Quick Start Guide V2.1
Quick Start Guide V2.1
Quick Start Guide V2.1
1.Charge Battery
The rechargeable S6 LiPo Battery has 1400 mAh capacity with standard voltage 7.6V.
Charge it by using the S6 specialized charger. The LED light stays solid red when the
battery is under charging and the light turns green till the battery is fully charged. Remove
the battery and disconnect the charger after it is fully charged. Portable power source is
also available for S6 battery charging.
Disconnect the charger and remove the battery when green and red LED light flashes alternately, which
indicates a battery error.
When working temperature is low, the performance of the battery would be affected severely and the
flight time would decrease. In this case, please power on the aircraft for 3-5 minutes or warm up the battery
to above 20℃ in pocket or in hands to further take off.
WINGSLAND FLY only supports iOS 9.0 (or later) or Android 5.0.1 (or later). Recommend devices:
iPhone, Huawei, Xiaomi, MEIZU, OPPO.
⑧ 12
③ Connection Status 13 Accessories/
⑥ Wi-Fi Signal 15 Auto Return-to-Home
16 17 18
4.Prepare the Aircraft
Unfold the front and rear arm to maximum position. Insert Micro-SD card into SD card slot
(max. capacity supported: 32G) and slide the battery into the compartment.
The old version propeller blades need to be unfolded and extended into ready-to-fly position before
takeoff. The new version propellers can be spread out automatically by the centrifugal force after takeoff.
They cannot be mixed and used as the whole set.
Distinguish marks of directions on propellers, stands for clockwise and stands for
counter-clockwise. Unscrew the screws counter-clock wisely and take out the used
propellers, then replace new propellers with the same marks of direction and fasten the
screws securely.
Recommend: Please fasten screws securely after every 5 hours flight time by using provided screw driver
to protect it from falling off.
Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds to power
up the aircraft. After that, a continuously short beep
sound indicates the aircraft is self-checking, a long
beep sound indicates self-checking is complete and
the aircraft is ready to go.
6. Flight Mode
Before the takeoff, please confirm the propeller guards prompt whether the aircraft is with
or without propellers guard.The following flight modes are available in S6
GPS Mode
S6 can use the internal GPS/GLONASS dual-module system to take off and hover outdoor
where the aircraft can receive 7 or more satellites signal. Flying and geographical conditions
can have a significant impact for the GPS reception, please pay attention to the following
1.Always fly the aircraft in an open area with clear sight and keep away from the crowds
and animals.
2.Always fly at locations that are clear of buildings, power lines and locations where may
have a strong electromagnetic interference.
3.Do not fly the aircraft in no-fly zone or any other legally restricted areas. Observe local
laws and regulations. Keep the aircraft flight range and height within 100 meters.
4.Do not use the aircraft in severe weather conditions: snow, rain, smog, wind speeds
exceeding 5m/s, etc.
5.Be more cautious when flying it at 6000 meters or more above sea level. The performance
of the aircraft and the battery might be affected by the environmental conditions.
When flying indoor, the aircraft can only be landed by One-key Land operation.
When the Vision Positioning System is not working, the aircraft can only use barometer to only maintain
its altitude (the aircraft may drift horizontally).In this case, Land the aircraft as soon as possible.
7. GO Start to Fly
Calibrate the Compass
Please calibrate the aircraft for the following cases:
● First Flight.
● Flying in a new location or in a location that is far apart from the last flight.
● A drift occurs when the aircraft is hovering.
Tap into the general setting menu and select the compass calibration icon ①. Place the
aircraft on a flat ground ② and confirm to start the calibration and follow the APP prompt to
rotate the aircraft 360 degree clockwise horizontally for at least 6 times③. Place the aircraft
on a flat ground and wait for the prompt shows Calibrating Data Updating. Tap yes to finish
the calibrating. If a “Gyroscope Error” prompt shows up, please redo the above process.
In the flying interface, tap the One-key Takeoff icon , then conf i rm to active
the feature. The aircraft will automatically take off and hover above the ground .
After takeoff, the One-key Takeoff icon will change to One-key Landing icon ,
By Tapping the icon the aircraft will automatically perform the landing. Check the
landing area condition and make sure no obstacle below the aircraft before the landing.
Tap the Auto Return-to-Home icon in the flying interface and Confirm to command the
aircraft return to the last recorded home point in a preset altitude. The auto Return-to-Home
function can be canceled during a Return-to-Home flight by tapping the exit icon or moving
virtual joysticks.
If the aircraft is flying under7 meters, the aircraft will automatically ascend to 7 meters from the current
height. If the current height is 7 meters or above 7 meters, the aircraft will return to home point with the
current height.When the aircraft is between 5m from the Home point, it will return to the Home point at
the current altitude with the Retrun-to-Home function.
8. Control Mode
Virtual Joystick Mode
Ensure the smart device has been connected to the aircraft before using the virtual joy
stick mode. By pressing on the screen, the virtual joystick will be displayed on the APP
screen . The virtual joysticks are set to Mode2 by default (Mode1 and Mode2 can be
switched under general setting). The left joystick controls the throttle and rotation of the
aircraft, the right joystick controls forward, backward, left,right movement of the aircraft.
Motion Sensitive Mode
Tap the general setting icon . Then change to the motion-sensitive mode by choosing the
control stick setting icon. By pressing on the left half of the screen, a joystick will be displayed on
left of the screen, which controls the throttle and rotation of the aircraft. By pressing on the right
half of the screen, hold the green round on the right of the APP screen. The APP will record current
inclined position of mobile device as a referenced position. Then tilt the mobile device to control
the motion of aircraft when the circle button turns green. Tilt the mobile device forward/backward,
the aircraft will fly forward/backward. Tilt the mobile device left/right, the aircraft will fly toward
Motion Sensitive Mode only works under the Mode2. (Model 1 -The right joystick serves as the throttle.
Mode2 - The left joystick serves as the throttle. For more information,please refer to the S6 User Manual)
9. Photos/Videos
Photos: Under single shot mode: Tap shutter icon once to take one photo. Choosing
burst mode on camera setting: Tap shutter icon once to take continuous 6 photos.
By opening Timer Photo Mode on camera setting, tap shutter icon once, the camera will take a picture
automatically after 5 seconds delay.
Videos: Tap the video icon to change to the video record mode. Tap record icon once
to start recording video, then tap icon again to stop recording. A recording timer will be
displayed during the video shooting.