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FRNSC Quiz 2

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1.If SLR camera is an ideally used camera in police work, then DSLR is a modern camera. DSLR camera means?*
a. Single-Lens-Reflex Camera b. Digital-Single-Lens-Reflex Camera
c. Double-Single-Lens-Reflex Camera d. Dual-Single-Lens-Reflex Camera

2. It is a gas lamp burning carbon disulphide vapor in oxygen or in nitric oxide which is used in examination of counterfeit
money, semen, fibers and produces a light ray with 30 to 400 millimicrons.*
a. infrared b. visible rays c. ultra-violet d. x-rays

3. In Photographing the scene of the crime, what view should be used in order to show the best feature of the nature of the
crime scene?*
a. medium b. general c. close-up d. extreme close-up

4. What lens system of the camera reflects the light passing the lens and mirror making the image possible to be viewed from
the viewfinder.*
a. pentaprism b. shutter c. condenser d. filter

5. A part of the camera which controls the passage of light reaching the sensitized material?*
a. lens b. lens opening c. shutter d. film plane

6. A type of an artificial light which makes sympathetic inks visible?*

a. ultraviolet b. transparent light c. infra-red d. oblique light

7. What color will be produced by the combination of a red and blue color?*
a. magenta b. cyan c. yellow d. green

8. An artificial light best used in deciphering obliterated and charred document.*

a. infra-red b. visible rays c. ultra-violet d. x-rays

9. It refers to a short duration artificial light commonly attached to a camera*

a. Incandescent lamp b. photo flood lamp c. fluorescence lamp d. flash bulb

10. An artificial light source which contains in its tube certain powders capable of illuminating with some support from small
amount of electricity. It is commonly used in the house or commercial establishment.*
a. Incandescent lamp b. photo flood lamp c. fluorescence lamp d. flash bulb

11. Light in which their wavelength is either too short or too long to excite the retina of the human eye?*
a. visible b. natural c. invisible d. artificial or man-made

12. Laser light is also referred to as _________?*

a. ultraviolet b. coherent c. visible d. heat

13. These things occur when light falls in any material, EXCEPT*
a. light is transmitted b. light is absorbed c. light is reflected d. light is produced

14. It is the bouncing of light once it hits a certain object, which is the one recorded in photography.*
a. Absorbed b. transmitted c. reflected d. refracted

15. The reducers or the developing agents.*

a. Elon, Hydroquinone b. sodium carbonate c. sodium sulfate d. potassium bromide

16. What is the functions of the boric acid and acetic acids in the fixer?*
a. as preservative b. as neutralizer c. as hardener d. as dissolving agent

17.  What is that process of eliminating unwanted portions of a negative during enlarging process?*
a. dodging b. vignette c. burning-in d. cropping
18. This type of camera will eliminate parallax error.*
a. View Finder Type b. Single Lens Reflex c. View or Press camera d. Twin Lens Reflex

19. Which prefix indicates a reversal type of colored film?*

a. color b. ortho c. pan d. chrome

20. Film can either be negative type of reversal type. Which suffix or prefix indicates the black and white film?*
a. Pan b. Ortho c. chrome d. a and b only

21. A substance present in the emulsion surface of the sensitized material which is actually sensitive to light.*
a. silver chloride b. silver chlorobromide c. silver bromide d. silver halides

22. A colored film has in its emulsion surface three layer of color emulsion. What are these colors?*
a. Blue, Red and Green b. Blue, Green and Red c. Red, Green and Blue d. Green, Blue and Red

23. What photo paper according to its chemical content is best suited for police   photography?*
a. Chloride paper b. Bromide paper c. Chlorobromide d. Iodide paper

24.  What photo paper according to contrast is best use in over exposed film?*
a. # 1 b. # 3 c. # 2 d. # 4

25. What emulsion speed indicator is express in an arithmetic form?*

a. ISO b. DIN c. ASA d. GNP

26. In Police Photography, what is the ideal weight for enlarging paper?*
a. double weight b. single weight c. medium weight d. triple weight

27. Assuming all conditions will be the same, which film gives the finest of grains?*
a. ASA 1000 b. ASA 100 c. ASA 200 d. ASA 400

28. The forerunner of the modern camera.*

a. Leica Camera b. Camera Obscura c. Polaroid Camera d. Nikon and Panasonic

29. All except one are types or kinds of camera.*

a. View or press type b. Meniscus c. TLR d. SLR

30. When examining minute details such as hair, sperm cells, bacteria and etc. and to obtain information on the sample
submitted in the laboratory. What kind of photography commonly used for the details not seen by the human eye?*
a. Photomicrography b. Microphotography c. Photomacrography d. Compound microscope

31. Which of the following lens opening that can give wider depth of field?*
a. F-8 b. F-11 c. F-16 d. F-22

32. The admission of photographs to become evidence was first introduced in what country?*
a. Philippines b. England c. France d. USA

33. Digital images are composed of millions of tiny dots. Therefore, this tiny dots refers to _____?*
a. Pixel or picture element b. DIN c. ASA d. Silver halides

34. Terizla, a talented and skilled photographer. He was hired in the National Bureau of Investigation, Intelligence
Division to participate on surveillance of the public enemy number 1 in the Philippines. To follow the subject without any
suspicious from the team, he rented a house 300 meters from the dwelling of the subject. From that far distance, he clearly
monitored the subject’s activity without suspicion. On the scenario what possible photography used by Terizla?*
a. Cinematography b. Pornography c. Telephotography d. Videography

35. Lights that  pass through to transparent object is known as-*

a. Reflected light b. Transmitted light c. Absorbed light d. Dispersion
36.The first application of Photography was in personal identification, wherein law enforcement used it as supplementary
under Bertillon system, but what is the utmost used of photography?*
a. To determine the faithfulness of the original scene. b. For documentation and records taking.
c. Aid in court proceeding and presentation of exhibits. d. Prevention in criminal tendency.

37.Statement I: Mousetrap camera was invented by William Henry Fox Talbot. Statement II: Polaroid Camera was develop
by Edwin H. Land.*
a. Statement I is correct and the statement II is incorrect. b. Statement II is correct and the statement I is incorrect.
c. Both statements are incorrect. d. Both statements are correct.

38. The birth year of Photography.*

a. 1839 . 1893 c. 1935 . 2019

39.A photographic process of making enlarge image with the aid of microscope.*
a. Macrophotography b. Cinematography c. Photomicrography d. Pornography

40.Nicephore Niepce invented the first photographic process using sun called?*
a. Cyanotype b. Daguerreotype process c. Calotype process d. Heliography

41.In photography, which of the following is used in chemical analysis and also curing and hardening for industrial purposes?
a. Infrared b. Medium-wave UV c. Ultraviolet d. Laser

42. Police Lieutenant Barrats, a member of the SOCO team, his team leader instructed P/Lt. Barrats to take the façade of the
crime scene. What type of lens or view should be used?*
a. Wide Angle b. Telephoto c. Zoom lens d. Normal view

43.Claude took a photograph of his beloved Fanny, but the developed image became curve or simply “Dome-like image” was
due to?*
a. Spherical Aberration b. Distortion c. Curvature of the field d. Coma or lateral aberration

44. A black  and white films possess several characteristics such as speed, spectral and granularity. The speed will be
referring to the sensitivity of the film to light and the spectral is the sensitivity to ___________________.*
a. Wavelength b. Film speed c. Electromagnetic Energy D. All of these

45. The Fish -eye lens is a special type of camera having a view angle of:*
a. 90 degrees b. 60 degrees c. 180 degrees d. 360 degrees

46. Kevin was taking a snap shot and expecting it to be sharp but an alteration happened to the expected image because it
can be seen in two viewpoints. What is that phenomenon?*
a. out of focus b. coincidence c. parallax d. split image

47. The distance between the nearest and the farthest object in apparent sharp focus when the lens is focused at a given
a. Angle of view b. focal length c. depth of field d. focus

48. In photography using microprism, the image on focus will usually shatter of an out of focus image and when it is exactly
in focus the prisms seems to disappear. These microprisms are primarily found on:*
a. groundglass b. filter c. viewfinder d. lens

49. It is a type of lens which is capable of correcting astigmatism.*

a. anastigmat lens b. meniscus lens c. rapid rectilinear lens d. achromatic lens

50. Emulsion speed of film can be expressed in either logarithmic or arithmetic. Which of the following DIN rating will
give the finest of grains?*
a. Din 21 b. Din 24 c. Din 27 d. Din 30

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