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Auto 5th Sem-2902

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S. Board of EXAM Total Credit
No. Study Theory/Practical Marks L+(T+P/2
382551(37) Design Of Machine
1. Mech. Engg 4 1 - 80 20 20 120 5
Mech. Engg 382552(37) Automotive
2. 3 1 - 80 20 20 120 4
Mech. Engg 337553 (37) Dynamics of
3. 4 1 - 80 20 20 120 5
Mech. Engg 382554(37) Automotive
4 Electrical & 4 1 - 80 20 20 120 5
Mech. Engg 382555(37) Automotive Fuels &
5 3 1 - 80 20 20 120 4
6 Mech. Engg 337556 (37) Operation Research 4 1 - 80 20 20 120 5
Mech. Engg 382561(37) Design Of Machine
7 - - 2 40 - 20 60 1
Elements Lab
Mech. Engg 382562(37) Automobile
8 Electrical & - - 2 40 - 20 60 1
Electronics Lab
Mech. Engg 382563 (37) Dynamics of
9 - - 2 40 - 20 60 1
Machines Lab
Mech. Engg 382564(37) Automotive Fuels &
10 - - 2 40 - 20 60 1
Lubricants Lab
300565 (46) Personality
11 Humanities - - 2 - - 20 20 1
382566 (37) * Practical Training
12 Mech. Engg - - 2 - - 20 20 1
Total 22 6 12 640 120 240 1000 34

L – Lecturer T – Tutorial,
P – Practical, ESE – End Semester Exam, CT – Class Test
TA – Teacher’s Assessment
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of the program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Automobile Engineering Semester: V
Subject: Design of Machine Elements Code: 382551(37)
Total Theory Periods: 40 Total Tutorial Periods: 10
Class Tests: Two (Minimum) Assignments: Two (Minimum)
ESE Duration: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 80 Minimum Marks: 28

 To familiarise the various steps involved in the Design Process
 To understand the principles involved in evaluating the shape and dimensions of a component to satisfy
functional and strength requirements.
 To learn to use standard practices and standard data
 To learn to use catalogues and standard machine components

Introduction to the design process - factor influencing machine design, selection of materials based on mechanical properties --
Preferred numbers, fits and tolerances – Direct, Bending and torsional stress equations – Impact and shock loading –
calculation of principle stresses for various load combinations, eccentric loading – Design of curved beams – crane hook and
‘C’ frame - Factor of safety - theories of failure – stress concentration – design for variable loading – Soderberg, Goodman and
Gerber relations

Design of solid and hollow shafts based on strength, rigidity and critical speed – Design of keys, key ways and splines -
Design of crankshafts -- Design of rigid and flexible couplings.

Threaded fastners - Design of bolted joints including eccentric loading, Knuckle joints, Cotter joints – Design of welded joints,
riveted joints for structures - theory of bonded joints.

Design of various types of springs, optimization of helical springs -- rubber springs -- Design of flywheels considering stresses
in rims and arms, for engines and punching machines.

Sliding contact and rolling contact bearings -- Design of hydrodynamic journal bearings, McKee's Eqn. Sommerfield Number,
Raimondi & Boyd graphs, -- Selection of Rolling Contact bearings -- Design of Seals and Gaskets -- Design of Connecting Rod.

Note: (Use of P S G Design Data Book is permitted in the University examination)

Text Books

1. Mechanical Engineering Design-Shigley J.E and Mischke C. R., Sixth Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill , 2003.
2. Design of Machine Elements -Bhandari V.B,Second Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Book Co, 2007.
1. Machine Design -SundararajamoorthyT.V, Shanmugam.N,AnuradhaPublications, Chennai, 2003.
2. Machine Component Design -Orthwein W, Jaico Publishing Co, 2003.
3. Mechanical Design – An Integral Approach -Ugural A.C,McGraw-Hill Book Co,2004.
4. Design and Machine Elements -Spotts M.F., Shoup T.E, Pearson Education, 2004.
1. IS 10260 : Part 1 : 1982 Terms, definitions and classification of Plain bearings Part 1: Construction.
2. IS 10260 : Part 1 : 1982 Terms, definitions and classification of Plain bearings Part 2: Friction and Wear.
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of the program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Automobile Engineering Semester: V
Subject: Automotive Transmission Code: 382552(37)
Total Theory Periods: 40 Total Tutorial Periods: 10
Class Tests: Two (Minimum) Assignments: Two (Minimum)
ESE Duration: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 80 Minimum Marks: 28

 To impart basic knowledge to students with respect to transmission system of automobiles and impart
knowledge that will enable the students to understand the latest developments in the field.

Requirement of transmission system. Types of transmission system. Types of clutches. Requirement of clutches. Principle of
friction clutch. Construction and operation of single plate coil spring clutch. Single plate diaphragm spring clutch, multi plate
clutch, cone clutch and electromagnetic clutch.

Problems on performance of automobile such as resistance to motion, tractive effort, engine speed & power and acceleration.
Determination of gear ratio for passenger car, heavy vehicle and tractors. Objectives and need of gear box in a vehicle.
Construction and operation of Sliding mesh gear box, constant mesh gear box, Synchronizers –need, principle of operation and
types such as Early Warner and Later Warner gear synchronizers.

Fluid coupling: Principle of operation. Constructional details. Torque capacity. Performance characteristics. Reduction of
drag torque. Hydrodynamic torque converter: Principle of operation, constructional details, performance characteristics,
multistage torque converter, poly phase torque converter and converter coupling.
Introduction to epicyclic gear train – external mesh and internal mesh planetary gear trains. Ford – T – model gear box. Wilson
gear box, Cotal Electromagnetic gear box , Automatic transmission. Hydraulic control system for automatic transmission.

Hydrostatic drive: Various types of hydrostatic drives, principle of hydrostatic drive system, advantages & limitations,
comparison of hydrostatic drive with hydrodynamic drive, construction and working of typical Janny hydrostatic drive.
Electric drives: Principle of early Ward Leonard and modified Ward Leonard control system, advantages & limitations

Text Books

1. Motor vehicles -Newton and Steeds,life Publishers, 2002.

2. Torque converters -Heldt .P.M,Chilton Book Co., 1992.

1. Modern Transmission systems -Judge.A.W, Chapman and Hall Ltd, 2000.
2. Advanced Vehicle Technology -Heinz Heisler, Butterworth Heinemann, 2002.
3. Hydrostatic Transmission for vehicle applications-, I.Mech E.Conference, 1981-88
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of the program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Automobile Engineering Semester: V
Subject: Dynamics of Machines Code: 337553(37)
Total Theory Periods: 40 Total Tutorial Periods: 10
Class Tests: Two (Minimum) Assignments: Two (Minimum)
ESE Duration: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 80 Minimum Marks: 28

Course Objectives:
To study types of mechanical governors and to analyze its performance parameters
To Apply the theory of balancing to rotating and reciprocating masses.
To analyze gyro-effect on moving bodies
To understand the concepts of mechanical vibration
To perform inertia force analysis of machine elements
To draw turning moment diagram of reciprocating engines
To analyze performance parameters flywheel

Governors: Characteristics of centrifugal governors, Gravity controlled governors, Porter and proell. Spring controlled centrifugal
governor: Hartung, &Hartnell governor. Performance parameter: Sensitivity, stability, Isochronisms, Governor Effort and power.

Balancing: Balancing of rotating masses, Static and dynamic balancing, Determination of balancing masses in two plane
balancing, Balancing of internal combustion engines, Balancing of in-line engines, Firing order, Balancing of V-twin and radial
engines, Forward and reverse crank method, Balancing of rotors.

Gyroscope: Gyroscopic forces and couple, gyroscopic effect in Airplanes, Ship motion and Vehicles moving on curved path.

Mechanical Vibrations: One-dimensional, longitudinal, Transverse, and torsional vibrations, Natural frequency, Effect of
damping on vibrations, Different types of damping.Forced vibration, Forces and displacement, Transmissibility, Vibration
Isolation, Vibration sensors: seismometer and Accelerometers, Whirling of shafts with single rotor.

(a) Inertia force analysis: Effective force and inertia force on link, Inertia force on reciprocating engine. Inertia force in four bar
chain mechanism.
(b)Turning moment diagram and flywheel: Turning moment diagram for single and multi cylinder internal combustion engine,
Coefficient of fluctuation of speed, Coefficient of fluctuation of energy, Flywheel.

1. Theory of Machine- S.S.Rattan - Tata McGraw Hill,New Delhi
2. Theory of Machines - Thomas Bevan, - CBS/ Cengage Publishers

1. Theory of Machines and Mechanism– Uicker, Pennock, &Shigley – Oxford Univ. Press
2. Theory of Mechanisms and Machines- A. Ghosh, A. K. Mallik – EWP Press.
3. Mechanism and Machine theory-Ambekar-PHI,Delhi
4. Theory of Machine – P.L. Ballaney – Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
5. Theory of Machine -JagdishLal- Metro Politan Books, New Delhi

Course Outcome
Apply knowledge of Dynamics of machine for understanding, formulating and solving engineering problems.
Acquire knowledge and hands-on competence in applying the concepts Dynamics of machine in the design and
development of mechanical systems.
Demonstrate creativeness in designing new systems components and processes in the field of engineering
Identify, analyze and solve mechanical engineering problems useful to the society.
Work effectively with engineering and science teams as well as with multidisciplinary designs.
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of the program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Automobile Engineering Semester: V
Subject: Automotive Electricals & Electronics Code: 382554(37)
Total Theory Periods: 40 Total Tutorial Periods: 10
Class Tests: Two (Minimum) Assignments: Two (Minimum)
ESE Duration: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 80 Minimum Marks: 28

Course Objectives
To impart knowledge to the students in the principles of operation and constructional details of various Automotive
Electrical and Electronic Systems like Batteries, Starting System, Charging System, Ignition System, Lighting
System and Dash – Board Instruments.


Principle and construction of Lead Acid Battery, Nickel – Cadmium Battery, Nickel Metal, Hybrid Battery, Sodium Sulphur
Battery and Aluminum Air Battery, Characteristics of Battery, Battery Rating, Capacity and Efficiency, Various Tests on
Battery, Battery– Charging Techniques, .Maintenance of batteries


Requirements of Starter Motor, Starter Motor types , construction and characteristics, Starter drive mechanisms,Starter Switches
and Solenoids, Charging system components, Generators and Alternators ,types, construction and Characteristics Voltage
and Current Regulation, Cut –out relays and regulators, Charging circuits for D.C. Generator, A.C. Single Phase and Three –
Phase Alternators.


Battery Coil and Magneto–Ignition System, Circuit details and Components of Battery Coil and Magneto–Ignition System,
Centrifugal and Vacuum Advance Mechanisms, Spark Plugs, Constructional details and Types.



Electronically–Assisted and Full Electronic Ignition System, Non–Contact–type Ignition Triggering devices, Capacitive
Discharge Ignition Distributor–less Ignition System, Digital Ignition System, Control Strategy of Electronic Ignition System.



Automotive Wiring, Insulated and Earth Return System, Positive and Negative Earth Systems, Head Lamp and Indicator Lamp
Details, Anti–Dazzling and Dipper Details, Electrical and Electronic Fuel Lift Pumps, Theory and Constructional Details of
Dash Board Instruments and their Sensors like Speedometer, Odometer, Fuel Level Indicator Oil Pressure and Coolant
Temperature Indicators, Horns and Wiper Mechanisms, Automotive Wiring Circuits


1. Automobile Electrical Equipments -Young, A.P. and Griffith, S.L.,ELBS and NewPress.
2 . Automotive Electrical Equipment,-Kholi .P.L,Tata McGraw-Hill co ltd,New Delhi,2004

1. Automobile Electrical Equipment- Crouse.W.H.,McGraw Hill Book CoInc.NewYork,2005
2. Modern Electrical Equipments of Automobiles -Judge.A.W.,Chapman & Hall, London2004 .
3. Automotive Handbook -Robert Bosch, Bently Publishers,2004
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of the program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Automobile Engineering Semester: V
Subject: Automotive Fuels & Lubricants Code: 382555(37)
Total Theory Periods: 40 Total Tutorial Periods: 10
Class Tests: Two (Minimum) Assignments: Two (Minimum)
ESE Duration: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 80 Minimum Marks: 28

 To understand the source of automotive fuels and lubricants, their basic properties, determination of air requirement
for the combustion of fuels and basic theory of lubrication



Fuels, Structure of petroleum, refining process, thermal and catalytic cracking, products of refining process, manufacture of
lubricating oil base stocks and finished automotive lubricants.



Types of Fuels, Liquid and gaseous fuels, heating value of fuels, higher and lower heating values, chemical structure of
hydro-carbons SI Engine fuels, Volatility characteristics, desirable characteristics of SI Engine fuels, knock rating and
additives, alternate fuels for SI engines. CI engine fuels, desirable characteristics, Cetane rating, alternate fuels for CI engines,

Stoichiometry - calculation of theoretically correct air required for combustion of liquid and gaseous fuels, volumetric
and gravimetric analysis of the dry products of combustion, mass of dry gas per kg of fuel burnt, mass of carbon in the
exhaust gas, mass of carbon burnt to carbon-monoxide per kg of fuel, heat loss due to incomplete combustion, exhaust gas
analysis by Orsat apparatus.


Engine friction: introduction, total engine friction, effect of engine variables on friction, hydro dynamic lubrication, elasto
hydro dynamic lubrication, boundary lubrication, Hydrostatic lubrication bearing lubrication, functions of the lubrication system.


Specific requirements for automotive lubricants, oxidation deterioration and degradation of lubricants, additives and additive
mechanism, synthetic lubricants, classification of lubricating oils, properties of lubricating oils, tests on lubricants. Grease,
classification, properties, testing of grease


1. Internal Combustion Engines -V.Ganesan,Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Newdelhi

2. A course in Internal Combustion Engines- M.L.Mathur and P.Sharma, Dhanpatrai Publications


1. Fuels – Solids, Liquids, Gaseous.-Brame, J.S.S. and King, J.G.

2. Fuels and Fuel Technology -Vol. I & II Francis, W
3. Modern Petroleum Technology-Hobson, G.D. & Pohl.W-
4. Lubrication – A practical guide to lubricant selection- A.R.Lansdown, Pergamon press – 1982.
5. Lubrication- Raymond.C.Gunther– Chilton Book Co., - 1971
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of the program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Automobile Engineering Semester: V
Subject: Operation Research Code: 337556(37)
Total Theory Periods: 40 Total Tutorial Periods: 10
Class Tests: Two (Minimum) Assignments: Two (Minimum)
ESE Duration: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 80 Minimum Marks: 28
NOTE:- Four Questions of 20 marks to be set, one from each unit.
Course Objectives:
Understand definition, scope, objectives, phases, models & limitations of operations research.
To understand different application areas of operations research like transportation problem, assignment model,
sequencing models, dynamic programming, game theory, replacement models & inventory models

Various stages of O.R., Fields of application, optimization and its classification.
General Linear Programming Problems- Introduction, maximization and minimization of function with or without
Constraints, formulation of a linear programming problem, graphical method and simplex method, Big M method
Degeneracy, application of L.P.P. in Mechanical Engineering.

The Transportation Problems
Mathematical formulation computational procedures, Stepping stone method, Modified Distribution Method, Vogels
Approximation Method, Solution of balanced and unbalanced transportation problems and case of Degeneracy.
The Assignment Problems
Mathematical formulation of assignment problems, solution of assignment problems, traveling salesman problems,
Air crew Assignment problems.

Waiting Line Theory
Basic queuing process, basic structure of queuing models, some commonly known queuing situations Kendall’s
service time, solution to M/M/1: ∞/FCFS models.
Network Analysis
CPM/PERT, Network Representation, Techniques for drawing network. Resource smoothing and leveling, project
cost, Optimum project duration, project crashing, updating, Time estimation in PERT.
Game Theory
Introduction, two person zero sum game, methods for solving two person zero sum game: when saddle point exists,
when no saddle point exists, solution of 2xn and mx2 game.
Basic concept of simulation, applications of simulation, merits and demerits of simulation, Monte Carlo simulation,
simulation of Inventory system, simulation of Queuing system.
Note: Four questions to be set, one from each unit.

1. Operation Research , Sasien Yaspan
2. Operation Research – N. D. Vohra – TMH
3. Operation Research– Hira & Gupta – S. Chand & Co.
1. Operation Research – H. Gillette – TMH, New Delhi
2. Operations Research – M. Taha – TMH, New Delhi
3. Fundamentals of Operation Research – Ackof Sasieni – Dhanpat Rai & Sons
4. Quantitative Approach to Management – Lovin and Krit Patrick – TMH
5. Operation Research– S.D. Sharma – S. Chand & Com. New Delhi
Course Outcomes:
Identify and develop operational research models from the verbal description of the real system.
Understand the mathematical tools that are needed to solve optimization problems.
Use mathematical software to solve the proposed models.
Develop a report that describes the model and the solving technique, analyze the results and propose
Re-commendations in language understandable to the decision-making processes in Management Engineering.
A student will be able use knowledge of operations research to solve transportation problems, assignment
Problems, sequencing problems, dynamic programming & game theory.
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai

Name of the program: Bachelor of Engineering

Branch: Automobile Engineering Semester: V
Subject: Design of Machine Elements Lab Code: 382561(37)
Total Lab Periods: 24 Batch Size: 30
Maximum Marks: 40 Minimum Marks: 20

List of Experiments/Activities:

1. Select a daily use product and design the conceptual design by applying the design process taking the controlling
2. Make a list of mechanical components and know their materials and suggest some alternative materials for the
each one of them.
3. Find a flange coupling in the college laboratory and justify its design by actual measurements
4. Design a shaft used in some practical application, by actual working and loading conditions
5. Justify the design of single plate clutch of an engine assembly
6. Design a connecting road
a. Welded joints
b. Riveted and bolted joints
In addition, justify your findings.
7. Design of hydrodynamic journal bearings.
8. Design a software in some high level language or excel sheets for design of a component

9. Mini Project: Each student will be given a real life problem for the complete design of a subsystem/system using
either manual calculation with the help of design handbook or through computer programme, if needed. This will
be done as home assignment to be submitted at the end of the semester.
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai

Name of the program: Bachelor of Engineering

Branch: Automobile Engineering Semester: V
Subject: Automobile Electrical &Electronics Lab Code: 382562(37)
Total Lab Periods: 24 Batch Size: 30
Maximum Marks: 40 Minimum Marks: 20


a. Electrical Laboratory(Minimum three )

1. Testing of batteries and battery maintenance

2. Testing of starting motors and generators
3. Testing of regulators and cut – outs
4. Diagnosis of ignition system faults
5. Study of Automobile electrical wiring

b. Electronics Laboratory (Minimum Seven)

6. Study of rectifiers and filters

7. Study of logic gates, adder and flip-flops
8. Study of SCR and IC timer
9. Interfacing Sensors like RTD, LVDT, Load Cell etc.
10. Interfacing ADC for Data Acquisition
11. Interfacing DAC for Control Application
12. Interfacing A/D converter and simple data acquisition
13. Micro controller programming and interfacing
14. Interfacing Actuators
15. EPROM Programming
16. Fault Diagnosis of various sensors
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai

Name of the program: Bachelor of Engineering

Branch: Automobile Engineering Semester: V
Subject: Dynamics of Machines Laboratory Code: 382563(37)
Total Lab Periods: 24 Batch Size: 30
Maximum Marks: 40 Minimum Marks: 20

List of Experiments to be Performed (Minimum ten experiments are to be performed by each student)
1. To find out the oscillations of simple pendulum with universal vibration apparatus.
2. To find out the oscillations of Compound pendulum with universal vibration apparatus.
3. To find out the radius of gyration of bi-filler suspension with universal vibration apparatus.
4. To find out undamped torsional vibrations of single rotor system with universal vibration apparatus.
5. To find out the frequency of damped torsional vibration of single rotor system with universal vibration vibration
6. To measure the frequency of torsional vibrations of single rotor system with universal vibration apparatus.
7. To measure the frequency of torsional vibrations of double rotor system with universal vibration apparatus.
8. To find out free vibration of helical coiled spring with universal vibration apparatus.
9. To study forced damped vibration of a spring mass system and simple supported beam with universal vibration
10. To find out the Gyroscopic couple and prove the Gyroscopic law with Gyroscope apparatus.
11. To find out the Power and effort of Proel, Porter & Hartnell Governor with Governor Apparatus.
12. To find out the critical speed for different diameters of shaft by whirling of shaft apparatus.
13. To verify the static and dynamic balancing for different planes and masses by balancing apparatus.
1. Universal Vibration Apparatus
2. Whirling of Shaft Apparatus.
3. Balancing Apparatus (Both Static & Dynamic)
4. Epicyclic Gear Train and Holding Torque Apparatus
5. Gyroscope apparatus
6. Governor apparatus with differential attachments
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai

Name of the program: Bachelor of Engineering

Branch: Automobile Engineering Semester: V
Subject: Automotive Fuels & Lubrication Lab Code: 382564(37)
Total Lab Periods: 24 Batch Size: 30
Maximum Marks: 40 Minimum Marks: 20


1. Study of International and National standards for fuels and lubricants.

2. Study of Octane and Cetane Number of fuels.
3. Testing of fuels - Ultimate analysis, proximate analysis
4. ASTM distillation test of liquid fuels
5. Aniline Point test of diesel
6. Calorific value of liquid fuel.
7. Calorific value of gaseous fuel.
8. Reid vapour pressure test.
9. Flash and Fire points of petrol and diesel
10. Copper strip Corrosion Test
11. Cloud & Pour point Test.
12. Temperature dependence of viscosity of lubricants & Fuels by Redwood Viscometer.
13. Viscosity Index of lubricants & Fuels by Saybolt Viscometer
14. Ash content and Carbon Residue Test
15. Drop point of grease
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of the program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Automobile Engineering Semester: V
Subject: Personality Development Code: 300565(46)
No Periods: 2 per week Total Tutorial periods: Nil
Maximum Marks: 40 Minimum Marks: 24

Course Objective :
 The course is introduced to develop one's outer and inner personality tremendously and enrich the abilities to
enable one to meet the challenges associated with different job levels. Personality Development is essential for
overall development of an individual apart from gaining technical knowledge in the subject.

Unit – I
Personality concepts :
What is Personality – its physical and psychic aspects. How to develop a positive self-image. How toaim at Excellence.
How to apply the cosmic laws that govern life and personality.
How to improve Memory. How to develop successful learning skills. How to develop and effectively
use one’s creative power. - How to apply the individual MOTIVATORS that make you a self-power personality.

Unit – II
Interpersonal Skills:
- Leadership: Leaders who make a difference, Leadership: your idea, What do we know about leadership?
If you are serious about Excellence. Concepts of leadership, Two important keys to effective leadership,
Principles of leadership, Factors of leadership, Attributes.
- Listening: Listening skills, How to listen, Saying a lot- just by listening, The words and the music, How to
talk to a disturbed person, Listening and sometimes challenging.
- How to win friends and influence people, How to get along with others. How to develop art of convincing
others. How can one make the difference. How to deal with others particularly elders. Conflicts and cooperation.
Unit – III
Attitudinal Changes:
- Meaning of attitude, benefits of positive attitudes, how to develop the habit of positive thinking.
- Negative attitude and wining: What is FEAR and how to win it. How to win loneliness. How to win over
FAILURE. How to win over PAIN. How to win over one’s ANGER and others anger. How to overcome
CRITICISM. What is stress and how to cope up with it? What is crisis and how to manage it.
- How to apply the character MOTIVATORS that elevate you and your personality to the top, the art of self
- How to acquire mental well-being.
- How to acquire physical well-being.
- How to formulate effective success philosophy.
Unit –IV
Decision Making:
How to make your own LUCK. How to plan goals/objectives and action plan to achieve them. How to make
RIGHT DECISION and overcome problems. How to make a Decision. Decision making : A question of style.
Which style, when ? People decisions : The key decisions. What do we know about group decision making ?
General aids towards improving group decision making. More tips for decisions of importance.
Unit – V
Communication Skills:
Public Speaking: Importance of Public speaking for professionals. The art of Speaking - Forget the fear of
presentation, Symptoms of stage fear, Main reason for speech failure, Stop failures by acquiring
Information; Preparation & designing of speech, Skills to impress in public speaking & Conversation, Use of
presentation aids & media.
Study & Examination: How to tackle examination, How to develop successful study skills.
Group discussions: Purpose of GD, What factors contribute to group worthiness, Roles to be played in GD.

Reference Books:
1. How to develop a pleasing personality by Atul John Rego, Better yourself books, Mumbai, 2000.
2. How to Succed by Brain Adams, Better Yourself books, Mumbai, 1969.
3. Basic Managerial skills for all by E. H McGrawth, Prentice Hall India Pvt Ltd, 2006.
4. The powerful Personality by Dr Ujjawal Patni & Dr Pratap Deshmukh, Medident Publisher, 2006.
5. Great Words win Hearts by Dr Ujjwal Patni, Fusion Books, 2006.
6. Personality : Classic Theories & Modern Research; friedman ; Pearson Education 2006.
7. How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnigie, A.H. Wheeler 2006.

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