Syllabus: Computer Application
Syllabus: Computer Application
Syllabus: Computer Application
Logic Gates, Truth Tables, Combinational Logic Circuits & Realizations with Logic Gates- Half & Full Adders and
codes, Multiplexers, Demuliplexers, Encoders, Decoders,
Code Converters.
Sequential Circuits, JK RS, T, D Master –Slave Flip Flops, Shift register, Synchronous and Asynchronous counters.
Architecture of a simple Computer, Microprocessor , Architecture of 8085 & 8086, Registers and ALU, Instruction
set, Addressing Modes, Timing diagram, Fetch , decode and Execute Cycle, Interrupt , Mechanism, DMA.
Examples of ALP: Sorting, Code Conversion, Data Transfer and operations on data. Memory and Memory
Organization, ROM, EPROM, SRAM, DRAM & Auxiliary Memory.
(a) Slide making & presenting using MS- Power Points (MS-Office 2000)
C Programming : Structure of a C program, variables, constants, modifiers, escape sequences, expressions and
operators, Formatted and operators , Formatted input and Output, standard input and output, Control flow, if-else, if,
do-while, while, switch –case, for, use of break and continue. String/ character handling, one& two dimensional
arrays, function and arguments, passing parameters, recursive function structures, sorting& searching Pointers,
pointers in functions, linked lists, files in C, preprocessor, error handling.
Data structure: primitive &Non –primitive data, arrays, stack, queue, circular queue, linked lists, Non linear data
structure : binary tree, binary search tree representation, operations, thread representations, sequential
representations sorting & searching techniques.(Algorithms related to insertion at a point, deletion from a point , etc
is to be asked).
Programming using C
What is an operating System ? simple batch systems, multi programmed batch systems, time-sharing systems, parallel distributed systems, real-
time systems
Computer System structure- Computer System Operation I/O structures storage structure, storage hierarchy and hardware protection.
Operating System structure- System components, system services, system calls , system programs and system structure – simple structure.
Process concept: process state, process control blocks, process scheduling and schedulers threading.
CPU scheduling, CPU-I/O burst cycle, scheduling criteria scheduling algorithms (Non pre-emptive – FCFS, SJFS, P re- emptive –SJFS , and
Memory management ( contiguous allocation, paging, Swapping, Segmentation). Virtual memory- Demand paging, page replacement, page
replacement algorithms (FIFO, LRU)
File system structures, file allocation (contiguous, linked, indexed), free space management (bit vector, linked list, grouping, counting).
Disk structure, Disk scheduling (FCFS, SSTF, SCAN) , disk management – formatting boot block, bad block, swap space management.
LINUX System- Process management, scheduling, memory management, file system, input and output, file structure, inodes, and commands.
b) Extension of DOS commands- CLS, MD,RD, DATE, TIME, VER, COPY, REN, DEL,
C) Unix Commands –Is, Pwd, who, whoami,cd, mkdir, date, cal, banner , cp, mv
d)Win 98 environment –creating icons, OLE drag & drop, setting and configuration.
Concepts of OOPS and differences with procedural languages, characteristics of OOPS (Idea of objects , class, data abstraction & encapsulation ,
inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding,, I/O stream, Cin, Cout, I/O manipulation).
Data Types, operators, control structure & looping statements, functions, and arrays Objects & classes: classes and objects, constructor,
destructor, overloading binary operators, data conversion,
Inheritance: Derived class and base class, protected access specifier, derived class constructors, class hierarchies, abstract base class, public and
private inheritance,
Pointers: Address and pointers, pointers and arrays, memory management. “new” & “delete” pointer to objects, linked list, pointer to pointer.
Virtual functions: Virtual functions, Friend functions, static functions, and “this” pointer. Files and streams: String, String I/O, object I/O , I/O
with multiple objects file pointer, error handling, and redirection.
Using Visual Studio. NET IDE to develop VB. NET , application, creating Windows form, Using Object- oriented
Programming through VB. NET, Creating procedures, Using Common dialogue classes, Retrieving and
manipulating data to store in data base by ADO. NET.
Creating MDI applications, Creating menus, Performing File Input/ Output. Creating multi- threaded applications
Handling exception, debugging application, creating application assistant from help system, creating and using
components, creating user control,
Deploying an application.
Designing simple layouts using buttons, textbox, label, combo box etc. Making a front end application to connect to
remote or local database. Generating simple client applications.
Video display devices, refresh cathode ray tubes, raster- scan and random-scan display, colour CRT
monitor, direct view storage tubes, random scan systems.
Point and lines, line drawing algorithm, DDA and Bresenham’s line and parallel line drawing algorithm,
circle and ellipse generating algorithm conic section, curve function, polynomials and spline curves pixel
addressings, filled area. Scan-line algorithm, boundary fill and flood-fill algorithm.
Introduction to DBMS, Purpose, difference with respect to conventional file processing system, data abstraction, data independence, data models
(object-based, record based, physical data models), database manager, database administrator , overall system structure.
Entity- Relationship model, Relationship sets, Mapping, Keys and entity sets. Entity- Relationship diagram, specialization, generalization and
aggregation, database schema under relational model.
Relationship algebra –Project, select, Cartesian product, joins, natural join, union,
Normalization – Functional dependency, INF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, multivalued dependency & 4NF. Lossless joins, dependency preservation,
redundancy control and integrity preservation during decomposition.
Transaction- concepts, transaction state, concurrent executions, serializability, conflict serializability, view serializability.
Concurrency control-locks, granting of locks, timestamps based protocols, deadlock prevention, detection & recovery.
Security & integrity violation. Authorization, views, timestamp based protocols, deadlock prevention, detection & recovery.
Security & integrity violation. Authorization, views, timestamp base protocols, deadlock prevention, detection & recovery.
Oracle:- Oracle functions, SQL (DDL, DML), simple queries, nested sub- queries, self join , equijoin, non-equijoin, PL/SQL
programming (writing small blocks for data Manipulation). Update , Insert, Triggers, Views and grants under Oracle (DCL).
Writing and executing simple and complex queries, creation and alteration of tables updating, inserting, deleting, to/from a table.
Introduction to Software Engineering: Software development and life cycle, Project size its categories, planning and software project, project-
control and project team standards, Design of strategies, Software cost estimation and evaluation techniques.
Software Design: Various design concepts and notations, Modern design techniques verification and validation methods, Documentation and
implementation procedures : Performance of software systems, software metrics and model. Documentation of Project –system, manuals and
Software Testing : Testing fundamentals, types of testing, testing tools, Automated testing.
Software Maintenance: Maintenance characteristics, Maintenance tasks, Side effects, Reverse engineering techniques.
Software Reliability : Definition and concept of software reliability: Software errors, faults, repair and availability: Reliability and availability
models, use of database as a study tool.
Object oriented data modeling using UML concepts applying Rational Rose.
A communication model, communication tasks, three- layer approach to protocols, brief introduction to TCP/IP and OSI (brief function to
different layers).
Data transmission: concepts and terminology, analog and digital data transmission.
Data encoding, digital data digital signal, digital data analog signal, analog data digital signal and analog data analog signal.
Data link control: flow control, error detected (CRC). Error control, High level data
Control (HDLC).
Circuit switching: switched network, circuit switching networks, switching concepts, routing in circuit switched networks.
Packet switched : packet switching principals, routing, congestion and control, X.25, Digistra’s alogorithm, Bellman ford algorithm.
LAN Technology : LAN architecture , Bus/Tree LAN , Ring & stat LANs Ethernet and
Network Security: Requirements, conventional encryption, public key encryption& digital signature. (no numerical related questions are to be
XML : Introduction to XML, Document type definition (DTD), XML, schema-declaring attributers, namespaces, grouping elements and
attributes. Rendering XML document- CSS, XSLT. Displaying data with XSLT, displaying data in tabular format, using HTML tags within
XSLT. XML document object model – Objects and methods, using XML DOM objects in scripts.
PAPER 9 (b) PRACTICAL Creating XML document, XML schema, Declaring attributes & using component of one schema into another,
creating XSLT style for formatting data, validating an XML document against a DTD by DOM.
JDK tools: Java compiler, Java Interpreter, applet viewer, Jot tool, Javap disassemble, Javadoc Tool, Javah tool, java Keywords, data types in
java, variable naming conventions, Initializing variables, literals, operators, type conversion, Duiston construct, looping construct, Arrays.
Classes and objects: Declaring classes, creating objects, declaring objects, declaring methods, passing arguments to methods, constructors, access
specifiers, modifiers, the main() method, Overloading.
Applet & applications: Applet class, Applet & HTML, Life cycle of an Applet, Graphic class, Font class, passing parameters to applets, creating
an application, converting applets to applications.
Introduction to threads:
Threads, single treaded and multithreaded applications, life cycle of a thread, the current thread, the thread class, problems in multithreading.
Packages: Java packages, using a package, the Lang package, the util package, the collection class, creating a package.
Need, scope and characteristics of Entrepreneurship, special schemes for Technical Entrepreneurs, STED.
Identification of opportunities.
Exposure to demand based, resource based, service based, import substitute and export promotion industries.
Critical path Method (CPM) & Project Evaluation review techniques (PERT) as planning tools for establishing SSI..
A) Creativity and Innovation B) Strength weakness opportunity and threat (SWOT) techniques.
1) Nature of products and market strategy 2) Packaging and Advertising 3) after sales service.
Entrepreneurial Motivation Training: through games, role –playing, discussions and exercises.
1) Working capital and fixed capital: Practice assessment and management 2) Exercise on working capital: Practice
fixed capital calculation.