El Corazon
El Corazon
El Corazon
We interviewed Mrs. Marites Kho, the store manager of El Corazon in Uptown Bonifacio branch
about their budgeting, planning and things that may affect and benefit the operation of the store.
How do you make feel to the staff that they're important?
" In El Corazon we make feel to our staffs that they're important is when we let them join the
activities like basketball liga in competition with other branch of El Corazon, beside from those
activities we let them train in some training events of the company so that they will have additional
knowledge. We also encourage them to surpass they're limits, to become the best of themselves. But
in that way of course we also need to be strict because if I just let them do what they want then they
might end up disobeying some rules in the store. We need to put proper control to our people and
shape them in the best way possible. Because the employee is like the pillar of the store, the
operation won't be successful without them. "
" The schedules in El Corazon is very flexible. We make the schedules of our staffs every Sunday
then we let them sign it as a proof that they agreed on the given schedules. We also let them pick
when they will be having a day off so that if they have something important to attend then they could
attend it. In this way they will have a flexible time to work and relax. "
Do you have any actions taken to those employees who are frequently late?
" First, as a store manager I ensure that the rules are clear to the employees to avoid problems.
Next, I confront them and describe the gap between what time I expected them to arrive and what I
observed. Then I motivate and encourage them to develop a plan that will work for them but if they
are really stubborn I let them know and explain the consequences that they will receive "
If two employees request a day off on a same day with valid reasons, would you consider
" For me it depends whether those two employees requested in a peak day, like weekends which is
the Saturday and Sunday, of course, my answer will be NO. Or maybe I could consider them if the
two employees will be coming from kitchen and dining staffs, so that the manpower will be equally
distributed during the operation "
How can you make sure that the time card records are accurate?
" The employers in El Corazon are required to keep accurate records of non – exempt employee’s
hours worked. Daily records should show the time the employee arrive in the work, the time the
employee left for lunch, the time the employee returned from lunch or break, the time the employee
left for the day, and last the total hours worked for the day. And of course, the time card must be
shown to the manager/s or shift leader/s every day to keep accurate and avoid allegations or
cheating. "
If you discover that the time card record has been cheated, what will you do?
" If I find out that one of my employees is cheating, I find a discrete place where I can talk to them
personally like in my office and ask relevant but leading questions regarding their typical daily routine
to help provide some information that will help me to solve the issue, making it easier to transition the
conversation into a discussion on the issue at hand. I will ask and confirm that they know the
company’s workplace policies. Then I will ask some specific questions and consider their explanation.
Lastly, I will take disciplinary action and tell them to get back to them with your decision. This will set
the standard for other employees as well. For a first-time offense, I would let my worker off with a
warning. For more serious cases, further disciplinary action is needed to be taken. "
" Of course, our guests were charge with 10% of service fee for the service that was rendered to
them in their meal like serving and ordering to our staffs. It is then added to the salary of the staffs
and it is quite big enough when the payroll comes and will become bigger if the store welcomes more
guests. "
" For us having an OJT'S in our store is a big help and a 'win win situation'. These trainees help a
lot in our everyday job especially when it’s a peak day but a win win situation because we are letting
them know the secret recipes and secret sauces in our store which they might say to their friends or
relatives that may lead to the other store to know our secrets. OJT's could have a positive and
negative effects to our store, they help us a lot but sometimes they also made disaster especially
when peak hours because of their lack of knowledge. "