Module in TTL 2
Module in TTL 2
Module in TTL 2
Course Introduction
Quality and relevant education for its clientele to be globally competitive,
culture sensitive and morally responsive human resources for sustainable
Help accelerate socio-economic development M1, promote harmony among the
diverse culturesM2 and improve quality of life M3 through instruction, research,
extension and resource generation in Southern Philippines.
Core Values
G-Goodness, R-Responsiveness, E-Excellence, A-Assertion of Right and T-
2. analyze the learning competencies of every year level according to the field of
specialization of the pre-service teachers01
3. review some units in the curriculum guide with focus on the development of 21 st
century skills
Teaching has always been a challenging profession since knowledge has
been precipitously expanding and essential skills have been incessantly
increasing and changing. With these challenges, teachers need to engage
educational technologies in teaching is based on theories, principles, and
philosophical foundations. Understanding these will help you successfully
integrate technologies to enable your students to demonstrate the intended
learning outcomes.
6. UNESCO (2005)
ICT integration is not merely mastering the hardware and software
skills. Teachers need to realize how to organize the classroom to structure
the learning tasks so that ICT resources become automatic and natural
1. Moursund (2005)
ICT includes all the full range of computer hardware, computer
software, and telecommunications facilities. Thus, it includes
computer devices ranging from handheld calculators to
multimillion worth super computers. It includes the full range of
display and projections devices used to view computer output. It
includes the local area networks and wide area network that will
allow computer systems in people to communicate with each
other. It includes digital cameras, computer games, CDs, DVDs,
cell telephones, telecommunication satellites, and fiber optics. It
includes computerized machinery and computerized robots.
2. Tinio (2009)
ICT is a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to
communicate, create, disseminate, store and manage information.
These technologies include hardware devices, software applications,
internet connectivity, broadcasting technologies and telephony.
3. UNESCO (2020)
ICT is a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to
transmit, store, create, share, or exchange information. These
technological tools and resources include computers, the Internet
(website, blogs, and emails), live broadcasting technologies (radio,
television and webcasting), recorded broadcasting technologies
(podcasting, audio and video players and storage devices) and
telephony (fixed or mobile, satellite, visio/video-conferencing, etc.).
UNESCO defines it also as a scientific, technological, and
engineering discipline and management technique used and handling
4. Ratheeswari (2018)
Information communication technologies (ICT) influence every
aspect of human life. They play salient roles in workplaces, business,
education, and entertainment. Moreover, many people recognize ICTs
as catalysts for change: change in working conditions, handling and
exchanging information, teaching methods, learning approaches,
scientific research, and in accessing information communication
technologies. In this digital era, ICT is important in the classroom for
giving students opportunities to learn and apply the required 21 st
Century Skills. ICT improves teaching and learning and its importance
for teachers in performing their role of creators of pedagogical
environments. ICT helps a teacher to present his/her teaching
attractively and enables the learners to learn at any level of
educational programmes.
Teaching and Learning Events and Associated Media Forms (Czerniewicz &
Brown, 2005) adapted from Laurillard (2002)
There are a lot of researches that will prove that the integration of ICTs can
fully transform classroom instruction. Haddad in 2003 states that the teachers’
use of ICT supports the development of higher order thinking skills (HOTS) and
promotes collaboration. This is the reason why it is recognized ast training in ICT
pedagogy integration is promoted.
For a successful ICT-pedagogy integration training to take place, a training
framework used as a guide will be of help. Jung (2005) was able to organize
various ICT teacher training efforts into four categories. This is presented in this
It is imperative to note that when teachers are digitally literate, where they
are able to integrate such in the curriculum will promote better understanding of
the lessons among the learners.
Core Technology
ICT as facilitating or
ICT as core delivery technology
networking technology
Complementary Technology
1. Teachers also work as curricularist. Anent this role, how do you intend to
make your ICT integration more responsive and relevant?
Physical Education adopts both fitness and movement curriculum models.
The program is based on the principle “Move to Learn, Learn to Move.” It is
anchored on the context of legal and philosophical underpinnings in
consonance with the intention of Article IV, Section 19 of the Philippine
Constitution which mandates that:
The State shall promote physical education and encourage sports
programs, league competitions, and amateur sports, including training for
international competitions, to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and
excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry. All
educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities throughout
the country in cooperation with athletic clubs and other sectors.
Move to learn is the context of physical activity as the means for learning, while Learn
Prof Ed 323 Technology for Teaching and Learning 2
to move embodies the learning of skills, 10
and techniques and the acquisition of
understanding that are requisites to participation in a variety of physical activities that
include exercise, games, sports, dance and recreation.
Structure of K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum
learning activities:
action songs
PE Curriculum Standards
1 Habitual physical activity participation to achieve and maintain health-
enhancing levels of fitness.
2 Competence in movement and motor skills requisite to various
physical activity performances
3 Valuing physical activities for enjoyment, challenge, social interaction,
and career opportunities.
4 Understanding various movement concepts, principles, strategies, and
tactics as they apply to the learning of physical activity.
Activity 1.
Go over the Physical Education Curriculum Guide under the K to 12 Basic
Education Program (the guide can be downloaded from
Find out the contents of the curriculum by studying the following areas:
The Curriculum Framework
The Curricular Philosophy
Learning Standards
Learning Approaches
Learning Competencies
Scope and Sequence
Activity 2.
Using microsoft office program, design a concept map to illustrate your
understanding of the structure and contents of the K to 12 PE curriculum.
Discuss the flow of your ideas in the diagram.
The Health Content Matrix for Grades 1 to 10 shows the content areas for
which competencies are to be developed during the four quarters of the
school year.
Prof Ed 323 Technology for Teaching and Learning 2
This serves as guide for the teacher in developing the desired
performance standards of learners.
Grade 4
Grade 7
The ability of teachers to select and design instructional materials is a
critical factor in the achievement of instructional objectives. PE teachers have
to find ways to utilize a wide range of materials and technology to enhance
and supplement the PE instruction.
Technology for PE
Activity. The table below contains sample PE lesson objectives taken from
the K to 12 PE Curriculum guide. Complete the chart by providing appropriate
multi-sensory instructional materials for each objective.
PE Learning Competencies Appropriate Materials
1. Describes the different parts of the
body and their movements through
enjoyable physical activities (Grade
2. Describes movements in a
location, direction, level, pathway,
and plans (Grade 2).
3. Demonstrates movements in skills
in response to sound and music
(Grade 3).
4. Describes the skills involved in the
dance (Grade 4).
5. Explains health and skill related
fitness components (Grade 5).
6. Observes safety precautions
(Grade 6).
7. Describes the nature and
background of the sports (Grade 7).
8. Prepare a physical activity program
(Grade 8).
9. Assess eating habits based on the
Philippine Food Pyramid/My Food
Palate (Grade 9).
10. Determines risk factors related to
lifestyles diseases (obesity, diabetes,
Prof Ed 323 Technology for Teaching and Learning 2
heart disease) (Grade 10).
1. Describes the different parts of the body and their movements through
enjoyable physical activities (Grade 1).
2. Describes movements in a location, direction, level, pathway, and plans
(Grade 2).
3. Demonstrates movements in skills in response to sound and music (Grade
4. Describes the skills involved in the dance (Grade 4).
5. Explains health and skill related fitness components (Grade 5).
6. Observes safety precautions (Grade 6).
7. Describes the nature and background of the sports (Grade 7).
8. Prepare a physical activity program (Grade 8).
9. Assess eating habits based on the Philippine Food Pyramid/My Food
Palate (Grade 9).
10. Determines risk factors related to lifestyles diseases (obesity, diabetes,
heart disease) (Grade 10).
1 - Relevant
2 - Appropriate
3 - Authentic
4 - Interesting
5 - Cost-effective
PE Learning Technology-based
Competencies (at instructional/learning 1 2 3 4 5
least 3 from the resources
previous activity)
Instructional materials are designed to serve as useful devices for
assisting teachers in facilitating the teaching learning process effectively. It
provides direct understanding of the concepts being developed and
There are several strategies that a teacher can use to effectively deliver
his/her lesson. One of these is the utilization of appropriate instructional
materials that are aligned with the content and objectives of the lesson. To be
efficient in selecting and preparing these instructional materials, one must
have the ability to be creative and resourceful enough for these affect
learners’ development.
Buere (2013), stated the following importance of instructional materials.
1. Increase the effectiveness of the teacher. It helps the teacher
express the knowledge and ideas she wants to impart.
2. Clarifies subject matter. Instructional materials give a view on what
the lesson is all about, thus making learners interact positively.
3. Stimulates interest, motivates the learners to learn. The nature of
the material is enough to arouse the interest of learners to listen and
participate actively in the learning activity.
Health Education Technology-based
Learning instructional/learning 1 2 3 4 5
Competencies resources
1. Demonstrate
appropriate first
aid for common
injuries. (Grade 4)
2. Recognize
disasters or
situations. (Grade