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AMIE-Computer Network Old Question Sorted

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Group A
Introduction: Goals and applications of networks, WAN, MAN and LAN, computer networks
and distributed computers.
1. (a) What are the various goals and applications of computer networks? Discuss the Various advantages of LAN over WAN.
2(b) Describe the different types of network topology giving their merits and demerits. 10
1(b) What are the important components of network topology design? How do cost, delay, throughput and reliability affect
the network performance? 10
4. Write short notes of on any two of the following: 10+ 10
(c) Computer network and distributed computers
2. (a) Compare with suitable examples LAN, MAN and WAN. 10
2(b) Differentiate between half-duplex and full-duplex network. 4
3. (a) What is a tree network and completely connected network ? Illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of both the
networks with diagrams. 6
1(b) What are the main goals and applications of computer network? Differentiate between computer networks and distributed
computers. 5
1(c) Compare the important features of the following: 10
(i) LAN
(ii) WAN
(ii,) MAN.
2. (a) What is the differcnce between broadcasting and multicasting? Compare the features of broadcast network with
point-to-point networks with the help of appropriate examples. 10
2(b) Describe the various topologies possible for
 Broadcast LAN and WAN
 Point-topoint LAN and WAN
Discuss the network architecture supported by each type of network 10
3(a) What do you understand by the following terms ? Diffcrentiate between them with the help of appropriate examples:
(a) Simplex communication and Full duplex communication.
(d) Connection-less and Connection oriented services.
(e) Confirmed or Unconfirmed services. 4 x 5
2. (a) Differentiate between computer networks and distributed computers. 10
1. (a) Explain the following categories of networks:
(i)LAN; (ii)MAN; and (iii) WAN. 4+3+3
2. (a) How many links and ports are needed to connect five systems in the following topology: 2 x 4
(i) Mesh
(ii) Star
(iii) Bus
(iv) Ring.
2(b) State five areas where computer networks are useful. 8
2(c) State the relationship between a service and a protocol. 4
What are the objectives of a network? List any ten characteristics of a network giving suitable examples. What are the
various applications of computer networks? Give at least five. 20
1. (a) Explain the salient features of LAN. Describe token bus and token ring schemes in LAN. 16
1(b) Briefly define key requirements for wireless LANs. 4
1(a) What is the difference between a bus backbone and a star backbone? 5
2(b) What is a LAN ? Can a LAN has routers? What is the difference between a packet and a frame. 7
6. (a) Differentiate between a point-to-point direct link and a multipoint guided configuration. 7

Network architecture: ISO/OSI model, topology,

1.(b) What are the different network architectures? Mention the advantages of different network
architectures. 10
2. (a) Explain the ISO-OSI reference model. Discuss the funtion of each layer in the OSI model. 10
3(c) What are the advantages and disadvantages of having international standards for network protocols? 4
4. Write short notes of on any two of the following: 10+ 10
(b) ISO/OSI model
1. (a) Diagrammatically represent OSI-ISO layer model and discuss Network Layer and Transport Layer in brief. 10
1. (a) What arc the reasons for using layered protocols? What is the need for defining an ISO/OSI model? 5
2. Discuss in detail all the layers of ISO/OSI model with the help of suitable diagrams and examples. Describe briefly the
functions of each layer separately. 20
3. (a) Describe OSI layered architecture with its function. 10
3. (a) How are OSI and ISO related to each other? 7
3(b) What are the responsibilities of the network layer in the Internet model? 6
3(c) What is the difference between a port address, a logical address and a physical address? 7
4. (a) In cases where reliability is not of primary importance, UDP would make a good transport protocol. Give examples of
specilic cases. 7

connectivity analysis, queuing theory and delay analysis.

3. (a) What is a Queuemg system? Describe the various characteristics of Queueing systems. Explain the working principle of
M/M/1 queuemg system. 12
3(b) Derive Little’s result for an M/M/ 1 queue and discuss its implications. 4
4. Write short notes of on any two of the following: 10+ 10
(a) Queuing theory and Delay analysis
2(c) What is Queueing Delay? Bring out important characteristics of a queueing system. 6
(b) What is the maximum rate of data transfer in: 5
(i) Noiseless channel
(ii) When random noise is present.
4. (a) At which layer of the Computer Network do we use Queuing theory and delay analysis and why? Explain with the help
of appropriate examples. 10
3(c) What is queueing delay? Highl ight major characteristics of a queueing system. 5
1(b) Define the following terms: 2 x 5
(i) Processing delay
(ii) queuing delay
(iii) Transmission delay
(iv) Propagation delay
(v) End-to-end delay.
4. Write short notes on the following: 5 x 4
(iii) Queuing theory
2. (a) A transmission network is designed. Identify the delay for utilization values of 25%, 45% and 75%, respectively.
Assume that the network delay is 20 ms. 7
8. (a) Consider the network as shown below. Identify the diagram forwarding table for each node. The links are labelled with
relative cost. The tables should forward each packet via the lowest cost path to its destination. 10

Physical layer: Theoretical basis of data communication,

4(b) What is the difference between baud rate and bit rate How would you determine the maximum data rate of a channel
haing a bandwidth of H. Calculate the maximum data rate of a noiseless 3 kHz channel transmitting binary signals. 2 + 3 + 5
3. (a) An analog signal is band limited to βHz; sampled at Nyquist rate and samples ore quantized into four levels.
Quantization levels are q1, q2, q3, q4. Messages Occur with probability p1 = p3 = 1/8 and p2=p4= 3/8. Find rate of informations.
3(b) Describe the working of modem. Use suitable example to explain it. 5
3(c) Write short note on Modems. 4
3(b) List down the functionalities of a modem. 8
FDM and TDM, X25,
4. (a) What is the difference between FDM and TDM? 4
3(c) Compare the relative advantages and disadvantages of TDM and FDM. 5
4(d) Explain in brief: 5
(i) X21
(ii) X25.
4(b) Differentiate between PCM and differential PCM. 6
4. Write short notes on the following: 5 x 4
(ii) FDM

communication satellites,
1. (a) Describe the working of satellite communication. What is satellite based network? 10
4(c) Bring the major advantages of satellite network over terristrial network. 6
4. Write short notes on the following: 5 x 4
(i) Packet switching
(iv) Communication satellites.

message and packet switching,

4(b) Explain the advantages of packet switching over circuit switching. 4
3. (a) Draw the event timing diagram of circuit switching, message switching and packet switching. Compare their relative
advantages and disadvantages. 10
4. (a) What is packet switching and circuit switching? Briefly compare the features of packet switching with circuit switching
on: 4 +4
(i) Bandwidth availability
(ii) Route followed by every packet
(iii) Store and forward transmission
(Iv) Call setup requirements.
3(a) What do you understand by the following terms ? Diffcrentiate between them with the help of appropriate examples:
(a) Simplex communication and Full duplex communication.
(c) Packet switching and Circuit switching.
(e) Confirmed or Unconfirmed services. 4 x 5
3. (a) A noiseless 6 MHz channel is sampled at every second. What is the maximum achievable data rate,
if two-level signals are used? 6
4. (a) State whether message switching or packet switching is more preferable for latest communication system. Also, state
the reasons behind the choice. 10
4. Write short notes on the following: 5 x 4
(i) Packet switching
2 (a) Explain the meaning of message switching, circuit switching, and packet switching. Why are computer networks never
message switched? 12
2(b) What are the two popular approaches to packet switching? Explain one such approach in detail. 8
1(b) Compare circuit-switching, message switching and packet switching methods, using timing diagram. 15
7. (a) Compare and contrast a circuit-switched network and a packet-switched network.
7(b) List four major components of a packet switch and their functions.

terminal handling polling,

multiplexing and concentration,

3(a) What do you understand by the following terms ? Diffcrentiate between them with the help of appropriate examples:
(b) Multiplexing and Concentration.

error detection and correction techniques. Hamming codes and polynomial codes.
4(c) What are the various techniques used for error detection and correction in data transmission? Explain the principle of
Hamming codes and polyno ial codes. 12
2. (a) What isCRC?How a CRC detects more error than a parity bit? 10
2(b) Given Message= 1010001101(10 bits)
Pattern =110101 (6bits)
CalcuIate FCR(in 5 bits). 10
4. Write short notes of on any two of the following: 10+ 10
(d) Hammingcodcs.
1(b) What is error correction and error detection? How do they differ from each other? What are the codes used for error
correction and error detection? Discuss in detail. 10
4. (a) Construct a (7, 4) cyclic code using generator polynomial. 8
g(x)= x3+ x2+l
3(c) Differentiate between the term attenuation, distortion and noise. 6
4(b) Detect and correct the single error in the received HAMMING CODE WORD 10110010111. Assume even parity. 10
3. Describe and differentiate the following: 10 x 2
(i) Error detection and correction techniques
(ii) Hamming codes and polynomial codes.
4(b) Briefly explain the cyclic redundancy check error detection scheme. Prove the validity of the scheme? 7
4(c) Differentiate between forward error correction and backward error correction schemes. 6

Group B
6. Differentiate between the following: 4 x 5
(i) Bridges and routers
(ii) Circuit switching and packet switching
(iii) Coaxial cable and fiber optic cable
(iv) TCP/IP model and ISO/OSI model
(v) Internet address and physical address.

Data link layer and network layer:

5. (a) What are the various design issues involved in the data link layer? Discuss the data ypes and procedure comrnon to a
number of data link layer protocols. 12
5 (a) Describe the delivery of data units in the data link layer, the network Layer and the transport layer. 10
8. (a) What parameters determine the quality of service at transport layer? 6
5. (a) What are the important functions of data link layer and network layer? 5
2(b) Discuss various functions of data link layer. 10
5(b) Which of the following algorithm is best for achieving good quality of service in the network layer? Discuss in detail. 10
(i) Leaky bucket algorithm
(ii) Token bucket algorithm.
5(c) Name any four protocols used in the network layer. 4
8(c) What are the two sublayers of data link layer? State the role of each sublayers. 6
6(c) What is the difference between network layer delivery and transport layer delivery? 7

Framing techniques,
8. (a) Discuss in brief any three framing methods used in data link layer. 10
7. Explain the following with proper examples and diagrams 10x 2
(ii) Framing techniques.
5(c) Compare the frames of transmission for synchronous and asynchronous techniques? What is meant by a permeable and
a post-amble in the frame ? Why are they required? 7

network protocols-stop and wait protocol and its performance, sliding window protocol.
5(b) What is sliding window protocol? Where it is used? 8
6(b) How will you determine the performance of a stop and wait protocol? 8
5(b) What do you understand by sliding window protocol? Explain.using some suitable example. 10
6. (a) Explain the following terms in brief with reference to sliding window protocol: 6
(i) Pipelining
(ii) Piggybacking
(iii) Selective repeat.
7(b) Diagrammatically represent sliding window protocol for both sender and receiver with window of size one and 3-bit
sequence number. 3
6. (a) Which layer supports stop-and-wait, protocol? Carry out the performance analysis of one-bit sliding window protocol
and discuss the buffer requirements at both sending and receiving ends. 10
6(b) Explain the working of sliding window protocol. What are the considerations made while deciding size of window? 10
7. (a) State the functionalities of the following protocols: 5 x 2
(i) Stop-and-Wait protocol
(ii) Sliding windows protocol.
5. Explain in detail the working of sliding window protocol with the help of diagrams. 20
5. (a) Explain about 1-bit sliding window protocol in detail. 10

LANs: Ethernet and token ring.

7. (a) What arc the different types of IEEE LAN standards? Give their merits and demerits. 4
5. (a) Explain one bit sliding window protocol in detail. 10
5(b) Explain token ring in detail. 10
5(b) In a token ring LAN what happens if the token gets lost? Show the token format and the data frame format using a
diagram. Discuss each and every field of the frame in detail. 10
8(b) Write short notes on the following: 5 x 2
(ii) Ethernet.
7(b) Write a note on Fast Ethernet. 10
3(b) Explainvabout ATM LAN in detail. 10
4(b) Write a short note on Ethernet. 4
6(b) Write short notes on: (i) token ring, and (ii) FDDI. 5x2

CCITT recommendation of X.25.

8(b) Write short notes of any two of the following: 7+7
(ii) X.25
6(b) Discuss the CSMA/CD protocol in detail. What are the CCIIT recommendahons of X.25? 10
6. (a) Compare frame relay and X 25 network architecture. 10
5. (a) Briefly explain X25 standard. Where is it applied? 6

Introduction and overview of internet,

8(b) Write short notes of any two of the following: 7+7
(iv) Internet applications.
6(b) How does information get passed from one layer to the next in the Internet model? 6

7(b) Explain the architecture of a TCP/IP model? Mention the various advantages of TCP/IP model over OSI model. 8
7. (a) Discuss the FTP connection mechanism between the client and the serer. 5
8(b) Write short notes of any two of the following: 7+7
(i) TCP/IP
8(b) Compare TCP-IP and OSI layer model on: 6
(i) Services
(ii) Interfaces
(iii) Protocols.
5(c) Discuss the TCP/IP architecture in detail. Give functions performed by each layer and mention
related protocols. 5
6. What do you understand by TCP/IP? What are the various components of TCP/IP? How is it advantageous compared to
other protocols. What are its limitations? 20

internet address.
7(c) What is internet address? How does a netid differ from a network address? 8
7(c) Discuss various classes of IP address. 5
7(b) Write a short note on Internet address. 4

Introduction to web, web design and search engine.

8. (a) Explain the following: 8
(i) Web design
(ii) Search engine.
7(b) Define the terms: web site, web page, web server, URL, home page. 5
8(b) Write short notes of any two of the following: 7+7
(iii) Search Engine
8(c) What is the purpose served by a search engine? Name any two popular search engines. 3 + 1
8. (a) Explain the architecture of World Wide Web? What are the important components of an internet address? What is the
basic function of the following protocols:
(i) HTTP (ii) FTP (iii) SMTP (iv) TELNET (v) NNTP? 3+2+5
8(b) Write short notes on the following: 5 x 2
(i) Search engine
8(b) Write a note on HTTP. 6
8. What should be kept in mmd while designing web pages? Give at least (ten points with their use and suitable examples. 20
8(b) Explain about Web design in detail. 8

Mapping of internet address to physicaladdress, ARP.

7(c)What is the purpose of proxy server 5
7(d) Explain how a user gets connected to the Internet using the lSP. 5
8(b) How would you map an internet address to a physical address? What are the various classes of IP address? Discuss the
important functions of a search engine and name some popular search engines. 2 + 3 + 5
6. Differentiate between the following: 4 x 5
(v) Internet address and physical address.
8. (a) Write a short note on ‘mapping of Internet address to physical address ARP. 12

6. (a) What is shortest path routing? Write an algorithm to find the shortest path from source to sink of a given graph. 12
6. (a) Describe the parameters responsible for efficient routing in a given computer network. Use suitable
example to explain it. 10
6(d) Explain the terms Bridges and Routers. 5
7. (a) Explain Distance Vector routing in detail covering count-to-infinity problem and split-horizontal hack. 12
7(b) Discuss the importance of routing at the network layer level. Describe any reliable routing algorithm for a packet
switched network in detail. 10
5. (a) Explain vector routing algorithm with the help of a suitable example. 10
6. Differentiate between the following: 4 x 5
(i) Bridges and routers
8. (a) What is the role of routing algorithms? Explain any one routing algorithm. 5
7. (a) Explain the following routing algorithms: 8 x 2
(i) Distance vector routing
(ii) Link state routing.
7(c) What do you mean by routing protocol ? Explain in detail, 6

flow control
8(c) Explain flow control mechanism in data networks. 4
7. Explain the following with proper examples and diagrams 10x 2
(i) Flow control and congestion analysis

and congestion analysis

8(b) What is congestion? Explain the various strategies used to overcome it. 8
6(b) What do you understand by the congestion in the network traffic? How you can reduce congestion in
given network? 10
6(c) Explain leaky bucket algorithm for congestion control in a network layer. 5
7. (a) What are the main reasons for traffic congestion in a network? Perform congestion analysis and suggest methods to
mitigate traffic congestion. 10
7. Explain the following with proper examples and diagrams 10x 2
(i) Flow control and congestion analysis
5(b) Explain various congestion control protocols. 10
S’05 :3 AN :CP412/422(54)

Group C
9. Pick the correct answers: 2 x 10
9(i) Which multiplexing technique shifts each signal to a different carrier frequency ?
(a) FDM: (b) Synchronous TDM (c) Asynchronous TDM (d) None of the above
9(ii) In cyclic reudundancy checking what is the CRC
(a)The divisior (b) The Quotient (c) The Divident (d) The Reminder
9(iii) In a token ring where is the token when a data frame is in circulation?
(a) At the receiving station (b) at the sending station (c) circuiting in the ring (d) None of the
9(iv) Which LAN has the highest data rate?
(a) 10 BASES (b) BASET (c) Twisted pair token ring (d) FDDI.
9(v) Which type of switing uses the entire capacity of a dedicated time
(a) Circuit Switching (b) Datagram Packet switching (c) Virtual circuit (d) Message Switching.
9(vi) The X.25 protocol operates in the ________ of the OSI model.
(a) Physical Layer (b) Datalink Layer (c) Network Layer (d) All of the above.
9(vii) Simple bridge does which of the following?
(a) Filters a data packet (b) Foreward a data packet (c) Extends LAN (d) All of the above.
9(viii) If there are five routers and 6 networks in an internetwork, how many lines state data base are there?
(a) 1 (b) 5 (c)6 (d)11
9(ix) Which type of addressing is specifically used by the transport layer?
(a) Station address (b) Network address (c) Application program part addresses (d) Dialouge addresses
9(x) Which IP address class has few host per network?
(a) a (b) b (c) c (d) d

W’05: 3 AN : CP412/422 (1454)

Group C
9. Write the correct answer in your answer sheet: 2 x 10
9(i) The followng layer is closest to the transmission medium
(a) physical (b) datalink (c) network (d) transport
9(ii) Which of the following is an application layer service?
(a) remote login (b)LLC (C) MAC (d) none of the above
9(iii) In CSMA/CD, the number of collision is ___ that
(a) greater than (b) less than (c) equal to (d) twice
9(iv) Which routing algorithm requires more traffic between routers for setup and updating?
(a) distance vector (b) linkstate (c) dijkstra (d) vector link
9( v) In _____ services, no connection establishment is needed
(a) connectionless (b) connection-oriented (c) segmentation (d) none of the above
(vi) Error control is needed at the transport layer because of potential errors occurrin ________
(a) from transmission line noise (b) in routers (c) from out of sequence delivery
(d) from packet lossess
9(vii) In sliding window flow control, the frames to the left of receiver window are frames ____ start
(a) received but not acknowledged (b) received and acknowledgld (c) not received (d) notsent
9(viii) Data unit in the TCP/IP layer is called
(a) message (b) segment (c) datagram (d) frame
9(ix) Communication between a computer and a keyboard involves the following transmission
(a) simplex (b) half duplex (c) full duplex (d) noneoftheabove
9(x) Which OSI layer corresponds to TCP –UDP layer.
(a) Physical (b) Datalink (c) Network (d) Transport

S’06:3AN:CP412/422 (1454)
Group B

6(b) What are the differences between adaptive and non-adaptive algorithm? 4
Group C
9. Answer all questions: 2x 10
9(i) What is multicasting
9(ii) What are full forms of HTML and XML?
9(iii) What is a hybrid network?
9(iv) What is the maximum length of a data field in lEEE 802.3 frame Format?
9(v) What are Little’s theorem?
9(vi) WhatisUDP? How does it differ from TCP?
9(vii) What is a token
9(viii) What is the hamming distance between two nodes ofa4-D hypercube network 1001 and 1010?
9(ix) Explain the term gateways.
9(x) What is baud rate

W’06:3AN:Cp412/422 (1454)
Group C
9. (A) Tick the correct answer and mention it on your answer sheet: 2 x 5 9
(i) A bridge establishes communication at the following layer
(a) Layer I (b) Layer 2 (c) Layer 3 (d) None of the above.
9(ii) IP address in the B class is given by
(a) (b) (c) l92l28.32.56 (d) 10.14. 12.34.
9(ìü) Usually information security in a network is achieved by
(a) Layering (b) Quality of Service (QoS) (c) Address Mechanism (d) Cryptography.
9(iv) Of the following communication channels which does not provide a physical link between terminal and the computer?
(a) Optical fibre (b) Microwave (c) Telephone lines (d) Coaxialcable.
9(v) The range of LAN various from
(a) 5km.—100km. (b) 1mts.—l0mts. (c) 10mts.—lkm. (d) None of the above.

(B) Each statement below is either True or False. Choose the Correc answer and mark it T/F: 2 x 5
9B(i) Dial-up connection is always better than leased line. (T/F)
9B (ii) Synchronous transmission requires START and STOP bits for each data packet. (T/F)
9B (iii) The Internet is a packet switched network. (T/F)
9B (iv) The Telephone network is circuit switched network. (T/F)
9B (v) Simultaneous transmission in both the direction between the sender and the receiver is called

S’07:3AN:CP412/422 (1454)
Group A
1. (a) What are various design goals for designing networks? 10
1(b) Explain the functioning of reverse address resolution protocol. For what purpose it is used? 10

3(b) Draw timing diagram and show differences between differential manchester coding and manchester coding for following
bit stream. 5

4(b) Differentiate between the following: 3 x 4

(i) PPP frame format and HDLC frame format
(ii) AAL1 and AAL2 protocol
(iii) Pulse code modulation and Delta modulation
(iv) Persistent CSMA and Non-persistent CSMA.

Group B

5(b) What are the functions of MAC layer? Explain various fields of MAC frame format. 10
6. (a) Why is the size of an ATM cell 53 bytes? How does AAL5 work? 10
7. (a) What do you understand by ISDN services. List the various principles and objectives of ISDN service. 10
7(b) Explain the function and format of user datagram protocol. 10
8. (a) For what purpose leaky bucket algorithm is used. Compare this algorithm with token bucket algorithm. 10

Group C
9. Answer for the following in brief: 2 x 10
9(i) Define Hamming distance.
9(ii) What is,quantization noise?
9(iii) In an AM signal, the upper side band is at 4kHz and lower side band is at 1.5kHz. Calculate bandwidth of the signal.
9(iv) A 932 MHz carrier As frequency modulated by 5 kHz sine wave. The resultant FM has frequency deviation of 40kHz.
What is modulation index?
9(v) State the purpose for which IEEE 802.3 standard was evolved.
9(vi) DeflneFDDI.
9(vii) List two functions of a bridge.
9(viii) Differentiate between ALOHA and pure ALOHA.
9(ix) Write four features of hierarchical routing.
9(x) How is determination of class performed in IP address


5. (a) What is the role of CIDR in addressing? 6

Group C
9. Answer the following: 2 x 10
9(i) List any four networking devices.
9(ii) Differentiate between connection-oriented service and connectionless service.
9(iii) What is station keeping in Communication Satellites?
9(iv) Identify the class of the following IP addresses:
(b) 223. 255. 255. 255
(c) 01111011. 1l111111.11111111.11111111
(d) 1101 1000. 00000000. 00000000. 00000000.
9(v) What is flooding? Wbat is selective flooding?
9(vi) Compare transparent fragmentation with non -transparent fragmentation.
9(vii) Define signal-to-noise ratio.
9(viii) What is bit stuffing? Why we need it?
9(ix) Differentiate between static and dynamic web documents.
9(x) Define Piggy backing.

S’08:3AN :CP412/422(1454)

Group C
9. Explain the following terms in brief: 2 x 10
9(i) Distributed computing
9(ii) Star network
9(iii) WAN
(iv) X21
(v) Multiplexing
(vi) Stop and wait protocol
(vii) Ethernet
(viii) Search engine
(ix) Gateways
(x) Bridge.
W’08 : 3AN : CP412/422 (1454)
Group A
4. (a) State and explain transport layer issues and session layer synchronization. 16

Group C
9. Answer the following in brief: 2 x 10
9(i) List out few Internet working switches.
9(ii) What are the important functions of presentation layer?
9(iii) Name 7 layers of OSI model.
9(iv) Define modem and multiplexing.
9(v) What are the services offered by network layer.
9(vi) Explain the main function of data link layer.
9(vii) What are the four factors needed for a secure network
9(viii) Explain how TCP flow control works.
9(ix) What is the use of mail transfer agent?
9(x) Define Hamming distance.

S’09: 3AN : CP412/422(1454)

Group B
5(b) Differentiate between co-back N and stop wait ARQ using diagram. 7

6. (a) Differentiate between a point-to-point direct link and a multipoint guided configuration. 7

8(b) Create a diagram of the NRZ, NRZI and Manchester encodings for the bit pattern 11010011 2

Group C
9. Explain the following terms:
9(i) FDM
9(ii) Ethernet
9(iii) Gateways
9(iv) Multiplexing
9(v) MAN
9(vi) HDLC
9(vii) Topology
9(viii) Buffer
9(ix) WWW
9(x) Intranet.

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