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The Academy Of Management and Business (TAMB), Vol. 1, No. 3 (2022): Oktober, pp.

ISSN : 2829-2677 (Online)

Application of Financial Statements of Micro, Small and

Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Based on Financial Accounting
Standards of Micro, Small and Medium Entities (SAK-
Amalia Zulfat a, 1; Rosa Nikmatul Fajri a, 2,*, Marsuking a, 3; Kusumaningdiah Retno Setiorini a, 4

aFaculty of Economics and Business Accounting of Alma Ata University, Yogyakarta and 55184, Indonesia
1182300018@almaata.ac.id: 2 rosa.n@almaata.ac.id*; 3 marsuking@almaata.ac.id; 4 k.retno.s@almaata.ac.id
* corresponding author


The purpose of this study is to provide input in the preparation of Optima

Article History Digital Printing financial statements to comply with Financial
Received : 12 Sept 2022
Revised : 12 Okt 2022 Accounting Standards for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (SAK-
Accepted : 16 Okt 2022 EMKM). The method used in this study is a qualitative method. The data
used are primary data and secondary data, in primary data researchers
make observations and interviews and SAK-EMKM. Secondary data is
Keywords documentation obtained from the financial statement data of Optima
Financial Statements, Digital Printing. The result of this study is that Optima Digital Printing
Micro Small and Medium does not apply financial statement recording standards in accordance
Enterprises (MSMEs),
Financial Accounting Standards
with SAK-EMKM in its financial statements.
of Micro, Small and Medium
Entities (SAK EMKM)

This is an open-access article under the CC–BY-SA license.

Financial Accounting Standards micro, small and medium entities (SAK EMKM) were created
to meet the needs of micro, small and medium entities in preparing their financial statements, EMKM
is an entity without significant public accountability that meets the criteria and definitions of micro,
small and medium enterprises as in Indonesian laws and regulations, namely Law No. 20 of 2008 for at
least two consecutive years (IAI, 2018). Financial statements based on the exposure draft of SAK
EMKM consist of at least a statement of financial position at the end of the period, a statement of
income for a period and notes to financial statements containing (IAI, 2016).
MSMEs create a lot of jobs, so that in Indonesia MSMEs can reduce the poverty rate
(Rachmawati, 2020). As a result of the data collection of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the
MSME business sector is generally divided into two, namely the agricultural and non-agricultural
business fields. Most MSMEs develop from family industries and their consumers come from the lower
middle class, however, during the economic crisis, MSMEs are more consistent than large companies.
The following is a table of data on the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
and Large Enterprises in 2018-2019:

The Academy Of Management and Business (TAMB), Vol. 1, No. 3 (2022): Oktober, pp. 145-156
ISSN : 2829-2677 (Online)
Table 1 Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Large Enterprises in
Developments in
2018 2019
No Indicators Unit
Share Share Share
Sum Sum Sum
(%) (%) (%)
1 Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises Unit 64.194.057 99,99 65.465.497 99,99 1.271.440 1,98

- Micro
Unit 63.350.222 98,68 64.601.352 98,67 1.251.130 1,97

- Small Business Unit 783.182 1,22 798.679 1,22 15.547 1,99

- Medium
Unit 60.702 0,09 65.465 0,1 4.763 7,85
2 Large Enterprises Unit 5.550 0,01 5.637 0,01 87 1,58
Source: Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia
Based on the data above, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia
stated that the number of MSME units has a share of 99.99% of all business actors in Indonesia, while
large companies are only 0.01%. Currently, MSME players face many problems and one of them is that
it is difficult to get bank credit loans for business capital due to weak human resources (HR) when
making financial reports, the understanding of MSME actors affects the enactment of SAK EMKM
(Kasir, 2020). The preparation of financial statements in accordance with the Financial Accounting
Standards of Micro, Small and Medium Entities is a form of improving the quality of financial
statements and will have an impact on increasing the credibility of these financial statements.
Preparation of financial statements of an entity in the Financial Accounting Standards of Micro, Small
and Medium Entities (SAK-EMKM) using the basic assumptions of accrual and business continuity
(IAI, 2016). Until now, there are still many MSMEs that do not practice accounting and have difficulty
in preparing their financial statements. Therefore, I as a researcher want to raise the object of research
on Optima Digital Printing. Optima Digital Printing is engaged in printing and accepts all kinds of
printing such as banners, stickers, A3+ prints and many more. Just like most MSMEs, Optima Digital
Printing has not applied the Financial Accounting Standards of Micro, Small and Medium Entities
(SAK-EMKM) to its financial statements. Optima Digital Printing's financial statements are still very
simple, only recording cash out and cash in.
Based on the current financial statements, it is necessary to evaluate the process of accounting
activities implemented in Optima Digital Printing. With this study, researchers want to provide an
understanding of financial statements in accordance with the Financial Accounting Standards of Micro,
Small and Medium Entities (SAK-EMKM), namely an explanation of financial position statement
accounts at the end of the period; profit/loss statement; and notes to financial statements containing
additions and details of relevant accounts. With the application of the Financial Accounting Standards
of Micro, Small and Medium Entities (SAK-EMKM) in the financial statements of Optima Digital
Printing, it is hoped that these financial statements can be used for the interests of the company and can
be used as evaluation material so that they can make accountable decisions. From the description above,
researchers are interested in conducting research on "Application of Financial Statements for Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Based on Financial Accounting Standards of Micro, Small
and Medium Entities (SAK-EMKM) Case Study: Optima Digital Printing in Majenang District".

The Academy Of Management and Business (TAMB), Vol. 1, No. 3 (2022): Oktober, pp. 145-156
ISSN : 2829-2677 (Online)
Financial Statements
Financial statements present information for making decisions. Financial statements are the final
result of the accounting process used as a communication tool between companies and other parties
related to finance (Sodikin & Riyono, 2019). In addition, financial statements are also the main medium
for an entity that is used as a means of communicating financial information by management who have
interests such as investors, creditors, labor unions, management and government agencies (Kartikahadi,
The Indonesian Accounting Association (IAI) in SAK ETAP 2009 states that financial statements
have objectives according to the information perspective and accountability perspective (M. Saputra et
al., 2017). According to the information perspective, the objectives of the financial statements are:
a. Presenting financial position information for an accounting period (assets, liabilities and
b. Financial performance within the company (revenue, expense, profit/loss);
c. Knowing the current cash flow
The purpose of financial statements according to the perspective of accountability is to show the
results made by management on the resources that have been entrusted. From these objectives, the
financial statements also play an important role in decision making for a manager. In achieving its
objectives, financial statements can show a manager's responsibility for data sources (IAI, 2016). The
components of financial statements according to SAK ETAP in 2009 in research by M. Saputra
et al. (2017) are as follows:
a. Balance
This balance sheet lists the company's financial position (assets, liabilities and equity) in a
certain period.
b. Profit and loss
This profit/loss calculation describes the total operating results, both costs and profit/loss in the
company in certain periods.
c. Statement of Changes in Equity
Statement of Changes in Equity is financial statements that display changes in equity caused
by the company's operations and transactions during a certain period.
d. Cash flow statement
The cash flow statement provides information about cash inflows and outflows for a period.
e. Notes to financial statements (CALK)
CALK contains additional information presented in the financial statements and also provides
details of the amounts in the financial statements and information on accounts that do not have
recognition criteria in the financial statements.
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are activities in entrepreneurship that are able to
encourage economic growth and equitable distribution of income increases and maintain national
economic stability (Purba, 2019). MSMEs are an important part of the economy in Indonesia, because
MSME business units in Indonesia are more numerous than large industries. In addition, MSMEs
contribute to providing employment so that they can accelerate the process of Indonesia's economic
development (Suci, 2017). MSMEs are a form of business that has an important role in improving the
Indonesian economy. MSMEs are also an inseparable part of people's lives and become an alternative
in meeting the daily needs of people (Pranatasari et al., 2022).

The Academy Of Management and Business (TAMB), Vol. 1, No. 3 (2022): Oktober, pp. 145-156
ISSN : 2829-2677 (Online)
MSMEs are businesses or business activities run by individuals, households, or small business
entities and also various types of businesses that currently exist with the aim of earning large profits
(Sofiyanto et al, 2022). In order for the existence of an MSME to continue and also develop in economic
growth, a good processing system is needed (Fajri, 2022). The constraints faced by MSMEs are very
varied, some of which are: capital, education level and technology. This was proven after research was
conducted in Pajangan District, Bantul (Sidik & Imliah, 2021).
According to Law No. 20 of 2008 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are
productive economic businesses owned by individuals and/or individual business entities and are not
subsidiaries or branches of companies that are owned, controlled or become part of either directly or
indirectly from medium-sized businesses or businesses that meet the criteria of a small business. Criteria
for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) according to Law no. 20 of 2008 are as follows:
1. Micro Business, is a productive economic business owned by individual or individual business
entities which has a maximum net worth of IDR 50,000,000.00 and maximum sales of IDR
300,000,000.00 per year.
2. Small Business, is an independent productive economic business carried out by individuals or
business entities that are not subsidiaries which have a maximum net worth of IDR 50,000,000
and maximum sales of IDR 500,000,000 per year.
3. Intermediate Business, is a productive economic business that stands alone or an individual-
owned business entity that is not a subsidiary that has a maximum net worth of IDR
300,000,000.00 and maximum sales proceeds of IDR 2,000,000,000.00 per year.
Financial Accounting Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Entities (SAK-EMKM)
Definition of SAK-EMKM
The Financial Accounting Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Entities (SAK-EMKM) were
created to meet various needs regarding financial reporting for EMKM, this standard is intended for
entities that are unable to meet the accounting requirements of SAK ETAP (IAI, 2018). The Indonesian
Accounting Association (IAI) formulated the Financial Accounting Standards for Micro, Small and
Medium Entities (SAK-EMKM) by applying several characteristics for an entity. These characteristics
are as follows: (a) An entity without significant public accountability, (b) An entity that publishes
general purpose financial statements for external users. The elements of financial position
information in accordance with SAK EMKM are as follows:
(1) Asset
Assets are resources owned by the entity that arise from past events and the entity expects to
provide economic benefits in the future. The historical cost of an asset is the amount of cash or
cash equivalents paid to acquire the asset at the time of acquisition. The entity presents current
assets and non-current assets separately in the statement of financial position. It is said to be a
current asset if it is realized or used for the normal operating cycle, assets held for trading,
assets realized within twelve months after the end of the period and assets in the form of cash
or cash equivalents unless their use is limited from use to settle liabilities of at least twelve
months after the end of the period.
(2) Liability
Liabilities are obligations of an entity for events that occurred in the past and the settlement of
which results in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits. The
historical cost of the liability is the amount of cash or cash equivalents received or expected to
be paid to meet the obligations in the course of business. The entity presents current and long-
term liabilities separately in the statement of financial position. It is said to be a short-term
liability when it is expected to be settled within the normal cycle time, held for trading, the
obligation will be settled within twelve months after the end of the period and the entity does
not have an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least twelve months
after the end of the period.

The Academy Of Management and Business (TAMB), Vol. 1, No. 3 (2022): Oktober, pp. 145-156
ISSN : 2829-2677 (Online)

(3) Equity
Equity is the right to assets owned by the entity after deducting all of its liabilities. The
measurement of paid-up capital by the company can be in the form of cash or cash equivalents,
it can also be non-cash assets recorded under the laws and regulations. The presentation of share
capital, additional paid-in capital and retained earnings/losses are included in the equity group
in the statement of financial position.
Measurement of Financial Statement Elements
Measurement is the process of determining the amount of money used to recognize the value of
assets, liabilities, income and expenses in the financial statements. The basis for measuring elements of
financial statements in accordance with the Financial Accounting Standards for Micro, Small and
Medium Entities (SAK-EMKM) is historical cost and fair value (IAI, 2016).
Disclosure of Financial Statement Elements
An asset account is recognized in the statement of financial position when it is probable that
future economic benefits will flow to the entity and the asset account has a cost that can be measured
reliably. And conversely, an asset account is not recognized when the economic benefits do not move
to the entity even though the expenditure has been incurred (IAI, 2016).
A liability account will be recognized in the statement of financial position when the expenditure
of a resource that has economic benefits is ascertained to be carried out in order to settle an entity's
obligations and the amount settled can be measured reliably (IAI, 2016).
The income account in the income statement will be recognized if the increase in economic
benefits is related to an increase in assets or a decrease in liabilities and can be measured reliably
(IAI, 2016).
An expense account in the income statement will be recognized when a decrease in future
economic benefits related to a decrease in assets or an increase in liabilities has occurred and can be
measured reliably (IAI, 2016).
Presentation of Financial Statements
Fair presentation is the presentation of financial statements based on the requirements of ED SAK
EMKM. These requirements are that financial statements must present honest information on the effects
of transactions, other events and conditions (IAI, 2016). The objectives that must be achieved by the
entity to present information in accordance with fair presentation requirements include:
(1) Relevant
This information can be used by users to make decisions.
(2) Accurate representation
The information presented must be accurate and free from material error and bias.
(3) Comparability
The information can be compared with information in other periods and other entities to identify
the position and performance of a financial.
(4) Understanding
The information presented is easy to understand by users of financial statements. The
preparation of financial statements in accordance with SAK EMKM at least consists of a
statement of financial position at the end of the period, a profit/loss report for one period and
notes to the financial statements (IAI, 2016).

The Academy Of Management and Business (TAMB), Vol. 1, No. 3 (2022): Oktober, pp. 145-156
ISSN : 2829-2677 (Online)
This study uses qualitative research methods. According to Siyoto and Sodik (2015 in
Andaningsih and Setyowati, 2022) explain that qualitative research is research that is closely related
and closely related to an interpretation by adjusting to phenomena or events that refer to and focus on
the problems that occurred during the research.
The subject taken by the researcher is the financial statements belonging to Optima Digital
Printing. In this study, the data collection techniques carried out were by means of observation,
interviews and documentation.
The owner does not record financial statements in accordance with SAK-EMKM due to a lack
of understanding of accounting science so that the recording can only be understood by the owner. The
recording carried out does not have the stages of the accounting cycle, so it is not in accordance with
accounting science. Meanwhile, the financial statement standards contained in SAK-EMKM have three
main components, including; statements of financial positions, income statements and notes to financial
statements. Transactions made on Optima Digital Printing are as follows:
1) Sales transactions that include cash sales;
2) Purchase transactions that include the purchase of equipment;
3) Expense payment transactions which include salary expenses, electricity loads and so on.
From the results of observations made by researchers, the researchers made financial statements
in accordance with the standards contained in SAK-EMKM on the basis of financial statements
belonging to Optima Digital Printing. This research was conducted with the aim of being a
recommendation for the preparation of financial statements in accordance with SAK-EMKM, besides
that this research can also be used as a guide for Optima Digital Printing in the preparation of subsequent
financial statements. The preparation of financial statements carried out by researchers is made based
on SAK-EMKM in accordance with the conditions and characteristics of Optima Digital Printing, as
Profit/Loss Statement
The income statement is made so that Optima Digital Printing can find out whether the company
is profitable or even at a loss (IAI, 2016). The calculation of profit and loss is revenue during the 2021
period minus expenses in the 2021 period. Optima Digital Printing has not compiled an income
statement in its books. This is because the owner does not understand the preparation of financial
statements in accordance with accounting science and SAK-EMKM.
Table 2 Optima Digital Printing Profit/Loss Statement
Optima Digital Printing Profit/Loss Statement
December 31, 2021
Business income xxx
Other income xxx
Total Income xxx
Electric expense xxx
Salary xxx
Equipment expense xxx
Total Expenses xxx
Profit/loss before income tax xxx
Income tax expense xxx

The Academy Of Management and Business (TAMB), Vol. 1, No. 3 (2022): Oktober, pp. 145-156
ISSN : 2829-2677 (Online)
Profit/loss after income tax xxx
Source: Data processed by researchers

Equity Change Report

The equity change report is made so that Optima digital printing can find out the capital flows
that occur. The change report will generate final capital consisting of the amount of initial capital in
2021 with profit for the current year 2021 (IAI, 2016).
Table 3 Optima Digital Printing Equity Change Report
Optima Digital Printing Equity Change Report
December 31, 2021
Initial capital 2021 xxx
Current year profit xxx
Final capital xxx
Source: Data processed by researchers

Statement of Financial Position

The statement of financial position is made so that Optima digital printing can find out the
position of the accounts. The statement of financial position contains accounts of assets, liabilities and
equity (IAI, 2016). In SAK-EMKM does not specify the format rules in the recording of such accounts.
Optima Digital Printing has not compiled a statement of financial position on its books, because the
owner does not understand how to compile financial statements in accordance with accounting
standards. The owner does not take into account the assets, liabilities and equity of his company.
Table 4 Optima Digital Printing Statement of Financial Position
Optima Digital Printing Statement Of Financial Position
December 31, 2021
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents xxx
Receivable xxx
Equipment xxx
Total current assets xxx
Fixed assets
Land xxx
Building xxx
Vehicle xxx
Equipment xxx
Total fixed assets xxx
Accumulated depreciation
Building xxx
Vehicle xxx
Equipment xxx
Total accumulated depreciation xxx
Total assets
Liability and Equity
Bank Debt xxx
Initial capital xxx

The Academy Of Management and Business (TAMB), Vol. 1, No. 3 (2022): Oktober, pp. 145-156
ISSN : 2829-2677 (Online)
Current year profit xxx
Total of Liabilities and Equities xxx
Source : Data processed by researchers
Notes to Financial Statements (CALK)
Notes to financial statements (CALK) contain additional information about Optima digital
printing that is not included in the financial statements. Notes to financial statements consist of
statements of financial statements prepared based on SAK-EMKM standards, an overview of
accounting policies and additional information regarding important transaction accounts (IAI, 2016).
Table 5 Optima Digital Printing Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2021
Optima Digital Printing Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2021
1. General
Optima Digital Printing is an individual-owned MSME, this company was
founded in 1991 and has been running for 31 years and is located in
Majenang District.
2. Overview of Important Accounting Policies
a. Declaration of compliance
The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Financial
Accounting Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Entities.
b. Basic preparation
The basis for preparing the financial statements is historical cost and
assuming accrued costs. The currency used in the recording of these
financial statements is Rupiah.
c. Accounts receivable
Account receivables are presented at the amount invoiced.
d. Inventory
Inventory costs include the cost of purchasing raw materials.
e. Fixed assets
Fixed assets are carried at cost. Property and equipment are depreciated
using the straight-line method with no residual value.
f. Revenue and expense recognition
Sales revenue is recognized when invoices are issued. Expenses are
recognized when incurred.
g. Income tax
Income tax follows the applicable tax provisions in Indonesia.
3. Cash
Cash xxx
4. Accounts receivable
Receivable xxx
5. Expenses
Salary xxx
Equipment xxx
6. Bank debt
Bank debt xxx

The Academy Of Management and Business (TAMB), Vol. 1, No. 3 (2022): Oktober, pp. 145-156
ISSN : 2829-2677 (Online)
7. Profit Balance

Profit balance is the accumulated difference between income and expenses.

8. Income
Operating revenues xxx
9. Income tax expenses
Income tax xxx
Source : Data processed by researchers
Processing Interview Result Data using Atlas.ti 22
The steps to use Atlas.ti 22 software are as follows:
1) Enter the interview result document by clicking Add Documents then click the document
to be selected.

Figure 1 Add documents

Source: Data processed by researchers
2) Interpreting the answers from the interview so that they can be classified in a code by

Figure 2 Coding process

Source: Data processed by researchers

The Academy Of Management and Business (TAMB), Vol. 1, No. 3 (2022): Oktober, pp. 145-156
ISSN : 2829-2677 (Online)
3) Visualize the results of the analysis by right-clicking on the document > Show in Network.

Figure 3 Network view

Source: Data processed by researchers

Figure 4 Data visualization view

Source: Data processed by researchers

Figure 5 Data classification

Source: Data processed by researchers

The Academy Of Management and Business (TAMB), Vol. 1, No. 3 (2022): Oktober, pp. 145-156
ISSN : 2829-2677 (Online)

Figure 6 Results of Data Processing with ATLAS.ti 22

Source: Data processed by researchers
From the results of data processing with ATLAS.ti 22 software, it shows information that the
source argues that recording financial statements in each business actor is important, but the source's
understanding of SAK-EMKM is still low and does not even know SAK-EMKM directly. The
recording system carried out is only cash out and cash in, and the recording of income is recorded
according to the acquisition price where the income is recognized according to the price acquisition on
sales. The burden is recognized as large as the costs incurred by Optima Digital Printing, as well as debt
accounts. Then on the books, there is no recording of receivables and fixed assets.
The conclusion of this study is that Optima Digital Printing does not apply financial statement
recording standards in accordance with SAK-EMKM in its financial statements, in its books it only
records income and expenses. The factors that influence it are inadequate human resources because they
have not mastered knowledge or lack of understanding of the standards for recording financial
statements in accordance with SAK-EMKM. Financial statements prepared by researchers based on
SAK-EMKM in the form of profit/loss statements, equity change statements, financial position
statements and notes to financial statements. The report is made simply which can help Optima Digital
Printing to produce accurate information in accordance with SAK-EMKM.
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