1. Data, Information, Definition of data structure, Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees,
graphs, priority queues and heaps.
2. File Structures: Fields, records and files, Sequential, direct, index-sequential and relative files,
Hashing, inverted lists and multi-lists, B trees and B+ trees.
5. The Unix System: File system, process management, bourne shell, shell variables, command
line programming.
6. Filters and Commands: Pr, head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, tr, join, etc., grep, egrep, fgrep,
etc., sed, awk, etc.
7. System Calls (like): Create, open, close, read, write, iseek, link, unlink, stat, fstat, unmask,
chmod, exec, fork, wait, system.
1. Network fundamentals: Local Area Networks (LAN), Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN), Wide
Area Networks (WAN), Wireless Networks. Reference Models: The OSI model, TCP/IP model.
2. Data link control: Channel capacity, Transmission media -twisted pair, coaxial cables, fiber-
transmission –radio, microwave, infrared and millimeter waves, Light wave transmission,
Telephones –local loop, trunks, multiplexing, switching, narrowband ISDN, broadband ISDN,
ATM, High speed LANS, Cellular Radio, Communication satellites -geosynchronous and low-
orbit, Switch/Hub, Bridge, Error detection and correction, Flow control.
3. Internetworking: Router, Gateways, Concatenated virtual circuits, Tunneling, Fragmentation,
Firewalls. Routing: Virtual circuits and datagrams, Routing algorithms, Congestion control and
avoidance, TCP Congestion management policy.
4. Cryptography and Protocols of network applications: Public key, secret key, Domain Name
System (DNS) -Electronic Mail and World Wide Web (WWW), The DNS, Resource Records, Name
servers, E-mail-architecture and Servers, Web server, HTTP.
5. ER diagrams and their transformation to relational design, normalization –1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF,
4NF. Limitations of 4NF and BCNF.
6. SQL: Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Control
Language (DCL) commands, Database objects like –Views, indexes, sequences, synonyms, data
1. Assembly language fundamentals (8085 based assembly language programming). Assemblers –2-
pass and single-pass, Macros and macro processors.
2. Loading, linking, relocation, program relocatability, Linkage editing.
3. Text editors, Programming Environments, Debuggers and program generators.
4. Compilation and Interpretation, Bootstrap compilers, Phases of compilation process, Lexical
analysis, Lex package on UNIX SYSTEM.
5. Context free grammars, Parsing and parse trees, Presentation of parse (derivation) trees as
rightmost and leftmost derivation, bottom-up parsers –shift-reduce, operator precedence, and
LR, YACC package on UNIX system.
6. Top-down parsers –left recursion and its removal, Recursive descent parser, Predictive parser,
Intermediate codes –Quadruples, Triples, Intermediate code generation, Code generation, Code