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Smart Nano Drone

Quick Start Guide

ONAGOfly 1 V1.3

Smart Nano Drone

Each time when you finish with ONAGOfly, please make sure to turn it off.
Please do not use ONAGOfly indoor and make sure the orange propellers are always
www.onagofly.com to the front side.
Thank you for purchasing ONAGOfly1. For your safety, please read the operating Now meet your ONAGOfly
instructions carefully before use. Be sure to watch our quick start video guide on
The ONAGOfly1's camera records video at up to 1080P 30fps and captures 15
www.ONAGOfly.com or follow our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/AT7rxa-Eozk megapixel photos. The built-in GPS enables hover in place and follow-me features.
Review the diagram below for a full list of your ONAGOfly1's parts:

▲ Fly in open areas: Please always fly ONAGOfly1 in locations that are free and clear ⑦
buildings, trees, power lines and other obstacles. Do not fly above or near people
or animals. ①
▲ Do not fly over crowds.
▲ Do not fly in winds that exceed 8-16 km/h (5-10MPH).
Maintain Line of Sight: Keep your aircraft in sight at all times, and avoid flying behind
buildings or other obstacles that may block your view.
② ● Front view

▲ ONAGOfly1 is not waterproof. Please do not fly above water or on a rainy day.
▲ Age Recommendation: Not for under 18 years.
▲ Please check your ONAGOfly1 before you fly, and ensure the battery is fully The orange propellers are
charged. always to the front side.
▲ Do not attempt to operate your aircraft with any worn and/or damaged
components, parts, etc. (including but not limited to, damaged propellers etc.) ⑥
▲ Do not try to touch or close to the ONAGOfly1 with your hand, face or other part of
body while the propellers is spinning.
▲ Please do not open or disassemble the product by yourself, since unauthorized ⑨
disassembly will void the product warranty and possibly cause your aircraft to
not work properly.
⑩ ⑧
▲ ONAGOfly1 is not compatible with any other product or component, which may ⑤
result in damage to the product property and/or cause serious injury.
▲ Do not use the product to conduct any illegal and inappropriate behavior
(including but not limited to spying, military action and illegal investigation).
▲ Do not use the product to conduct any behaviors infringing upon the privacy of

● Sideways view
▲ Do not use the product to infringe the property right of others.

● Left view

① Camera ⑥ Propellers
② Front LEDs ⑦ Motor
③ Power button ⑧ Memory card slot
④ Charging port ⑨ GPS antennas ④
⑤ Back LEDs. ⑩ Interface for manufacturer
● Bottom view
Notes: be installed on the motor on the same side as the camera lens. After the
There're two contacts at the bottom of the GPS antenna coverage. So does that on installation, please place the aircraft on open ground flatly, taking off from the
PCB board. These touch pots must be connected when installing. The Micro USB uneven ground may affect its attitude. (The camera's front should be the same
port on the aircraft is only for maintenance. Please do not connnect it for charging. as the pilot's. Before taking off please make sure the camera's front is the same
as pilot's) *When disassemble the propellers, please fix the motor with one hand
and rotate the propellers counterclockwise upside slowly.
Technical specification: ▲ If video recording or taking photo is necessary, please make sure that Micro SD
Aircraft Controlled by mobile device card (the maximum memory of Micro SD card is 64GB (exFAT), Class10 and
Aircraft dimension (L*W*H): Wifi working frequency: 2.4GHz above) has been correctly inserted. Besides, please format the Micro SD card into
100*100*45mm Max Communication Distance (open area): FAT32 or exFAT (for 64GB SD card) format. Otherwise the aircraft may not be
Weight: 135g (±2g) 30-50m (depending on Wifi signal turned on.
Max Ascent Speed: 5m/s environment) ▲ Maintain control at all times: even when using ONAGOfly1 autopilot functions
Max Descent Speed: 3m/s Receiving sensitivity of signals: -50dBm such as Auto-Takeoff, Auto-landing, always keep your hands on the Mobile
Max Speed: 15Km/h Device and maintain control of your aircraft when it is in flight.
Max Service Ceiling: 30m ▲ Auto-landing due to the low battery, please do not fly it again manually, which
Max Flight Time: Approximately 12 minutes can result in damage to the battery.
▲ Each time when you finish use with ONAGOfly1, please make sure to shut down
Features Camera
Photos: 15 megapixels the power by pressing the power button.
Auto-landing Video: 1080P@30fps
Follow-me ▲ Make sure to check whether the propellers are intact and fixed before flight, and
Tilt mode Other accessories do not take off if any propellers are damaged or loose.
3-inch propellers ▲ Please check the battery capacity before taking off and check whether the Micro
Battery SD card is correct installed. The right way to install the Micro SD card: The side
800mAh LiPo 2S with metal contacts on should be upside when inserting into the slot.
Memory card up to 64GB (exFAT C10 and above) ▲ When the GPS is wink (As seen in figure (11)), Onagofly1 could fly stable in the
Battery power: 5.9Wh air but could not hold its position.
Operating temperature: -10℃ to 40℃ ▲ The initial password and the wifi network name would be modified in the setting
menu.(As seen in figure (9)). It vary when you restart.

Environmental Considerations
Something you need to know before
using your ONAGOfly1: ▲ Do not fly in severe weather conditions. This include high winds (speed of 8-16km/h or
▲ ONAGOfly1's propellers can be A C
more), snow rain and fog.
dismantled.* ▲ Only fly in open areas. Tall buildings and steel structures may affect the accuracy

When assembling, the propellers × of the on-board compass and GPS signal.
should be installed in corresponding ▲ Avoid obstacles, crowds, high-voltage power lines, trees and bodies of water.
positions. The propellers engraved ▲ Minimize electromagnetic interference by avoiding areas with high levels of

with the numbers. The letters electromagnetism, including mobile phone base stations, radio transmission towers,
marked on propellers (A, B, C, D) D B
√ or Wi-Fi hotspots.
shall be respectively corresponding ▲ Aircraft and battery are subject to environment factors such as air density and
to the letters on bottom machine ● Figure (1)
temperature. Be very careful when flying 6km (19,600ft) or more above sea level,
arms during assembly. The method of installing is seen as the figure (1). The as battery and aircraft performance may not be at peak efficiency.
propellers must be installed in the right position regarding the safety. As seen in ▲ The GPS positioning mode can not be used for flight in the Antarctic/Arctic
figure (1). Otherwise Onagofly1 flight may be affected. Orange propellers shall Circle.
2 3
Positioning mode:
▲ The ONAGOfly1 equipped with GPS module, please only use the aircraft in open
App interface
areas. When your ONAGOfly1 gets enough GPS signal, the GPS icon on App turns ① ③ ④ ⑤
orange and the status of the aircraft indicator lights as seen in Appendix figure (10).
Normal Unlick GPS 70%
▲ It's recommended to turn the camera on after the GPS positioning mode is
active (Back LEDS turn to blue or GPS icon on App turns to orange), otherwise it
will affect the controlling indication.
▲ The GPS signal is very sensitive to electromagnetic interference, which can ⑨
cause abnormal GPS data, leading to poor flight performance or even failure.
Regular calibration is required for optimal performance.

GPS follow mode
When ONAGOfly1 gets enough GPS signal, the aircraft will be able to activate the
Follow mode. The accuracy of GPS is affacted by the strength of GPS signal. How
⑥ ⑩
to activate the Follow mode:
▲ Enable GPS on your Mobile Device. G
▲ Turn on the aircraft, and wait until the GPS icon turns orange on App (As seen in
Appendix figure (10)).
▲ Take off and make the aircraft hold in position by 4-5 meters steadily. ⑦ ⑧ ● Figure (2)
▲ Turn off the tilt mode.
▲ Turn on the GPS follow by pressing the Follow icon until it turns orange. ① Home ⑧ Auto-landing
Notes: ② Snapshot ⑨ Mode switch between video and photo
Onagofly will hover when the GPS signal is lost during the following mode. If you want to ③ Speed mode: Normal and Fast Switch ⑩ Rotate horizontally(YAW direction)
switch to tilt mode, it needed to turn it on manually.
④ Unlock/Lock Vertical movement (UP and DOWN)
Before turning off the following mode, please note the direction of orange propellers point to,
then make the operation. ⑤ GPS link and GPS following
⑥ Virtual control key
Using the mobile device App ⑦ Gravity sensor mode switch
( Tilt Mode Switch)
▲ Download the ONAGOfly app Search "ONAGOfly"
on the App Store or Google Play and download Notes:
the ONAGOfly app to your mobile device. ① Click the Home icon it will go back to the Media interface.
*ONAGOfly App compatible with device with ② The GPS icon turns orange when GPS connected, gray means off.
Android 4.4, iOS 7.0 or above. You could set the video resolution, previewing resolution of real-time image
▲ Watch the tutorial videos on www.ONAGOfly.com Android iOS
transmission, the size of the photos (it's needed to switch to the photo mode to
or follow our YouTube https://youtu.be/AT7rxa-Eozk enable the setting) and the IR obstacle avoidance. When the aircraft is in motion
▲ Check your App (flying) it is unable to change the settings in the menu.
Click and back to the album to preview the footage and photos taken by ONAGOfly1.
Your mobile device can control the aircraft within average communication distance ④⑤⑥⑦⑧ These icons are gray when they're not active. It turns orange when it's
of around 30m (98.4ft) in an open space (the actual distance may be affected by active. ⑤ Tilt Mode is disable by default and its icon turns orange when it's active.
the communication conditions). *
ONAGOfly has HD real-time video streaming. The live streaming video of ONAGOfly1 *The communication distance measured in anexperimental environment is approximately
available through the ONAGOfly App. 98ft-262ft (30-50m). It may change under different communication situations.
Once connected with the ONAGOfly App, the tilt mode is switched off by default but *The gravity sensor of your mobile deviceis sensitive, please do not make big
the user can activate the function by keep pressing tilt mode button and control the movement with your mobile device when control ONAGOfly1.
flight direction by tilting the mobile device.* *The GPS follow function could only be actived once the GPS connected.
4 5
Getting ready to takeoff your ONAGOfly1 Virtual joystick control mode
* The connecting frequency between the mobile device and the aircraft is 2.4GHz.
During the flight, please do not use other 2.4GHz communication devices You could use the virtual joystick to control the flight direction of ONAGOfly1 (when
simultaneously. the tilt mode is off).

Turn on ONAGOfly1
▲ Place your ONAGOfly1 on a flat surface, and make sure G

the orange propellers are always to the front side. ▲ Press the Auto-landing button.
▲ Press the on/off button. The on/off button is shown as the ▲ Maintain control at all times during auto-landing.
Figure (3). The aircraft beep and meanwhile the indicator
lights on (as shown in figure (10,11)) indicating that the ● Figure (7)
aircraft is turned on. When the back LEDs are red it means ● Figure (3)
the status of the aircraft is abnormal and you should not take off in that case.
Connect ONAGOfly1 to your mobile devices
▲ You can always switch the Photo/Video mode by pressing the photo/video icon
▲ Connect your ONAGOfly1 to the mobile device by connecting the Wi-Fi. on the ONAGOfly1 app before take-off.
▲ Choose the Wi-Fi named “OnagoflyXXX”, and enter the default password "12345678". ▲ You can always take video before take-off.
▲ The initial password and the wifi network name would be modified in the setting menu. * It's recommended not to switch the photo/video or take video during flight.

GPS follow
▲ Open camera and wait until the GPS icon on ONAGOfly Normal Unlock GPS 70%

app turns orange before taking off. ▲ Enable GPS on your Mobile Device.
▲ Once the GPS icon on ONAGOfly app turns orange, ▲ Turn on the aircraft, and wait until the GPS icon turns orange on App.
you're ready for taking off. ▲ Take off and make the aircraft hold in position by 13ft-16ft (4-5 meters) steadily.
▲ Hold the Lock button until the propellers spinning. G ▲ Turn off the tilt mode by releasing your finger on the tilt mode button.
▲ Hold your mobile device flat. ● Figure (4) ▲ Turn on the GPS follow by pressing the Follow icon until it turns orange.
▲ Press Auto-takeoff button until the aircraft automatically take off.
▲ Push up/down the vertical movement bar to adjust Onagofly1's flying height.

Tilt mode control Battery charging

▲ Always keep your mobile device flat. ▲ Please use the charger provided officially by the ONAGOfly. Connect the battery
▲ Pressing and always hold the tilt mode supply firstly before charging (Shown in Bottom view ⑤).
button when you use tilt mode to pilot it. ▲ Connect the charger to the AC power supply (100-240 V, 50/60 Hz, please use
▲ Tilt your mobile device, and your aircraft the power changeover plug if needed).
will move forward and backward. ▲ Please ensure the aircraft is turned off and the plug in the battery bin is unplug
▲ Use the turning bar to rotate slide. ● Figure (5) ● Figure (6) before charging.
▲ Use the vertical movement bar to make ONAGOfly1 up and down. ▲ The indicator lights are flashing in green indicates that the battery is charging.

6 7
Low power warning during flying In the Box
▲ When the low power is detected, a notification will be shown on your app.
Please try to make ONAGOfly1 landing. Check that all of the following items are in your package. If any items are missing,
▲ When the Wifi disconnected or the battery is in extremely low power, it will please contact ONAGOfly or your local dealer.
landing automatically. (Shown in figure (12)). Please use the ONAGOfly1 within
your eyesight and pay attention to the status of the Wifi signal and the battery
power. When the Wifi signal is extremely weak or the battery power is
extremely low, and in the case there's a danger to land nearby, please pilot the
aircraft to return manually.

▲ Camera parameters can be setup through the App Normal Unlock GPS 70%

Movie Size 1080P

setting button. You can use your app to record video, LiveView Size 720P

take picture or play back. Loop recording WVGA

Record Audio VGA

▲ You can set the resolution as 1080P/720P/WVGA/VGA Object Avoid

▲ You can change video recording/photo mode in G

the camera setup menu. ● Figure (8)

Aircraft body X1
▲ You can set the photo resolution in Photo mode.
▲ You can download the Photo/Video in Micro SD card of OANGOfly1 with mobile
device through ONAGOfly App camera roll. You may also use SD card reader to
download all photo/video files to your computer.
Notes: A
When photographing, please make sure that the aircraft is sufficiently charged, and if C
aircraft power is fully consumed during recording and photographing, it may cause
video and pictures to be missing. ONAGOfly1 has no legal responsibility for video
and pictures missing due to improper operation. Propeller Pairs X3 Power Cable X2 Charger X1

Status indicator light of aircraft

Quick Start Guide v1.2

This instruction is subject to updated contents without prior notice.

● Figure (9) ● Figure (10) ● Figure (11)
When the light at aircraft tail When the light at aircraft tail When all the lights are red, it
is winking in blue, it means is winking in green, it means means alarm for low battery,
that the GPS related functions that the current GPS signal loss of signal and other
work. doesn't support the GPS abnormal situations. Acumen Robot Intelligence Inc. All right reserved.
related functions. ONAGOfly is a registered trademark used by Acumen Robot Intelligence Inc.

8 9

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