Lab Proj 12 - Basic Dynamic Analysis
Lab Proj 12 - Basic Dynamic Analysis
Lab Proj 12 - Basic Dynamic Analysis
Using PEview
Using BinText
8. Examine the strings in key.exe and find these items, as shown below:
log.txt - A txt file
key.exe - The program name
C:\windows\vmx32to64.exe - An interesting file
10. Dynamic analysis is simple: run monitoring tools, then run the malware,
and let it have its way with our virtual machine. This is a sloppy technique,
trusting a system that is being infected, but it usually works.
11. We will be needing the following tools for this project:
Process Explorer:
Process Monitor:
12. Process Explorer shows currently running processes, with far more detail
than Task Manager. It doesn't keep a log of them, so it's harmless to leave
Running Wireshark
13. Start Wireshark and begin capturing packets from the interface that goes to
the Internet, which is normally Ethernet0.
14. If your virtual machine is in NAT networking mode, there shouldn't be a lot
of traffic.
Starting Process Monitor
15. Process Monitor logs all the events in Windows Event Viewer, which will
typically be hundreds of thousands of events. Don't leave it running for too
long or it will use up all the RAM and crash.
16. It's best to start Process Monitor last, so you can exclude all the harmless
processes the other tools are using.
17. Launch Process Monitor. If a Security Warning box pops up, allow the
software to run.
18. Agree to the license.
19. You see Process Monitor, with no visible events, as shown below.
20. The Process Monitor Filter box shows the events that are being excluded,
which is why the box is empty before the malware runs.
21. In Process Monitor, right-click the name of one of the visible processes,
such as explorer.exe, and click exclude 'explorer.exe'.
22. Repeat until there is no more process to see.
23. In the Process Monitor Filter box, click the OK button.
26. Make sure the Process Explorer window showing the flag is visible.
27. Save the image with the filename Lab-Proj12a-YOURNAME.png. Use your
real name, not the literal text YOURNAME.
28. Go to ProcMon and scroll until you get to key.exe. You can view the steps
the malware is taking.
29. This malware creates an executable file in the Windows directory.
30. The malware also creates persistence by modifying the run registry key for
the current user HKCU = HKEY_CURRENT_USER. The programs
referenced in this key will be executed when the user logs in.
31. Find the path of that key and take note of it.
32. Use the following two filters to find:
Process Name is key.exe
Path contains vmx32to64
34. Make sure the Process Monitor window showing the flag is visible.
35. Save the image with the filename Lab-Proj12b-YOURNAME.png. Use your
real name, not the literal text YOURNAME.
38. In Process Explorer, right click key.exe and choose Kill Process.
39. This stops the keylogger for the current session. However, the malware has
written itself into the registry, so it will start back up at the next reboot.
40. Restart the virtual machine.
41. Open Process Explorer, find and click the new keylogger file,
42. From the Process Explorer menu bar, click View > Show Lower Pane
View > Lower Pane View > Handles.
43. The flag is covered by a green box in the image below.
Saving a screen image
44. Make sure the Process Explorer window showing the flag is visible.
45. Save the image with the filename Lab-Proj12c-YOURNAME.png. Use your
real name, not the literal text YOURNAME.
Removing persistence
50. Make sure the Registry Editor window showing the flag is visible.
51. Save the image with the filename Lab-Proj12d-YOURNAME.png. Use your
real name, not the literal text YOURNAME.
52. Download this sample and unzip it with the password malware.
53. Use the same dynamic analysis tools to monitor the behavior of this sample.
Find the Registry action shown below. The flag is covered in green.
54. Make sure the Process Monitor window showing the flag is visible.
55. Save the image with the filename Lab-Proj12e-YOURNAME.png. Use your
real name, not the literal text YOURNAME.
58. Make sure the Wireshark window showing the flag is visible.
59. Save the image with the filename Lab-Proj12f-YOURNAME.png. Use your
real name, not the literal text YOURNAME.
60. Download this sample and unzip it with the password malware.
61. Examine the network traffic generated by the key13.exe sample.
62. Find the key in the HTTP traffic, as shown below.
63. In Wireshark, type in the filter bar: http.request.method eq GET and
frame contains flag.
64. Make sure the Wireshark window showing the flag is visible.
65. Save the image with the filename Lab-Proj12g-YOURNAME.png. Use your
real name, not the literal text YOURNAME.
66. Submit the images, you save in the steps Saving a Screen Image,
to: cms with a subject line of Lab-Proj12-YOURNAME, replacing
YOURNAME with your real name.