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Solar Energy Application On Environmental Protecti

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Solar Energy Application on Environmental Protection



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International Journal of
Science and Engineering Investigations vol. 1, issue 8, September 2012
ISSN: 2251-8843

Solar Energy Application on Environmental Protection

Amir Samimi1, Soroush Zarinabadi2, Marzieh Samimi3
Department of Chemical Engineering, Shoshtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoshtar, Iran
Departments of Engineering, Shoshtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoshtar, Iran
Departments of Agriculture Engineering, Arsenjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsenjan, Iran
(1amirsamimi1161@gmail.com, 2dr.zarinabadi@gmail.com, 3marziehsamimi68@gmail.com )

Abstract- Human need deployment for energy resources all of them are world arguments that with all their aspect
always was a basic matter of all human life, and try to achieve occupied thoughts of Scientifics for finding suitable way at
one immortal energy resource was an old human wishes. With solving energy problems at world, especially at environmental
human civilization gradual advance life wood, then coal, oil crisis. This is obvious that today economy and policy
and gas enter to energy market. But because of increase of coverage, depend on their use of fossil energy resources, and
need to energy and fossil resources limitation and increase of missed fossil resources, not only is a threat for economies of
environmental protection implication arising from burning this exporting countries. All this matter caused by missed fossil
used resources of unlimitation energy. This matter becomes energy resources fortunately, all world notions, know the
more important day by day. Researches and specialists importance and the role of different kind of energy resources,
believed that with using of pure energies like solar, windy and specially new (renewal) energies for guarantees now and
heat ground energy and etc, instead of energies cause by fossil futures need of people, and at a wide range at developing
fuels will impede of environmental protection implication. In usage of this immortal resources, they want to invests all their
this way and about two decade after entering Fotovoltaeek capitals. With regarding these kinds of basic thoughts at field
cell into public arena of energy produces, close relation of immortal energy using and related technologies at industrial
between policy and energy resources bring that, there aren't and developing countries such as Iran is absolutely necessary
any place for economic explanation argument and finding to providing basic program, plan and suitable guidelines. We
away for using solar energy and made electricity. In Iran, expected with development use of pure energies at Islamic
because our countries set on world solar line and have solar Republic Iran, according to results said at this thesis and
light shining with good power and high ability and our country essential guideline and suitable planning could making clear
also is kind of ready area for using this energy. So the average many challenges and identify suitable way to do the best. We
volume of light shining at a day is 4 kilowatt H/m2 and the hope this said planning could be response important questions
average volume of sunny hour is more than 2800 hour at a and ambiguity like:
year. 1) Potential value of every one limitation energy bearers at
Keywords- Environmental Implication, Solar Energy, 2) Identify and selection of right regain (finding right site)
Fotovoltaeek Cells 3) Compiled view for limitation energies.
4) Economy explanation regarding to deigned different
5) Planning, the way and capacity of investment, identify
I. INTRODUCTION prefer ability of every limitation energies.
Access of developing countries to kinds of new energy 6) Compiled plan for related technologies development at
resources, have basic important for economic expansion and Iran
new projects show that between development level of one
country and his volume of energy consumption is a direct
relation. With attention o fossil energy limitation resources II. SOLAR ENERGY
and increase of energy consumption at new world, we cannot About two deiced after entering fetavoltaeek cells in to
emphasis on existence energy resources. At our country, the public arena of energy produces, close relation between policy
needs of energy resources and decrease of fossil energy, some and energy resources bring that, there aren't any place for
factors are necessary such as, keeping the health of economic explanation argument and finding away for using
environmental, decrease of implication, providing fuel and solar energy and electricity. In Iran, because our shining with
using of new energies like: windy, hydrogen solar energy and good power and high ability and our country also is kind of
etc. Today, policy, economy crisis and matters like limitation ready area for using this energy, so the average value of light
of fossil resource strength, environmental concerns, increase shining at a day is 4 kilowatt Hm2 and the average value of
of publication, economy growth and consumption coefficient, sunny hour is more than 2800 hour at a year of course, all said

values is average value and at salt desert area of our country around the world. This program named LEED that mean
like Yazd sunny hours reach to 3200 hours. With attention to leadership in Energy and Environmental, this program made
this matter that Iran is a mountainous country that almost of by basic energy and environmental and also is balance factor
his area set on at high of 1000 upper than water sea level, the between essential functions and environment.
ability of delivery sun light shining will be more. The use of Project teams (authorities, extension markers, architects
limitation energies consumption of Iran was low, after words and contractors) with attention to basic of this program as a
until now solar energy is not commercial formally. Areas that powerful instrument could manage to find best ways for
have high potential for solar energy including: Shiraz, Tehran, physics and economy fields and also helped to aims of green
Khorasan and Yazd. Semnan, Solar design including central projects.
delivering power station, linear Sahmoy, Fotovoltaeek system
and solar groups 3-2: How LEED Works?
LEED show his program at 5 Headline:
2-1: Studying the Possibility Use of Solar Energy from 1) Coordinate sites with environmental.
Economic View. 2) Output and efficiency of water (protection of water)
Although the cost of using of solar energy is so light, but 3) Energy and atmosphere.
today at making policy is not consider only the cost of solar 4) Keeping and protecting resources and materials.
systems, so the advantages gaining from use of them like 5) Quality of inner building from the view of
decrease of environmental protection implication also environmental.
considered. With attention to all designed matter, could If a project design by this 5 headline or in other words
finding some area of our country that use of solar energy at success to do this LEED circumstance, a unite output world be
them have economy explanation. As a sample, using of solar produce that have the possibility of achieving Silver, Gold or
cells at for away areas could reach high price during several Platinum medals, doing each of 5 LEED circumstance identify
years. With regarding to existing technologies and the the degree of medals.
expansion use of solar energy at a world, Seems at sections
like: buildings heat, produce heat water, cooking food, blotter 3.3: Coordinate Sites with Environmental
making fresh water, and this energy could be compete with Attention to different factors at the time of designing cause
current energies. Doing researches shows until now, making more effectiveness of this building.
independent solar power stations is not profitable, so A) The situation of building.
combination cycle power stations like solar- gas or solar- B) Designing area with regarding to natural and agriculture
vapor will be so economy. One of important obstacles at using environments.
of solar energies is capitals for getting solar industries that C) Use of empty area between buildings or grounds that
must be considered all basic functions. Different kinds of before was implication.
limitation energies produce by effect of sun shining. D) Decrease use of local automobile.
Fotovoltaeek cells that produce electricity, sahmoy and solar E) Bright use of local texture.
concentration towers, windy and heat ground energy all of F) Controlling and managing superficial water.
them reach their energies from sun. Already of European G) Decrease of implication.
countries work severely on solar energy and using of this
energy would talk last words at human future life. 3.4: Protection of Water
A) Decrease the volume needs water for building and
III. SUITABLE WAYS FOR BRIGHT USING OF SOLAR ENERGY B) The lack of using of drinking water for irrigation and
3.1: Green buildings- Coordinate with Solar Energy washes.
Green buildings that are famous as coordinate buildings C) Use of new technologies for sewages filtration.
with environmental they are kinds of constructions that D) Protect of drinking water quality and water of rivers,
providing possible bright use of valuable natural resources canals and lakes.
like: water, wind, solar energies aside effective materials.
During recent years this buildings encounter with 3.5: Energy and Atmosphere
extraordinary development at new design and technology, this A) Managing on impression at ground atmosphere and
matter cause environmental implication decrease and naturally decrees of energy consumption.
create more health environment at outside and inner of B) Use of limitation energies.
buildings. Implications created by demolition and C) Cycle and origin protect of buildings.
reconstruction buildings and them including weather, soil D) Elimination of halons and Conservatory gasses.
quality and unpure energies consumption. With expansion of
construction and green technologies at governmental and 3.6: Resources and Materials.
individual segments compiled program is not limitation. By A) Renewed use of existing building.
this mean at U.S the use of green buildings Council (USGBC) B) Decrease volume Consumption materials.
design a program that expand the use of green buildings C) Use of local-regional and limitation materials.

International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 1, Issue 8, September 2012 22
www.IJSEI.com ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 10812-06
D) Right use of wooden resources and replaced them. water of sea level and to least aggravation national arguments
E) Decrease of futile and managing them. are kind of sad result. In other hand, finishing fossil sources
and predict increase of costs, encourage, policy makers to set
3.7: Quality of Inner Building from the View of Environmental balance offers and some policies for controlling environmental
A) Elimination or decrease of impeded resources at inner and researchers for expansion resources with low implication
building. that have powerful ability for substation with now energy
B) Weather ventilation and controlling impeded. systems.
C) Heat and Cold studding and forbidden of port heat. 3) All limitation energy undertake more share at world
D) Controlling of weather quality. energy providing this sources have the possibility of response
E) Bright and correct use of light and view. two basic fossil sources at the sometime limitation energies
naturally coordinate with nature and have not implication,
3.8: Environmental Benefits because they are limited and have more gravity. Another
Constriction and make building, have expansion negative characters of this sources is dispersion and expansion of them
impact on jungles, pastures, planet ecosystems and also animal around the world, they needs lower technologies that have
and agricultures with correct selection and right chose of more gravity.
buildings situation could forbidden of this matters and also So at programs and international policies, in the way of
forbidden of irregular cities that are serious problems. expansion stability of world, limitation energies have special
Reconstruction of existing building, use of unutilized role but to a coordinating limited sources, also have some
ground between buildings and use of ground that before was problems with now systems of world energy consumption, for
impeded by machines life that forbidden of unutilized growth solving them, must specific world recherché allocated to them.
cities. Decrease cast of operations. The cost of energy and With regarding to now human technologies, nuclear energy
water consumption at buildings with designer of LEED and electricity, wind energy are tow sustainable energy for
technology decreased rather than old buildings. This volume fossil fuel. Iran country from the view of different energy
during a period of time could compensation primary costs and sources is most riches countries in the whole world; Iran has
archive positive indicator investment. Buildings that are most potential of limitation energies like wind, Jeotormal, sun
making with these desirable technologies could lead to and etc. The view of energy and environmental until 2030 the
development and expansion of now projects. Reconstruction weather of ground changes in result of human activities
of existence buildings could decrease building cost. At this especially at energy segment. Most environmental and
system with using of abilities could use of one project as weather changes at world could be explained like this.
another cover project. With getting small of some instruments 1) Publication value of CO2 at 200 years past time increase
like chillers could forbid of irregular consumption. 31 percent.
2) Publication value of CH4 from 1800 increases at least
two times.
IV. CONCLUSION 3) By increase atmosphere descend impact at middle
Today, human interference subjects at environmental is geographic fields and sow flood and great storm.
revealed more than any time. The concept of development is 4) In the past century, the free level of sea water at world
synonym of protection of natural environment and increase 1 to 2 millimeter annual.
environmental and at economy indicator national counts such 5) The growth season at every decade is longer from 1 to 4
as inner UN pure produce, keeping natural resources and years about past 40 years. At future 30 years the value of
environmental also designed. Energy is basic need for carbon dioxide, publication by impacting of produce and
continuation economic expansion, providing and guarantees energy consumption will increase with faster music than basic
welfare and rest of people. Now, world energy consumption is energy consumption. Two from three of this increase resulted
about 10 Gtoely (equal to 10 milliard tons pure oil at one from consumption at developing countries, and at power
year). This volume shows the measure of world energy producer and transportation segment, cause more than 75
consumption at future century and surely this important percent increase of Carbon dioxide and would be transported
question design that will be fossil energies sources at future the situation of geographic growth Carbon dioxide from
century response the world energy need for permanence, industrial countries to developing countries.
expansion and evolution? At least for three mast important
factors, the answer to this question is negative and new energy
sources must replace to old one. This factors including:
1) Limitation and at the same time desirability of fossil
Amir Samimi (Corresponding Author)
energies that from logical view have better application rather (16/05/1983, Isfahan City, Isfahan Province,
than oxidation and also environmental problems. Iran)
2) Implication result from oxidation and increase density M.A Chemical Engineering, Master at Islamic
of ‘Carbon dioxide’ at atmosphere and their conclusion Azad University and PNU, the Member of
countered the world with irrevocable and throaty changes. The IAENG, the Member of Young Research Club
increase of earth Temptress, weather changes, going up the

International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 1, Issue 8, September 2012 23
www.IJSEI.com ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 10812-06
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International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 1, Issue 8, September 2012 24
www.IJSEI.com ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 10812-06

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