.Cost - Managament
.Cost - Managament
.Cost - Managament
Process of estimating, budgeting and
controlling costs throughout the project
Project Cost
life cycle, with the objective of keeping Management?
costs within the approved budget.
Project Success
Delivers on the requirements & scope
5 Type of costs
Direct cost
Indirect cost
Fixed cost
Variable cost
Sunk cost
Direct Cost
Linked to doing the work of the project.
Most common type of cost that a business/organization incur.
Direct costs associated with the production of a product or service.
Include items such as the raw materials needed to create a
product, the cost of labor, and any distribution or delivery costs.
It's more expensive to pay staff salaries over a 12 month project than a 6
month one. Or Machine hire over 8 weeks is more costly than for 3 weeks.
02 04
Plan Cost
Process that establishes the policies,
procedures, and documentation for
planning, managing, expending, and
controlling project costs.
Plan Cost Management
Plan Cost
• Project Management Plan • Expert Judgment • Cost Management Costs 02
• Project Charter • Analytical Techniques Plan
• Enterprise Env. Factors • Meetings
• Organizational Process
03 Determine
Cost 04
Estimate Costs
Process of developing an
approximation of the cost
of resources for the
project activity.
Estimate Costs
Plan Cost
01 Management
• Scope Baseline
• Expert Judgment
Analogous Estimating
• Activity Cost Estimates 02
• Project Schedule
• • Basis of Estimates Estimate
• Parametric Estimating • Project Document Costs
• Risk Register
• Bottom-up Estimating Updates
• Cost Management Plan
• Three Point Estimating
• Human Resource
• Reserve Analysis
Management Plan
• Cost of Quality
• Enterprise Env. Factors
• Org. Process Assets
Vendor Bid Analysis
Group Decision Making
03 Determine
Cost 04
Cost Estimation
• Expert Judgement
This method of estimation relies upon a combination of historical data and expert
judgment of the project manager.
• Cost Management Plan
• Cost Aggregation
• Reserve Analysis
• Cost Baseline Costs 02
• Scope Baseline • Project Funding
• Funding Limit Requirements
• Activity Cost Estimates
Reconciliation • Project Document
• Project Schedule
• Expert Judgment Updates
• Resource Calendars
• Historical Relationships
• Risk Register
• Agreements/Contracts
• Basis of Estimates 03
• Org. Process Assets Determine
Cost 04
Control Costs
Influencing the factors that create
cost variances and controlling
changes to the project budget.
Control Costs
Plan Cost
01 Management
• Project Management Plan
• Earned Value Management
• Work Performance Costs 02
• Project funding Information
• Forecasting • Cost Forecasts
• Performance Reviews • Change Requests
• Work Performance Data
• TCPI • Project Management,
• Organizational Process
• Reserve Analysis Project
• Documents, Org.
Process Assets 03 Determine
• updates
Cost 04
Role Cost Performance and Report
Measuring Performance
Because all projects are anticipated to have specified goals,
and productivity is not necessarily equal to performance, this is
a stage for monitoring job completion and its obtained value,
which must be coordinated with the outcomes ahead of time.
Implementing reporting protocols, frequency, and format
throughout all stages of a project cost management plan is
critical, especially when considering the document as a critical
part of the project management cycle, as well as the fact that
reporting can be extremely useful in detecting budget
Factors affect Cost Control
Cost of Materials
The entire cost of all supplies and equipment necessary for a project is referred to as
the cost of materials.
Cost Variance
Any price disparities between the project's actual cost and the budget you've set are
referred to as cost variance. For example, if you have a $1,000 budget for a project but
the actual cost is $1,500, the cost variance is $500 because the difference between
the budget and the actual cost is the difference between the budget and the actual
Labor Costs
The cost of labor is the total of all wages paid to project employees, including
employee perks and taxes. Because a project may require numerous employees
working at the same time, it's vital to factor in the cost of labor when budgeting for it.
Real Cost
The real cost is the sum of all expenses incurred by a project from the start to the
finish. This covers labor costs, materials costs, and any other project-related costs.
Other Techniques for Cost Management
Inventory Control
One of the most important sources of revenue is inventories. To begin,
make a list of inventory requirements, quantity checks, vendor costs,
and so on.
This is one method for putting staff in third-party responsibilities,
particularly for one-time initiatives. It prevents the employer from
having to account for the expense.
Market Sense
It's crucial to stay on top of market developments. It is necessary to
maintain ongoing contact with vendors and ensure that contract
renewals coincide with price trends.
Organize Time
Cost Management Tools
Companies use project cost
management software to monitor
the profitability of the projects
they deliver.
Is the process that establishes The process of developing The process of aggregating The process of monitoring
the policies, procedures, and an approximation of the the estimated costs of the status of the project to
documentation for planning, monetary resources individual activities or work update the project budget
managing, expending, and needed to complete packages to establish an and managing changes to
controlling project costs. project activities. authorized cost baseline. the cost baseline.
Weighted Milestones
Milestone assigned a budget value
earned at the completion of that
Cost of Quality
Cost that is incurred to achieve
Reserve Analysis
Cost/Schedule contingency/reserve analysis
used to cover any unforeseen risks or
changes to the project
Project Budget
Constitute the funds authorized to execute
the project.
Next :
How we manage
Quality ?