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Seat No: _____

Republic of the Philippines



CRIMINOLOGIST Licensure Examination

1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for
each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.
STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 2 only.

1. Dencio, a parolee who was convicted for the crime of homicide is planning to go to Canada for a period
of 32 days to visit his brother who is seriously ill. To whom he will secure approval for his outside travel?
A. Regional Director C. Chief of Pardon and Parole Office
B. Board of Pardons and Parole D. PPO concerned

2. Iwahig Penal Colony was established in 1904 through the order of _______.
A. Gov. Luke E. Wright C. Gov. Forbes
B. Dr. S.G. Howe D. Neptali Gonzales

3. Considered as the first probation officer in the United States of America is___________.
A. John Howard C. Edward Savage
B. Mathew Davenport Hill D. John Augustus

4. Like the Philippine National Police, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology is a line and staff
organization composed of national, regional, district, city and municipal offices. In the national level, there is
a Command Group composed of:
1. Chief, BJMP 3. Deputy Chief, BJMP
2. Operations Divisions 4. Chief of Staff
A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 1, 3 and 4
B. 1, 2 and 4 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4

5. Which position in the Bureau of Prison created in 1934 to manage and control the Correctional Institute
for Women?
A. Wardress C. Female Superintendent
B. Superintendent D. Chief Superintendent

6. Which penal system established in 1910 during the American era, mandating every province to
establish its own supervised and control jail?
A. Provincial Institutions C. Provincial Jail system
B. Philippine Prison System D. Provincial correctional institution

7. If the Board of Pardons and Parole issues a “Discharge of Parole” to a parolee when the latter is
released for parole. President of the Philippines issues ________________ to a pardonee when the latter
is released from prison upon the grant of pardon.
A. Final Release and Discharge C. Release Document
B. Release Record D. Final Discharge

8. Which of the following is considered to be the most popular method of corporal punishment during the
18th century?
A. Stoning to death C. Flogging
B. Barbaric killing D. Galleys

9. An old Ship converted into prison called by many penal historian as the “floating Hell” is_____.
A. Galley C. Hulk
B. Gallows D. Titanic

10. An act of sovereign power granting a general pardon for past offense usually granted to certain classes
of persons usually political offenders, who are subjected to trial but not yet convicted is ___________.
A. Pardon C. Parole
B. Commutation D. Amnesty

11. This principle are viewed from most of the provisions of the Code of Hammurabi especially on the
imposition of punishment of either death or mutilation.
A. Law of Talions C. Solon Code
B. Drakon Code D. Law of Hititis

12. His greatest contribution is the reformation of criminal law and correction system in the 18 th century
Europe through his book “On Crimes and Punishment” published in 1764. Who is being referred to?
A. Alexander Macanochie C. Cesare Lombroso
B. John Howard D. Cesare Beccaria

13. A Governor of Norkfolk Island a penal colony in the east of Australia who initiated the famous “mark
system” is_______________.
A. Zebulon Broackway C. Alexander Maconochie
B. Sir Walter Crofton D. Domets

14. Which years considered by many penal scholars as the period of “The Golden Age of Penology”
because of so many prison reforms introduced during that period?
A. 1850 – 1860 C. 1860 – 1870
B. 1870 – 1880 D. 19th century

15. When does Philippine adult probation law of 1976 took effect?
A. January 3, 1978 C. January 1, 1978
B. July 24, 1976 D. January 3, 1976

16. House Bill 393, which became the probation law in the Philippines is otherwise known
A. An Act Establishing Parole System
B. An Act Establishing Pardoning System in the Philippines
C. An Act Establishing Probation in the Philippines
D. An Act Establishing Probation and Parole System

17. Dexter was convicted for the crime of physical injury whose application for probation has been
given due course by the court but he fails to report to the probation officer or cannot be located
within a reasonable period of time. As Criminologist you shall consider Dexter as_____________.
A. Fugitive C. Absconding probationer
B. Absconding petitioner D. Probationer

18. How many hours that prison authorities shall deliver to the concerned prisoner the latters unclaimed
letters after it was posted for availability?
A. 12 C. 36
B. 24 D. 48

19. Deo was arrested by the police for theft in the amount of P5,000.00 . He was brought to the police
station and was fingerprinted, interrogated and placed in a line-up for identification by witnesses. What
process did he undergo?
A. Trial C. Preliminary hearing
B. Booking D. Indictment

20. The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology as one of the tri-bureau under the Department of
Interior and Local Government was created pursuant to__________________.
A. Sec. 58 R.A 4864 C. Sec. 60, R.A. 6975
B. Sec. 1, PD 765 D. Sec. 50, R.A. 9263

21. A type C jail has a population of how many prisoners?

A. 21 to 99 C. 20 or less
B. 120 D. 150

22. Other than Release Document, what other documents are attached to the release order of the
1. Prison record
2. Name of the Parole and Probation Officer
3. Location of the prison confinement
4. Order of Court
A. 4 and 1 C. 3 and 4
B. 1 and 2 D. 2 and 3

23. The branch of criminology which deals with the management and administration of inmates
A. Correction C. Jail management
B. Penology D. Prison administration

24. The Code of Hammurabi was known to be the oldest codified law, however there are some
archeologists who believed that there is other law which is nearly one hundred years earlier than the
code of Hammurabi. This is the ___________.
A. Code of Kalantiao C. Roman Code
B. Code of Hittites D. Sumerian Code

25. Which of the following is tasked with the gathering and collating information and other data of every
inmate into a case study to determine the work assignment, the type of supervision and degree of
custody and restrictions under which an inmate must live in jail?
A. Classification board C. Board of control
B. Board of jail D. Disciplinary board

26. Close confinement in a cell of a prisoner does not exceed how many days?
A. 7 C. 10
B. 15 D. 30

27. Upon admission to prison, how many days that prisoners stay in the Reception and Diagnostic Center
before he will be placed in his proper prison cell?
A. Not exceeding 60 days C. Not more than 30 days
B. More or less 55 days D. Depending upon the degree of security

28. A prisoner detained at the maximum security compound wears which color of prison uniform?
A. Tangerine C. Brown
B. Blue D. Yellow

29. The following are considered instruments of restraints which are not considered forms of punishment
but simply just to control prisoners and prevent them from further commission of offenses, EXCEPT.
A. Handcuffs C. Leg irons
B. Whipping rod D. Straight jacket

30. One way of classifying prisoners is on the basis of security. A minimum security risk prisoner
wears a which color of prison uniform?
A. Tangerine C. Brown
B. Blue D. Yellow

31. This institution was located in Rome and designated for incorrigible youth under 20 years of age and on
top of their doors an instruction was written which reads, “it is insufficient to retain the wicked by
punishment unless you render them virtuously by corrective discipline”. At night they pray and sleep on
separate cells for repentance but at day time work in a large central hall isolation solitary work in the
A. Former Palace of Bridewell C. Modern System of Prisons
B. Hospice de San Jose D. House for poor and idle people.

32. Which classification of prisoner who is sentenced for a prison term of one (1) day to three (3) years?
A. Municipal prisoner C. City prisoner
B. Provincial prisoner D. Insular prisoner

33. The Municipal District and City jails are administered by the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
under which department?
A. Dept. Of National Defense C. Dept of Justice

B. Dept of Interior and Local Gov’t. D. Dept. of Commerce

34. For having sponsored a bill leading to the enactment of an adult probation law_______________ was
considered to be the “Father of Philippine Probation”.
A. Teodulo Natividad C. John Augustus
B. Mathew Davenport Hill D. Edward Savage

35. A representative of the news media may file a written request with the head of prison for a personal
interview of an inmate provided that he/she shall file a written request at least ____ days before the
proposed interview.
A. One C. Three
B. Two D. Four

36. Bureau of Corrections has two (2) Assistant Directors, one for Administration and Rehabilitation and
one for__________________.
A. Health Assistance C. Corrections Service
B. Prisons and Security D. Recreational Activities

37. In which period do the concepts of liberalism, nationality, equality and individualism dominated social
and political thinking in the 18th century in England which effect on the way the government handled
criminal offenders?
A. Age of Reform C. Age of Reason
B. Age of Discernment D. Age of Rehabilitation

38. There are four (4) acknowledged goals of ______________: retribution, deterrence, incapacitation and
A. Criminal intent C. Criminal mind
B. Criminal sanction D. Criminal action

39. Punishment according should not be more secure than necessary to deter crime because excessive
punishment is unjustified. This statement was declared by____________.
A. Rafaelli Garofalo C. Cesare Lombroso
B. Charles Goring D. Jeremy Bentham

40. This theory assumes that people are law-abiding but under great pressure they will resort to crime
and that disparity between goals and means provides that pressure. This was according to_______.
A. Strain theory C. Social learning theory
B. Psychoanalytic theory D. Differential association theory

41. This shall refer to the conditional release of an offender from penal or correctional institution after
he has served 1/3 term of his prison sentence under the conditioned custody of the state and under
conditions that permit his reincarceration if he violates a condition for his release.
A. Conditional pardon C. Parole
B. Commutation of sentence D. Amnesty

42. A person accused before the court or competent authority is temporarily confined in jail while
undergoing investigation, awaiting final judgment is called___________.
A. Detainee C. Prisoner
B. Inmate D. Locked-up detainee

43. Executive Order No. 83 series of 1937 pertains to:

A. The renaming of the Board of Indeterminate Sentence to Board of Pardon and Parole
B. The establishment of Board of Pardon and Parole
C. The establishment of the Board of Indeterminate Sentence
D. The creation of the Board of Probation under the newly created Department of Justice

44. This group composes of trained guards on proper handling and use of firearms and ready
to fire when the lives of the guards are in peril on orders of the Officer-in-command.
A. 1st C. 3rd
B. 2 D. 4th

45. Who is in charge with the management of prison facilities, its personnel and inmates in a specific penal
colony or institution?
A. Director C. Secretary

B. Superintendent D. Warden

46. This is a warrant issued by court bearing its seal and signed by the judge directing the prison/jail
authorities to receive inmates for custody or service of sentence imposed therein.
A. Warrant of arrest C. Search warrant
B. Commitment order D. Mittimus

47. The process of assigning and grouping of inmates according to their sentences, gender, age,
nationality, health, criminal records and others is termed______________.
A. Commitment C. Diagnostic
B. Reception D. Classification

48. Volunteer Probation Aides may be appointed from among citizens of_____________.
A. Good repute and probity C. High educational level
B. Good religious background D. High social standing

49. The institutional record of an inmate which consists of his mittimus/commitment order, the
prosecutor’s information and the decision of the trial court, including that of the appellate court, if any is
A. Carpeta C. Prison record
B. Prison statistics D. Prison jacket

50. To be a ________, one must be at least a 1st class inmate and has serve one (1) year immediately
preceding the completion of the period specified in the following qualification: has served imprisonment
with Good conduct for at least 7 years in the case of life imprisonment.
A. 1st class inmate C. 2nd class inmate
B. 3rd class inmate D. Colonist

51. The confinement of an inmate may be transferred to the Armed Forces of the Philippine stockage
provided the inmate is certified as minimum security risk and is more than this age or who can no longer
perform manual work.
A. More than 60 y/o C. More than 50 y/o
B. More than 65 y/o D. More than 70 y/o

52. Who is empowered to direct, as the occasion may require, the transfer of inmates from a national
prison to a provincial jail, or vice-versa?
A. Director C. Superintendent
B. DOJ Secretary D. President of the Philippines

53. This was created to provide rehabilitation activities in a residential setting or pre-release place for
prisoners. It is a 24 hours residential agreement that is geared towards preparing the client to
become emotionally, socially and economically ready for family and community life.
A. Detention cell C. Pre-release house
B. Halfway house D. Lock-up

54. The head of prison may establish this group whenever the frequency of requests for interview reach a
volume hat warrants limitations. It is composed of not more than 2 representatives from the national
news services, the television and radio networks and outlets; and the news magazines and
newspapers. All news materials generated by them shall be made available to media without right of
first publication or broadcast.
A. Media group C. News team
B. Press pool D. News update team

55. Prisoners who are sentenced to a prison term of six (6) months and one day to three (3) years
A. Municipal C. City
B. Provincial D. Insular

56. In larger jails, services may be provided by this person who shall keep the keys to the woman’s
quarters and should be available anytime.
A. Key master C. Trusted inmate
B. Resident matron D. Resident mayor

57. During the following years until the 10 years, inclusive, of inmate’s imprisonment, he is allowed to
a deduction of ___ days for each month of good behavior.
A. 5 C. 10
B. 8 D 15

58. An inmate who has either been previously committed for 3 or more times as a sentenced
inmate, except those imprisoned for non-payment of a fine and those who had been reduced from
a higher class.
A. 1st class inmate C. 2nd class inmate
B. 3 class inmate D. Colonist

59. Act No. 4103 is otherwise known as:

A. Parole and Probation Administration Law C. Indeterminate Sentence Law
B. Law on Parole D. Law on Correction

60. Process wherein prison officials try to convert inmates to be affiliated into their religion.
A. Convertion C. Proselytizing
B. New convert D. Indoctrination

61. A colonist may be awarded ____ hectare/s parcel of land as homestead:

A. Five C. Seven
B. Six D. Eight

62. The Board of Pardon and Parole is chaired by chaired the________________.

A. Secretary of BPP C. Secretary of Justice
B. Director D. Administrator

63. In the year 2010, Bitoy was convicted for physical injury and was sentenced for one (1) year
imprisonment. Prior to aforementioned case, he was previously convicted for a crime of robbery
and had already serve six (6) years sentence at the New Bilibid Prison from 2003 to 2009. He
applied for probation. Is he qualified to avail for probation?
A. Yes, because his sentence is not more than six years.
B. No, because he was previously been convicted of a offense punished by imprisonment of
not less than one month and one day.
C. Maybe, it depends on the court’s discretion.
D. No, for he has already serve his sentence.

64. The period which the prosecuting officer shall submit his comment to the trial court Judge concerning
to the application for probation of a petitioner is_________.
A. 5 days C. 15 days
B. 10 days D. 20 days

65. Considered to be the forerunner of modern penology:

A. Auburn C. Elmira Reformatory
B. Welfareville D. Singsing prison

66. This prisoner is privileged to wear civilian clothes on special occasions as may be designated by
the head of prisons.
A. 1st class inmate C. 2nd class inmate
B. 3 class inmate D. Colonist

67. Also known as “youth camps” maintained by the BUCOR where youth offenders may serve
their sentence in lieu of confinement in a prison.
A. Agricultural and forestry camps C. Forest and sea camps
B. Social & behavioral camps D. Biological & recreational camps

68. She opened Borstal Institution near Rochedi, Kent England, which was considered as the best
reform institutions for young offenders.
A. Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise C. Queen Elizabeth
B. Sir Thomas Fowell Burton D. Sir James Mckintosh

69. Considered to be the most brutal period for punishing criminals being the merged of the old and
new system.
A. 16th century C. 18th century
B. 17th century D. 19th century

70. One of the great prison reformers who published a book entitled “The State of Prisons in England
and Wales”.
A. Jeremy Bentham C. John Augustus
B. Baron De Montesquie D. John Howard

71. Massachusetts is the place where:

i. The first probation was practically demonstration
ii. The term probation was used as court service
iii. Probation was introduced
iv. The first probation law was enacted
A. i, ii and iii C. i, ii and iv
B. iii and iv D. i, iii and iv

72. Application for Parole is filed at____________

A. Bureau of Corrections C. Parole and Probation Administration
B. Regional Trial Court D. Board of Pardons and Parole

73. This group composes the initial wave of anti-riot assault contingent whose main objective shall be to
disperse the rioters and get their leaders and shall be armed with wicker shield, protective headgears,
gas masks and night sticks or batons, when these are available.
A. 1st C. 3rd
B. 2nd D. 4th

74. Which of the choices A, B, C and D is said to be the forerunner of the word “Parole”?
A. “Parole d’ honeur” C. “Word of Honor”
B. Recognizance D. ROR

75. A parolee or pardonee, upon release from prison through parole or pardon shall immediately report to
his/her supervising Probation and Parole Officer immediately upon release therefrom within how many
A. 15 C. 45
B. 30 D. 10

76. Act No. 4221 is:

A. Considered as the first probation law in the Philippines, which was declared unconstitutional by
the Supreme Court in the case of People versus Vera
B. Considered as the forerunner of probation in the Philippines
C. Considered as the first probation law in the Philippines, which was declared unconstitutional by
the Supreme Court in the case of People versus Galit
D. Considered as the first probation law in the Philippines, which was declared unconstitutional by
the Supreme Court in the case of Miranda versus Arizona

77. Correctional model wherein criminals are punished because they have infringed the rights of
other and the security of the sanction should fit the seriousness of the crime.
A. Benefit of the clergy C. Custodial model
B. Just Desert Model D. Rehabilitation Model

78. Considered as a form of probation in England prior to the enactment of the First formal law on
Probation is______________.
A. Release on Recognizance C. Reintegration and Recognition
B. Word of honor D. Pardon

79. Prison program that employs prisoners in various product or good producing tasks is_________.
A. Agricultural C. Industrial
B. Operational D. Recreational

80. A minimum and maximum amount of time to be served in prison is referred to as_____________.
A. Determinate sentence C. Corporal sentence
B. Indeterminate sentence D. Capital punishment

81. Among the following factors, which would best determine the extent to which prison functions
are subdivided?
A. Operating system
B. Inmates population and size of the prison jail
C. Adequacy of resources
D. Number of prison staff

82. Upon the grant of petitioner’s application for probation and upon release from jail, he shall immediately
report to the Chief Probation and Parole Officer within how many hours?
A. 24 C. 36
B. 72 D. 12

83. In which security facility does a person temporarily held for investigation or awaiting preliminary
hearing, usually within the period not exceeding thirty six hours is detained?
A. Lock up jail C. Workhouse
B. Ordinary jail D. Penal farm

84. Batasan Pambansa Blg. 29 refers to:

A. The law granting probation
B. The law that give the President the power to grant pardon
C. The law which classifies prisoners
D. The law creating the Board of Pardon and Parole

85. Probation is one of the most popular community-based correction. It has originated
A. England C. United States
B. Philippines D. Australia

86. It is an executive clemency which wipes the guilt of the convicted person. It is an act of grace proceeding
from the power entrusted with the execution of the laws which exempts the individual on whom it is
bestowed from the punishment the law inflicts for the crime he has committed.
A. Pardon C. Parole
B. Commutation D. Amnesty

87. Jails in the Philippines are:

i. City jail iv. Municipal jail
ii. District Jail v. Provincial Jail
iii. Regional Jail
A. i, ii, iii, iv and v C. i, ii and v
B. i, ii, iv and v D. ii and iv

88. The word Jail was derived from the Spanish word “caula” and __________.
A. Haula C. Jaiole
B. Jaula D. Cavea

89. Transportation of prisoner to the various colonies of England ended in________.:

A. 1875 C. 1718
B. 1778 D. 1872

90. Maximum security prisoners are confined in the______________.

A. New Bilibid Prison main building C. Camp Bukang liwayway
B. Camp Sampaguita D. Iwahig Penal Colony

91. The Parole Officer submits an/a ______________ to the court should a parolee or pardonee violated
any of his parole conditions.
A. Summary report C. Infraction Report
B. Post Sentence Investigation Report D. Violation Report

92. It is the theory on crime causation which states that criminal behavior is learned through interaction with
other people in the process of communication.
A. Strain C. Differential Association
B. Social control D. Social disorganization

93. This refers to information concerning an inmate’s personal circumstances, the offense he committed,
the sentence imposed, the criminal case numbers in the trial and appellate courts, the date he
commenced service of his sentence, the date he was received for confinement, the place of
confinement, the date of expiration of his sentence, the number of previous convictions, if any, and his
behavior or conduct while in prison.
A. Carpeta C. Prison record
B. Prison statistics D. Prison jacket

94. Jeremy Bentham is one of the known philosopher of the classical school who further support the
principle of free will and developed the ______ principle.
A. Lex taliones principle C. The greatest happiness
B. Life in Mississippi D. The Stat of the Prisons in Wales

95. To qualify as chief of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology one shall be at least a Jail ____.
A. Senior Superintendent C. Chief Superintendent
B. Superintendent D. Director

96. Under the law, a sentenced prisoner whose penalty ranges from one (1) day to six (6) months should
be confined at what facility?
A. Provincial Jails C. Municipal Jails
B. City Jails D. National Prison

97. In a case where a probationer violated any of his probation condition, the probation officer shall submit
this a_______________ to the court.
A. Summary report C. Infraction Report
B. Post Sentence Investigation Report D. Violation Report

98. Bestik was sentenced to serve for less than one year. His application for probation was granted
by the court. Within how many years he should be under probation?
A. One year C. Four years
B. Two years D. Six years

99. Jessica was convicted five times for vagrancy each serve for 15 days. Later he was convicted for
theft and was sentenced to be imprisoned for Prision Correctional. She applied for probation. Is she
qualified to for probation?
A. No because her sentence is more than 6 years.
B. No because she was previously been convicted for several time.
C. Yes, because her sentence is not more than 6 years and her previous convictions does
not exceed one month each
D. Yes, because her sentence is not more than 6 years.

100. Which report should be submitted by the Probation Officer to the Court in a case where a probationer
violated any of his probation condition?
A. Summary report C. Infraction Report
B. Post Sentence Investigation Report D. Violation Report



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