Abreha Gebrerufael Desta
Lecturer, Head, Department of Accounting and Finance,
College of Business and Economics, Adigrat University, Ethiopia
In Ethiopia the contribution of manufacturing companies to economic growth is so minimal as compared to
agriculture and services sectors. They are experiencing low return which is an indicator of poor financial
performance. However, to remain competitive in the globalized economy, having good financial
performance is highly imperative. Financial performance analysis is the process of determining the operation and
financial characteristics of a firm from accounting and financial statements.Therefore, this research was aimed to
address the financial performance of Mesfin industrial Engenering PLC company via financial ratios from
audited financial statements. The research paper primarily based on secondary source of data adapted from
audited financial statements published by the company. A time period of seven years from 2011 to 2017 was
used to evaluate the financial stability of Mesfin Industrial Engineering PLC company.The findings from the
analysis reveal that the liquidity ratio having a good measure of the financial position of an organization
over a period of time and the solvency ratio implies that enough scope for the company to raise the long
term finance from the outsides.The overall profitability of the company is good with evidence from return on
investment recorded as high the efficient ratio performance gradually increases over a period of time.
Hence, the application of various categories of ratios becomes more dependable indicators of the efficiency
of a company.It concluded that, ratios analysis was the best way to evaluate the financial results of the
company in order to measure its overall performance. Finally, the company had shown all results was very
prominent and prospects of growth during the study period.
KEYWORDS:- Financial ratio, Mesfin Industrial Engineering Company, Liquidity, Profitability,
Financial performance evaluation is important to the management, owners, customers, suppliers,
competitors, regulatory agencies, tax payers and lenders each having their views in applying financial
statement analysis in their evaluations and making judgments about the financial health of the
organization(Habimana, et.al, 2017). The financial stability of a firm is associated with its ability to
generate profit, increase the value of investing capital and at the same time repay its short- and long-term
This research was an attempt to determine the financial performance of Mesfin Industrial
Engineering Company in Ethiopia. By using the financial performance parameters like ratio analysis were
tested for efficiency and liquidity position of the company. It can be concluded that, the company has initial
period was secured the lowest efficiency, but over a period of time an increasing the efficiency of the firm.
Further research, need to focus on the different financial statement analysis and the different period of the
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www.ijcrt.org © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882
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