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[ Day 01 ] 백수 탈출

opening [동의어]
[짝꿍 표현] candidate
opening + ceremony / remark / speech
↔ closing + ceremony / remark / speech requirement

require v. 요구하다
vacancy 1. vacant position
required adj. 요구되는
2. vacant room

ex1. TOEIC 900 is a requirement of (for) this

[주의! 동명사인가 명사인가!]
1. There are several openings at this company.
ex2. TOEIC 900 is required for this position.
2. Opening the new branch can be challenging.

applicant prerequisite
[파생어] ex. Studying voca is a prerequisite to TOEIC 900.
apply v. 지원하다, 적용하다, 바르다 qualification
application n. 신청, 지원서, 적용 ex. Experience is an essential qualification
for the job.
[잠깐! 가산 vs 불가산 명사]
[짝꿍 표현]
[이렇게 나온다!] meet the requirements / qualifications
All ------- are required to hand in the references meet the needs / demand / expectations
no later than August 1.
(A) apply (B) applicant [동의어]
(C) application (D) applicants satisfy (만족, 충족 시키다)
+ me / demand / needs
[짝꿍 표현]
fulfill (실현, 성취, 충족시키다, 의무 등을 이행하다)
Ex1. [ qualified / qualifying ] applicants
+ me / criteria / terms / a duty / accommodate
Ex2. [ qualified / qualifying ] candidates
(공간에) 수용하다, (요구에) 부응하다
Ex3. fill out / complete / accept / submit
+ 100 guests / needs
[ applicant / application ]

qualified [짝꿍 표현]

[파생어] with(in) reference to ~에 관하여 (= regarding)

qualify v. ~에게 자격을 주다 reference letters 추천서

qualification n. 자격(요건) (= recommendation letters)

reference materials 참고 자료
[짝꿍 표현]
Ex. She is well qualified ____ the position.
UC. 참고
Ex. She is a highly (fully) ____________
for your future / easy reference
C. 추천서, 추천인
[유의어] Submit your references or recommendations.
certified adj. (서면 등으로) 증명된
[주의!!!] achieve v. 달성하다. 성취하다
high adj. the high mountain → achieve + one’s goal / objectives
high adv. I climbed the mountain high. achievable adj. 성취할 수 있는
highly + qualified / competent / → achievable goals 성취할 수 있는 목표
recommended competitive /
[[형 + 명] 짝꿍!]
profitable / educated skilled /
regarded / respected /
remarkable + achievements
[파생어] the greatest
profession n. 직업
professionally adv. 전문적으로
Ex. He is a professional photographer.
Ex. accomplishments + ____ + the medical field
Ex. He is a certified professional.

im[in] + press + ed
refer to v. ~를 참고하다, ~를 인용하다
refer A to B v. A를 B로 보내다 [파생어]
ex1. refer him to a dictionary impress v. 깊은 인상을 주다
ex2. refer him to a specialist ex1) The movie impressed people.
with(in) reference to ~에 관하여 (= regarding) ex2) People were impressed with (by) the movie.

→ [ impressing / impressed ] people employment
→ [ impressing / impressed /impressive ] movie [어원]
em + ploy [job, hobby]
[이렇게 나온다!]
The manager’s presentation was very ------- [파생어]
because he utilized a lot of visual aids. employ v. 고용하다
(A) impressed (B) impressive employee n. 직원 cf) attendee
employer n. 고용인

[어원] familiar
e + ligi [select , elect] + ible [어원]
famili [family] + iar
eligibility n. 적임, 적격 [파생어]
ineligible adj. 자격이 없는, 부적격의 familiarize v. 익숙하게 하다
unfamiliar 익숙하지 않은, 잘 모르는
[짝꿍 표현]
familiarity n. 익숙함, 낯익음
be eligible for the position / holidays
be eligible for the discount / compensations [짝꿍 표현]
be eligible to win the award be familiar _____
demonstrated + a basic familiarity with
associate computers.
[어원] showed + greater familiarity
as + soci[social = join] + ate gained
[짝꿍 표현]
associate A with B → be associated with
~와 관련되다 proficiency
business associates 사업 동료

condition proficient adj. 숙달한, 능숙한

proficiently adv. 숙달하여, 능숙하게
[짝꿍 표현]
in good condition 상태가 좋은 [이렇게 나온다!]
______ the condition that ~라는 조건하에 Qualified candidates should show ------- in
terms and conditions 조건 (계약상의) English.
working / living / economic conditions (A) proficiency (B) proficient

Certified applicants should be ------ at computers.

(A) proficiency (B) proficient

prospective consultant

[어원] [파생어]
pro + sepct[see, look] + ive consult (with) 사람 v. ~와 상담하다
cf) inspect : 조사하다 consult a book v. ~를 찾아보다, 참고하다
cf) perspective : 관점, 시각 consultant n. 컨설턴트
consultation n. 상담, 진찰, 참고, 참조
prospect n. 전망, 예상, 가망 [이렇게 나온다!]
v. ~를 탐사하다 ( + for gold ) If you seek free -------, please don’t hesitate to

[짝꿍 표현] contact Mr. Joo.

prospective employees / students 예비 직원/학생 (A) consult
prospective buyers 장래 구매자 (B) consultant
prospective candidates (C) consultation

appeal entitle

[어원] [짝꿍 표현]

ap + peal[pell; push] Ex1. They entitled him to + N / R
→ He was entitled to the right.
[짝꿍 표현] → He was entitled to ask a promotion.
appeal to ~의 흥미를 끌다, ~에게 호소하다
Ex 2. I published the book entitled Eun’s dream.
Q. The new product ------- to the customers.
(A) appealed (B) attracted
appealing adj. 매력적인 = attractive
occupy v. (장소 · 직책 등을) 차지하다
occupation n. 직업
specialize occupant n. 임차인, 점유자
[짝꿍 표현] occupational adj. 직업상의
Park majored ____ English, and she specialized
____ English education. [이렇게 나온다!]
Current ------- should handle all the
apprehensive outstanding bills in that building.
[어원] (A) occupation (B) occupants
ap + prehen[grasp] + sive

[혼동 주의!]
comprehensive 포괄적인 + study / understanding
apprehensive 걱정하는 (= worried / concerned)


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