Impeller Design of A Centrifugal Fan Wit
Impeller Design of A Centrifugal Fan Wit
Impeller Design of A Centrifugal Fan Wit
Research Article
Impeller Design of a Centrifugal Fan with Blade Optimization
Yu-Tai Lee,1 Vineet Ahuja,2 Ashvin Hosangadi,2 Michael E. Slipper,3 Lawrence P. Mulvihill,1
Roger Birkbeck,2 and Roderick M. Coleman1
1 Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Code 5700, West Bethesda, MD 20817, USA
2 Combustion Research and Flow Technology, Inc. (CRAFT Tech), Pipersville, PA 18947, USA
3 Ships Systems Engineering Station, Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Code 9860, Philadelphia, PA 19112, USA
Copyright © 2011 Yu-Tai Lee et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A method is presented for redesigning a centrifugal impeller and its inlet duct. The double-discharge volute casing is a structural
constraint and is maintained for its shape. The redesign effort was geared towards meeting the design volute exit pressure while
reducing the power required to operate the fan. Given the high performance of the baseline impeller, the redesign adopted a
high-fidelity CFD-based computational approach capable of accounting for all aerodynamic losses. The present effort utilized a
numerical optimization with experiential steering techniques to redesign the fan blades, inlet duct, and shroud of the impeller.
The resulting flow path modifications not only met the pressure requirement, but also reduced the fan power by 8.8% over the
baseline. A refined CFD assessment of the impeller/volute coupling and the gap between the stationary duct and the rotating
shroud revealed a reduction in efficiency due to the volute and the gap. The calculations verified that the new impeller matches
better with the original volute. Model-fan measured data was used to validate CFD predictions and impeller design goals. The CFD
results further demonstrate a Reynolds-number effect between the model- and full-scale fans.
combination of tetrahedral, prismatic, and hexahedral cells.
The standard high Reynolds number formulation of the κ-
ε equations forms the basis for the turbulence modelling in
CRUNCH. These turbulence equations, with supplemental
low Reynolds number correction terms, are given in [10].
Considering the computational efficiency, the wall-function
approach was used for the current calculations.
Lift discharge diffuser
Figure 3 depicts the blade (left figure) and shroud (right
figure) arrangements for the 14-bladed B#1 impeller in black
and the 12-bladed B#2 impeller in gray. The baseline volute
shown in Figure 3 is connected to the impeller with a sudden Lift-side discharge
expansion in the flow path area.
Fan aerodynamic performance at the design point re-
quires air at a temperature of 26.7◦ C, an impeller shaft speed Figure 3: Blade/shroud arrangements for impellers B#1 and B#2.
of 1692 rpm, and a shaft power of 1276.6 kW (= 2 PWRref )
to produce a lift static pressure of 7517 Pa (= Pref ) at a
nominal lift-side air flow rate of 57.43 m3 /s. This results in
the following nondimensional parameters:
Lift flow coefficient = = 0.2014, (1)
1/4πD2 U
(Ps )lift
Lift static pressure coefficient = = 0.3175, (2)
ρU 2
Pressure (Pa)
Figure 5: Gridding for the impeller B#1.
Shroud separation
−3.5 −23451
Table 1
Power (% from design)
0.0476 0.945
Impeller efficiency
(radius of
Axial distance/D
curvature/D) 0.94
0.0263 0.935
0.074 Bellmouth
0.159 0.925
Impeller width
0 0.92
0 0.159 0.318 0.476 0.635 0.794 0.953 0.0263 0.0476 0.074
Radius/D Radius of curvature/D
(a) (b)
Pressure (Pa)
separation is
improved −23451
Figure 9: Based on the B#2 impeller (a) bellmouth/shroud profiles investigated; (b) impeller performances; (c) improved separation for the
0.0476 shroud.
impeller requires more power at the specified condition, three bellmouth/shroud profiles are presented and labelled
it generates more head and has a slightly higher efficiency. based on the local curvature near the blade and shroud
Since flow separation occurs in each impeller while operating intersection. The profile labelled with 0.0263 (local radius
at high efficiency, the redesign calculations must accurately of curvature/D) corresponds to the B#2 impeller. The two
account for all aerodynamic losses in order to predict any other profiles were investigated to reduce the sharp curvature
performance difference within a few percentage points. The at the blade intersection [13]. The associated flow fields of
use of streamline curvature or potential-flow/Euler codes all three profiles indicate that the original flow separation at
would not accomplish the goals for the current redesign the shroud was improved in the two new profiles. Figure 9(c)
effort. The developed redesign procedures established based demonstrates the improvement of the impeller with the
on the findings from the assessment of the existing impellers 0.0476 shroud as compared to the B#2 impeller shown
are herewith provided below. in Figure 8. The performance data shown in Figure 9(b)
suggests that the shroud labelled with 0.0476 provides the
3. Impeller Aerodynamic Design largest gain in efficiency. Although the required power for
the 0.0476 shroud is slightly increased, it is used in the final
3.1. Hub and Shroud/Bellmouth Designs. Since flow separa- design.
tions at the shroud in front of the blade leading edges were CFD prediction results were also made for the 11-
predicted for the two existing impellers, further improve- bladed B#2 impeller, which was constructed based on the
ment in impeller performance would require reducing this 12-bladed impeller to maintain a constant throat area, that
shroud flow separation. The large curvature of the shroud is, at the location with the maximum blade thickness. The
as it approaches the blade may be partially responsible for advantage of adapting the 11 blade arrangement is to reduce
the flow separation seen at the shroud due to the dif- ShaftPWR by 2.38% for the impeller with the 0.0476 shroud
ficulty of the boundary layer to remain attached as the as compared with the 12-bladed impeller with the same
flow negotiates the turn near the shroud. In Figure 9(a), shroud curvature. Although a drop of 2.14% in total head for
6 International Journal of Rotating Machinery
Objectives: CFD grid associated with the newly deformed blade shape
GA ShaftPWR and within SCULPTOR.
ImpPWRout The design requirements called for improving the effi-
Design parameters ciency of lift fan while meeting the set design criteria for the
output fluid power delivered by the impeller. Conventionally,
Fitness values design optimization can be carried out for such a problem
by either performing a multiobjective optimization or by
Gridgen using constraints to limit the shaft power and to maximize
and SCULPTOR CRUNCH CFD the output power. We utilized a mathematical function that
was a combination of a target efficiency (95%) and a target
power requirement as an objective function. CRUNCH CFD
Design grids are Designs from
created based on previous generations are calculated flow parameters as presented in (4)–(6). The
ASD grid saved in parametric space objective of the GA was to measure the distance from a target
and their flow solutions ShaftPWR and output power, that is,
used as initial guess 2
(ShaftPWR − 581)2 + ImpPWRout − 552
Figure 10: Flowchart for blade optimization. dobj = . (7)
For this case, the targeted ShaftPWR and output power
were set at 581 and 552 kWs, respectively. The objective
the latter impeller occurred, the efficiency was maintained. function was set to compare impeller B#1’s performance data
These results led to the decision to choose the 11-bladed of 603.3 and 558.5 kWs, which has an impeller efficiency of
0.0476 shroud profile impeller configuration. In addition, 92.6% as described previously. The optimization calculation
this modification required a blade redesign to recover the was to minimize this objective function. Due to the time
drop in the total head. constraint during the design phase, a total of 48 designs
were analyzed during the design iterations. In Figure 12, the
impeller total head generated and efficiency associated with
3.2. 2D Blade Profile Optimization. A GA-based procedure each blade design during the 6 generation calculations are
was used for optimization of the impeller blade. Since im- plotted in black diamond symbols versus the shaft power.
peller B#2’s blade performs better than the B#1 impeller The impeller head is nearly linear in relationship to the shaft
as shown in the last section, the B#2 blade shape was power. The shaft power values for the B#1 impeller and the
used as the starting geometry and all changes to the blade design power threshold of 4.7% and goal of 10% reduction
shapes were made through a network of Bezier curves. The are also marked in each plot. The selected 2D blade shape,
GA uses the traditional selection, crossover, and mutation circled in the solid black circle in Figure 12, has a near peak
operators, whose implementation details are provided in fitness value plotted in Figure 13 and the highest efficiency
[14]. A schematic of the design optimization framework is in Figure 12 among all GA designs. The fitness plot in
shown in Figure 10. Variables that represent deformation of Figure 13 is an inverse measurement of the defined objective
the blade shape by moving the control points were passed by function shown in (7). The final unconventional 2D design
the GA to SCULPTOR where the shape modifications and from the GA design iteration is shown in Figure 14. The
grid alterations were performed. The grids were then passed increased loading of the blade near midchord resulted in flow
to CRUNCH CFD and the performance of the altered designs acceleration especially near the shroud where the original
was evaluated. The performance metrics in the form of the blades were prone to a large area of flow separation. This
objective functions were passed back to the GA for the next blade shape generated a total head of 1.459 Pref at 93.68%
design iteration. efficiency and requires a shaft power of 0.926 PWRref . Some
The blade shapes were defined by a complex network small modifications were made to the 2D blade through a
control points which form an arbitrary shape deformation steering process followed by the construction of a 3D blade
(ASD) grid (Figure 11(a)) that was generated utilizing the by sweeping the 2D sections. The steering process and 3D
SCULPTOR tool. The blade shape was parameterized by blade construction is discussed in the following sections. The
10 design variables of 5 control points (5 design variables prediction results for all these later modifications are also
on the pressure side and 5 design variables on the suction plotted in Figures 12 and 13 as “Non-GA” points. After the
side shown in Figures 11(b) and 11(c)). The grouping of final 3D modification, the fitness and efficiency are further
control points was implemented in the spanwise direction improved from those obtained for the 2D blade design by
to ensure that the integrity of the 2D shape was maintained. GA. The peak of the “Non-GA” points in Figure 13 was not
GRIDGEN was used to generate the initial CFD grid for the selected due to the aggressiveness of the design which will be
original blade shape and subsequent grids were automatically described in the next section.
generated with shape deformation propagating through the
grids. The deformation was performed on a 2D airfoil shape 3.3. Steering of Blade Shape. The 2D blade cross-section de-
and maintained along the spanwise direction. Furthermore sign described in the previous section was performed in a
the deformation was propagated to the grid points of the relatively conservative manner due to an “unknown” cou-
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 7
ASD grid
CFD grid
ASD chordwise grid
Control points
(b) (c)
Figure 11: Blade design parameters are defined with ASD grid (a) a 3D view; (b) a chordwise view with a deformed blade; (c) a close-up
view at the trailing-edge region of the deformed blade.
1.6 96
Impeller total pressure/Pref
1.5 94
Impeller efficiency
10% (0.852)
1.4 92
B#1 (0.945)
10% (0.852)
4.7% (0.902)
B#1 (0.945)
4.7% (0.902)
1.3 90
0.8 0.84 0.88 0.92 0.96 1 0.8 0.84 0.88 0.92 0.96 1
ShaftPWR/PWRref ShaftPWR/PWRref
GA-gen6 GA-gen6
Non-GA Non-GA
(a) (b)
Figure 12: Landscape of optimization process in total pressure and efficiency versus ShaftPWR (black solid circle indicates result obtained
from 2D design, blue dash circle is from 2D steering, and red dash-dot circle is from 3D design).
pling effect from the downstream volute. In addition, the that is, steer blade-1 and steer blade, with minor changes in
period of the design phase was limited. In order to further their trailing-edge profiles (i.e., trailing-edge angle to reduce
enhance the gain in reducing the shaft power, a trailing- blade turning) from the 2D design blade. The calculated shaft
edge modification was adapted. Since the blade trailing edges power, total head, and efficiency are 0.870 PWRref , 1.376 Pref ,
are placed at the maximum velocity region of the entire fan and 93.87% for the steer blade-1; 0.896 PWRref , 1.414 Pref ,
flow field, the effect of modifying the trailing-edge shape can and 93.8% for the steer blade. The impeller efficiencies of the
be dramatic. Figure 15 demonstrates two steering profiles, two steer blades and the 2D design blade are almost identical.
8 International Journal of Rotating Machinery
Steer blade-1
Total pressure/Pref
Impeller efficiency
1.4 92
0.115 0.12 0.125 0.13 0.135 0.14 0.115 0.12 0.125 0.13 0.135 0.14
Width/D Width/D
Flow recirculation
Shroud Z
Zoom-in view Y
Flow measuring chamber FanPWRout = [(∆Pt )lift · Qlift + (∆Pt )thruster · Qthruster ], (8)
ηfan = . (9)
Shaft ShaftPWR
There are two other parameters related to the lift-side
performance. They are lift-side total and static efficiencies,
which were calculated as follows:
(∆Pt )lift · Qlift
ηt lift = , (10)
Lift exhaust duct Fan Thruster nozzle ShaftPWR
Figure 20: Centrifugal fan test rig.
(∆Ps )lift · Qlift
ηs lift = . (11)
The grid topology used for the impeller design calcula-
4. Prediction of Fan Performance tion shown in Figure 5 was maintained. Depending on the
number of blades designed for each fan, the total impeller
4.1. Computational Method for Fan Flow Field. In order to
grid was approximately 3 to 4 million cells. The correspond-
evaluate the fan performance, it is necessary to include the
volute with each impeller. Since the volute outer casing con- ing volute for each fan had approximately 1.5 million cells.
figuration is a structural constraint, it stays the same for all The converged volute solution for the baseline B#1 impeller
fans, the volute flow field and its feedback to the impeller are was first obtained by adjusting the pressures at the two exits
modified for changes in the impeller exit conditions and the to reach the design lift flowrate. Similar exit pressures were
volute-side’s bellmouth and shroud shapes. applied for all other impeller calculations to obtain the lift
The impeller flow field is unsteady and periodic due to flowrates shown in Tables 2 and 3.
the interaction between each blade and the asymmetric vo-
lute casing (Figure 2), particularly at the two tongue loca- 4.2. Impeller/Volute Coupling Solutions. Table 2 shows the
tions. This time-varying flow field could be approximated by performance data obtained from the impeller/volute cou-
a time-averaged or steady flow field with a fixed geometric pling calculations for all fans. Adapted from the grid topol-
relationship between the impeller and the volute. This ogy used for the impeller design CFD, the impeller grid
simplification is referred to as the frozen impeller approach. ended at a fixed radius for all coupling calculations except
It computes the entire (all blades included) impeller steady for the NEW impeller, which ended at a slightly smaller
flow field in the rotational frame and converts the flow radius. In order to compare the performance with similar
field information to a stationary frame at an interface near grid features for all fans, the NEW-x grid was generated
the impeller exit to the downstream volute. The steady
by radially extending the shroud of the NEW impeller.
nonrotating volute flow is calculated from the interface
Since the impeller width plays an essential role in the
to each volute exit. The conditions at the interface serve
impeller performance, a wider width impeller was generated
as information exchange between the impeller and the volute
for comparison and is labelled as the NEW-w impeller.
and are obtained as a part of the solution. The process is
In addition, the fan total-to-total efficiency is calculated
accomplished by convergence of key quantities such as the
in Table 2 using (8) and (9). The lift-side static and total pres-
total pressures and mass flow rates at the impeller inlet,
sures, along with their efficiencies are also tabulated. The
interface, and volute outlets.
volute losses (column “Loss”) at the lift side were estimated
For the impeller-flow calculation, all boundary condi-
by subtracting the lift-side total pressure from the impeller
tions used for the CFD design calculations were maintained
head (del Pt ).
except for eliminating the periodic boundary condition and
It is interesting to note that the B#2 impeller now requires
controlling the exit back pressure through the interface
less shaft power (0.8%) than the B#1 impeller. The NEW
information exchange. For the volute-flow calculation, the
mass-averaged discharge pressures from the two exits are impeller reduces shaft power by 5.76% from the baseline.
prescribed to keep (a) the required flow to the lift side, (b) When the volute was coupled with the impeller, the impeller
the extended surface from the impeller backplate modelled efficiency for the NEW impeller dropped from the impeller-
as a symmetry plane, (c) the shroud as the rotating wall, and design prediction of 95.5% to 89%. Similar reductions were
(d) all other casing surfaces as no-slip walls. predicted for the B#1 and B#2 impellers, that is, from 93%
The fan performance parameters were evaluated dif- to 88%. A total drop of five to six percentage points in the
ferently from the impeller design calculation. The shaft impeller efficiency with the volute feedback is considered.
power was calculated using (4) while Timp was obtained by When the losses in the volute were included, the total fan
integrating the torque from all the impeller blades. The fan efficiency further reduced to between 76.9% and 78.3% for
output power and the total-to-total efficiency were calculated all fans except the B#2 impeller which decreased to 74%. The
using the following formulae: dramatic reduction in the volute loss for the NEW impeller
International Journal of Rotating Machinery
Table 2: Fan performance data obtained from impeller/volute coupling CFD.
Shaft Imp Eff lift Eff lift Lift Flow
Fan del Pt /Pref Effimp (%) Efffan (%) Width/D Ps lift/Pref Pt lift/Pref Loss/Pref
power/PWRref PWRout /PWRref (total) (%) (static) (%) (%)
B#1 0.918 0.812 1.366 88.4 76.9 0.1208 1.187 1.227 0.139 0.451 0.437 56.7
B#2 0.911 0.808 1.359 88.7 74.0 0.1350 1.092 1.142 0.217 0.417 0.399 55.9
NEW 0.865 0.759 1.278 87.8 76.9 0.1213 1.144 1.187 0.091 0.461 0.444 57.0
NEW-x 0.865 0.770 1.297 89.0 78.1 0.1213 1.139 1.182 0.115 0.458 0.441 56.5
NEW-w 0.871 0.782 1.315 89.8 78.3 0.1237 1.154 1.196 0.119 0.460 0.443 56.5
12 International Journal of Rotating Machinery
0 0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Flow coefficient Flow coefficient Flow coefficient
Figure 21: Measured lift pressure coefficient compared with the requirement and CFD predictions for the B#1, B#2, and NEW impellers.
4.3. Impeller/Volute Coupling Solutions with Shroud Gap Ef-
6 fect. The shroud gap between the stationary bellmouth and
Reduction (%)
14 International Journal of Rotating Machinery
5. Design Validation through Model Fan Test required power shown in (3), respectively. In other words,
the B#2 and NEW impellers reduce the shaft power by 2.2%
Test data for all three fans was collected from the 1/5-scale and 8.8%, respectively, in comparison with the B#1 impeller.
fan test rig as shown in Figure 20. The performance test set- The NEW impeller has achieved twice the amount of power
up was constructed using the American National Standards reduction from the baseline B#1 impeller and agrees well
Institute (ANSI)/Air Movement and Control Association with the CFD predictions shown in the last section.
(AMCA) standards [8] as a reference. For model Reynolds
number (Re) to be similar to the full-scale value, the model
test would ideally be run at 5-times the full-scale speed of 6. Summary and Conclusion
1692 rpm. Following the Re suggestion of Phelan et al. [18],
A double-inlet, double-width impeller was modified to fit
Re based on U and D should be between 1.0 × 106 for the
into a baseline double-discharge volute for a centrifugal
backward-swept centrifugal fans and 2.0 × 106 for airfoil-
fan. The goal was to reduce power consumption while
bladed centrifugal fans to reach the Re independent regime.
maintaining a specified output pressure at the lift-side volute
The current measurements were limited to a maximum
exit. The design modification was completed by decoupling
impeller speed of 5212 rpm. For this case, the Re at this
the impeller from the volute. Using the developed design
model operating condition is 1.8 × 106 . The measured
strategy, the following results are identified.
lift-side static pressure coefficient versus the lift-side flow
coefficient is plotted in Figure 21 for the three impellers. The (i) The impeller-only calculations for the baseline B#1
uncertainty of the measured pressure was estimated to be impeller and the reference B#2 impeller indicate that
within 0.25% [8] at design conditions. Comparisons shown the total efficiencies of both existing impellers are
in Figure 21 include the original design required pressure high (above 92%). This suggests that conventional
rise, model test data, and CFD predictions for the full-scale design methods such as a streamline curvature or
(FS) and model-scale (MS) fans. The latter calculations for an inviscid calculation method would be inadequate
the MS fans were performed using the MS Re number, which in addressing any aerodynamic improvements to
is about 12% of the FS Re number. There existed a sudden the existing impellers. In addition, a computational
pressure drop in all three fans at the point the fans went into method accounting for all the aerodynamic losses is
stall conditions. For the B#1 impeller, a sudden pressure rise required.
exists near the design condition. This rise in pressure does
not occur for the other two impellers. This phenomenon (ii) The flow turning area from the axial to the radial
may be attributed to the fan testing conditions being close direction in front of the blade leading edge is required
to the flow transition region, where separated and reattached to be adequately designed to avoid the shroud flow
flows were interchanged to affect the sudden pressure rise separation. A blade leading-edge extension and sweep
and drop. into the shroud turning area prevents the air from
CFD predictions shown in Figure 21 for the FS and MS separating from the shroud surface and improves
fans clearly demonstrate the Re effect, which is larger for the the impeller’s efficiency. This allows the 14-bladed
B#1 and B#2 impellers than the NEW impeller. CFD results baseline B#1 impeller to be redesigned as the 11-
also include predictions using off-design flow rates. The MS bladed NEW impeller.
CFD predictions agree well with the model test data for both (iii) The 2D blade profile optimization, based on a
B#1 and NEW impellers, particularly the rise and fall for the numerical coupling between a CFD calculation and
NEW impeller. The CFD underpredicts the lift pressure for a genetic algorithm optimization scheme, is able
the B#2 impeller which may have resulted from the deviation to achieve a composite objective with a projected
in geometry used for the calculations and the experiments. shaft power and a power output. The optimization
Figure 22 provides comparisons of the reductions in various improves the impeller efficiency from 92.6% to
fan performance parameters obtained from the differences 93.7%.
between the MS and the FS fan calculations among three
impellers. The NEW impeller has the smallest performance (iv) Blade trailing-edge shape control (or blade steering)
variation in almost all the parameters predicted, particularly effectively modifies the impeller exit flow and reduces
for the volute losses as pointed out previously. power (from 0.945 to 0.896 PWRref or a 31.3 kW
Comparing the design requirement with the measured reduction) while maintaining efficiency.
data, it is obvious from Figure 21 that both impellers B#1 (v) The width of the impeller is almost linearly related
and B#2 generate more-than-required pressure at the volute to the impeller total head generated. However, the
lift-side discharge. This verifies the conclusion obtained in impeller efficiency remains nearly constant while the
the previous section and confirms the feasibility of further width changes.
reducing power consumption. Specifically, the measured lift-
side pressures for the B#1, B#2, and NEW impellers are The CFD calculations for evaluating the fan performance
13.8%, 9.6%, and 3.7% higher than the required pressure were performed using a frozen impeller approach to compute
(shown in (2)) at the design condition, respectively. Similarly, the steady flows throughout the impeller and the volute.
the measured power reductions for the three impellers at the CFD predictions were validated with the measurements. The
design condition are 5.7%, 7.8%, and 14.0% lower than the conclusions drawn from the comparisons are as follows.
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 15
(i) Volute feedback to the impeller reduces impeller Pref : Reference pressure, 7517 Pa
efficiency by five to six percentage points from Q: Flow rate
the original range of 93–95%. Fan efficiency is Re: Reynolds number
further reduced to the 74–78% range by including ShaftPWR: Shaft power
the volute losses. The matching volute design plays an PWRref : Reference power, 638.3 kW
important role in determining fan efficiency, which is t: Time
improved by 1.2% for the new fan over the baseline T: Impeller torque
fan. U: Fan tip speed (141.77 m/s@design
(ii) The shroud gap between the bellmouth and the
Uo : Inlet velocity
shroud carries less than 1% of the inflow back from
u,v,w: Fluid velocity components
the volute to the impeller for the current fans. It
x, y, z: Cartesian coordinate system
also reduces fan efficiency by 0.5%. Although the gap
ε: Turbulent dissipation
flow alleviates the shroud flow separation, it affects
η: Total efficiency
the blade trailing-edge flow, particularly at the volute
ρ: Air density
tongue locations.
ω: Impeller rotating speed.
(iii) The test data of the lift-side pressure rise for the
existing and new impellers agrees well with the CFD
predictions based on the model Reynolds number. Subscripts
The CFD predictions suggest that a Reynolds number
effect exists between the model- and full-scale fans. thruster: Thruster side of the fan
This Reynolds number effect is larger for the existing imp: Impeller
impellers as compared to the new impeller. lift: Lift side of the fan
out: Output
(iv) The comparisons between the CFD predictions and s: Static pressure
measurements confirm that the existing fan was t: Total pressure.
overpowered at design, which enabled a new impeller
design with a lower power requirement. The mea-
sured power reduction for the new impeller is 8.8% Acknowledgments
lower than the baseline. This reduction in power
agrees with the 8.7% reduction obtained from the This paper was funded by the Office of Naval Research,
CFD predictions. Code 331 as part of the lift-fan efforts of the Seabase-to-
Shore FNC Program. The ONR Program Manager was Dr.
Ki-Han Kim. This paper was prepared under the support
Disclosure of the Applied Research Program of the Office of Naval
Research administered at the Naval Surface Warfare Center,
This material is declared a work of the U.S. Government and Carderock Division under the IAR Program. The com-
is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. putational resources from the Naval Oceanographic Office
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Major Shared Resource Center (NAVOCEANO MSRC) were
provided through the DoD High Performance Computing
Abbreviations Modernization Program (HPCMP).
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