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CH 07

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1, 2, 3 = straightforward, intermediate, second spring (acting with the first)

challenging increases the force so that additional

compression occurs, as shown in the graph.
1. A tugboat exerts a constant force of If the car is brought to rest 50.0 cm after
5 000 N on a ship moving at constant speed first contacting the two-spring system, find
through a harbor. How much work does the car’s initial speed.
the tugboat do on the ship in a distance of
3.00 km?

Answer: 15.0 MJ

4. A sledge loaded with bricks has a

total mass of 18.0 kg and is pulled at
constant speed by a rope. The rope is
inclined at 20.0° above the horizontal, and
the sledge moves a distance of 20.0 m on a
horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic
friction between the sledge and the surface
is 0.500. (a) What is the tension of the rope?
(b) How much work is done on the sledge
by the rope? (c) What is the energy lost due
to friction?

Answer: (a) 79.4 N; (b) 1.49 kJ; (c) –1.49 kJ

Figure P7.21
9. Vector A extends from the origin to a
Answer: 0.299 m/s
point having polar coordinates (7, 70°), and
vector B extends from the origin to a point
24. If it takes work W to stretch a
having polar coordinates (4, 130°). Find A ·
Hooke’s-law spring a distance d from its
unstressed length, determine the extra work
required to stretch it an additional distance
Answer: 14.0
21. A 6 000-kg freight car rolls along
Answer: 3W
rails with negligible friction. The car is
brought to rest by a combination of two
30. A mechanic pushes a 2 500-kg car,
coiled springs, as illustrated in Figure P7.21.
moving it from rest and making it
Both springs obey Hooke’s law with k1 =
accelerate from rest to a speed v. He does
1 600 N/m and k2 = 3 400 N/m. After the first
5 000 J of work in the process. During this
spring compresses a distance of 30.0 cm, the
time, the car moves 25.0 m. If friction 44. If a certain horse can maintain 1.00
between the car and the road is negligible, hp of output for 2.00 h, how many 70.0-kg
(a) what is the final speed v of the car? (b) bundles of shingles can the horse hoist
What constant horizontal force did he exert (using some pulley arrangement) to the
on the car? roof of a house 8.00 m tall, assuming 70.0%
Answer: (a) 2.00 m/s; (b) 200 N
Answer: 685 bundles
36. A block of mass 12.0 kg slides from
rest down a frictionless 35.0° incline and is 45. A certain automobile engine delivers
stopped by a strong spring with k = 3.0 × 104 2.24 × 104 W (30.0 hp) to its wheels when
N/m. The block slides 3.00 m from the point moving at a constant speed of 27.0 m/s (≈ 60
of release to the point where it comes to rest mi/h). What is the resistive force acting on
against the spring. When the block comes to the automobile at that speed?
rest, how far has the spring been
compressed? Answer: 830 N

Answer: 0.116 m 51. When an air conditioner is added to

the car described in Problem 50, the
39. A bullet with a mass of 5.00 g and a additional output power required to
speed of 600 m/s penetrates a tree to a operate the air conditioner is 1.54 kW. If the
depth of 4.00 cm. (a) Use work and energy fuel economy of the car is 6.40 km/L
considerations to find the average frictional without the air conditioner, what is it when
force that stops the bullet. (b) Assuming the air conditioner is operating?
that the frictional force is constant,
determine how much time elapsed between Answer: 5.90 km/L
the moment the bullet entered the tree and
the moment it stopped. 52. An electron moves with a speed of
0.995c. (a) What is its kinetic energy? (b) If
Answer: (a) 2.25 × 104 N; (b) 1.33 × 10–4 s you use the classical expression to calculate
its kinetic energy, what percentage error
40. An Atwood’s machine (see Fig. 5.15) results?
supports masses of 0.200 kg and 0.300 kg.
The masses are held at rest beside each Answer: (a) 7.38 × 10–13 J; (b) 94.5%
other and then released. Neglecting friction,
what is the speed of each mass the instant it 53. A proton in a high-energy
has moved 0.400 m? accelerator moves with a speed of c/2.
Using the work–kinetic energy theorem,
Answer: 1.25 m/s
find the work required to increase its speed the rail. When subject to a steady
to (a) 0.750c and (b) 0.995c. acceleration of 0.800g, the mass is to assume
a location 0.500 cm away from its
Answer: (a) 5.37 × 10–11 J; (b) 1.33 × 10–9 J equilibrium position. Find the stiffness
constant required for the spring.
54. Find the kinetic energy of a 78.0-kg
spacecraft launched out of the Solar System Answer: 7.37 N/m
with a speed of 106 km/s using (a) the
classical equation K = ½ mv2 and (b) the 64. A cyclist and her bicycle have a
relativistic equation. combined mass of 75.0 kg. She coasts down
a road inclined at 2.00° with the horizontal
Answer: (a) 4.38 × 1011 J; (b) 4.38 × 1011 J at 4.00 m/s and down a road inclined at
4.00° at 8.00 m/s. She then holds on to a
57. A particle of mass m moves with a moving vehicle and coasts on a level road.
constant acceleration a. If the initial position What power must the vehicle expend to
vector and velocity of the particle are ri and maintain her speed at 3.00 m/s? Assume
vi, respectively, use energy arguments to that the force of air resistance is
show that its speed vf at any time satisfies proportional to her speed and that other
the equation frictional forces remain constant. (Warning:
You must not attempt this dangerous
vf 2 = vi2 + 2a · (rf – ri) maneuver.)

where rf is the position vector of the particle Answer: 57.7 W

at that same time.
73. A horizontal string is attached to a
Answer: vi2 + 2a ∙ (r – ri) = vf2 0.250-kg mass lying on a rough, horizontal
table. The string passes over a light,
61. When a certain spring is stretched frictionless pulley, and a 0.400-kg mass is
beyond its proportional limit, the restoring then attached to its free end. The coefficient
force satisfies the equation F = –kx + βx3. If k of sliding friction between the 0.250-kg
= 10.0 N/m and β = 100 N/m3, calculate the mass and the table is 0.200. Using the work–
work done by this force when the spring is kinetic energy theorem, determine (a) the
stretched 0.100 m. speed of the masses after each has moved
20.0 m from rest and (b) the mass that must
Answer: –4.75 × 10–2 J be added to the 0.250-kg mass so that, given
an initial velocity, the masses continue to
62. In a control system, an accelerometer move at a constant speed. (c) What mass
consists of a 4.70-g mass sliding on a low- must be removed from the 0.400-kg mass so
friction horizontal rail. A low-mass spring that the same outcome as in part (b) is
attaches the mass to a flange at one end of achieved?
Answer: (a) 14.5 m/s; (b) 1.75 kg; (c) 0.350

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