Holland Code
Holland Code
Holland Code
Dr. John Holland reasoned that people work best in environments that match their preferences.
He theorized that both people and occupations can be loosely classified into six different groups.
Most people are some combination of two or three of these groups. If you choose an occupation
that matches your Holland Code, you will be more likely to achieve job satisfaction and success.
I can...
Fix electronic Think abstractly Sketch, draw, paint Teach others Convince others to do Work well within a
equipment things my way system
Play a sport Solve math problems Play a musical Express myself clearly Sell things or promote Keep accurate
instrument ideas records
Work on cars Analyze data Write stories or poems Lead a group Give talks or speeches Use a computer
Read a blueprint Use a microscope or Sing, act or dance Mediate disputes Lead a group Write effective
computer business letters
Operate tools and Do complex Design fashions Plan or supervise an Initiate projects Operate office
machinery calculations or interiors activity machines
Pitch a tent Conduct research Work independently Offer others guidance Manage people Create charts and
or products graphs
I like to...
Work with my hands Use computers Attend concerts Work and socialize Make decisions Work with numbers
or plays with others affecting others
Be physically active Perform lab Paint, sculpt or do Help people solve Run a political Be responsible for
experiments ceramics problems campaign details
Tend to or train Solve math or science Read fiction and poetry Do volunteer work Start my own business Collect or organize
animals questions things
Work outdoors Analyze situations Take photographs Work with children or Be with leaders Follow a budget
and find solutions the elderly
Hunt or fish Do puzzles Decorate Play team sports Work on a sales Keep things neat
campaign and organized
Build or repair things Work independently Work on crafts Organize parties Win awards Play board games
Step 2: Count the number of checks in each column above Column 1: R – Realistic
and write that total in the blank space at the bottom of each Column 2: I – Investigative
column. Fill in the gray boxes with the letters from the columns Column 3: A – Artistic
with the three largest totals, starting with the highest.
Column 4: S – Social
Step 3: See page 11 for a description of your Holland Code interests. Browse the Column 5: E – Enterprising
occupations listed and choose two that you would like to research. Review the chart on page Column 6: C – Conventional
12 to see which Career Clusters may interest you.
Match Your Interests to Occupations
Match your Holland Code to the appropriate occupations. Your first letter usually carries the most weight.
Find many more occupations and job descriptions in O*NET OnLine: www.onetonline.org
Realistic people are often good at mechanical Investigative people like to watch, learn, Artistic people like to work in unstructured
or athletic jobs. They like to work with things, analyze and solve problems. They often like to situations where they can use their creativity
like machines, tools, or plants, and they like to work independently, tend to be good at math and come up with new ideas. They enjoy
work with their hands. They are often practical and science, and enjoy analyzing data. performing (theater or music) and visual arts.
and good at solving problems.
Social people like to work directly with people Enterprising people like to work with other Conventional people are detail-oriented
rather than things. They enjoy training, people. They particularly enjoy influencing, and like to work with data. They have good
instructing, counseling, or curing others. They persuading, and performing. They like to lead organizational and numerical abilities and are
are often good public speakers with helpful, and tend to be assertive and enthusiastic. good at following instructions. They also like
empathetic personalities. working in structured situations.
Match Your Interests to Career Clusters
Keep in mind that your first letter usually carries the most weight. Review the chart below to find which Career
Clusters may be your best match. Find occupations within these Clusters in O*NET OnLine: www.onetonline.org
Why is it important to match your Holland (interest) Code to the occupation's code?
Your personality
type (Holland Code) a compatible
with work environment
will likely
(Holland Code) lead to job satisfaction
and success!