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Coaching Groundwork Class 1 Coaching Guide v72010 CC

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Coaching Groundwork Class 1

Congratulations. You’re about to embark on an exploration of eight powerful coaching

skills that you can put to work right away in your life, your business and your coaching
career. These skills are transformational and will change your life and the lives of the people
around you, if you let them influence your thinking and your actions.

The most common feedback we’ve received on this course is that students can’t
believe how much they’ve learned and how fast.

Some of these skills may seem disarmingly simple. You may even be using a few of them
quite well already. Others may surprise you and push you way out of your comfort zone. That’s
okay. You’ll benefit from learning all eight Coaching Groundwork Foundation Skills that you’ll be
introduced to in the Coaching Groundwork module and you’ll be able to use them effectively to
improve all your conversations, relationships and projects.

Experiment and have fun with them all. Regardless of what coaching experience you may
already have, you probably have more to learn and experimentation is the way to do it. All great
coaches are still learning and always will be. Even professional coaches will get value from doing
the exercises and practice coaching sessions.

What we’ll cover in this course:

 This is an introduction to what coaching is all about

 We’ll discuss and practice of the Eight Foundations in Coaching Groundwork
 You’ll discover resources to help you master these skills, get certified, and move up to
Coaching Mastery. You can become a leader in this booming business.
 You’ll get information about coaching careers and how to get off to a successful start
 And you’ll get a chance to ask all the questions you’re curious about

Coaching Groundwork Class 1 v72010 by Julia Stewart is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
May share as is with full attribution for non-commercial use.
What to expect:

In Class 1, we’ll talk a bit about what you can expect during this eight-hour course, as well
as what the coaching profession is all about and then we’ll explore and practice our first
two Coaching Foundation Skills.

 These classes are highly interactive. Deepen your learning by practicing these skills, right
 We’ll always begin with a discussion of the day’s concepts
 Students ask about anything they’re unsure of or that they’re just curious about. You’re
probably curious about the same things. That’s a great beginning for a coach.
 Next you’ll hear a demonstration by the instructor of the coaching skills that you’re
 Finally, you’ll listen to your fellow coaches as they practice coaching each other and will
learn, not just how to coach, but how to observe and give feedback on coaching, which is
another great way to learn to coach quickly.
 The instructor will also give feedback. We do it in a way that’s inspiring, not scary
 You’ll also get homework to work on outside of class, so your growth is continuous

Why is coaching such a hot profession today?

Publications from Forbes Magazine to The Futurist have pointed out that coaching is one of the
fastest growing professions in the world and is expected to become one of the key skills required
of workers throughout the 21 Century. Currently, there are over 90,000 jobs openings from
engineers to chefs who are expected to posses coaching skills. Why now?

 Technological progress has eliminated many farming and manufacturing jobs. Today
most employees in the West are paid to think instead of to make or grow things. (And the
East is rapidly catching up.) Thought workers have different needs from other types of
 In addition, globalization has sent many thinking jobs over seas. Workers are scrambling
to find which skills will give them both freedom and job security.
 On top of that, “Googlezation” has made it possible for everyone from Fortune 500 CEO’s
to five year olds to find out almost anything they want to know within seconds.
Researchers, consultants and teachers used to be paid to find this information and share
it with others. Now people already have the information and they need help choosing
what to do with it. Big difference. And that’s what a coach does.
 As a result of these profound changes in working and living conditions, people are
evolving faster than ever. Their values and goals are changing, as well. This is
disorienting and people need help navigating their rapid transformation.
 Some opportunities are disappearing, but many new ones are becoming available daily.
Possibilities have increased. Choices have become overwhelming.

Coaching Groundwork Class 1 v72010 by Julia Stewart is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
May share as is with full attribution for non-commercial use.
 People are more connected than ever via the web, cell phones, etc., but their interactions
are often quick and shallow. They long for meaningful conversations and relationships.
 People simply have higher standards. After thousands of years struggling to survive,
people now want to thrive, despite the increasing complexity of our world. They want to
learn how to create the careers and lives they really want.

Coaching has emerged at this time in history to help people navigate complexity and
rapid change and live up to their own high standards. Coaches have tools to create the
conversations that people need in order to move forward. We know the questions to ask that our
clients aren’t aware of and we know how to ask, so our clients have big insights, learn new skills,
find new ways of being, reach their full potential and evolve forward.

Being stuck and confused is more costly now than at any time in world history. Coaches
help clients move forward more quickly to be, do and have what they really want and find joy
fulfilling their true destinies. Our clients aren’t just happier, they’re more productive and the world
benefits in billions of ways.

Why are questions so important?

We used to get paid for what we know, but that’s changing. What we know is less marketable
now. So, one of the critical skills to have in the 21 Century is the ability to ASK. With information
so readily available to everyone and with massive change occurring daily, what we know and
what we can learn is valued less. It’s what we create with it that matters. Millions of people are
required to think creatively today in order to compete. Most of them have not previously been
encouraged or trained to be creative and that’s a problem for them now.

What do coaches have to do with all this? Constant change is disorienting. Abundant choice is
overwhelming. The speed of change can put people in a panic. And yet, there is so much more
available to people today then there was for our parents. It’s all good, but it clearly doesn’t feel
good to many people. Coaches are trained to work with these situations.

There is something about two minds working together Collaboratively with

Curiosity and Creativity that yields ten times the value of one mind working
Executives, managers and business owners need these Three “C”s to survive and thrive in
the globalized world of business and they’ve been the leaders in hiring coaches, because they
know coaching boosts performance, people and profits, while bringing meaning back to work.

From Survive to Thrive…

Coaching Groundwork Class 1 v72010 by Julia Stewart is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
May share as is with full attribution for non-commercial use.
Add to these challenges the almost universal desire to thrive in today’s world. People want
things faster and they want them customized. They want to make a lot of money while enjoying
what they do and balancing life with career. As our jobs are automated and outsourced, we lose
some of our old comforts and instead have new opportunities (which are often disguised as big

Just a few ways our world has changed lately:

 We can work smarter and faster instead of harder and longer.

 We can design our lives according to what we want, instead of what we should want, as
our parents did.
 We can work remotely and live almost anywhere.
 We have more mobility, which gives us opportunities to upgrade our communities.
 We can easily and cheaply communicate with and work with people around the globe.
 We can be constantly connected to everyone all the time – if we want.
 Etc.

Bottom line: We have way more choices than ever before and that’s overwhelming. The
need to survive and stay employable is isolating. The wrong choices can leave us jobless and
miserable. That’s frightening and can be paralyzing. The right choices can bring abundant wealth
and happiness. However, no expert knows what’s best for you or for me. Only we, ourselves, can
know what will serve us most. But we’re often confused. We want help from someone…

That’s where coaches come in. We’re trained to help clients Be, Do and Have what they
really want, not by telling, but by asking.

In a world that is changing this fast, what we ask is far more valuable than
what we know. But the WAY we ask is just as important!

Have you ever gone on a job interview and felt uncomfortable? Have you ever been cross
examined by a lawyer? Worse yet, have you ever been interrogated? Did you feel like opening up
and sharing vulnerable secrets in these situations? Probably not!

All of the above, like coaching, are processes of inquiry, but their intents are very
different. In coaching, we see our clients for who they really are; we have complete respect for
them and we put ourselves in service to them. This is a partnership of equals. Clients are
empowered and don’t have to give up control in order to work with us. That’s key!

Coaching Groundwork Class 1 v72010 by Julia Stewart is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
May share as is with full attribution for non-commercial use.
Unfortunately, coaches who don’t know what they are doing, can unwittingly cause their
clients to feel intensely resistant and even frightened. Clients who feel this way tend to shut
down. Sometimes this is obvious and other times it’s quite subtle. Either way, the coaching is
less effectively and is much harder work for both coach and client.

Unprepared, unskilled coaches don’t serve their clients very well. This isn’t good for the
clients, the coaches, the coaching industry or the world. That’s why coaching mastery is so
important. Coaching Groundwork your first step to coaching mastery.

On the other hand, masterful coaches can help their clients think differently, evolve and
grow, get into action and find solutions that sometimes never existed before. Can you see
how this is immensely valuable in the new world of globalization and rapid change?

What could YOU do with someone in your corner who sees you as you are, “flaws” and all,
who has confidence in you regardless, who believes in you, shares your dreams, listens to
your complaints and challenges you to do far more than you’ve ever done before?

I recommend that you get a masterful coach who can help you with all of this, while you
grow into the coach you are meant to be, so you can reach your full potential faster. Learning
what it’s like to be a coaching client will help you coach your clients more effectively.

We’ve talked about the “why” of coaching. Let’s move

on now to the “how” of coaching.

Coaching Groundwork Class 1 v72010 by Julia Stewart is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
May share as is with full attribution for non-commercial use.
Coaching Groundwork Matrix
Foundation Definition How-to’s & Questions

1. It’s all about them Get your needs met Ask/Say:

someplace else (what Thank you for letting me
If you‟re willing to get your needs? Your need for coach you.
ego out of the way, you can approval, your need to do it How can I help?
do amazing work. Focus on right, your need to be an What do you really want?
the client, not you and your expert, your need to give You sound tense. What‟s that
coaching. value, your distractions, your about?
need to relate) and then What would you like to be
Can you imagine why you focus (because when your asked?
need lots of practice in order needs are met, focus gets What would you like to be
to do this well? Practice until easier) and get out of the acknowledged for?
coaching becomes second way. You‟re amazing! How did you
nature and our 1st Foundation do that?
will be easy for you. See: #2 validation, #3 What‟s next?
curiosity and #7 greatness. What does that mean to you?
What else do you want?
And what else?
2. Validate continuously AKA acknowledge, Say:
champion, commiserate, That‟s great.
People need more validation when needed. What can you Makes perfect sense.
than most of us are willing to validate? Who they are, what What a great question!
admit. When they get that they‟re doing, what they‟re Thanks for being here
from you, they accomplish far experiencing, why it‟s That says a lot about you.
more as a byproduct. important to them now, why
it‟s hard, why they‟re great, Ask:
Validate everything, including even validate the fact that What did it take to do that?
the fact that they showed up. they showed up - and the What did you learn?
Pay attention and you‟ll learn fact that they‟ve allowed you Who else will benefit?
to do this well – without to be part of the process. What‟s possible now?
overdoing it (yuck)
A genuine listener.

Coaching Groundwork Class 1 v72010 by Julia Stewart is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
May share as is with full attribution for non-commercial use.
3. Be curious Make no assumptions! Use Ask:
a wide to narrow focus, from What are you curious about?
Coaching works because asking anything and When did you first notice
coaches ask great questions, everything to using this?
but here‟s a secret: distinctions and this-or-that Have you done this before?
questions. Validate Is this important or just
There‟s no magic list of everything and share when urgent?
powerful coaching questions necessary. Explore with How would you like it to be?
that always work. curiosity - theirs and yours. Have you been working on
Be provocative - go deep, ask this long?
How do master coaches ask dumb questions, be doubtful. What‟s the benefit of not
great questions? They use When the energy picks up changing?
their own curiosity. (curiosity), begin to follow
that, zero in, clarify, make Notice where your focus
The coach who is naturally distinctions (Is it this or is it wants to go:
curious is equipped to coach that?) until the client gets an Is this important or just
in any situation. insight, shift or sense of relief interesting?
or excitement. Is it a need or a want?
The coach who coaches from Will this evolve you forward
a list of questions (or from a How do you know when or keep you stuck?
„system‟, „template‟, „formula‟ you’re there? They go Is this what you want or
or „cookie cutter‟) is often silent. Their speech speeds what you think you should
more focused on their up. Or they share a big want?
performance than on their insight. Is it this or that?
client (See: #1 It‟s all about
them) Then continue to be curious Let your curiosity be your
about where to go next. guide, always. If you‟re
Develop your curiosity and let What do they need? What do concerned you may be
it guide your questions they have? What‟s the getting to personal, simply
throughout the coaching ultimate goal? What‟s the ask permission before you
conversation. next step? proceed.

Coaching Groundwork Class 1 v72010 by Julia Stewart is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
May share as is with full attribution for non-commercial use.
4. Fine tune your Follow your inklings and Eliminate distractions. No
antennae intuitions. Find the answers one can multi-task and coach
that don‟t even exist yet! effectively.
Listen with more than your Notice more and share what
ears. What‟s your intuition, you know. You can do this Notice everything, inside and
gut, heart saying? Would it when your needs are met out. Share what comes up.
help the client to share that? and you‟re completely in This may require mastering a
service to your client. spiritual practice.

5. Prime the pump An energetic step back Ask deep questions. Have
can bring forth clarity in a the courage to be
Good timing + provocative conversation. This is the provocative.
questions + silence = artful use of silence. It‟s more
Explosive Coaching Results! powerful than just listening Ask:
or even hearing. Actively What‟s really going on here?
Notice what needs to be bring forth what needs to be Why is this important now?
asked. Ask permission to be a said without being pushy. What business are you really
little challenging. Ask an in?
important question and wait Your client is just waiting for Are you sure that‟s it?
silently for the answer. someone to listen, validate
them, be curious. Focus and Then take a long pause.
If you‟ve used this skill well, fine-tune your antenna and See what comes up - you‟ll
the results will be life share what needs to be said be amazed!
changing. by you - you‟ll have a
powerful conversation.

See: #3 curiosity, #7
greatness, #6 scaffolding.

Coaching Groundwork Class 1 v72010 by Julia Stewart is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
May share as is with full attribution for non-commercial use.
6. Provide scaffolding Once you’ve found what Ask them about their
your client needs, it‟s time support systems. Find out
People don‟t live in vacuums. to provide a support system what they have and what‟s
No matter how much they to facilitate what they want needed to achieve their
want to change or how hard and need. goals.
they work at it, their lives,
jobs, family and friends all Go way past willpower and Ask:
resist changing with them. “helping” - set up structures Who can help you?
that support even when What tools do you need?
The smart coach knows how you‟re not there. Do you need reminders?
to design scaffolding that Do you need accountability?
supports the changes How? What will make this easy?
their clients want and makes Connect the client with How will we know when this
transformation easier, faster resources. Customize what change is permanent?
and more sustainable. you offer to fit them
perfectly. Teach them how to Share the people,
Without scaffolding, you‟ve get what they want from information, and sources that
only finished half your job. others. Automate when you value most. Offer to help
necessary. Give customer when really needed. Be a
service way beyond the call resource, yourself.
of duty.

7. Greatness - yours and When you come from a This is about the Self vs.
theirs bigger place, so do others. the ego. More to the point,
When you see a bigger this is Self + the ego.
Here‟s one of the secret picture, you can help them
weapons of masterful see it too. This is not about When you come from this
coaching. It‟s called Personal accomplishment. It‟s really place, you see solutions vs.
Greatness and everything about love. problems. You see the
changes when it‟s present. perfection in everything. You
This bigger perspective is can afford more. You
Some spiritual practices can contagious. Everything gets naturally validate.
help you with this, but you easier for you and your client
and your client don‟t need to when you show up this way. This may require a
be spiritual to benefit from it. spiritual practice,
upgrading your own
structures and even the
people in your environment.

Coaching Groundwork Class 1 v72010 by Julia Stewart is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
May share as is with full attribution for non-commercial use.
8. Have something to talk Know when to share - and Use distinctions,
about when not to. frameworks,
assessments, programs,
Advice is the last thing a Share what? Your coach around your expertise,
coach offers a client, but expertise, your experience, share stories that your client
when it‟s needed, it‟s your resources, your needs to hear. Be a lifelong
important. What are you distinctions, your learner - and master-er - and
experienced in? What new frameworks. Use this one teacher. Share what they
ways of thinking have you sparingly - only share the need now. But never assume
embraced? Share sparingly most powerful stuff. Less is they need it. Find out 1st.
and at the right moments. more.

More About Foundations 1 & 2:

Foundation #1. It’s all about them
Get your needs met someplace else and then focus your attention completely on your client.
When you make coaching about you, your needs are in the way. Unfortunately, new coaches
almost always make it about themselves. Here are a few things that might get in the way for you:

 Your need for approval

 Your need to do it right
 Your need to be an expert
 Your need to give value
 Your need to tell your own story
 Your need to relate
 Your need to look good
 Your distractions: like problems, fatigue, draining relationships, etc.

What other needs do you have that might get in the way?

Foundation #2. Validate continuously

 Acknowledge
 compliment
 Champion
 Cheerlead
 Respect
 Inspire
 Commiserate, when needed.

Coaching Groundwork Class 1 v72010 by Julia Stewart is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
May share as is with full attribution for non-commercial use.
What can you validate? Who they are, what they’re doing, what they’re experiencing, why it’s
important to them now, why it’s hard, why they’re great, even validate the fact that they showed
up - and the fact that they’ve allowed you to be part of the process.

Don’t wait for the client to do something admirable, before you acknowledge them. Always
be looking for what needs to be validated. It tells your client that you’re paying attention and that
you value them. That leads to trust and that leads to a far more open conversation.

We’ll discuss these first two coaching foundations in depth in Class #1. Be sure to ask
questions, so you really get it and don’t be afraid to practice. It’s the fastest, most effective way to
learn coaching.

In the meantime, check out the other resources SCM has for you. They are all valuable in helping
you become a masterful coach and some of them are free.

The School of Coaching Mastery Ultimate Coach Training Program begins with foundational
courses, such as Coaching Groundwork and New Paradigms for Coaches and the practice-
building Coach 100 Business Success Program, as well as Fully Alive Personal Development.

When you’re ready, you’ll move on to Coaching Mastery modules, Certification, and then
Advanced modules, like Group Coaching, Teacher Training and the Coaching Innovators
Graduate Seminar.

To further your mastery, be sure to:

1. Download the Become a Coach! eBook

2. Practice with buddy coaches in Triads. Find one by joining the Mastery Coach

3. Attend a Study Group

4. Take additional coach training courses

Related blog posts:

How Many Years Does It Take to Become a Life Coach?

Coaching: Why It’s So Effective

Coaching Groundwork Class 1 v72010 by Julia Stewart is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
May share as is with full attribution for non-commercial use.
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Coaching Groundwork Class 1 v72010 by Julia Stewart is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
May share as is with full attribution for non-commercial use.

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