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JES3 Commands2

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Inquiry Commands (*I command)

*I A *I A sysid *I A sysid G=grp *I A sysid C=c *I A D=ALL *I A D=CI *I A J=### *I B *I B C=c|ALL *I B G=ALL *I B M *I C=P *I C C *I D D=### *I D L=xxx *I D T=xxx *I D V=vol# *I F ALL *I F ALL S *I F ALL C *I G sysid G grp *I G sysid C c *I J=jobname *I J=jobname E *I J=jobname W *I J=jobname X *I P=# display active jobs on the global system display the status of all jobs active on sysid. display the status of all jobs in group grp display jobs for the specified class c display status of all jobs being processed by all DSPs display all jobs active on C/I service DSPs. display the status of the active job ### (can also use job name) display the number of jobs backlogged for each JES3 function (DSP) display the backlog of jobs for specified ( c ) ALL classes display the backlog of jobs for all groups display backlog by jobname display information for class P display console buffer pool display device ### (use N=# to display a number of devices) display BCS RJP lines (xxx = line id) display status of an SNARJP line (xxx = SNARJP line id) display the device where a volume resides display information for ALL FSSs in the system display system information for all FSSs display short version of information for the FSSs display groups on DELTA (grp = group for just that group) display classes on DELTA (add c for just that class) basic job info (jes#, pri, class, main) est output record count, actual if in output why a job is waiting extended info on job (basic plus schenv, srvclass, group) both W and X can be put on the command 8I J=jobname X W display priority # (adding W will show why job/s are waiting) *I P=05 N=03 W list three jobs in priority 5 and why they are waiting


*I Q C=cls *I Q G=grp *I Q D=dsp *I Q D=MAIN *I Q H *I Q H,SUMM *I Q H PR *I Q J=job#,W *I Q S *I Q W,N=ALL

displays the status of jobs in the designated class displays the status of jobs in the designated group displays a list of jobs waiting to be scheduled for a DSP (i.e. CI, MAIN, etc) display all job queued in the main displays the status of all held jobs & priorities display summary of held jobs for each held type display all job priorities with a priority hold summary display why a job is waiting to run display spool queue space display the status of all jobs in the job queue, the reason why the jobs are waiting to be scheduled, and the amount of time the jobs are waiting. *I Q SP=ALL how much spool space is available in each partition *I Q SP=JES3PART,U,N=12 List the twelve largest spool space users for partition *I Q DD=ALL Display the amount of space currently available in each spool data set *I S *I S A *I S SS *I S SV *I S U *I S W *I S B *I S E *I S F *I S R *I S V *I S A J=### *I S A SUMM *I S DE=dsn *I S V *I S V=vol E *I S U *I U Q=HOLD *I U Q=WTR J= *I U J=? D=nnn *I U display the number of jobs in each JES3 setup queue display all jobs in the allocate queue display all jobs in the system select queue display all jobs in the system verify queue display all jobs in the unavailable queue display all jobs in the wait volume queue display all jobs in the breakdown queue display all jobs in the error queue display all jobs in the fetch queue display all jobs in the restart queue display all jobs in the verify queue display status of job ### display a summary of jobs in MDS allocation display dataset status and jobs waiting for it displays jobs waiting to be verified by setup displays volume status and jobs waiting/using displays all unavailable volumes and jobs waiting for them display jobs in output queue that are held display output for specified job display all jobs with destination of nnn display job output on the WTR service queue


Modify Commands (*F command)

*F G sysid G grp ON|OFF *F G sysid C cls ON|OFF *F G sysid G BATCH INIT 3 *F G sysid G BATCH INIT 0 *F J= name,C|CO|CP *F J=name H *F J=name R *F J=name P=# *F J=name C=# *F J=name J *F Q P=#,H|R *F S VU=(T-##,T-##) *F S VA=(T-##,T-##) start/stop a group start/stop a class allocate three initiators for group BATCH on sysid deallocate all initiators for group BATCH on sysid: cancel a job | and print output | and purge output hold a job release a job change a jobs priority to # change a jobs class to # cancel a job on a writer hold/release a priority # make tape ## unavailable make tape ## available

*F U D=xxx,J=name,ND=yyy reroute output from destination xxx to destination yyy *F U Q=WTR,J=name,ND=dest change output destination of a job *F U Q=HOLD J=name NCL=c change output class of a job *F S U=###,sysid unload the volume mounted on device number ### on sysid *F U Q=HOLD NQ=WTR NCL=X requeue output from class X to a writer *F U J=### NH=Y|N hold|unhold a jobs output *F U J=name,F=form,NF=nform change a jobs form from form to nform *V (#,#) OFFLINE *V (#,#) OFFLINE sysid *V (#,#) ONLINE *V (#,#) ONLINE sysid vary off device # globally to JES3 and MVS to vary off a specific system (another vary option: *F V (#,#) OFFLINE) vary online device # globally to JES3 and MVS to vary on a specific system (another vary option: *F V (#,#) ONLINE)

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