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DLL-TLE8-Caregiving Exploratory Course

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Teacher Renier D.

Suarez Grade Level 8

Teaching Dates November 21-25, 2022 Learning Area TLE
Section / Time 8- Aguinaldo – 6:45-7:45 (M, W-F) Quarter /Week No. Quarter 2 / Week 3
Daily Lesson Log
8- Agoncillo – 8:45-9:45 (M-T, TH-F)
8- Luna – 9:55- 10:55 (M-TH)
8- Bonifacio- 10:55- 11:55 (T-F)
8- Malvar – 11:55-12:55 (M-TH)

First Day Second Day Third Day Fourth Day

I. Most Essential  Use Front Office Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia
Learning Competencies TLE –HEEFS 7/8 UTOab-2
A. Specific At the end of the week, the students should be able to:
Objectives 1. Identify the different Front Office tools, equipment, and paraphernalia
2. Classify tools, equipment, and paraphernalia according to its use
3. Recognize the importance of each tools, equipment and paraphernalia
II. Content 1.2 Use Front office tools, equipment and paraphernalia
• Use equipment, tools and paraphernalia based on the task requirement.
III. Learning Resources
A. Learner’s LEAP-TLE-Front Office LEAP-TLE-Front Office LEAP-TLE-Front Office
LEAP-TLE-Front Office Services
Materials Services Services Services
B. Teacher’s Pivot- TLE Front Office Pivot- TLE Front Office Services Pivot- TLE Front Office Pivot- TLE Front Office
Additional Services G7-8 G7-8 Services G7-8 Services G7-8
C. Supplemental
Materials for PowerPoint
PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
Development of Presentation
D. Other Learning
Resources (if
there is)
IV. Procedures
A. Introduction Review Activity Activity Review for Graded Recitation
Reminders when Name Me! The student will be
taking the test. given an envelop that
contains different steps
in cleaning keyboard,
monitor, mouse and
computer case. They will
arrange the steps on
how to clean cleaning
keyboard, monitor,
mouse and computer
A. Development Distribution of test Discussion on the following
The student will discuss The student will choose 5
questionnaires. Allow topics: and present their output examples of FOS tools,
the students read the A. How to use the computerin their classmates. After equipment and
directions before B. How to use the telephone
that, the teacher will paraphernalia.
answering the test C. How to use the cash register
discuss the correct
D. How to use the printer procedures in cleaning
keyboard, monitor,
mouse and computer
B. Engagement Let the students Guide Questions: Guide questions: The student will give their
answer the summative 1. What are the different FOS 1. After providing functions and its uses.
test tools, Equipment and area where you can
Paraphernalia mentioned in the clean cleaning keyboard,
discussion? monitor, mouse and
2. Have you experience computer case, what
manipulating/using those FOS supplies that you need
tools, Equipment and to prepare?
Paraphernalia? If yes, share 2. Is it possible to
your knowledge to your use alcohol when
classmates. cleaning the inner
components of a
computer case? Why?
3. Based from what
we had discussed, why
is it important to unplug
all the peripherals before
C. Assimilation Checking of Directions: Re-arrange the Arrange the given The students are expected to
summative test steps on how to use computer, procedures below in classify the FOS tools,
telephone, cash register and cleaning the case of a equipment and
printer PC. Write the number paraphernalia.
before each sentence.
Ref: CLMD- G7/8
Exploratory Course- Front
Office Services p. 9 and 10
D. Assessment Taking down the least Assessment will be given after Arrange the given Criteria:
mastered items. the discussion is done. procedures in cleaning
the keyboard. Write the Students were able to give 4-
number before each 5 the functions/uses of FOS
sentence. tools, equipment and
paraphernalia and able to
____1. Disassemble to classify based from their
keyboard. category. (20 points)
____2. Remove the keys
____3. Reassemble the Students were able to give 2-
keyboard. 3 the functions/uses of FOS
____4. Wash the tools, equipment and
components. paraphernalia and able to
____5. Unplug the classify based from their
keyboard. category. (15 points)
____6. Shake the
keyboard upside down. Students were able to give 1
____7. Use the vacuum. the functions/uses of FOS
tools, equipment and
paraphernalia and able to
classify based from their
category (10 points)

Students were unable to give

the functions/uses of FOS
tools, equipment and
paraphernalia and able to
classify based from their
category (5 points)
V. Reflection
A. Reflection quotes “We become what we behold. We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us.”
― Marshall McLuhan
B. Teacher’s (this will be encoded/written after the execution of DLL for the week)

Prepared: Noted:


TLE 8 Teacher Principal II

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