output record is essential anddetermine serum electrolyte, if
• For unconscious patient, 5% DW & ringer's Lactate are infused for maintenance of
nutrition & fluid balance during 24 hrs.
• Replace extra fluid loss through vomiting, diarrhea, sweating or blood loss
• Nothing by mouth is allowed (if unconscious); when the patient becomes conscious &
can drink, oral feeding of fluidis started.
• Delivery should take place within 12 hours of onset of convulsions
• Delivery should take place as soon as the woman's condition has stabilized, regardless
of the gestational age
• High levels of blood pressure maintain renal and placental perfusion in chronic
hypertension; reducing blood pressure will result in diminished perfusion. Hence, blood
pressure should not be lowered below its pre-pregnancy level.
• If the woman was on an antihypertensive medication before pregnancy and her blood
pressure is well-controlled, continue the same medication if acceptable in pregnancy or
transfer to medication safely used in pregnancy.
• If the systolic blood pressure is 160 mmHg or more or the diastolic blood pressure is
110 mmHg or more, treat with antihypertensive medications.
• If proteinuria or other signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia are present, consider
superimposed pre-eclampsia and manage as pre-eclampsia.
• Monitor fetal growth and condition.
• If there are no complications, induce labour at term.
• If fetal growth restriction is severe and pregnancy dating is accurate plan for delivery.
• Observe for complications, including abruptio placentae and superimposed pre-
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is defined as abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates which results in
elevated blood glucose level.
Pre-gestational Diabetes Melitis (Type I or Type II)
Gestational Diabetes Melitis (GDM): a carbohydrate intolerance resulting in hyperglycemia
of variable severity with onset or first recognition during pregnancy
A standard 75 gm OGTT is performed after fasting (8 to 14 hours) by giving 75 gm
anhydrous glucose in 250 – 300 ml water. GDM is diagnosed at any time in pregnancy if one
or more of the following criteria are met.
• fasting plasma glucose 92–125 mg/dL (5.1–6.9 mmol/L)
• 1-hour plasma glucose 180 mg/dL (10.0 mmol/L) following a 75 g oral glucose load
• 2-hour plasma glucose 153–199 mg/dL (8.5–11.0 mmol/L) following a 75 g oral
glucose load
Pregestational DM is diagnosed if one or more of the following criteria are met:
• fasting plasma glucose 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L)
• 2-hour plasma glucose 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) following a 75 g oral glucose load
• random plasma glucose 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) in the presence of diabetes
• It requires multidisciplinary approach (internist, obstetrician, nutritionist, etc).
Initial evaluation:
• Screen, monitor and manage for maternal medical complications of DM (retinopathy,
nephropathy, hypertension, ketoacidosis, thyroid disease and cardiac disease)
• Have baseline investigations (renal function test, urine protein level, liver function
First trimester - Ultrasound for pregnancy dating and viability
Second trimester - Anatomic ultrasonogram at 18-22 weeks, including examination of the
fetal heart
Third trimester - assess fetal growth every 4-6 weeks. Initiate antenatal surveillance with
BPP/NST (starting from 28 to 32 wks) every 2 wks and weekly after 36 WKs of gestation.
There may be a need for frequent fetal surveillance and growth monitoring.
Preeclampsia prevention
low-dose aspirin as a preventive medication after 12 weeks of gestation
Dietary management
Three meals and three snacks of diabetic diet is recommended; however, in overweight and
obese women the snacks are often eliminated.
Total calories:The appropriate caloric intake depends upon the pre-pregnancy weight. [30
Kcal/kg/day if the woman is at ideal body weight, 24 Kcal/ Kg /Day if 20-25% above ideal
Non strenuous exercise, 3 times per week for 30 – 60 minutes. Using the upper body and
walking appear to be more appropriate. Contraindications to exercise include PIH, PROM,
preterm labor, incompetent cervix, persistent 2nd or 3rd trimester bleeding and IUGR.
Insulin Therapy
Insulin requirements will increase throughout pregnancy, most markedly in the period
between 28–32 weeks of gestation
• Starting insulin dose is 0.7-1.0 units/kg daily,
• A combination of short & intermediate acting insulin is necessary to maintain glucose
• From the total dose two-thirds before breakfast (NPH and regular insulin in a 2:1
mixture) one-third before dinner (NPH and regular insulin and as 1:1 mixture). Then
each element of insulin is individually adjusted in order to keep blood glucose level
between 70-130mg/dl.
• The regular insulin should be given approximately 30 minutes before eating to reduce
glucose elevations associated with eating.
Ultrasound evaluation
• Early U/S – for dating and to check for congenital anomaly
• Serial US to assess fetal growth every 4 to 6 weeks and initiate fetal surveillance with
BPP starting from GA of 32 WKs
Insulin is the preferred medication for treating hyperglycemia in gestational diabetes mellitus
as it does not cross the placenta to a measurable extent.
Insulin therapy should be considered for patients treated with nutrition and exercise therapy
when 1hr postprandial values exceed 130–140 mg/dL or 2hr postprandial values exceed 120
mg/dL or fasting glucose exceeds 92mg/dL persistently over 2weeks (more than half of the
tests are beyond normal limits).
If a patient cannot take insulin or declines, metformin can be used. Counsel about metformin
Starting dose: 500 mg at night for 1 week, increase to 500 mg twice daily. Check baseline
• Determine random blood glucose within 4 hours of delivery
• If FBG exceed 126 mg/dL or RBS exceeds 200mg/dL, insulin in a lower dose (usually
one third to half of the antenatal dose) or metformin would be required
• If the mother received insulin in the antenatal period, the dose needs adjustments to pre
pregnant doses in those with type 2 diabetes mellitus
• For those with GDM, no treatment is required and usually maintained on diet alone.
Note that determination of OGTT at 6 - 12 wks postpartum is required to exclude overt
• Ensure that women who have preproliferative diabetic retinopathy or any form of
referable retinopathy diagnosed during pregnancy have ophthalmological follow-up
for at least 6 months after the birth of the baby
• Maternal: preeclampsia, infections (UTI, Chorioamnionitis, Endomyometritis,
vulvovaginal candidiasis), PPH, Polyhydraminos, Increased C/S rates
• Fetal: macrosomia, respiratory distress syndrome, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia,
hyperbilirubinemia, congenital malformations (for pregestational), IUGR (for
• All reliable method of family planning can be used as appropriate for the needs of the
individual woman with diabetes.
• Combined hormonal contraceptives and DMPA should be avoided in women with
pregestational DM who have vascular complications
• Permanent methods of contraception are ideal if family size is complete.
Malaria is an infectious disease caused by protozoan parasites from the Plasmodium family
which affects human Red Blood Cells that can be transmitted by the bite of the female
Anopheles mosquito (the main mode of transmission). Blood contamination and mother to
fetal (vertical transmission) during pregnancy are also potential modes of transmission.
• Based on severity: Uncomplicated & Complicated Malaria
• Based on the ethologic agent: Plasmodium (P.) falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, P.
malariae and P. knowlesi Malaria. P. falciparum and P. vivax malaria account for the
majority of cases.
NB: - Mixed infections involving more than 1 species of Plasmodium may occur in areas of
high endemicity and multiple circulating malarial species.
The symptoms and signs vary based on the severity of the malaria. Manifestations of Severe
malaria (cerebral malaria, pulmonary edema, acute kidney injury, hypovolemic shock,
metabolic acidosis andhypoglycaemia) are usually seen in non-immune population including
pregnant women.
Uncomplicated Malaria
Symptomatic malaria parasitaemia with no signs of severity and/or evidence of vital organ
Complicated Malaria (severe Falciparum malaria)
Acute falciparum malaria with signs of severity and or vital organ dysfunction
Diagnosis is based on suggestive symptom, signs and laboratory tests.
The general principle is all cases of suspected malaria should have a parasitological test
(microscopy or rapid diagnostic test) to confirm the diagnosis.
Muscle/joint pains
False labour pains
Physical examinations may reveal pallor and splenomegally.
Cerebral Malaria (severe P. Falciparum malaria with coma GCS <11, coma for > 30
minute after a seizure, more than two convulsions in 24 hours)
Any acute febrile illnesses which are prevalent in the geographic context should be
considered including pregnancy related diseases (both antepartum & postpartum)
Management of malaria needs a multidisciplinary approach including Obstetricians, Internists
and Neonatologists.
Uncomplicated falciparum malaria can progress rapidly to severe form of the disease,
especially in people with no or low immunity. Severe falciparum malaria is almost always
fatal without treatment. Therefore, early diagnosis and prompt and effective treatment with in
24 to 48 hours of the onset of malaria symptoms is very crucial.
To help protect current and future antimalarial medicines, all episodes of malaria should be
treated with at least two effective antimalarial medicines with different mechanism of action
(combination therapy).
1. Managing complications in pregnancy and childbirth: a guide for midwives and doctors –
2nd ed. World Health Organization 2017
2. Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC) Training manual. FMoH,
3. Up-to-date 21.1
4. Gabbe: Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies, 5th ed. 2007
5. Technical and Procedural Guidelines for Safe Abortion Services in Ethiopia. 2014
6. WHO, clinical practice handbook for safe abortion, 2014
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13. Management protocol on selected obstetrics topics for Hospitals Federal Democratic
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15. Books (Williams 24th edition, NMS Obstetrics and Gynecology, 6th Edition).
16. EDHS 2016.
17. Global FP hand book 2018
18. WHO MEC 5th Edition.
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20. ACOG, community opinion – Hospital based Triage of Obstetrics Patients, Number, 667,
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21. London Health Sciences Centre Rob Gratton, MD, FRCS(C), FACOG Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology Western University-Obstetrical Triage Acuity Scale