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Vanag 2022 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 991 012017

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Mining Sciences and Mineral Field Development: Challenges and Solutions IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 991 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/991/1/012017

Experimental study of pneumatic impact mechanism with

three pneumatic chambers

YuV Vanag1,2
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia

E-mail: yuliya.vanag@corp.nstu.ru

Abstract. The problems of preserving the performance of pneumatic impact machines while
reducing their weight and dimensions for carrying out the construction works in a confined
space were considered. The results of calculating the dynamics of two variants of impact
devices with two and three pneumatic chambers were presented. It was shown the reserve for
increasing the impact power is a raise the frequency of impacts due to more number of
pneumatic chambers at the same radial dimensions and threshold impact energy of the impact
devices under consideration.

1. Introduction
The operation of mining, oil and gas factories is linked with the construction and reconstruction of
industrial and civil facilities for various purposes, pipeline and communications, which requires a
complex of special construction work. The list of such works includes trenchless pipelaying,
strengthening the slopes of foundation pits and embankments, the construction of retaining walls and
screens, the formation of pales for the foundations of buildings, supports of bridges, overpasses, and
power lines. At the same time, technologies based on the boring of horizontal and vertical wells, and
percussion immersion of metal profiles into the ground have become widespread [1].
A significant part of construction work associated with the immersion of metal elements in the
ground in the existing part of urban development is carried out in cramped conditions or conditions of
limited technological space [2]. These include hard-to-reach places of the construction site, work in
close proximity to existing buildings and structures, as well as in their basements, where the use of
lifting equipment is difficult or impossible. When choosing equipment for the implementation of such
works, preference is given to Russian or foreign pneumatic impact machines, for example, pneumatic
punches Grundomat, IP4605, SO144 or pneumatic hammer “Taifun” [3–5].
There are known designs of annular down-the hole hammer (DTH-hammers) with two and three
pneumatic chambers in the air distribution system [6, 7]. They are distinguished by the presence in the
design of a through axial channel that together with the inner pipe of a double drill string, forms an
exhaust tract, which is simultaneously a pneumatic transport line for carrying out particles of
destroyed rock and minerals. The annular DTH-hammers with three pneumatic chambers for driving
rod elements into the ground are successfully used [8]. They have a radial compressed air supply and
a through axial channel to accommodate the submerged element, and are also equipped with a
clamping mechanism through which the impact is transmitted to the rod element through its lateral
surface (non-end impact).
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Mining Sciences and Mineral Field Development: Challenges and Solutions IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 991 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/991/1/012017

2. Theory
A prerequisite for the movement of the submerged element in the soil mass is the achievement by the
machines used of the required threshold value of impact energy E [9]. If this does not happen, then a
failure occurs due to the impossibility of destroying the internal bonds between soil particles and
overcoming the forces of frontal and side resistance. With limited weight and size parameters of
impact devices, the preservation of impact power P is carried out by increasing the impacts frequency
f [10] and simultaneously reducing the impacts energy and displacement per impact [8]:
P= E⋅ f
At present, the most widespread machines are machines with a valveless air distribution system
and two pneumatic chambers [11, 12] due to their reliability. They are consist of (Figure 1): controlled
F (back stroke chamber – BSCh) and uncontrolled B (forward stroke chamber – FSCh) chamber. The
peculiarity of such machines is that the intake and the compressed air is exhausted from the controlled
chamber F into the chamber G with atmospheric pressure through the channel H. The pneumatic
punches have such scheme.

Figure 1. Valveless pneumatic impact mechanism: 1 – tube; 2 – striker; 3 – body; A, C, H

– channels; B – forward stroke chamber; F – back stroke chamber; G – atmospheric
pressure chamber; D, E – grooves

An analysis of the dependences of the main parameters shows that an increase in the impact
frequency f in the pneumatic impact mechanism scheme occurs due to a decrease in the operating
cycle time T
f = . (1)
Cycle time T is the sum of the forward t 1 and back t 2 of the striker stroke
T = t1 + t2 . (2)
It follows from expression (3) that in order to reduce the working cycle time, it is necessary to
reduce the time of movement of the striker during its back stroke. Reducing the acceleration time on a
straight course is possible with an increase in the pre-impact speed of the v у due to an increase in the
cross-sectional area of the striker, which is under pressure on the working stroke. In turn, the reduction
in the movement time of the striker during its back stroke is provided by an air cushion that creates
back pressure from the side of the forward chamber, which is also associated with the cross-sectional
area under pressure, and within the framework of a scheme with one controlled chamber is
unattainable. In this case, the equation of motion of the striker has the following form [8]:
− p1S1 + p2 S 2 − mg sin Θ =0 , (3)
where E – kinetic energy of striker, J; x – displacement of striker, m; m – mass of striker, kg; g –
gravity acceleration, m/s2; p 1 , p 2 – excess air pressures, respectively, in the back stroke and forward
stroke chambers of the pneumatic punch, MPa; S 1 , S 2 – areas of the striker, respectively, from the

Mining Sciences and Mineral Field Development: Challenges and Solutions IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 991 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/991/1/012017

back stroke and forward stroke chambers, m2; Θ – angle of inclination of pneumatic hummer to the
It follows from Eq. (4) that at the threshold value of the impact energy, the ratio of the areas of the
forward stroke S 2 and back stroke S 1 chambers has a significant effect on the movement of striker in
the forward and reverse directions, which in pneumatic impact machine takes a value from 0.4 to 0.69
[8, 12]. Therefore, in order to increase the frequency of impacts while maintaining the radial
dimensions of the impact device, an additional controlled forward stroke chamber must be introduced
into its design.
The constructive implementation of such an air distribution system is shown in Figure 2 [11].
Compressed air from the network through channel A in tube 1 constantly enters chamber B (FSCh)
located in the striker 2, from where, depending on its position through the inlet channel C, through the
grooves and E, it enters the controlled chamber F (BSCh) or partially when the inlet channels are
combined G and H into the annular chamber K of the air cushion – an additional forward stroke
chamber – (FSCh2) in the body 3. The exhaust of compressed air from chambers F and K is carried
out alternately through the exhaust channel L. Changing the design of the device is possible without
increasing the number of parts in it, which implies its operational reliability. At the same time, the
axial supply of compressed air is retained in the design – channel A, and the exhaust from the
controlled chambers becomes radial along channel L.

Figure 2. Valveless pneumatic impact mechanism: 1 – tube; 2 – striker; 3 – body; A, C,

H, G, L – channels; B – forward stroke chambers; F – back stroke chamber; K – an
additional annular forward stroke chamber; D, E – grooves

On the forward stroke, the entire section of the striker will be under compressed air pressure, this
will reduce the forward and reverse stroke time and, accordingly, the working cycle time according to
the expression
− p1S1 + p2 S 2 + p3 S3 − mg sin Θ =0 , (4)
where р 3 and S 3 are the excess air pressure and the annular area of the striker from the side of the
additional annular forward stroke chamber – FSCh2.
This scheme (Figure 2) is the basis for the development of the studied pneumatic impact
mechanism for performing work in conditions of limited technological space.

3. Methods of the research

The purpose of mathematical simulation is to calculate the technical characteristics of both variants of
impact mechanisms (Figures 1, 2), which makes it possible to compare the prospects of using schemes
of impact devices for driving pipes into the ground in conditions of limited technological space. Initial
data for modeling: m = 4.4 – striker mass, kg; μ = 1 – flow coefficient; k v = 0 – restoration coefficient
of impact velocity; T = 300 – air temperature, K; S 1 = 28.27·10–4; S 2 = 25.44·10–4; S 3 = 2.83·10–4; S m =
2·10–4 – chamber areas, m2; V 1 = 1.0·10–3, V 2 = 2.5·10–3, V 3 = 0.5·10–3; V 4= 2.4·10–3 – chamber
volumes, m3; S 12 = S 24 = S a1 = S a3 = 3.25·10–5 – total areas of intake and exhaust control channels, m2.

Mining Sciences and Mineral Field Development: Challenges and Solutions IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 991 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/991/1/012017

Taking into account the generally accepted assumptions, the working process of the pneumatic
impact machine was described by a system of equations [13] reflecting the change in the movement of
the impactor, pressure and temperature in the i-chamber of compressed air. The numerical solution of
the equations was carried out in Mathcad.
When deriving dynamic equations that determine thermodynamic processes in compressed air
chambers, assumptions are made that are usually used in the calculation of pneumatic systems [14]:
–technical characteristics of air-conducting chokes are perfect and their costs are assumed to be
equal to one;
– the movement of the body of the impact device under the action of a single shock pulse is small
to the magnitude of the stroke of the striker and it can be neglected;
– air flows through the gaps between the striker and the body, the striker and the nozzle are not
taken into account;
– alignment of the air parameters in the working chambers occurs instantly;
–exchange between the air, the striker, the body and the environment (soil) during the cycle is not
taken into account due to its insignificance;
– change in the speed of the striker and the body when they collide occurs instantly.
Generalized design model of impact devices are shown in Figure 3, where: 1, 2, 3 – working
chambers with volumes V 1 , V 2 , V 3 , accordingly, of which chambers 1 and 3 are controlled. The
uncontrolled chamber 2 is constantly in communication with the compressed air line 4. The striker
performs the back stroke under the action of the difference in forces arising from the air pressures on
the ends of the striker from the side of the BSCh – V 1 and FSCh – V 2 chambers, the working stroke
occurs under the action of the sum of forces from the air pressure in the V 1 , V 2 , V 3 chambers. Due to
this, an increase in impact power can be achieved.

Figure 3. Design model of the impact mechanisms with two (a) and three (b) pneumatic
chambers: 1 – back stroke chamber (BSCh); 2 – forward stroke chamber (FSCh); 3 – an
additional forward stroke chamber (FSCh2); 4 –line of compressed air; s ij , s ia – control
channels; a – atmosphere; p m – pressure in the pipeline.

Mining Sciences and Mineral Field Development: Challenges and Solutions IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 991 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/991/1/012017

Figure 4. Calculated diagrams of pressure in the chambers of pneumatic impact devices

with two – 2Ch (a) and three – 3Ch (b) pneumatic chambers; p 1 , p 2 , p 3 – pressure in
BSCh, FSCh and annular FSCh2

To achieve the same value of the velocity of striker, the length at the inlet of BSCh was changed.
Based on the simulation results, pressure diagrams in the chambers of the considered pneumatic
hummer structures (Figure 4) were obtained. In the Table 1, the results of a numerical experiment
were presented. Analysis of the pressure diagrams shows that in a device with three pneumatic
chambers, a more intensive acceleration of the striker forward, an increase in its speed and a reduction
in the cycle time is facilitated by an air cushion of compressed air in the annular forward stroke
chamber 3 (Figures 3b).

Table 1. Energy indicators of pneumatic impact devices with a valveless air distribution system

Estimated characteristics of
Name 2Ch 3Ch
The ratio of the areas of the forward stroke and backward stroke
0.5 1
chambers S 1 /S 2
length of working stroke Н, m 0.067 0.037
Impact frequency f, Hz 13.0 24.8
Impact energy Е, J 48 48
Compressed air flow rate q, m3/J 6.5·10–5 6.7·10–5

The simulation results show that with the same impact energy in a device with two pneumatic
chambers, the striker's stroke length is 1.8 times longer and, as a consequence, the frequency of
impacts is 1.8 times less than in a device with three pneumatic chambers. The results of the
experiment indicate that an increase in the number of pneumatic chambers allows an increase in the
average speed of movement of the striker, which is necessary when developing the device for
performing work in a limited technological space.

4. Conclusions
It was found that the frequency of impacts in a device with three pneumatic chambers is 1.8 times
higher than in a device with two chambers while maintaining the threshold value of the impact
energy. The use of the third chamber makes it possible to reduce the length and total weight of the
device by reducing the working stroke of the striker by 1.8 times while maintaining the same body

Mining Sciences and Mineral Field Development: Challenges and Solutions IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 991 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/991/1/012017

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