ADL Future of Pharmacovigilance 1674559487
ADL Future of Pharmacovigilance 1674559487
ADL Future of Pharmacovigilance 1674559487
While assessing the safety and efficacy of medicines Dr. Sabine Jeck-Thole, MD
is the bedrock in drug research, vaccine development
Ben Enejo
during the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the
changes in the types of medicines developed today
and the stakeholder management required for
successful adoption. Enabled by new treatment
paradigms, digital transformation, advanced
technology applications, data availability, and
the patient-centric focus, the changing ecosystem
requires new capabilities in assessing the safety of
medicines and managing the new entities at play.
This Viewpoint explores strategies for innovative
companies to excel with the industry shift, focusing
on pharmacovigilance (PV) as a strategic advantage.
NE VER BEEN MORE CRITICAL is that the positive treatment effects — the
DISRUP TORS HERE TO S TAY The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the use of
transformative medicines and especially mRNA
While COVID-19 vaccine development raised technology. While addressing unmet patient
legitimate questions, we believe that it is needs is exciting and rewarding, the novel
emblematic of the disruptions that are driving treatments, such as chimeric antigen receptor
the ecosystem change. As with any seismic (CAR)-T cell and curative gene therapies, require
shift in an industry, businesses that are aware, a transformation of PV expertise compared to
ready, and equipped for the changes will be best the established, chemical-synthesized small
positioned to thrive. For PV, organizations will molecule drugs.
have to address the following three areas.
2. Digitalization & access to more & new data
1. New treatment paradigms
Electronic health records, the Internet of
Precision medicine (also referred to as Things, and medical devices linked to the cloud
personalized treatment or targeted therapies) enable the generation of an unprecedented and
contrasts significantly with the traditional one- astronomically high amount of data. Devices,
approach-fits-all model. It aims at improving such as wearables and apps, are increasingly
health outcomes by utilizing genomic, proteomic, used to allow participation in clinical trials,
metabolomic, and other biomarkers. Genotyping monitor patient progress, and collect and handle
is described in some labels as a predictive safety data. Digital technology can provide access to
measure (e.g., carbamazepine and abacavir), but routine and additional risk-mitigation activities
pharmacogenomics is not broadly introduced in in clinical practice (e.g., package inserts).
the PV routine. There are only a limited number However, various areas require clarification,
of randomized clinical trials that demonstrate including the following questions:
the advantages of drug selection and dose
adoption for the individual patient in reaching
- What are the consequences for PV regarding
the information coming from, for example,
the drug’s optimal benefit-risk ratio. For various
an activity tracker?
reasons, the few trials that exist do not prove the
predictability of the biomarker for recommending - Is there an obligation for a pharmaceutical
genotype-guided treatment. company to collect, process, and report
“accidental information”? And, if so, what
would be the added value for a product safety
WHILE ADDRESSING assessment using that data?
- Is there an adverse event reporter in data
IS E XCITING AND collected from social media?
REWARDING, THE NOVEL Digital symptom management using smart tools
TRE ATMENTS REQUIRE may improve patient safety, quality of life, and
A TR ANSFORMATION outcome. Moreover, these systems could have
the functionality to capture and analyze real-
world data. Various workstreams at the European
Medicines Agency (EMA), the US Food and Drug
Over the past three decades, biologics have Administration (FDA), and the US National
revolutionized drug development. These mostly Institutes of Health (NIH) are also working with
high-cost compounds offer new therapeutic experts from epidemiology, statistics, and
options for several chronic and sometimes computer science, among others, on strategies
life-threatening diseases (e.g., in oncology, for the effective management and analyses of
immunology, and various rare diseases). these data streams. At present, there is a lack of
Various companies have recently added “patient Furthermore, PV units will need to develop or
safety” to their PV department name to reflect contribute to a framework and training to ensure
the commitment to patient involvement in that the way a company is using advanced tools
medical decision making, their preferences, and and digitalization adds value to PV topics and is
perspectives. This is a first step and a move in the compliant with respective regulations.
right direction.
Furthermore, the safety profiling of medicinal innovative and/or complex trial designs,
products and the evaluation of the benefit-risk accelerated patient recruitment, regulatory fast-
balance historically have been conducted with track designations, public-private partnerships,
information that does not represent a diverse and so on, can only be addressed by multi-
to knowledge gaps regarding safety between come together from the pharmaceutical industry,
trials and real-world scenarios with an impact academia, HAs, and patient organizations.
on confidence in medicinal products and latent These new models work best when roles and
unforeseen consequences for the impacted responsibilities are clearly detailed and mutually
patient group (see Figure 2). PV will have to play a agreed upon, such as in a PV agreement, and
Figure 2. Accrual ofrole
significant minorities to
in closing the gaps clinical
in trial diversity. trials
when PV has the opportunity to contribute to
public consultations.
2% 2% 2% 3% 3% 5% 4%
14% 16% 17% 19% 21% Across all trial
22% 25%
phases (1999–2019)