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Understanding Risk in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains

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Understanding risk

in pharmaceutical
supply chains
Catherine Geyman1, Ettore Settanni2, Jagjit Singh Srai2.

Contributing partners within the ReMediES consortium:

AstraZeneca, DHL, GSK, Intersys1, Munich RE,
University of Cambridge2, Walgreen Boots Alliance.

© The authors, 2020

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beyond the scope of this license are administered by
the University of Cambridge on behalf of ReMediES. For
information on how to request permission please contact
the authors at: cim-admin@eng.cam.ac.uk

This work is attributed to the Authors and the original

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Please reference as:

Geyman C., Settanni, E. and Srai J.S. (2020),
Understanding risk in pharmaceutical supply chains.

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Understanding risk
in pharmaceutical
supply chains

INTRODUCTION - Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Risk 4

– Introduction to ReMediES and supply network risk 4

– Key outputs 4

Predicting Disruption Through Incident Data Analysis 5

– Data Gathering and Analysis 5

– Key Triggers for Drug Shortages 6

Identifying Risk Interdependencies 7

– Defining a sector-wide pharmaceutical supply chain

risk classification 7

– Understanding interdependencies between risks:

A Gamification approach 7

Evaluating risks and benefits in Just-In-Time clinical supply 9

– Inventory in pharmaceutical supply chains 9

– The “JIT pharmacy” concept 9

Concluding remarks on pharmaceutical supply chain risk 11

– Academic references 12
Supply Chain Risk

Introduction to ReMediES and supply network risk

The ReMediES (Reconfiguring Medicines End-to-end Supply) project -

involving 22 industrial partners comprising global pharmaceutical companies,
major contract manufacturing organisations, equipment manufacturers,
and logistics specialists – examined future pharmaceutical supply chains
supported by novel technology.

These technology interventions spanned the

end-to-end pharmaceutical supply chain: R&D,
Primary Manufacturing, Secondary Manufacturing,
and Distribution to patients. The ReMediES project
delivered outputs that are captured in Badman and
Srai (2018) – see academic references at the end
of this document.

This briefing sets out the key outputs emerging

from the strand of activity linked specifically to
the management of pharmaceutical supply risk.

Key Outputs
There are multiple challenges involved in the This project therefore offers multiple lenses
supply of pharmaceuticals. Some of these include to focus on pharmaceutical supply chain risk:
quality and availability of key ingredients, as well
1. Real-world data analysis to aid better prediction
as issues around the authenticity of drug products.
of disruptions and supply shortages;
The safety and reliability of medicines supply is 2. Expert-driven risk prioritisation, to unravel
often affected by long lead times, complex global complex interdependencies between potential
manufacturing footprints, and the challenges these causes of supply failure;
presents on forecast accuracy. Supply security is
3. Simulation-based assessment of new
further compounded by the need to comply with
manufacturing technologies to mitigate
strict requirements in manufacturing, and regulatory
disruption and reduce inventory.
scrutiny that may result in production disruptions.
Outputs are generated at three levels, each
Risk in this context is often associated with drug contributing to more informed risk mitigation:
shortages: events that prevent patients getting
the right medicines at the right time. In traditional • Industry-wide: Informing institutional action
supply chains, supply risk is typically managed ahead of disruptive events;
through increased inventory. However, excessive • Commercial Supply Chain: prioritising mitigation
inventory is unsustainable, and may conceal the actions based on system-wide potential impacts;
variety of factors that may result in supply disruption. • Clinical Supply Chain: Inventory and waste
reduction implications from the adoption of
Just-in-time production.


Predicting Disruption Through
Incident Data Analysis
In the last decade the global pharmaceutical market has faced critical
shortages of certain types of drugs, reaching crisis point in 2011. The number
of new drug shortages reported annually is on the rise again, prompting the
study of historical datasets to identify which disruption events and supply
chain characteristics are most likely to trigger shortages.

Data Gathering and Analysis

The study considered the following datasets: The analysis focussed on two industry incident
datasets (US FDA Product Shortages and US
• Internal company data: collected from supply
Enforcement Reports) concluding that:
chain risk experts.
• Industry wide data: Public domain data from • Alimentary tract and Metabolism was
US and EU regulators, which describe: the most frequently disrupted ATC
Therapeutic Area.
• Most frequent root causes.
• Most influential product and process • By dosage form, injectable drugs were the
characteristics. most troublesome across the same two
datasets, reflecting the greater challenges
• Non-compliance events.
associated with sterile manufacturing (see
Across both internal and industry datasets, chart opposite).
there are some attributed root causes that most
frequently occur, namely demand variability and Additional evidence from the US FDA Inspection
quality issues. Within quality issues, most are due results and EMA GMP Non-Compliance reports
to inadequate procedures, or poor adherence illustrates the influence of geographic location of
to them. facilities on poor inspection outcomes, in particular,
China and India are the two countries most likely
to have adverse results (see map below).

Courtesy of Intersys

FDA Drug Inspections resulting in OAI (adverse FDA inspections) from 2008 -2017, normalised by #inspections
Colour coding represents; Order of Likelihood; >8%, 6.5-7.999%, 6-6.499%, 5-5.999%, <5%)

The disruption that follows an adverse inspection Beyond the contextual factors outlined above,
outcome should not be underestimated. analysis of events preceding drug shortages
Disruptions are often significant as companies yielded further insights on the operational
attempt to resolve issues, in order to avoid the triggers contributing to drug shortages.
ultimate sanction of regulatory shutdown. These triggers are set out on the next page.


Key Triggers for Drug Shortages
For drugs reported as in shortage or discontinued by the FDA as of August
2018, further analysis identified linkages to preceding interruption events
impacting the relevant companies.

Events such as Warning Letters, Recalls, The most frequent ‘triggering event’ was an
Import Alerts, Certificate Withdrawals and adverse FDA inspection (OAI) which preceded
adverse Inspection Results were considered, 69% of individual shortages; 73% if Product
up to 4 years prior to the interruption. This Discontinuations are excluded. This result
represents an upper bound on the time it takes reflects company responses to an adverse
to impact the market (due to long cycle times, inspection result: typically, a company will initiate
lengthy remediation plans and significant safety remediation works which will at worst interrupt
stock holdings). production over months/years, or at best, divert
scarce resources from normal production
activities, potentially impacting quality.

% of FDA Drug Shortages & FDA Enforcement Reports

(Recalls) by Dosage Form (Top 10)

Courtesy of Intersys

Of the 33 parent companies reporting In conclusion: drug supply disruptions are

shortages, 19 experienced major network triggered by a wide variety of complex, often
interruptions which resulted in manufacturing interdependent events. However, if a company
stoppages or prolonged slowdowns. Downtime that manufactures injectable drugs in an already
at each impacted plant often triggered multiple constrained marketplace, receives an adverse
drug shortages. inspection report, then that manufacturer should
Product discontinuations also appear to be be flagged as ‘at risk’ and shortages could be
influenced by drug pricing. Many ‘hard to expected to follow.
make’, sterile generics have low, set prices. These insights have been used to support
With increasing costs and relatively low risk categorisation and consolidation, with
margins in the generics sector, license holders an updated risk assessment tool for incident
often withdraw from the market, increasing monitoring being developed through Intersys
the fragility of the supply base. (available at https://supplychain-risk.com/


Identifying Risk Interdependencies
Defining a sector-wide pharmaceutical supply chain
risk classification

This activity sought to categorise and prioritise a generic set of risks

within pharmaceutical supply chains, and then to understand possible
interdependencies between them. The proposed approach is described
in details in Settanni et al (2018) – see academic references at the end
of this document

Risk assessment within the industry typically extensive industry-academic workshop

focuses on a specific event within a complex discussions, leading to the identification of
manufacturing supply chain. However, mitigation an initial set of 121 risks through the supply
strategies should consider multiple events that, chain. These were grouped according to 27
in combination, may result in significant supply root causes.
failures. These interdependencies may be
difficult to quantify, and are rarely considered The chosen experts represented a typical
by risk professionals. end-to-end pharmaceutical supply chain,
coming from businesses involved in primary
One of the outputs of this activity was an agreed, and secondary manufacturing, distribution and
sector-wide view on risk in pharmaceutical retail pharmacy, as well as risk consultancy.
supply chains. Risks were identified through

Understanding interdependencies between risks:

A Gamification approach

In a follow-up step, supply chain risk experts

were asked to identify which risks may influence
The direct influence of other risks, and what is the magnitude of such
each risk item on any linkages. Addressing these questions gave a
other item is related deep understanding of possible interactions
between risk events.
Swipe Left Swipe Right
To facilitate a user-friendly interrogation of risk
interdependencies, a gamification app (pictured
left) was developed so that risk experts could
evaluate the potential 539 links arising from the
74 risks items identified.

Expert engagement through the gamification

A mobile application app for the assessment of risk interdependencies
designed to elicit produced a network visualisation of risk
knowledge from risk interdependencies (picture overleaf), and the
management experts associated network analytics.


Risk network visualisation: a) overall interdependencies between risks (the stronger
the relationship, the darker the arc); b) Detail on sub-network centred on a specific risks

A: B:

The interactive visualisation tool allowed The analysis yielded a concise “two-by-two”
the experts to further examine specific risks categorisation of the 74 risks (graphically
of interest and highlight those most directly plotted below):
linked to them. Analytics were deployed to I. Upper-Left: Influential risks.
compute how risk propagates throughout
II. Upper-Right: Unstable risks, both influential
the network, as any risks may in depend,
and dependent.
or exert an influence on any other.
III. Lower-Right: Dependent risks.
IV. Lower-Left: Mostly autonomous risks.

Risks categorisation plots. Those included in the upper-right quadrant can be unstable
and difficult to predict, whilst risks in the bottom-left and can be safely discarded


Evaluating risks and benefits
in Just-In-Time clinical supply
Inventory in pharmaceutical supply chains

Conflicting objectives are not uncommon in managing inventories

in pharmaceutical supply chains: excess stock could improve service;
however holding inventory is costly, and may eventually result in
write-offs and disposal of unused medicines.

Project ReMediES has explored a range of commercial supply chains, particularly due to
manufacturing technologies targeting inventory increased personalisation; more responsive
reduction whilst improving service to patients. supply requirements; and potentially more
distributed manufacturing footprints.
Within the risk strand, activities were carried
out to examine trade-offs between service Unlike the analyses presented in the previous
improvement and holding inventory. A case section, looking at inventory dynamics required
study in Clinical Trial Supply Chain (CTSC) more detailed, quantitative data. Technical
delivering investigation medicinal products details are provided in Settanni and Srai (2018)
was considered to test different replenishment – see academic references at the end of this
models. These challenges are of course not document.
unique to the CTSC, and can apply to future

The “JIT pharmacy” concept

A commonly held view is that high availability In particular, expected performance levels
in multiple locations globally is only achieved in terms of inventory emerge from dynamic
at the expense of efficiency. In current CTSC interaction between the demand and supply
settings, it is not uncommon that less than half based factors over time. The following factors
of manufactured investigational medicine were included:
products are likely to be used by clinics.
– Geographically dispersed demand signals:
This provides a strong motivation for exploring - How the clinical study design develops,
automation and industrial digitalisation
- Recurrence of clinic visits,
technologies. An innovative ‘just-in-time’
pharmacy concept was tested in a simulation - Quantity of medicine dispersed.
environment, comparing the performance of a – Manufacturing capabilities:
hypothetical CTSC that featured this technology
– Cycle times,
intervention, to that of a conventional CTSC. The
introduction of just-in-time principles, enabled by – Inspection outcomes,
new manufacturing technologies, challenges – Replenishment/reorder policies.
commonly held views on the relationship
between holding inventory, and attaining high Simulating with different assumptions on
service levels. inventory stock levels and logistics policies
provides sensitivity analysis and revised policy
holding strategies at the various stock holding
points. JIT technology interventions,
demonstrated potential to produce stock near
on-demand, with potential reductions in unused
inventory of between 67% to over 80% in the
particular case considered here.


Concluding remarks
on pharmaceutical
supply chain risk

The work led by the Centre for International Manufacturing in

collaboration with Intersys and other industry partners, provides
a multi-disciplinary view on the nature of risk in pharmaceutical
supply chains: from the statistical analysis of supply disruption
events, to risk interdependencies across the end-to-end supply
chain, through to the evaluation of new technology interventions
in terms of inventory, waste and service levels.

Analysing mitigation strategies is crucial to As with other strands within ReMediES, this
inform supplier selection, order allocation, activity has benefited from successful pre-
facility locations, inventory levels and overall competitive collaboration between industry
coordination across the supply chain. Insights and academia. Building on unprecedented
from this research will inform future supply chain engagement with supply chain risk experts,
resilience strategies in medicines manufacturing. and “real-world” data, this research contributes
to making an impact on industry practice, by
Unlike previous research, pharmaceutical supply
providing novel approaches and tools to support
chain risk was approached from multiple levels
pharmaceutical supply chain risk analysis.
of analysis – macro (whole sector), meso
(individual supply chains), and micro (unit
operations technology. Risks were not considered
in isolation, rather, they were characterised and
prioritised based on possible interrelationships
between them. Supply network design tools
were deployed to evaluate novel technology
interventions that challenge commonplace
trade-offs between economic efficiency and
medicines overage in CTSC, as well as future
commercial supply chains.


Centre for International Manufacturing (CIM)
CIM is a research centre at the Institute for Manufacturing
focusing on strategic and operations management research
in close collaboration with industrial partners. The Centre
has developed a strong industrial–policymaking–academic
community and provides expertise and support in the area
of international manufacturing and global value networks,
with particular focus on capability development and strategic
network design. It provides briefings on globalisation and
international manufacturing for industry and government.

Institute for Manufacturing (IfM)

The IfM is part of the University of Cambridge’s Department
of Engineering. It brings together expertise in management,
technology and policy to address the full spectrum of issues
which can help industry and governments create sustainable
economic growth.

Academic references
Badman, C. and Srai, J.S. (2018), ReMediES: Collaborative
research in action.
Available at https//:remediesproject.com/

Settanni, Ettore; Srai, Jagjit Singh; Kumar, Mukesh (2018):

“Identifying risk interdependencies in pharmaceutical supply
chains through gamification-enabled structural modelling”.
In : Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Decision
Sciences Institute.
Chicago, IL, 17-19 November, pp. 731–745.

Settanni, E. and Srai, J.S. (2018),

“Combining field data analysis and simulation to evaluate
an alternative Just-In-Time clinical trial supply strategy”,
In : Proceedings of the 22nd Cambridge International
Manufacturing Symposium, Cambridge, UK, 27-28 September.


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