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B. Sc. IT-II

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Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya sending/receiving signed & encrypted emails. Introduction to firewalls.

Chitrakoot, Satna (M.P.) web page design :static and dynamic web pages, introduction to
B.Sc. (Information Technology) HTML.HTML elements and tags, formatting with HTML tags, physical,
logical HTML styles ,setting fonts ,colors and headings, displaying
Syllabus (w.e.f. -2016-17) Plain , presenting and arranging text using <DIV>, <SPAN> ,
Semester- II <LAYERS> tags.
SBI-108 Data & File structure 3+0 Unit-3. ADVANCE HTML: Working with images, links and lists, creating
Unit–1: File management in C – Defining and opening a file, closing a tables. working with frames, creating horizontal, vertical frames, named
file, I/O operations on file, Error handling during I/O operations, frames, opening new browser window, creating html forms, Adding
Random Access to files, Command line Arguments, CASE, Study controls on forms, submitting data from forms, working with
of data base design/Image processing. multimedia, multimedia sound, video, 3D,Using multimedia files, inline
Unit–2: DATA STRUCTURE: Introduction: structural problem solving, sound and videos. Style sheets: types, creating and, using style sheets.
Algorithmic notions, Primitive data structures: Operations on data Unit-4. Java script: introduction to client and server side scripting, introduction
structures, Numbers and their representation, Storage structures to Java script, data types, operators, conditional statement, loops in Java
for character data and logical data, pointer information and their script, functions, arrays, objects and elements in Java script, form
validation using Java script.
storage structures.
Unit-5. Introduction to XML, Creating XML documents, specifying attributes in
Unit–3: Strings: Marker Algorithms grammars, String manipulation
DTDs, accessing XML data with XML Data Island, documents.
applications (Examples, Text Editing, Lexical analysis, Searching, Handling events while loading XML documents.
Sorting, Insertion, Merging, Deletion) Books Recommended:
Unit–4: Linear Data Structures: Arrays, Stacks, Queues and their 1. Teach Your Self Internet In 24 Hours : Techmedia.
2. Internet Complete : BPB Publication.
applications, Linked Linear list, Circular linked list and their 3. HTML Blake Book: Steven Holzer.
applications. 4. The Internet :Christian Crumlish (BPB Publication).
Unit–5: Non-Linear Data Structures: Trees, Basic terminology, Binary 3. Html Complete: BPB Publication.
trees, Binary tree reorientations Graphs and their representations SBI-110 Digital Electronics 4+0
and applications Unit-1: Logic gates: Binary Numbers and number base conversion, Binary
Reference books: codes, Digital operation of a system, The OR, AND, and NOT
1. Data Structure Using C: Tannenbaum A.M.(PHI)
2. Programming in “C”: E. Balaguruswamy.
gate, The INHIBIT operation, EX-OR gate, NAND and NOR
logic gates.
SBI-109 Internet & Web Technology 3+0
Unit-2: Boolean algebra and simplification of Boolean functions
Unit-1. Internet: History and evolution of Internet. Internet & intranet, Basic
concept of www , HTTP, FTP, URL, domain name, IP address, web
Law of Boolean algebra, Basic theorems and properties, Boolean
browser, web server, web page, web site, Portals, email, chatting, functions, Canonical and standard forms, other logic operations,
Usenet, telnet, newsgroup, Fax, Telephony, telecommuting, The map method: Maps up to six variables, Product of sums, Sum
Conferencing. Searching , downloading , uploading, files on internet, of products simplification, NAND and NOR implementation,
Search Engines. Email (reading, ending, deleting, replying), voice & Don't care conditions, The tabulation method.
video conferencing. Internet Protocol:TCP/IP, dialup access, direct Unit-3: Integrated circuit logic families: IC Terminologies-I/O
access, three levels of Internet connectivity. ISPs, Introduction to DNS. conditions, Fan-in, Fan out, Propagation delay, Noise immunity.
Unit-2. Internet Security & HTML: Overview of internet security, access Circuits and characteristics of RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, HTL, MOS
security, transaction security, security zones, digital IDS, and CMOS, Comparison of logic families.
Unit-4: Combinational digital system: Binary adders, Subtractors, EX- coefficient, Non homogeneous linear recurrence relation, Solution by the
OR gate circuitry, Encoder, Decoder, Multiplexer and method of generating functions, Simultaneous difference equations,
Demultiplexer, Multilevel NAND and NOR circuits, ROM. Recursive algorithms.
Unit-5: Sequential digital system: Different types of flip-flops. Unit-5: ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES
Triggering of flip-flop, Shift registers, Serial- Parallel data Binary operation, Algebraic structure, Group, Order of a finite groups,
Subgroup, Cyclic group, Cosets, Coset decomposition of a group,
transfer, Counters, Clocking, Ripple counter and Ring counter,
Lagrange's theorem, Normal subgroups, Isomorphism of groups, Auto
counter applications. Digital measurement V/S analog orphism of group, Codes and Group codes.
measurement, D/A conversion method, A/D conversion method, Text-Book:
Text Book 1. Trembley I. P. & Manohar R: Discrete Mathematical Structures with Application to
1. Morris Mano, Digital Logic and Computer Design, Prentice- Hall of India, 1986 Computer Science. TMH
Reference Books: 2. F.A. –Grammar & CNF
1. Ronald J. Toci, “Digital Systems: Principles and Applications” 5th Edition, Prentice-Hall of 3. Graph theory and its applications Narsingh Deo (PH)
India, 1992(Chapters7,8,9,10,11) Reference Book:
2. Herbert Taub and Donald Schilling, “Digital Integrated Electronics” , McGraw Hill 1. Liu, C.L Elements of Discrete Mathematics. MGH
International Edition, 1986(Chapters 6,7,8,9,10,14,15) 2. Theory of Computation- K. L. P. Mishra
3. Taub and Schilling, Digital Integrated Electronics, McGraw Hill, International Edition 1987.
4. Thomas, L. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, Universal Book Stall, 1991.
SBI-112 Language & Communication-II 2+0
SBI-111 Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science-I 4+0 Unit-1: Transaction in life contexts of a student with life related
Unit-1: MATHEMATICAL LOGIC-I vocabulary of 600 words and structural complexity of middle
Proposition, Logical connectives, Negation, Conjunction, Disjunction, school tests that are in practice in the English speaking countries.
Truth Table, Tautology and Contradiction, Contingency, Logical Unit-2: Structural English practice to the aforementioned level. Capacity
equivalence, Algebra of proposition, Argument, Valid and fallacy to translate to and from English.
arguments Unit-3: Acquisition of about 2000 words (cumulative) and usage of
Unit-2: MATHEMATICAL LOGIC-II students professional discipline complexity defined as in unit-2.
Predicate, Quantifiers, Alphabet, Languages, Grammars, Automata, Reading comprehension and transaction skills.
Finite state machines, Finite state machines as models of physical Unit-4: Letter writing, Brief writing, Agenda, Report to newspapers/
systems, Equivalent machines, Finite state machines as language TV/Radio. Acquisition of words and usage of business and
technical discipline complexity to an introductory level.
Graph, Multi graphs, Incidence and Degrees, Sub graph, Isomorphism, Unit-5: Enhancing skills of web-design, Voice messaging, PowerPoint,
Homeomorphic graphs, Walk and Path, Labeled and Weighted graphs, Multimedia, Database presentation-jargons to the above-cited
Dijkstra's Algorithm, Euler graphs, Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits, level.
Operations on graphs, Trees, Rooted trees, Binary trees, Path length of a Textual and Reference Material:
tree Prefix codes, Weighted binary tree, Spanning trees, Rank and 1. Let us learn English -NCERT (with workbook)
Nullity, Spanning trees in a weighted graphs, Prism's Algorithm, Cut 2. Communicative English-I, Pragya Publiction-Mathura.
sets, Planar graphs.
Unit-4: DISCRETE NUMERIC FUNCTIONS AND RECURRENCE SBI-113 Lab of Internet & Web Technology 0+3
Discrete numeric functions, Manipulation of numeric functions,
Generating functions, Combinatorial problems, Recurrence relations, SBI-114 Lab of Digital Electronics 0+3
Linear recurrence relation, Linear recurrence relation with constant,
Coefficients, Linear homogeneous recurrence relation with constant SBI-115 VSR 2

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