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Math 1

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(1) (2) 13. Tayo enters a number into her calculator.

9 5 4 6 7 8 She adds 12.7, and multiplies the answer by

– 3 7 8 – 2 9 9 3.
The calculator now shows 62.4.
What was the number that Tayo originally
keyed in ?
(3) 7 4 3 9 (4) Ans:____________________________
5 3 8 1 8 9
+ 2 9 6 7 x 5 6 14. The base of a large tank measures 3m by
Water is poured into the tank to a depth of
(5) 3 8 9 (6) 5 4 1 What is the volume of water in the tank?
x 2 6 + 9 9 9

15. In a test Cynthia scored 28 marks.

If the total possible mark was 35, what
7. What is the sum of 546 and 379? percentage of the total score did Cynthia
Ans: ____________________________
8. Subtract 85 from 769.
16.The average height for the five players
Ans: ____________________________ in a basketball team is 1.82m. The mean
height of these players and the first reserve
9. Add 0.46 to 5.35. is 1.79m. How tall is the reserve?

Ans: ____________________________ Ans:___________________________

10. Multiply 27.25 by 40. 17.(a) Paul’s salary of N12,000.00 was

increased by 6%. What was his salary after
Ans: ____________________________ the increase?

11. What is the remainder when 837289 is Ans:___________________________

divided by 25?
(b) I bought a house for N80,000.00 and sold
Ans:__________________________ it for N92,000.00.
What percentage profit did I make?
12. When of the class are absent,
5 Ans:___________________________
there are 18 pupils present. What is
the total number of pupils in the class?

Ans: _________________________
18. There are two pieces of wood. One is 24. I think of a number add 6, divide the result
800mm long and the other is 600mm long. by 5 and the answer is 10. What number did I
The two pieces are to be cut into a total of 6 think of?
smaller pieces. The new pieces are to have
lengths 350mm, 290mm, 260mm, 190mm, Ans:_____________________________
170mm and 140mm. How would you cut the
pieces? 25. I think of a number, multiply it by 3 and
subtract the result from 37. The answer is 19.
Ans:____________________________ What number did I think of?

19. In a class, 3/5 of the pupils were girls. ¼ Ans:_____________________________

of the boys in the class were absent. 2/15 of
the whole class were absent. There were 9 26. At a barter market I can exchange 2
boys present. ducks for 3 chickens, 5 chickens for 2 fishes
(i) How many boys are in the class? _______ and 4 fishes for 7 snails.
(ii) How many girls are in the class? _______ How many chickens would I get for 6 ducks?
(iii) How many girls were present? _________
20. The 13 girls in a class got an average How many fishes would I get for 10 ducks?
mark of 70 in a test. The 7 boys in the same
class got an average mark of 60 in the same Ans:_______________________________
test. What is the average mark for the whole
class? How many snails could I exchange for 20
21. In a secondary school, the first activity
starts at 8.05 a.m. If there are three activities 38 16
to be done which take 35 minutes each, and 27. Charles gets in an English test, in a
50 20
then a break period at the end of these
Maths test and 79% in a Science test.
activities, at what time does the break starts?
(a) In which subject did he do best?
22. Last year in Gboko there were 75
reported cases of chicken pox. This year the
(b) In which subject did he do worst?
number dropped by 16%. How many cases
have been reported this year.
28. When roasting a chicken Oare allows a
cooking time of 20 minutes per half kilogram
23. When a farmer digs up 80kg of cocoyams,
and then adds an extra 30 minutes.
she finds that 25% are rotten. Of the
remaining healthy cocoyams, 10% are too
(a)How long in minutes does she take to roast
small to sell. What is the mass of healthy
a 2.5kg chicken?
cocoyams large enough to sell?
28. (b) If she cooks a chicken for 90 minutes, 32. Three people shared N35,000 from an
how much did the chicken weigh? inheritance. Ibi received half as much as
Isioma, and Isioma received half as much as
Ans:_________________________________ Uzoma. How much did each one receive?

29. In September 1999, there were 350 pupils Ans:_____________________________

at LJC. The ratio of girls to boys was 3:4
33. Train travels at 40 km per hour. How far
(i) Work out how many girls were at the will it travel in 1 hour 36 minutes?
school in September 1999.
34. In 2006 Ubong will be half as old as her
By September 2000, the number of girls had mother. How old is her mother now if Ubong
increased by 8% is 17 now?

(ii) Find how many girls were at LJC in Ans:_____________________________

September 2000.
35. In a bag of apples 2 are green, 1/3 are
Ans:_____________________________ red, and the remainder are yellow. If there
are 23 yellow apples in the bag, what is the
The number of boys at the school also total number of apples?
For every 5 boys in September 1999, there
were 7 boys in September 2000. 36. February 27, 2008 is a Wednesday. What
is the date of the following Wednesday?
(iii) Find the number of boys at the school in
September 2000. Ans:_____________________________

Ans:_____________________________ 37. Chinedu missed his school bus by 2

minutes so he walked to school, which took
(iv) How many pupils were there at LJC in him 27 minutes, arriving 6 minutes late for
September 2000? class at 8:11 a.m. At what time should he
have caught the bus?
30. At a 20% off sale, a toy sold for N80.
What was the original price? 38. Because he did not want to turn on the
lights in the bedroom at 4:00 a.m. and disturb
Ans:_____________________________ his sleeping wife and children, Ahmad
selected his socks from a shelf in the dark.
31. If you divide N120 between Uche and He wanted a pair of dark blue or black socks,
Obioma in the ratio of 1 to 3 respectively, how which were located by themselves on a
much does each one get? certain shelf in the closet. In the dark how
many socks should he take from that shelf to
Ans:_____________________________ ensure he had one pair that matched?



The diagram above shows a rectangular park C D

with a walkway one metre wide sourrounding
it. The park measures 8 metres by 4 metres, Complete the lines in the shape ABCD above
what is: to divide it into squares.

(a) the area of the park? Its area is ________________ squares.

Ans: _________________________sq. m. 44. Put the letters A, B, D, E, F, G, and H into

the circles in the diagram below in such a way
(b) the area of the walkway? that no letter is connected by a line to the
letter that is next to it in the alphabet.
Ans: _________________________ sq. m.
Use the space below for your working and the
40. grid at the bottom for your final answer.
Eight hundreds – four fifties = two fifties + ?
Ans: ___________________________

41. How many triangles can you find in this


45. If A x B = 24, C x D = 32, B x D = 48, and

B x C = 24, what does A x B x C x D equal?
Ans: ________________________________
42. How many squares can you find in this
shape? 46. What number comes next in this series?
9, 16, 25, 36,


47. Two numbers are in the ratio 2:3 and their

sum is 20, What is the larger number?


48. What number exceeds 1,949 by the same

Ans: _____________________________ amount as 5,000 exceeds 1,806?

49. The product of two numbers is 16½. One 57. An Old miser saves all the candle stubs
of them is 8¼. What is their difference? she has burnt.

Ans:_____________________________ From every nine stubs she can make a whole

candle. If the miser has 345 stubs, what is the
50. What is the number nearest to 800, which highest number of new candles she can
is exactly divisible by 9? possibly make?

Ans:_____________________________ Ans: ________________________________

51. In a school 45% are boys and there are 58. A B

220 girls. How many boys are there?
0 2
Ans:_____________________________ The value at A is 0.2. What is the value at B?
Give your answer as a decimal.
52. A man traveling at 40km per hour covered
a distance in 3 hours. If he traveled at 45km Ans: _______________________________
per hour, what time could he have saved?

Ans:_____________________________ 59. A 3 by 3 magic square contains the

numbers 1 to 9, each used once only.
53. If the length and breadth of a lawn are
doubled, what is the percentage increase in The sum of any row or column or diagonal is
its area? always equal to the same number.

Ans:_____________________________ Complete these to make magic squares.

54. The cost for an extended telegram is (a) 4 (b) 6 2

N6.00 for the first ten words and then 45kobo
per word for each additional word. What is the 7 5
cost of a telegram of 15 words? 6 8 4

55. A village has 500 men and 700 women. If 60.

a man pays N1.15 and a woman pays
65kobo, how much should be collected in the


56. Tunde has enough food to last 64 goats

for 72 days. How long can the food last 48
goats? 64 cubes fit exactly inside a 4 x 4 x 4 open-
topped box.
How many cubes do not touch either the side
or bottom of the box?

Ans: ____________________________
61. These pictures show a cactus plant at
different times.
metres metres metres

2.0 2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5 0.5

1 year old 3 years old 5 years old

(a) How tall was the plant when it was 1 year


Ans: ________________________________

(b) How tall was the plant when it was 5 years


Ans: ________________________________

(c) How much did it grow between 1 year old

and 3 years old?

Ans: ________________________________

(d) How much did it grow between 1 year old

and 5 years old?

Ans: ________________________________

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