Sacred Landscape
Sacred Landscape
Sacred Landscape
A sacred natural site is a natural feature or a large area of land or water having special spiritual
significance to peoples and communities. Sacred natural sites consist of all types of natural features
including mountains, hills, forests, groves, trees, rivers, lakes, lagoons, caves, islands and springs.
Sacred Landscapes are geographic areas that have special meaning for people who have a longstanding or
historical association and relationship within a region.
Sacred groves of India are forest fragments of varying sizes, which are communally protected, and which usually
have a significant religious connotation for the protecting community. Hunting and logging are usually strictly
prohibited within these patches.
Sacred sites are found within a larger geographic landscape. Sacred Places are sites, areas, and/or
landscapes having one or more attributes that distinguish them as extraordinary or significant,
usually in a religious or spiritual sense. Sacred Landscapes are geographic areas that have special
meaning for people who have a longstanding or historical association and relationship within a
● Work with tour operators, airlines and other transport providers to provide carbon neutral travel.
Circulation was shifted away from the building to allow for the creation of a series of sacred zones defined
by raised bronze or granite curbing.
The new reflecting fountain is a zero- edge pool with
a 1” deep “scrim” of water over a layer of pavers on
pedestal mounts. When drained in the winter, it
becomes an active plaza space.
the portal
Raising Awareness
The Symbiotic Matorral installation is meant to
raise awareness of the forgotten richness of the
matorral submontano and its exceptional
biodiversity among the schoolchildren of the
metropolitan area of Monterrey.
The installation converts an abandoned trail for the
maintenance of a high-voltage line, which violently
crosses the area, in a 500-meter-long journey through
the luxuriant ecosystem. The travel through the
matorral is orchestrated on different levels of
interpretation. The ‘portal’, the ‘path of the animal
trails’, the ‘glade of becoming’, the ‘floral abyss’, the
‘circle of contemplation’ are the main components
of the route.
Thank you