Prediction of Void Growth and Fiber Volume Fraction Based On Filament Winding Process Mechanics
Prediction of Void Growth and Fiber Volume Fraction Based On Filament Winding Process Mechanics
Prediction of Void Growth and Fiber Volume Fraction Based On Filament Winding Process Mechanics
Composite Structures
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Keywords: The void growth and fiber volume fraction in filament winding composites are critical to the mechanical per-
Curing formance of composite structures. In this paper, a comprehensive prediction model for void growth and fiber
Finite element analysis (FEA) volume fraction is developed based on various time-dependent manufacturing characteristics in the filament
Void growth winding process. This prediction model is basically decoupled into three sub-models: a diffusion-controlled void
Filament winding
growth sub-model, a thermo-chemical sub-model and a resin flow sub-model for fiber volume fraction modeling.
The relationships between manufacturing parameters and void size, fiber volume fraction are investigated by
employing this new model. The results show that, in conventional models, the predicted size of voids was
underestimated without considering the change of resin pressure and processing temperature. Strict control of
the initial void size has limited benefits on reducing the final size of voids after winding process. However, the
ambient humidity is critical to the control of the final void size in the composite products. Moreover, a higher
winding tension will result in a smaller size of voids and a higher volume fraction of fibers, benefiting the
improvement of product quality.
1. Introduction The growth of voids is one of the most critical defects in the fabrication
of the FRP [6,7]. In recent years, the void defect has been reported as a
Filament winding is one of the most commonly used forming tech- detrimental threat to the strength and fatigue life of FRPs. Furthermore,
niques for the fabrication of continuous fiber reinforced resin compo- the voids will cause further damage to the products, such as cracks and
sites, such as pressure vessels, pipes and so on [1–3]. Comparing to delamination [8–12]. According to the literature [10], an approxi-
other forming techniques for fiber reinforced plastics (FRP), filament mately 20% decrease in shear-, flexural- and tensile strength was
winding has the advantages of high cost-effectiveness and easy auto- caused with an increase of void content by only 2.6%. According to the
mation, making it being widely employed in engineering fields. Among American aeronautics standard, final FRP products with more than 2%
various winding methods, the wet winding is more frequently used for void content should be abandoned [13]. Therefore, the porosity of FRPs
manufacturing thermoset FRP because of the advantages of low mate- is one of the key parameters of FRP products. Winding manufacturing
rial cost and easy modulation of the resin formulation with respect to techniques should be improved to reduce the content of voids for high
specific requirements [4]. A typical configuration of the wet winding quality production of FRPs as critical force-bearing components in ad-
process is shown in Fig. 1, in which the fibers are passed through a resin vanced equipment.
bath and wound on a rotating mandrel in a prescribed geometric path In addition, the fiber volume fraction of filament wound parts also
under controlled tension, followed by the curing and demolding steps to have a significant impact on the performance of FRPs [14]. When fiber
get the final winding FRP products [5]. fraction in the FRP rises from 50% to 65%, the strength of composites
In the wet winding process, the fiber bands are wound on the was improved by over 10% [4]. The content of voids and volume
mandrel after impregnated immediately. However, there is still a lot of fraction of fibers have significant dependency on the process para-
impregnant residing in the resin, and the voids will be easily generated meters during the fabrication, an insightful understanding of the pro-
during the curing step. Fig. 2 shows a typical void in winding FRP part. cess of void growth and evolution of fiber volume fraction related to the
Corresponding author at: Department of Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China.
E-mail address: (M. Ren).
Received 2 March 2020; Accepted 28 April 2020
Available online 04 May 2020
0263-8223/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Q. Wang, et al. Composite Structures 246 (2020) 112432
Q. Wang, et al. Composite Structures 246 (2020) 112432
total heat of resin reaction and β is the degree of cure. The curing rate is
an empirically derived function of temperature, time and degree of cure
= K (T )·f (β )
dt (3)
where f (β ) is conversion function that reflects the type of reaction, and
K (T ) is an Arrhenius-type relation for the temperature dependency
given as:
K (T ) = A·exp ⎛ a ⎞
⎝ RT ⎠ (4)
where A is the pre-exponential factor, Ea is the apparent activation
energy of curing reaction and R is the universal gas constant.
In equation (4), the conversion function f (β ) depends on the type of
the thermoset polymer. There are a few different types of curing reac-
tion for thermoset resins, and the nth order expressions can describe the
curing behavior of most types of resin matrix:
f (β ) = (1 − β )n (5)
where n is the reaction order. Fig. 3. Compaction during the filament winding process.
2.2. Resin flow sub-model k + 1th layer is winding in the winding angle of ϕ , then the stress along
the fiber direction is:
The winding FRP part is assumed to be axially symmetric for sim-
T k+1
plification purpose. Under winding tension, the resin will be squeezed σ fk + 1 =
Af (10)
from the inner layer of the winding cylinder to the outer layer. The
resin flow throughout a fiber sheet under tension is a flow with a low where T is the winding tension, Af is the cross-sectional area of the
Reynolds number. Therefore, the resin flow in the filament winding layer. Then, the circumferential component of the stress in the fiber
process can be considered as a unidirectional flow in porous media layer is:
which can be expressed in Darcy’s law:
σθθ = σ fk + 1sin2 ϕ (11)
K dp
μ dr (6) The compaction pressure on the kth layer caused by the k + 1th
layer is:
where v is the fluid velocity, K is the permeability of the medium, μ
k+1 k+1
is the fluid viscosity and dp / dr is the pressure gradient in the direction σθθ t
σrrk =
of the flow. r k+1 (12)
The viscosity of resin depends on the degree of cure and the pro-
where t k+1
and r k+1
are the thickness and inner radius of the k + 1th
cessing temperature [40]. Generally, in the curing process of composite
layer, respectively. Assuming the total number of winding layers is n,
materials, the viscosity of the resin will first decrease with the in-
the stress of the kth layer is the sum of the stress of the stresses caused
creasing temperature while the crosslinking reaction does not happen,
by all the layers above the kth layer
obtaining a better fluidity. As the reaction of crosslinking moves on, the
viscosity of the resin increases. This process can be characterized by the
σrrk = ∑ σrri
Roller model: i=k+1 (13)
U The external stress is assumed to be borne by both the fibers and the
μ = μ∞ exp ⎛ + aμ β ⎞
⎝ RT ⎠ (7) matrix [28,29]:
where μ∞ and aμ are constants that are independent on the temperature, σ = pf + pr (14)
U is the activation energy of the viscous flow of resin.
Permeability is an important indicator to evaluate the difficulty of where σ is the total applied stress, pf is the fiber pressure and pr is the
resin flow in the fiber bed, which has a significant impact on the resin resin pressure which can be solved by Darcy’s law. The fiber stress is the
flow [41]. As the resin squeezes out, the fiber bed is gradually com- function of fiber volume fraction Vf , gives as:
pacted, the fiber volume fraction is increasing and the permeability Vf
gradually reduces. Gutowski et al. [29] proposed a permeability model ⎛ − 1⎞
for a variety of composite parts: pf = Es ⎝ ⎠
⎛ ⎜
− 1⎞
r f2 (1 − Vf )3 ⎝ Vf
⎠ (15)
k11 =
4kl Vf2 (8) where Es is the constant related to the state of the fiber bundle, V0 and Va
3 are the initial fiber volume fraction and final fiber volume fraction,
r f2 ⎛
− 1⎞ ⎟ respectively.
k22 = ⎝ ⎠
4kl ( Va
+1 ) (9)
2.3. Void growth sub-model
where rf is the radius of the fiber, Vf is the fiber volume fraction, kl and The voids are assumed to be spherical gas bubbles that contain an
kt are constants, and Va is the theoretical limit of the fiber fraction. air-mixture vapor with an initial radius R 0 in resin. The growth of the
The curing pressure in filament winding is mainly provided by the void is controlled by temperature, pressure, surface tension, and dif-
winding tension on the fiber bands. As shown in Fig. 3, when the fusion, as shown in Fig. 4.
Q. Wang, et al. Composite Structures 246 (2020) 112432
∂C (C∞ − Csat ) ⎛ Rv ⎞
= 1+⎜ ⎟
∂r r = Rv Rv ⎝ πDt ⎠ (18)
D = D0 exp ⎛ ⎞
⎝ RT ⎠ (19)
C∞ =
100Wr (20)
⎛ ⎞
aρr ⎜ 100χ H2 O p v ⎟
Csat = p H2 O < pHsat2 O
100Wr ⎜ sat Tref Rδ ⎡ Ec ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ ⎤⎟
⎜ p H2 O [ T ] exp ⎢ R ⎜T − ⎟ ⎥⎟
⎝ ⎣ ⎝ ref ⎠ ⎦⎠
Csat = (100)b p H2 O ⩾ pHsat2 O (21)
Fig. 4. Schematic of void growth state. 100Wr
Q. Wang, et al. Composite Structures 246 (2020) 112432
passed to the void growth sub-model. Finally, the void size versus time
(Rv (t)) is obtained.
Fig. 6. DSC curves of TDE-86 at different heating rates. Fig. 8. Micrographs of void morphology.
Q. Wang, et al. Composite Structures 246 (2020) 112432
Table 1
Input parameters for resin flow sub-model.
Parameters μ∞ aμ U rf kl kt Va As
Q. Wang, et al. Composite Structures 246 (2020) 112432
Table 2
Input parameters values for void growth sub-model.
Parameters γLV D0 Ev φ a b PHsat2 O Wr ρr δ Ec
As shown in Fig. 15, when the initial void radiuses of parts are 10 μm,
30 μm, and 50 μm the final void sizes are almost identical. This is be-
cause the initial void size has little effect on the critical condition of
void growth within a certain range. Under the same process conditions,
the growth conditions of voids with different initial sizes are close to
each other. Therefore, before the critical condition of void growth is
reached, the voids with larger initial diameter will shrink to a certain
extent. In the void growth stage, the void growth rate of the larger
initial size is slightly lower, resulting in almost the same final void size.
That means, in the final production of winding FRP parts, it is not
significant to improve the product quality by strictly controlling the
initial void size.
4.2. Humidity
5. Conclusions
Q. Wang, et al. Composite Structures 246 (2020) 112432
Fig. 15. The void growth evolution with different initial void sizes.
Fig. 16. The void growth evolution under different relative humidity.
Fig. 13. Statistics of void size in specimens, (a) quantifying of the voids number
with different equivalent radius. (b) Void number ratio versus void equivalent
dangerous estimation of process quality. Based on the current model,
radius, (c) the proportion of different sizes of voids in the overall porosity.
strict control of the initial void size has little impact on the final void
size control. At the same time, the relative humidity in the filament
formed to validate this prediction model. winding process has a great influence on the final void size, reducing
The prediction model is validated by the microstructure of the ambient humidity can effectively reduce the void size in the products. A
manufactured filament winding parts. The original diffusion-based higher winding tension will also result in a smaller void size and a
model without considering the change of process parameters will higher fiber volume fraction.
greatly underestimate the final void size in the product, resulting in a The prediction model developed in this work can be used to guide
Q. Wang, et al. Composite Structures 246 (2020) 112432
Fig.17. (a) The void growth evolution under different winding tension, (b) the
final void radius versus winding tension. Fig. 18. (a) The fiber volume fraction evolution under different winding ten-
sion, (b) the final fiber volume fraction versus winding tension.
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