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CSE-ND-2020-CS 8591-Computer Networks-711204806-X10320 (CS8591)

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Reg. No. :

Question Paper Code : X 10320

B.E./B.Tech. DEgREE ExamiNaTioNs, NovEmBER/DEcEmBER 2020 AND
Fifth/sixth semester
computer science and Engineering
cs 8591 – compuTER NETwoRks
(common to : computer and communication Engineering/information Technology)
(Regulations 2017)

Time : Three Hours maximum : 100 marks

answer all questions

paRT – a (10×2=20 Marks)

1. How are the subgroups of OSI model layers segregated by their functions ?

2. Differentiate Circuit-switched networks and Packet-switched networks.

3. List out the functions of the Data Link Layer.

4. Find the Hamming distance between two pair of code words :

A = 01011

B = 11110

5. Why IPv6 is preferred over IPv4 ?

6. Find the class of each address.

a) 11000001 10000011 00011011 11111111


7. How congestion occurs in a network ?

8. What happens in the three way handshaking between any two devices ?

9. Define anonymous FTP.

10. What is the difference between IMAP and POP ?

X 10320 -2- *X10320*

Part – B (5×13=65 Marks)

11. a) i) What are the layers of the ISO/OSI protocol stack ? Briefly list out their
functions. (10)
ii) What is the need for another checking mechanism at the transport layer even
though the data link layer is capable of detecting the errors between the hops ? (3)

b) i) Compare and contrast guided and unguided media for transmission. (7)
ii) One channel with a bit rate of 190 kbps and another with a bit rate of 180 kbps
are to be multiplexed using TDM with no synchronization bits.
1) What is the size of a frame in bits ? (3)
2) What is the data rate ? (3)

12. a) i) A message that is to be transmitted is represented by the polynomial

M(x) = x5 + x4 + x with a generating prime polynomial G(x) = x3 + x2 + 1.
Generate a 3 bit CRC code, C(x) which is to be appended to M(x). (10)
ii) How is a hub related to a repeater ? (3)
b) Explain in detail about the error and flow control mechanisms employed at data
link layer. (13)

13. a) What are the different routing algorithms ? List out their pros and cons. (13)
b) An ISP is given a block of addresses beginning with The ISP
needs to distribute these addresses to 3 groups of customers as follows :
a) Group 1 has 64 customers each needs 256 addresses. (3)
b) Group 2 has 128 customers each needs 128 addresses. (3)
c) Group 3 has 128 customers each needs 64 addresses. (3)
Design the sub-blocks and give the slash notation for each sub-block. how many
addresses are still available after these allocations ? (4)

14. a) What are the two broad categories of Congestion Control mechanisms ? Briefly
explain all the techniques. (13)
b) Furnish the packet format of Stream Control Transmission Protocol with its
fields. How are the data transferred with four way handshaking ? (13)
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15. a) What is the format of an email ? Explain the architecture of a mailing

system. (13)
b) Does the SSL protocol need the services of a certificate authority ? Explain
your answer. (13)

Part – C (1×15=15 Marks)

16. a) i) Explain the process of web page loading of the given page :


Assume the IP address is unknown, HTTP 1.1 is used, web page is

available. (7)
ii) How a stateful session on a shopping cart application at flipkart.com can be
implemented by a stateless HTTP ? What will be the security vulnerability
in this approach ? (8)
b) Two hosts are in a CSMA/CD network and the medium has a data transfer
capacity of 1Gbps. The minimum frame length is fixed to 1,000 bits and the
propagation speed is 2 ×108 m/s.

i) What will be the distance between the hosts ? (7)

ii) If it is an Ethernet network, what is the efficiency when the hosts have a
maximum distance between them ? If the distance is reduced to 1 m, does it
impact the efficiency ? (8)


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