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Internal Verification of Assessment Decisions - BTEC (RQF) : Higher Nationals

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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)


Programme title HND in Business Management

Assessor Internal Verifier

Unit(s) Unit 43 Business Strategy

Assignment title Gain understanding of strategy to make a positive, efficient and effective contribution
to the development of business plans and operational direction

Student’s name

List which assessment Pass Merit Distinction

criteria the Assessor has

Do the assessment criteria awarded

match those shown in the assignment Y/N

Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade

awarded justified by the assessor’s
comments on the student work? Y/N

Has the work been assessed

Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:

• Constructive?
• Linked to relevant assessment
criteria? Y/N

• Identifying opportunities for

improved performance? Y/N

• Agreeing actions? Y/N

Does the assessment decision need

Assessor signature Date
Internal Verifier signature Date
Programme Leader signature (if
Confirm action completed
Remedial action taken

Give details:

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier
Programme Leader
signature (if required)
Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID

Unit Title Gain understanding of strategy to make a positive, efficient and effective contribution to
the development of business plans and operational direction
Assignment Number Assessor
Date Received 1st
Submission Date
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date
Assessor Feedback:

LO1 Analyse the impact and influence that the macro environment has on an organisation and its business

Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 M1

LO2 Assess an organisation’s internal environment and capabilities
Pass, Merit & Distinction P2 M2
LO3 Apply the outcomes of an analysis, using an appropriate strategic management tool, in a given market
Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M3
LO4 Develop a strategic management plan in an organisation, informed by models, theories and concepts, to
achieve competitive advantage in a given market sector
Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 P6 D3 D1

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades
decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student
Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor signature Date

Student signature Date

Higher Nationals in
Unit 44: Business Strategy
Assignment 01
General Guidelines

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2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
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4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.
Word Processing Rules

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6. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you
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7. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade .
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Student Declaration

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Student’s Signature: Date:

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Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business
Assignment Brief

Student Name /ID Number

Unit Number and Title Unit 43: Business Strategy

Academic Year

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title Gain understanding of strategy to make a positive, efficient and

effective contribution to the development of business plans and
operational direction
Issue Date

Submission Date
IV Name & Date

Submission format

The submission should be in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal
business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and
subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using Harvard
referencing system.

The report - The recommended word count is 2500–3,000 words for the report although you will not be penalized
for exceeding the total word limit.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Analyse the impact and influence that the macro environment has on an organisation and its business
LO2 Assess an organisation’s internal environment and capabilities
LO3 Apply the outcomes of an analysis, using an appropriate strategic management tool, in a given market
LO4 Develop a strategic management plan in an organisation, informed by models, theories and concepts, to
achieve competitive advantage in a given market sector.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Analyse the impact and influence that the macro

environment has on an organisation and its business strategies
P1 Applying appropriate M1 Critically analyse the
frameworks, analyse the macro environment to
LO1, LO2, LO3 and LO4
impact and influence of the determine and inform strategic
macro environment on a given management decisions. D1 Create a set of valid
organisation and its strategies. strategic directions, objectives
and tactical actions for
successfully achieving
strategic alignment, based on
LO2 Assess an organisation’s internal environment and critical interpretation of
capabilities internal and external data, and
P2 Conduct an internal M2 Interpret information and
environment and capabilities data to assess strengths and
assessment of a given weaknesses of an
organisation using appropriate organisation’s internal
frameworks. capabilities, structure and skill

LO3 Apply the outcomes of an analysis, using an appropriate

strategic management tool, in a given market sector

P3 Determine appropriate M3 Justify use of an

management tools to analyse a appropriate strategic
given market sector for an management tool for a given
organisation and inform market sector, to inform
strategy. strategy and strategic
objectives for an organisation.
P4 Devise appropriate
strategic objectives, based on
the outcomes of analysis for an
organisation to inform

LO4 Develop a strategic management plan in an organisation,

informed by models, theories and concepts, to achieve
competitive advantage in a given market sector.
P5 Apply a range of models, M4 Produce a strategic
concepts or theories to management plan that has
interpret and devise strategic tangible and tactical strategic
planning for a given priorities and objectives.
P6 Design a strategic
management plan, applying
appropriate strategies to
improve competitive edge and
market position based on the
Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Consider that you are working as a Business Consultant for a Sri Lankan based production company. The
company realized that they need to come up with a proper plan to grow their business in the future. You are
asked to prepare a detailed strategic plan for the company considering next five years from now, with proper
critique and interpretation of the findings. It is required for you to create a set of valid strategic directions,
objectives and tactical actions for successfully achieving strategic alignment, based on critical interpretation
of internal and external data, and information.

Your strategic plan should cover following areas.

 Critical analysis and evaluation of macro environmental analysis with effect on strategic decision-
making process of the company
 Conduct micro environmental analysis with the use of appropriate frameworks and interpret
information to identify the strengths, weaknesses and organisational capabilities
 appropriate strategic management tools. models, concepts and theories for a given market sector, to
inform strategy and strategic objectives for an organisation with the justification
 Produce a strategic management plan that has tangible and tactical strategic priorities and objectives
Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

P1 Applying appropriate frameworks, analyse

the impact and influence of the macro
environment on a given organisation and its
P2 Conduct an internal environment and
capabilities assessment of a given organisation
using appropriate frameworks.

P3 Determine appropriate management tools

to analyse a given market sector for an
organisation and inform strategy.

P4 Devise appropriate strategic objectives,

based on the outcomes of analysis for an
organisation to inform strategy.
P5 Apply a range of models, concepts or
theories to interpret and devise strategic
planning for a given organisation.
P6 Design a strategic management plan,
applying appropriate strategies to improve
competitive edge and market position based on
the outcomes.
M1 Critically analyse the macro environment
to determine and inform strategic management
M2 Interpret information and data to assess
strengths and weaknesses of an organisation’s
internal capabilities, structure and skill set
M3 Justify use of an appropriate strategic
management tool for a given market sector, to
inform strategy and strategic objectives for an
M4 Produce a strategic management plan that
has tangible and tactical strategic priorities and
D1 Create a set of valid strategic directions,
objectives and tactical actions for successfully
achieving strategic alignment, based on critical
interpretation of internal and external data, and
I would want to extend my sincere gratitude to Ms. Nethmee, the Business Strategy lecturer, for
helping with my question and providing assistance with the assignment. I owe you a debt of
gratitude since without you, I could not have completed the task that was assigned to me.

I would want to express my sincere appreciation to the E-Soft institution for providing me with
such a wonderful opportunity to put my abilities and talents to use. Through this work, I gained a
lot of knowledge, but I also developed a solid understanding of the world outside of the
classroom. I had the opportunity to study and learn about the real world as well.

I would want to take this opportunity to thank the teachers and employees of this organization for
all of their support and encouragement, in particular Ms. Ishara, our coordinator, for his
commitment to and support of us.

Last but not least, I want to express my gratitude to my family and friends for their help and
support. They were there to assist me at all times, without ever offering a negative response.

If it weren't for their faith in me and my works, I wouldn't be sitting here writing this
acknowledgment. This marks the beginning of my road toward living a prosperous life. Thank
you for your support, and I sincerely beg that you continue to have faith in and support me
because, without any of you, I am nothing.
Executive Summary
Every company has a vision, a mission, and some objectives, and it is its goal to realize its vision
by achieving its mission and goals. Therefore, these goals must be acceptable because they serve
as a guide for both the company's employees and customers.

We can use certain techniques to examine the firm's position in the market and the product
portfolio plans in order to determine how close the company is to realize its goal. This will help
us understand how far the organization needs to advance. We can also identify the favorable and
unfavorable elements that have an impact on the industry both inside and outside through
internal and external analysis. By doing so, the business will be better able to identify its
strengths and flaws and find strategies to strengthen and improve them.

We may also determine the causes of our current situation and the position we wish to
accomplish by employing gap analysis. This study is a fantastic opportunity for every firm to
discover additional strategies for hitting their goals at the anticipated level without suffering any

These analytical tools are crucial because, without them, a business cannot assess its
Table of Contents

Executive Summary...............................................................................................................................19
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................21
1.1 Vision, Mission, and Objectives of Maliban.........................................................................................22
1.1.1 Vision................................................................................................................................................22
1.1.2 Mission............................................................................................................................................22
1.1.3 Objectives........................................................................................................................................22
1.1.4. SMART Objective.............................................................................................................................23
1.1.5. Definition and meaning of Strategy.................................................................................................25
1.1.6. Business Strategy.............................................................................................................................26
1.1.7. Different Levels of Business Strategy...............................................................................................27
1.1.8 Key Aspects of a Business Strategy...................................................................................................28
1.1.9. Strategic Intent................................................................................................................................29
1.1.10. Different Strategic Direction..........................................................................................................29
1.1.11. Different Strategic Planning Techniques........................................................................................34
1. Introduction
The food and beverage industry is one of the most significant sectors because it has the
potential to benefit the economy greatly in terms of foreign exchange earnings, suitable
employment opportunities, innovation in the food system, improvement of rural economies,
and playing a significant role in local economies. It is necessary to produce food and
beverage goods in accordance with the standards, technical guidelines, sanitary
requirements, and phytosanitary requirements of the relevant export market. (Narandeniya,

The first biscuit manufacturer in Sri Lanka was called Maliban. Maliban Biscuit
Manufactories (Private) Limited, founded more than 60 years (Maliban, 2023)ago by the
pioneering Angulugaha Gamage Hinnyappuhamy, stands tall as one of Sri Lanka's most
reputable and admired companies. Over 100,000 retailers in Sri Lanka sell a variety of
crackers, cookies, and wafers made by Maliban. Across five continents, more than 35
countries (Maliban, 2023) are included in the worldwide reach. Every month, they
manufacture 25 million (Maliban, 2023)boxes of biscuits at our cutting-edge manufacturing
plant under strict hygiene guidelines. Maliban holds certifications for ISO 9001, ISO
14001, ISO 22000, and OHSAS 18001 systems. They have repeatedly received Sri Lanka's
esteemed National Quality Award. (Maliban, 2023)

Over 1,250 people (Maliban, 2023) work for the privately held limited liability corporation
known as Maliban. A group of experts who lead important disciplines run the business.
Members of the founder's family from the second and third generations make up the board
of directors. Maliban has become well-known in Sri Lanka thanks to the company's four
decades under the leadership of Mr. A G R Samaraweera, the current Chairman. (Maliban,

This report analyzes Maliban's internal and external factors to determine if they support or
hinder the achievement of its aims and objectives. Through this, we also examine the
company's current position in the market and the techniques it employs to deliver its
service. This will enable us to assess the business's performance and identify strategies for
achieving its vision.
1.1 Vision, Mission, and Objectives of Maliban

1.1.1 Vision
“To be the successful and respected Biscuit Company in Sri Lanka” (Maliban,

The vision statement outlines their goals to become the most successful and well-
respected biscuit manufacturer in Sri Lanka, to uphold their standards and quality for
future generations, and to gain the same high respect from the general public as a
result of their great achievement.

1.1.2 Mission
“To win the Hearts and Minds of Consumers by delivering food propositions
with exceptional quality, safety & value whilst being environmentally & socially
responsible, creating employee satisfaction and returning optimum value to
stakeholders” (Maliban, 2023)

According to the mission statement, Maliban aspires to delight its consumers by

providing them with high-quality, secure products. They aspire to be ethically and
environmentally conscious, maximizing shareholder value and employee satisfaction.

1.1.3 Objectives

1. Quality and taste provide consumer satisfaction. (Hunter)

2. Increase their loyal consumer base by introducing new products to the market. (Hunter)

3. Improve the manufacturing process with innovative technology. (Hunter)

4. Improving sales and marketing employee knowledge through planned training (Hunter)

5. achieving the business goal within the time frame (Hunter)

All businesses must establish goals; goals are crucial because they focus organizations.
Businesses with explicit goals are usually more successful than those without, because a business
with goals knows what it is aiming to accomplish. As a result, these goals should be S.M.A.R.T.

1.1.4. SMART Objective

Figure 1- SMART Objectives

Table 1: SMART Goals

Specific They have stated their goals and objectives, but they have stated how they intend to
achieve them. The (1) objective states that they want to improve quality and taste in
order to satisfy customers, but it does not specify how they would accomplish it. They
specify in objective (2) that they will introduce new products to increase their loyal
customer base, in objective (3) that they will improve their manufacturing process
through innovative technology, in objective (4) that they will improve sales and
marketing employee knowledge through planned training, and in objective (5) that they
will achieve the business goal within the time frame. (Maliban, 2023)

Measurable These aims are not measurable because they have not stated how much they intend to
achieve their goals. They could measure by declaring a specific amount for each goal. As
an example, they could state that they wish to increase the sector's worth by 10%. The
company can know how far or close they are to their goals by measuring them. They can
improve or maintain their existing performance by doing so. Because these objectives are
not measurable, the organization must continue to labor indefinitely, as they only know
the path but not the destination. (Maliban, 2023)
Achievable These five objectives are all attainable: giving comfort and convenience to clients,
offering a wide selection of items at a reasonable price, and bringing value to the sector.
To be more specific, these goals can be met but not finished because you can always add
value and deliver products at a reasonable price. These aims will continue to propel the
organization forward. (Maliban, 2023)

Realistic These goals are realistic since they can and will work to achieve them. As previously
stated, these goals are attainable and thus feasible. The available resources, as well as
managerial abilities and experience, make these goals attainable. (Maliban, 2023)

Timely These objectives are attainable since they can and will strive to achieve them. These
objectives, as previously indicated, are realistic and thus feasible. These objectives are
attainable due to the available resources, as well as managerial abilities and experience.
1.1.5. Definition and meaning of Strategy

Definition: According to the Management Study Guide.com (Guide, 2022),

Strategy is an action that managers take to attain one or more of the organization’s goals.
Strategy can also be defined as “A general direction set for the company and its various
components to achieve a desired state in the future. Strategy results from the detailed strategic
planning process”. (Guide, 2022)


 A strategy is concerned with integrating organizational operations as well as utilizing and

distributing scarce resources within the organizational environment in order to fulfil
current objectives. (Guide, 2022)

 When developing a strategy, keep in mind that decisions are not made in a vacuum and
that any action done by a company is likely to elicit a reaction from those affected,
whether competitors, customers, employees, or suppliers. (Guide, 2022)

 Strategy is also characterized as understanding the aims, the uncertainty of events, and
the necessity to evaluate the likely or real actions of others. (Guide, 2022)
1.1.6. Business Strategy

What is Business Strategy?

 Although it is simple to define, it is the formation and execution that distinguishes a firm.
A business strategy refers to all of the decisions and actions done by a company in order
to achieve the wider vision. Understanding what business strategy is and how to
implement it correctly can help organizations become market leaders in their field.
Specifically, a business plan is the backbone of every business, and any flaws could
imply that the corporate goals are lost in the middle. (Emeritus, 2022)

Importance of devising a business strategy

When starting a firm, the importance of business planning cannot be overstated. Any leader who
is oblivious to the significance cannot secure their organization's long-term viability. (Emeritus,

As the business climate becomes more competitive, the importance of company strategy cannot
be overstated. We've compiled a list of reasons why designing should be your first focus.
(Emeritus, 2022)

 A lot of planning is required in the early stages of a firm. While a plan specifies the
objectives, it is the strategy that aids in the execution and realization of the vision.
(Emeritus, 2022)

 When leaders develop a strategy, they gain a better understanding of their own strengths
and weaknesses. This allows them to capitalize on their strengths while improving on
their weaknesses. (Emeritus, 2022)

 It ensures that every part of a company's operations is planned. This means greater
efficiency and more successful plans. Everyone on the team is aware of what has to be
done, and the capital is correctly allocated. (Emeritus, 2022)
 It can assist firms in gaining a competitive advantage over their competitors in the
segment. It also distinguishes them in the perspective of their customers. It guarantees
that leaders maintain command of the processes. This implies that they will also proceed
as planned. (Emeritus, 2022)

1.1.7. Different Levels of Business Strategy

At each level of a company, different business strategies are implemented. The tiers of business
strategy will be determined by the goal that each component of a corporation wishes to attain.
There are three stages of business strategy based on common parameters. (Emeritus, 2022)

Corporate Level

This is the highest level available. It specifies the objectives and methods for achieving them.
Specifically, this level describes the organization's mission, vision, and corporate objectives.
(Emeritus, 2022)

Business Unit Level

At this level, each unit of the organization will have its own business plan. Because each unit has
unique procedures and operations, multiple solutions can be implemented to help each unit
achieve greater efficiency. However, every business plan should be in line with the goals and
objectives of the corporation. (Emeritus, 2022)

Functional Level

Departments such as marketing, sales, operations, finance, and so on set the strategy at the
functional level. These functional-level strategies are required to assure the efficiency of the
organization's day-to-day operations. All of these works together to achieve a common aim.
(Emeritus, 2022)
1.1.8 Key Aspects of a Business Strategy
A company strategy is a solution to the questions of what, how, why, where, and how.
This is somewhere all-encompassing leadership training come into play. These courses
assist leaders in understanding the major features and other details of a corporate strategy.
You can take these leadership courses to stay up to date on the latest advances in this
field. (Emeritus, 2022)

1st Component- The mission, vision, and goals. This will include specific directions on what
should be done when it should be done, and how it should be done. (Emeritus, 2022)

2nd Component- the core ideals of a company, which should be obvious from the start.
(Emeritus, 2022)

3rd Component- The operational tactics refer to how the organization will achieve the set goals
in an efficient and effective manner. (Emeritus, 2022)

4th Component- A SWOT analysis is performed. The acronym SWOT stands for strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This will provide an indication of the company's present
position. (Emeritus, 2022)

5th Component- Obtaining and allocating resources. It will address questions such as how many
resources are required and how they will be dispersed. (Emeritus, 2022)

6th Component- Measurement refers to how each company action will be maintained on track
and monitored against predetermined milestones. (Emeritus, 2022)
1.1.9. Strategic Intent
Strategic intent refers to the pre-defined future state that the organization intends to achieve
within a specific time frame. Gary Hamel and C.K Prahalad popularized the term strategic intent.
They defined strategic intent as an organization's reason for being and the goals it wishes to
achieve. It demonstrates an organization's principles and ideals. To achieve a specific future state
and achieve specific goals, the organization should take specific actions. These goals can be
long-term or short-term. While the long-term goals are extensive in scope, the short-term goals
are small in scope. It is critical for every staff member to grasp the strategic intent for an
organization to become effective. As a result, the strategic intent must be both achievable and
understandable. (Gary Hamel, 2005)

1.1.10. Different Strategic Direction

What is Strategic Direction?

 The basic ideas or acts that allow for more consistency in strategy across time are referred
to as strategic direction. It ultimately assists a corporation in realizing its vision and
achieving the objectives of its organizational strategy. It also helps to unify a company's
strategies and provides more future stability. When a firm has a strategic direction, it
helps decide the company's objectives and how it plans to achieve them, it helps
determine the necessary resources, and it helps identify how a company should function
in order to succeed. (Team, 2021)

Types of Strategic Direction Table 2: Types of Strategic Direction

Type of Meaning Strategic Direction of Maliban

1. Mission A mission statement defines the “To win the Hearts and Minds of Consumers by
purpose of your firm and delivering food propositions with exceptional
explains why it exists. quality, safety & value whilst being
Companies utilize their mission environmentally & socially responsible, creating
as a guide to achieve their employee satisfaction and returning optimum
objectives. For example, if your value to stakeholders” (Maliban, 2023)
company's aim is to deliver the
greatest quality jeans in
comparison to other companies
in the industry, this provides for a
larger long-term strategic
orientation that focuses on
quality rather than goals like cost
savings. (Team, 2021)
2. Culture Employee attitudes and actions Maliban Biscuits, one of Sri Lanka's most
inside a firm are referred to as renowned and respected consumer brands, was
company culture. While recently awarded the "Great Place to Work"
changing company culture is certification as a consequence of the
difficult, culture itself helps to organization's unwavering devotion and
shape a company's strategic dedication to its employees' well-being. This
orientation. For example, if your distinction, inspired by goodness, clearly
company has a customer-service demonstrates Maliban's ongoing efforts to
culture, you may simply increase improve employee satisfaction and develop its
your customer service when work culture, spanning decades of operations.
other organizations do not. (Island, 2021)
(Team, 2021)
3. Vision A company's vision describes  “To be the successful and respected
what it aspires to be and achieve Biscuit Company in Sri Lanka” (Maliban,
in the future. Along with a 2023)
company's mission statement, it
eventually gives strategic
direction. When a corporation
has a specific vision, it can use it
to change its present business
plan and spending to better match
with that goal. For example, if a
corporation anticipates zero
pollution, it might utilize that
vision to prioritize existing
planning and spending initiatives.
It is worth emphasizing that
businesses want a precise goal so
that their personnel can assess
whether or not they are
eventually assisting the company
in moving forward. (Team, 2021)
4. Values The core beliefs of a firm are  Growth mindset
referred to as its values. In other  Open communication and mutual respect
words, they allude to the correct  Consumer & customer focus
or incorrect principles of a  Accountability & responsibility
corporation. Values drive your
 Socially and environmentally responsible
organization and help employees (Maliban, 2023)
collaborate more effectively
toward common goals. Integrity,
fairness, and responsibility are
examples of typical company
principles. Your company's
values, as a strategic orientation,
assist it in moving toward its
aims. If you operate a technology
company, for example, you
might establish a sustainability
principle stating that you intend
to obtain energy from a
sustainable source and use it as
efficiently as possible.
Essentially, you may utilize your
vision to guide your company's
actions. (Team, 2021)
5. Ideology An ideology is a belief that As a result, over the past six decades, Maliban
defines the aim of a company. It has kept the flag flying high.
explains how you intend to Ravi elaborated on how innovation is important
conduct yourself with your at Maliban, saying, "Innovation is the
employees, clients, and the cornerstone in today's industries. Because our
general public. Ideology gives innovation drive is mostly driven by customer
strategic direction throughout experiences, their approach to adjusting to this
time through consistent and element has been different. Maliban believes that
stable policies. Because ideology a strong emphasis on innovation allows
is part of a company's vision, you businesses to stay ahead of the competition and
may use it to help your company develop ground-breaking products. In this
aspire to become what you want context, we have employed cutting-edge
it to be. (Team, 2021) technology in our Research and Development
Department to further increase Maliban Biscuits
Pvt. Ltd's resources and equip them with the
newest technology and correct know-how to
make a difference in the business industry. "Our
R&D team is constantly attempting to produce
new formulae that might be merged into product
preferences to enrich the taste of Maliban
products," Ravi remarked. They have been able
to disrupt the local and international markets
with class leading items that are well recognized
by their consumers thanks to a strong focus on
innovation since its inception. (Group, 2019)
6. Principle Principles are principles or ‘we stand by our founder’s principle of
s standards that provide better delivering uncompromised quality and taste
direction for future planning and at all times’- Kumudika Fernando, Managing
decision making. For example, if Director. (Maliban, 2023).
you work for a technology
company, you may believe that
all data must be encrypted. This
means there can be no
interruptions in encryption,
which ultimately gives strategic
direction for the company's
future projects and efforts.
(Team, 2021)
7. Grand This is a long-term strategy that "From our strategic planning to customer
Strategy includes every technique and tool services, all of our strategies are designed in such
available. Even current strategies a way that these core values become the
that appear unreasonable may fundamental enabler for all employees across
make more sense when viewed in every pillar," Ravi said. They were able to not
the context of the grand strategy. only manufacture exceptional items, but also
(Team, 2021) empower the workforce with modern
technologies to elevate customer interactions to a
whole new paradigm and give sheer product
quality and consistency to their local and
worldwide clients as a result of this." (Maliban,
1.1.11. Different Strategic Planning Techniques

What is Strategic Planning?

Strategic planning is a business management method that assists organizations in communicating

organizational goals as well as the activities and actions required to achieve those goals.

Strategic planning fundamental concepts include:

 Appropriate use of people and resources

 Priorities should be established.
 Organizational orientation must be adjusted.
 Goals of stakeholders, shareholders, and employees must all be aligned.
 Collaboration on a same aim across all organizational levels

1. Balance Score Card Table 3:Balance Score Card

Objectives Goals Indicators Initiatives

Financial To increase 15% Increase Financial Negotiate with
Perspective sales and reduce in net sales and Statements suppliers.
costs 10% decrease
in operating
Customer To be a Increase in Number of Create an
Perspective reference for a launching new new products innovation and
variety of products every launched per development
products quarter by 15% quarter committee
Internal To be able to Start at least Project Acquire
Process develop new five new innovation specific
Perspective products product reports software for
constantly development managing
projects every product
month. development.
Learning and To have Have at least 2 Number of Select an
Growth extremely professionals product employee to
Perspective knowledgeable with master’s development receive masters
staff in product degrees in professionals training and
development. product with masters hire another
development degrees with a masters

2. Objectives and Key Results (OKR)Table 4: Objectives and Key Results

Team Objective Key Results

Sales Team OKR Achieve record quarterly Double the gross profit margins from
revenue and profitability 32% to 64%
Increase Sales Qualified Lead from 45%
to 60
Decrease the sales cycle from 27 days to
15 days
Marketing Team OKR Become a thought leader in Increase number of mentions on Twitter
the industry through our from 100 to 200
content Increase LinkedIn follower count from
2800 to 5000
Increase social shares of a cornerstone
content by 80%

Make the company a Increase employee Net Promoter Score

Human Resource Team OKR desirable place to work from 5 to 8+
Reduce Quarterly employee turnover to
Increase bi- weekly employee turnover
to 3 to 4.5
Product Team OKR Improve the product release Reduce bugs reported after release to
process with high quality 30%
Increase App Store rating from 4.0 to 4.3
Decrease server downtime from 2 to 0
Customer Team OKR Create a great first Increase booked follow- up meetings
from 8 to 15 per week
Decrease call back time to average 3
days from 7 days
Increase open rate of demo products
from 20% to 40%
Finance Team OKR Finish raising new round Shortlist and Outreach VCs and get at
capital requirements least 60 first- round.
Get at least 8 second round meetings
Raise at least 4 million by the end of the
3. Theory of Change

Theory of Change
Maliban produces a variety of crackers, cookies, and wafers that are sold in over 100,000 Sri
Current Condition
Lankan retailers. Their global presence includes more than 35 nations on five continents.
Every month, they create 25 million packs of biscuits in their cutting-edge manufacturing
plant under strict hygienic circumstances.

Our Approach Ravi elaborated on how innovation is important at Maliban, saying, "Innovation is the
cornerstone in today's industries. Because their innovation drive is mostly driven by customer
experiences, their approach to adjusting to this factor has been distinct. They at Maliban
believe that a strong emphasis on innovation allows businesses to stay ahead of the
competition and develop ground-breaking products. In this context, they have used cutting-
edge technology in their Research and Development Department to further increase Maliban
Biscuits Pvt. Ltd's resources and equip them with the latest technology and adequate know-
how to make a difference in the business industry. (Maliban, 2023)

"From our strategic planning to customer services, all of our strategies are designed in such a
Our Strategy
way that these core values become the fundamental enabler for all employees across every
pillar," Ravi said. They were able to not only manufacture exceptional items, but also
empower the workforce with modern technologies to elevate customer interactions to a whole
new paradigm and give sheer product quality and consistency to their local and worldwide
clients as a result of this." (Maliban, 2023)
Maliban biscuits are sold in over 90,000 (Maliban, 2023)Sri Lankan retailers and exported to
over 50 (Maliban, 2023) countries across five continents. Every month, the company
manufactures about 25 (Maliban, 2023) million packs of biscuits in its state-of-the-art
manufacturing facility in Ratmalana under strict hygienic conditions. Maliban is certified to
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, and OHSAS 18001. It has many times received Sri
Lanka's renowned National Quality Award. The organization, which employs over 3000
(Maliban, 2023) employees, is led by a team of professionals who lead important specialties.
The group's yearly revenue now exceeds Rs. 25 (Maliban, 2023) billion, more than tripling
from a decade ago, when Ravi Jayawardena joined the Maliban Group. Ravi Jayawardena
was a major member of the Senior Strategic Management Team of Maliban, which changed
the company from a $70 (Maliban, 2023) million annual revenue company to a $125
(Maliban, 2023) million company in five (Maliban, 2023) years. Jayawardena discusses with
Echelon how Maliban evolved from a biscuit manufacturing company to a diversified food
company with bakery, cereal, dairy, and plantations that support rural farmer communities,
how the company is dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, and plans for local and global
“To be the successful and respected Biscuit Company in Sri Lanka” (Maliban, 2023)
The vision statement outlines their goals to become the most successful and well-respected
biscuit manufacturer in Sri Lanka, to uphold their standards and quality for future
generations, and to gain the same high respect from the general public as a result of their
great achievement. (Maliban, 2023)
1.1.12. Strategic Planning Tools

SWOT Analysis Table 5: SWOT Analysis

Strength  Maliban is having a certain good reputation in Sri Lanka,

because it has continuously used to offer the good quality
of Biscuits & Cookies for over a period of 60 years
(Maliban, 2023) to the people in Sri Lanka.
 When it considered about the employees who are working
in the Maliban Company, it can clearly state the fact that
employees are well trained and well experienced too.
 Company is comprised with state of art technology. In
fact, there is the ability to clearly state the fact that
Company is also comprised with effective Management
Information System, in order to effectively engage with
the related management decision making effectively.
(Maliban, 2023)
Weakness  Dependence on Suppliers for essential raw materials such
as Wheat Flour.
 Insufficient production capacity for certain products like
Maliban Bran Cracker.
 Time Constraints to make the flavour, to do a trial and
reaction testing
 Unavailability of energy saving approaches
 Low Profit Margins for certain products
 Lack of market communication
(Maliban, 2023)
Opportunity  New Trends created by the youths on fast food (snacks)
and likeness towards biscuits and cookie products
 Growth of Biscuit and Cookie Manufacturing Industry
due to increase in Customer Demand
 They can sell many varieties of Biscuits and Cookie
products units in their business by creating proper
awareness to the people through advertisements,
Campaign and etc.
 Increased customer demand for new flavour and variety of
biscuit and cookie products.
(Maliban, 2023)
Threat  New International Competitors entering the market
 Increase in the price of Raw Materials due to taxes
imposed by the government.
 Strength of primary competitors with high market share
like the Munchee Company
 Other competitors' introduction of health-conscious
biscuits may lead to clients over the age of 45 refusing to
purchase Maliban products containing excessive sugar
 Price competition of some other products
Maliban Gold Marie is Rs. 100
Munchee Tikiri Marie is Rs.90
So people will tend to buy Munchee Products due to its
low price.
(Maliban, 2023)
2. Porter’s Five Forces

Figure 2: Porter's Five Forces

Table 6: Porters Five Forces

1. Threat of New Entrants  Competition of catching new market and

maintaining matching market
 New Innovation of Products
 Entry of new big International Companies
such as: - Oreo, Britannia, Nestle
Result: - (High)
2. Threat of Substitute Product  Customers started to consume new
alternative snacks (short eats) items instead
of Biscuits and Cookies such as Cakes,
Pastries, Caramel, Halva, Sri Lankan
Sweets etc.
Result: - (Medium)
3. Bargaining Power of Suppliers  There is a percentage of VAT which
increased due to the economic crisis, so the
price of the raw materials is high.
Ultimately the cost of production is high.
Result: - (Medium)
4. Bargaining Power of Buyers  The customers have more options due to
many numbers of competitors and large
variety of products which can be available
any place in Sri Lanka. Its could be
substituted for any kind of snacks.
Result: - (High)
5. Rivalry Among Existing Competitors  Currently the primary competitors for
Biscuit & Cookie products are Maliban and
Munchee, in future there might be a set of
new strong competitors may get into
market, because it’s an open market for
Result: - (High)

3. PEST Analysis

Your business environment can be both a great opportunity and a severe threat to your
organization. PEST analysis is a simple and widely used tool for analyzing.

Figure 3: PEST Analysis

Table 7: PEST Analysis Definition

Political Business rules and regulations are assessed in order to impact business
environments and marketplaces. This section's key topics are political stability,
tax regulations, trade regulations, security regulations, and labour laws.
(KENTON, 2022)
Economical This element examines the economic difficulties influencing the firm. This
includes aspects like as inflation, interest rates, economic growth,
unemployment rates and policies, as well as the country's business cycle.
(KENTON, 2022)
Social & Cultural A firm can use the social factor to examine the market's socioeconomic
environment by using variables such as population demographics, cultural
barriers, lifestyle attitudes, and education. These can aid in understanding how
people are pushed to the market to shape and purchase their needs. (KENTON,
Technological It determines whether a product or service is technologically beneficial or
influential. These variables include technological advancements, the life cycle
of technology, the influence of the Internet, and technological research.
(KENTON, 2022)

Table 8: PEST Analysis of Maliban

Political and Legal Continuing health-related efforts to prevent people from eating high-fat foods.
Environment The population of the population is taken into account. Legal Standard
Weights and Measurement Act (1795); MRTP (1969), Ceylon Standards
Bureau Sri Lanka Standards Institute, No. 38 of 1980 (Sri Lanka Standards
Institute), Foods Manufacturers Act No. 26 of 1980. Consumer protection,
regulatory entities, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) all play a
role in this. (Maliban, 2023)
Social and Cultural The Halal certification, Career Selections, and Halal certification are available
Environment to Muslims who want to use Halal products. (Maliban, 2023)
Economic It is the average economy; with four stages/prosperity, depression, recovery;
Environment purchasing power, including financial sources, such as income, wealth, and
willingness to spend. When there is a severe economic downturn in the
market, buyers migrate to cheaper alternatives and more expensive biscuits.
(Maliban, 2023)
Technological It covers the R&D performance, the rate of technical variances, and the
Environment computer technique. (Maliban, 2023)

4. VRIO Framework

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