HLTH9216 Article Critique F221
HLTH9216 Article Critique F221
HLTH9216 Article Critique F221
Community & Health Studies, School of Nursing & Personal Support Worker
Due Date: As per the course Teaching and Learning Plan, this evaluation is due
Week 9.
Expectation: Utilizing the information from course material and discussion, as well as
additional research complete the assignment as outlined in the description. This is an
individual assignment. The final submission is to be completed in appropriate APA
format, with all researched material cited in the appropriate APA style. The
assignment is to be between 4-8 pages (double spaced) in length (not including title
page or appendices)
Submission: To be submitted electronically on Blackboard
Critique Format:
Consider the following questions as you read the article.
NOTE: You are critiquing the “quality” of the article and NOT your opinion of the
1. Introduction
a. What is the main research problem addressed in the article?
b. Is the purpose of the research problem/study made clear?
Critique/Evaluate the design of the study.
3. Overall Critique
As a researcher, provide your opinion of the research study.
Article Selection
Adequate (70 – 100%) Requires Improvement (0 – 69%)
Article is peer reviewed Article does not meet all of the requirements
Article contains original research including
empirical evidence
Article provides a good example of one of
quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods design
Article is current (no more than 10 years old)
Article is related to Organizational Assessment
and Accountability.
Critique of Article
Adequate (70 – 100%) Requires Improvement (0 – 69%)
All explanations clear and easy to understand, Some critical details missing, unnecessary details
factually correct may be present
Appropriate quotations and citations are made to Serious difficulty explaining ideas, major factual
help the reader understand the article errors; lack of comprehensibility
All technical terms used correctly and defined Jargon terms used incorrectly, without definition;
clearly, including terms with different common attempting to sound "scientific" without
meanings; overuse of jargon avoided understanding meaning
Error-free, easy to read writing style, well Errors and awkwardness, excessive use of
practiced and polished use of language quotations in place of author's own words,
The paper is an in-depth examination of the excessive paraphrasing
literature review and methodology parts of the
research process
No personal views are expressed, and the critique
is objective, highlighting strengths and limitations
of the study