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Construction of 2000 MT Capacity Warehouse building &

Machinary Shed works for Farmrich Producer Co. Ltd At/Post-
Karadkhel, Tal-Udgir , Dist-Latur.


Hon. Balasaheb Thackeray Agribusiness Rural Transformation

(SMART) Project

(Two -Envelope Bidding Process without e-Procurement)


Hon. Balasaheb Thackeray Agri-business & Rural Transformation Project (SMART)

Government of Maharashtra has launched World Bank assisted SMART Project for
development of Value Chain of Various Commodities in the State. Farmrich Producer Co. Ltd
At/Post-Karadkhel, Tal-Udgir, Dist-Latur is one of the beneficiaries under the project and
inviting bids for the following work.

Estimated Period of
Name of work Tender
Tender EMD Completion
(Components) fee Rs.
Amount in Rs.
Construction of 2000 MT
Capacity Warehouse 1,84,36,450/- Bid Security
building & Machinery shed
5000/- 15 Months
From 13/01/2023 To 12/02/2023 up to
Sale of tender document
3.00 PM
Date & Time of Pre-bid meeting 28/01/2023 at 2.00 PM
Tender Submission end date & time 12/02/2023 up to 4.00 PM
Technical bid opening date & time 12/02/2023 at 5.00 PM

Bid document is available at the following office address and also on project website
https://www.smart-mh.org.For further any updates / notices shall be published on project
website only.

MO. 9145659575.
E mail address:- farmrichltr@gmail.com
(Two -Envelope Bidding Process without e-Procurement)
RFB No. : SMART/PTFPC/WH/82 /2022-23 Date : 13/01//2023

1. The Government of India has received loan from the International Bank for
Reconstruction & Development towards the cost of Hon. Balasaheb Thackeray
Agribusiness & Rural Transformation (SMART) Project, Department of Agriculture,
Government of Maharashtra. The objective of the Project is “to support development of
inclusive and competitive agriculture value chains focusing on small holder farmers and
agri-entrepreneurs in Maharashtra”. This would be achieved by expanding access to
new and organized markets for producers and enterprises with complementary
investments in provision of technical services and risk management capabilities.
2. The SMART Project is being implemented by various Project Implementation Units. PIU
Agriculture is one of the implementing unit of SMART Project. Farmrich Producer Co.
Ltd At/Post-Karadkhel, Tal-Udgir, Dist-Latur is one of the beneficiary of PIU Agriculture
under the SMART project.
3. The project intends to apply a part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the
contracts for which this tender has been invited. Bidding is open to all bidders from
eligible source countries as defined in the “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers,
July 2016, Revised August 2018 and November 2020”. Bidders should be registered
civil contractor with any of the Government organization with appropriate class.
Bidders are advised to note the minimum qualification criteria specified in Clause
2 of the Instructions to Bidders to participate in the bidding process. In addition,
please refer to paragraphs 3.14 and 3.15 of the “Procurement Regulations” setting forth
the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
4. Farmrich Producer Co. Ltd At/Post-Karadkhel, Tal-Udgir, Dist-Latur (herein after called
“Employer”) invites sealed bids for construction of works detailed in the table below.
The bidders should submit bid for all the works indicated therein.
5. Bidding document may be purchased from the Employer’s office by paying non-
refundable fee as indicated in the tender notice in the form of cash or Demand Draft
issued by any Scheduled/Nationalized bank. Bidder may also download bidding
document from https://www.smart-mh.org website and submit bid document cost in
the form of demand draft along with the bid. Interested bidders may obtain further
information from the Employer office.
Note: The above-mentioned website is for the purpose of downloading the tender
document only. Interested bidders are requested to contact above mentioned address for
further information
6. Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in the form of bid security declaration in the
format provided with this tender document.
7. Bids must be delivered to Employer office on or before period mentioned in the tender
/corrigendum notice and will be publicly opened on date and time mentioned in the
tender /corrigendum notice in presence of the bidders who wish to attend.
8. If the office happens to be closed on the date of receipt of the bids as specified, the bids
will be received and opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. Late
Bids will be rejected.
9. Other details can be seen in the bidding document.
MO. 9145659575.E mail address:- farmrichltr@gmail.com
Instructions to Bidders

1) Scope of Works:
The Employer invites bids for the construction of works as detailed in the table given

Sr. Period of
Name of work value of work
No. completion
(Rs. in lakhs )
1 Construction of 2000 MT Capacity Warehouse 184.36 15 Month
building & Machinery shed works

The successful bidder will be expected to complete the works by the intended
completion date specified above.

2) Qualification criteria of bidder:

The bidder should fulfill following all qualification criteria: -

a) Should have GST registration
b) Should possess valid license for executing civil works as per appropriate class issued
by central or state PWD or any government department.
c) should have achieved in at least one year an annual financial turnover (in civil
engineering construction works of similar nature only) of value not less than Rs.
368.72 Lakhs in the last three years i.e 2019-20,2020-21 and 2021-22;
d) Experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 5 years
ending last day of month previous to the one in which bid is invited
1. Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs.
73.75 Lakhs. OR
2. Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to
Rs.92.18 Lakhs OR
3. One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 147.50
e) Should have availability of liquid assets and/or credit facilities, net of other
contractual commitments and exclusive of any advance payments which may be
made under the Contract, of not less than Rs.46 Lakhs.
f) Should not have been black listed, debarred or suspended on the date of bid opening
by any of the Government organization, the World Bank Group.
g) should possess valid electrical license for executing building electrification works (in the
event of the works being sub-contracted, the sub-contractor should have the necessary
h) No contract should have been suspended or terminated and/or performance security
called by an employer(s) for reasons related to Environmental, Social (including sexual
exploitation and abuse (SEA) and gender-based violence (GBV)), Health, or Safety (ESHS)
requirements or safeguards in the past five years.
i) Should not have Conflict of Interest as mentioned in the ITB 3.
3) Conflict of Interest:
Any Bidder found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A Bidder may be
considered to have a conflict of interest for the purpose of this bidding process, if the
a) directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control with
another Bidder; or
b) receives or has received any direct or indirect subsidy from another Bidder; or
c) has the same legal representative as another Bidder; or
d) has a relationship with another Bidder, directly or through common third parties,
that puts it in a position to influence the bid of another Bidder, or influence the
decisions of the Employer regarding this bidding process; or
e) any of its affiliates has been hired (or is proposed to be hired) by the Employer or
Borrower as Engineer for the Contract implementation;
f) has a close business or family relationship with the concerned professional staff of
the Borrower or of the project implementing agency.
(*for further details refer to paragraphs 3.14 and 3.15 of the “Procurement
Regulations” setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest)

4) Bid Price
a) The contract shall be for the whole works as described in drawings and technical
specifications. Corrections, if any, shall be made by crossing out, initialing, dating,
and rewriting.
b) The rate/price should be inclusive of all duties, GST and other levies payable by the
contractor under the contract
c) The rates quoted by the bidder shall be fixed for the duration of the contract and
shall not be subject to adjustment on any account.
d) The bidder shall fill in the prices for the Works inconformity with the bidding
documents, both in figures and words.
e) Bidder need to quote for all the items mentioned in the BOQ. If bidder failed to quote
for any or more items given in the BOQ and if bidder is selected, in such case bidder
has to complete the work of the said item/items without any cost.
5) The set of bidding document comprise of the following:
a) Layout Drawings of the works;
b) Structural Details;
c) Bill of Quantities;
d) Technical Specifications;
e) Instructions to Bidders; and
f) Draft Contract Agreement format which will be used for finalizing the agreement for
this Contract.

6) Tender Fee & Bid Security:

a) Tender Fee:
Bidding document should be purchased from the Employer office for a non-
refundable fee as indicated. Bidder may also download bid document from aforesaid
website and submit bid document cost in the form of demand draft along with the
bid. If bidder fails to submit the tender fee, the bid submitted by such bidder shall be
b) Bid Security:
1) Bidder should submit bid security declaration in the attached format. If bidder not
submitted bid security declaration, in such case the bid submitted by such bidder
shall be rejected.
2) The Bid Security declaration shall be executed
a) if a bidder withdraws its bid prior to the expiry date of bid validity specified by
the bidder on the letter of bid or any extended date provided by the bidder; or
b) During the bid process, if any information submitted found manipulated / hidden
/false / mala fide in the bid
c) if the successful Bidder fails to
(i) sign the Contract or
(ii) furnish a Performance Security

7) Cost of Bidding:
The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid,
and the Employer shall not be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the
conduct or outcome of the Bidding process.

8) Language of Bid:
The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid exchanged by
the Bidder and the Employer, shall be written in the English language.

9) Pre-bid Meeting:
The pre-bid meeting will be conducted by employer for the interested bidders. Bidders
are requested to attend a pre-bid meeting for clarification on the any terms and
conditions, technical specifications etc. on the time, date, and place mentioned therein.
Participation in such a pre-bid meeting is not mandatory. If a bidder does not participate
or submit any query, then no subsequent representations from them regarding the
technical/ commercial specifications/other conditions shall be entertained.

10) Amendment of Bidding Document

a) At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Bids, the Employer may amend
the bidding document by issuing addenda.
b) Any addendum issued shall be part of the bidding document and shall be
communicated in writing to all who have obtained the bidding document from the
Employer. The Employer will also promptly publish the addendum on the
Employer’s website.
c) To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into
account in preparing their Bids, the Employer may, at its discretion, extend the
deadline for the submission of Bids.

11) Bid Validity Period:

Bid shall remain valid for a period not less than 120 days after the deadline date
specified for submission of bid.

12) Submission of Bids:

a) The bidder is advised to visit the site at his own expense and obtain all information
that may be necessary for preparing the bid.
b) Each bidder shall submit only one bid.
c) Modification and Withdrawal of Bids – Resubmission of bid by the bidders for any
number of times before the final date and time of submission is allowed.
d) Bid shall comprise of the following 2 envelopes:
1) Envelope 1: Technical bid
2) Envelope 2: Financial /price bid
Note: The above both the envelops are to be submitted in a separate sealed envelope
mentioning the Technical bid and financial bid on top of the each envelop and bidders
name at bottom of the envelope. Both these two envelopes shall be packed in a one
outer envelope & seal it.
The sealed outer envelope will also bear the following identification: -
 Bid for Construction of 2000 MT Capacity Warehouse building & Machinery
shed works
 Bidder’s name…………………………………………
 Bidder’s address ……………………………………
 Bidder’s contact number ………………………….

1. Technical bid: (Envelop 1)

The bidder shall submit following documents in the technical envelope.
1) Demand draft towards tender document fee if tender document downloaded
from the website OR payment receipt if tender document purchased from the
employer office.
2) Details of technical documents submitted (form no 1)
3) Qualification information in the format (Form -2)
4) Bid security declaration (Form-3)
5) The declaration that the bidder is not black listed/banned by any Government
department / Public Sector Undertaking/ Private Sector/ or any other agency
(form no 4)
6) Declaration about not have Conflict of Interest as mentioned in the ITB 3. (Form
No 5)
7) Turn over certificate issued by the Chartered Accountant (Form-6)
8) Evidence of access to or availability of cash flow (Format 7)
9) Contractor registration certificate of appropriate class issued by the any
Government organization.
10)GST registration certificate
11)* valid electrical license for executing building electrification works(self or sub-
contractor )

2. Financial Bid: (Envelop 2)

The bidder shall quote for all items given in the attached quotation format only
(Form no 8 & 9).

13) Deadline for Submission of Bids:

a) Bids must be received by the Employer at the address and no later than the last
date and time for submission of bid.
b) The Employer may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of
Bids by amending the bidding document in accordance with ITB 10, in which case
all rights and obligations of the Employer and Bidders previously subject to the
deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
14) Late Bids
The Employer shall not consider any bid that arrives after the deadline for submission of
Bids. Any Bid received by the Employer after the deadline for submission of Bids shall
be declared late, rejected, and returned unopened to the Bidder.
15) Bid Opening and Evaluation of bids :

a) Opening of Envelop – A (Technical Bid)

The ‘Technical Envelop’ of bids will be publicly opened first in the presence
procurement committee members and bidders’ designated representatives and anyone
who chooses to attend at the address on the date and time specified in the tender notice.
In the event of the date specified for bid opening being declared as a closed holiday for
the Employer’s office, the due date for opening of bids will be the following working day
at the same time and venue.

b) Evaluation of Technical Bid

The evaluation of the technical bids will be carried out as per the eligibility criteria
mentioned in the clause 2. The bidders fulfilling minimum eligibility criteria are
declared technically qualified and eligible opening of the financial proposal.

c) Opening of Envelop - 2 (Financial Bid)

Financial envelope of technically qualified bidders shall be opened in the presence
procurement committee members and bidders’ designated representatives on the date
and time informed by the Employer.

16) Confidentiality:
a) Information relating to the evaluation of bids and recommendation of contract
award, shall not be disclosed to bidders or any other persons not officially concerned
with the bidding process until the information on Intention to Award the Contract is
transmitted to all bidders.
b) Any effort by a bidder to influence the Employer in the evaluation or contract award
decisions may result in the rejection of its bid.
c) During the time of bid opening to the time of Contract Award, if any bidder wishes to
contact the Employer on any matter related to the bidding process, it should do so in

17) Clarification of Bids:

a) To assist in the examination, evaluation, comparison of the bids, and qualification of
the bidders, the Employer may, at its discretion, ask any bidder for a clarification of
its bid. Any clarification submitted by a bidder in respect to its bid and that is not in
response to a request by the Employer shall not be considered. The Employer’s
request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. No change, including
any voluntary increase or decrease, in the prices or substance of the bid shall be
sought, offered, or permitted, except to confirm the correction of arithmetic errors
discovered by the Employer in the Evaluation of the Bids.
b) If a Bidder does not provide clarifications of its Bid by the date and time set in the
Employer’s request for clarification, its Bid may be rejected.

18) Nonconformities, Errors and Omissions

a) A bid is substantially responsive; the Employer may waive any nonconformity in
the bid.
b) A bid is substantially responsive; the Employer may request that the bidder
submit the necessary information or documentation, within a reasonable period of
time, to rectify nonmaterial nonconformities or omissions in the bid related to
documentation requirements. Such omission shall not be related to any aspect of
the price of the bid. Failure of the bidder to comply with the request may result in
the rejection of its bid.
19) Correction of Arithmetical Errors
1. If the bid is substantially responsive, the Employer shall correct arithmetical errors on
the following basis:
(a) if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the line item total that is
obtained by multiplying the unit price by the quantity, the unit price shall
prevail and the line item total shall be corrected, unless in the opinion of the
Employer there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price,
in which case the line item total as quoted shall govern and the unit price shall
be corrected;
(b) if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of
subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected; and
(c) if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall
prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error,
in which case the amount in figures shall prevail subject to (a) and (b) above.
2. Bidders shall be requested to accept correction of arithmetical errors. Failure to
accept the correction shall result in the rejection of the Bid.

20) Evaluation of financial bids

To evaluate a bid, the Employer shall consider the following:
a) Financial evaluation will be done for all items together
b) Price adjustment for correction of arithmetic errors in accordance with ITB 19.
c) By applying the above evaluation criteria, the Employer shall determine the Most
Advantageous Bid. This is the bid of the bidder that meets the qualification criteria
and whose bid has been determined to be:
(a) Substantially responsive to the bidding document; and
(b) the lowest evaluated cost.
21) Information relating to evaluation of bids and recommendations for the award of
contract shall not be disclosed to bidders or any other persons not officially concerned
with the process until the award to the successful bidder is announced.
22) Award of contract
a) The Employer will award the contract to the successful bidder whose bid has been
determined to be the Most Advantageous Bid i.e. the bid that meets the specified
Qualification Criteria and has been determined to be (a) substantially responsive to
the bidding document; and (b) the lowest evaluated cost.
b) Notwithstanding the above, the Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid
and to cancel the bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior to the award of
c) The successful bidder will be notified of the award of contract by the Employer prior
to expiration of the bid validity period.
d) The Bid security of unsuccessful bidders will be returned as promptly as possible upon
the successful Bidder’s signing the contract and furnishing the performance security.
Note: In case of a tie of evaluated cost between two or more bidders, discount shall be taken
from all the L1 bidders. In case there is still a tie, bidder with the maximum turnover shall
be awarded contract
23) Performance Security
Within 15 days of receiving letter of acceptance, the successful bidder shall deliver to
the Employer the performance security (either a bank guarantee or a bank draft in
favour of the Employer) for an amount equivalent of 3% of the contract price. The
Performance Security shall be valid until a date 28 days after the date of issue of the
Certificate of Completion. Failure of the successful Bidder to furnish performance
security and sign the agreement within the period stipulated shall constitute sufficient
grounds for annulment of award and forfeiture of the Bid Security, in which case the
Employer may make the award to the Bidder offering the next Most Advantageous Bid
who ready to match L1 rate or issue a new RFB.

24) Defects Liability:

The “Defects Liability Period” for the work is Twelve months from the date of taking
over possession or one full monsoon season whichever occurs later. During this period,
the contractor will be responsible for rectifying any defects in construction free of cost
to the Employer.
25) Supply of all construction materials including cement and steel as per the specifications
(ISI certification marked goods wherever available) shall be the responsibility of the

26) Fraud and Corruption

The World Bank requires compliance with the Bank’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines and its
prevailing sanctions policies and procedures as set forth in the WBG’s Sanctions
Framework, as set forth in Section C. In further pursuance of this policy, bidders shall
permit and shall cause their agents (whether declared or not), sub-contractors, sub-
consultants, service providers, suppliers and their personnel, to permit the Bank to
inspect all accounts, records and other documents relating to any initial selection
process, prequalification process, bid submission, proposal submission, and contract
performance (in the case of award), and to have them audited by auditors appointed by
the Bank.

1. Format for Qualification Information.

2. Format for Submission of Bid.

3. Format of Letter of Acceptance.

Form No 1

Details of technical documents submitted

(On bidder’s letter head)

Sr. List of documents to be submitted Document

No. page No
1 Tender fee receipt
2 Qualification Information (form no 2)
3 Bid security declaration (Form no 3)
4 The declaration that the bidder is not black listed/banned by
any Government department/ Public Sector Undertaking/
Private Sector/ or any other agency (form no 4)
5 Declaration about not have Conflict of Interest as mentioned in
the ITB 3. (Form No 5)
6 Turn over certificate issued by the chartered Accountant for
financial years i.e. (2019-20,2020-21 and 2021-22) (Form No
6) or copy of ITRs or balance sheet
7 Evidence of access to or availability of cash flow (Form No 8 )
8 Valid license for executing civil works as per appropriate class
issued by central or state PWD or any government department
9 GST registration certificate
10 Valid electrical license for executing building electrification


Name of Authorized Signatory.................................

Bidder’s Office Seal

Note: Bidders should submit this form along with all above mentioned required
documents. Each document should be numbered. Employer reserves the right to
reject the bid if any of the required documents are not submitted by the bidder
along with the bid.


1 For Individual Bidders

1.1 Principal place of business: ______________________________

Power of attorney of signatory of Bid.

[Attach copy]

1.2 Total value of Civil** Engineering 2019 - 2020 ___________________

construction work performed in the last 2020 - 2021 ____________________
three years (in Rs. Lakhs) 2021 - 2022_______________________

1.3 Work performed as prime contractor (in the same name) on works of a similar nature
over the last three years.

Date explainin
Value of of *Actual g reasons
Name of Descripti d period
Project Contrac contract issue date of for delay
Employe on of of
Name t No. (Rs. of completio and work
r work completio
Lakhs) work n complete
order d

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

*Completion certificate of Concern Engineer/ authorized person of client should be

submitted along with the bid document.

Existing commitments and on-going works:

Value of
Value of Stipulated works ** Anticipated
Description Place & Contract
Contract period of remaining to date of
of Work State No. & Date
(Rs. Lakh) completion be completed completion
(Rs. Lakhs)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

** Certificate of concern engineer /authorized person of client should be submitted along

with the bid document
1.4 Proposed subcontracts and firms involved.
Sections of the Value of Sub- Experience in
(name &
works contract similar work

1.5 Evidence of access to financial resources to meet the requirement of working capital:
cash in hand, lines of credit, etc. List them below and attach copies of supporting

Particulars Amount Details

Cash in hand
Availability of Cash flow
Other source of fund if any

1.6 Name, address, and telephone, telex, and fax numbers of the Bidders’ bankers who
may provide references if contacted by the Employer.

Name of Bank Detailed Address Contact No

1.7 Information on litigation history in which the Bidder is involved.

Other Cause of Amount
Employer showing present
party(ies) dispute involved
2 status
1 3 4

If there is NO any litigation, then mention NIL.

If YES then mentioned the details column 3 and status in column 5

1.8 Contract(s) suspended or terminated and/or Performance Security called by an

employer(s) for reasons related to Environmental, Social (including sexual
exploitation and abuse (SEA) and gender-based violence (GBV)), Health, or Safety
(ESHS) performance during the last five years. (If YES, mention details in the following

Contract(s) suspended or terminated by an Employer(s)

Contract Identification, Name Amount of Total
and address of the Employer, suspended or Contract
and reasons for suspension or terminated portion Amount (Rs)
termination of contract (Rs)
Performance Security called by an employer(s)
Contract Identification, Name and address of the Total
Year Employer, and reasons for calling of performance Contract
security Amount (Rs)


Name of Authorized Signatory.................................

Bidder’s Office Seal



(To be submitted on the Bidder’s Letter Head)

Date: [insert date]

Tender Ref No.: [insert number]

To: [insert complete name of Employer]

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We understand that, according to your conditions, quotation must be supported by a Bid-

Securing Declaration.

We accept that we will automatically be suspended from being eligible for bidding in any
contract with any CBO or project implementing unit under SMART or various offices under
various Government organization / World Bank funded Projects for the period of 3 years
starting from opening of the financial bids, if we are in breach of our obligation(s) under the
bid conditions, because we:

(a) have withdrawn our Bid during the period of bid validity or
(b) having been notified of the acceptance of our Bid by the employer during the period
of bid validity, (i) fail or refuse to execute the Contract, if required, or (ii) fail or
refuse to furnish the Performance Security in accordance with the clauses of bid.

We understand this Bid-Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the successful
Bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of your notification to us of the name of the
successful Bidder; or (ii) twenty-eight days after the expiration of our Bid.


Name of person signing bid-security declaration:


Name of Bidder:


Bidder’s office Seal:



(To be submitted on the Bidder’s Letter Head)

Date: [insert date]

Tender Ref No.: [insert number]

To: [insert complete name of Employer]

We hereby confirm and declare that we, M/s --------------------------------------------,

is not blacklisted/ De-registered/ debarred by any Government department /Public Sector
Undertaking/ Private Sector/ or any other agency for which we have Executed/ Undertaken
the supply goods/ works/ Services during the last 3 years.
We also confirm and declare that no contract should have been suspended or
terminated and/or performance security called by an employer(s) for reasons related to
Environmental, Social (including sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and gender-based
violence (GBV)), Health, or Safety (ESHS) requirements or safeguards in the past 5 years.


Name of Authorized Signatory.................................

Bidder’s Office Seal



(To be submitted on the Bidder’s Letter Head)


Tender Ref No.:

[insert complete name of Purchaser]

We hereby confirm and declare that we, M/s --------------------------------------------,

not have Conflict of Interest as mentioned in the ITB 3. We undertake that we shall be liable
for any punitive action in case of false declaration.

Name of Authorized Signatory.................................
Bidder’s Office Seal


(on CA’s letter head)


This is to certify that M/s. (name of bidder) is having registered office at (detailed office address).
The turnover of the (name of firm) for the three financial year based on the audited financial
Statement is as under.

Sr. No. Financial Year Turnover in Rs.


Total Turnover

Average Turnover

The above information/figures are true and authentic to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I/we am/ are well aware of the fact that furnishing of any false information/fabricated
document would lead to rejection of bid or at any stage, besides liabilities towards prosecution
under appropriate law.

Signature of the Chartered Accountant

Name of the Firm

Registration No.


(Seal of the Chartered Accountant)

Email id:


(To be provided on the letter head of the Bank)


This is to certify that M/s. ______________________________ is a reputed company with a good

financial standing. If the contract for the works, namely (mention the name of work by the
bank ) ______________ is awarded to the above firm, we shall be able to provide
overdraft/credit facilities to the extent of INR _______ to meet their capital requirements for
executing the above contract.

Signature of Bank Manager

Name of Bank Manager
Stamp of the Bank
(On Bidders Letter head)
LCB No: …………………………………….
Date of Bid Submission: ……………….

{Bidder to mention name and address of employer}

Subject: Submission of financial bid for Construction of {mention name of work}


We have no reservations to the LCB document, and offer to execute the Works referred
above in accordance with the Conditions of Contract enclosed therewith at a Total
Contract Price of
Rs. _________________________________________________ [in figures]
Rs. _________________________________________________ [in words].

This financial bid and your written acceptance of it shall constitute a binding contract
between us. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you

We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that no person acting for us or on
our behalf engages in any type of Fraud and Corruption.

We confirm that we bound to comply with (i) the applicable Laws/ Rules/ Regulations
for protection of environment, public health and safety; (ii) the regulatory authority
conditions (if any) attached to any permits or approvals for the project;

We confirm that, if our bid is accepted, we are responsible to submit and implement the
detailed plan to comply the entire requirement mentioned in the annexure -3 with
respect to Environmental, Social (including sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and
gender based violence (GBV)), Health and Safety risks. We also confirm that we have
included all cost associated for implementation of this plan in our financial bid.

We hereby confirm that this financial bid is valid for 120 days as mentioned in
Instructions to bidders.

We have not been currently debarred or suspended by any Government Organization,

the World Bank Group.

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signature : Date signed: ______________

Name & Title of Signatory : _____________________________________________

Name of Bidder : _____________________________________________
Address : _____________________________________________


The approximate Bill of Quantities is indicated below to give an idea of the work which should be executed in accordance with the approved
drawings and specifications to enable the bidder to furnish the Item rate wise price. Bidders may, however, note that no variations in the Item
rate cost are acceptable (except where extra items are ordered by the Engineer).

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
Excavation for foundation in earth, soil of all
types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including
removing the excavated material up to a
distance of 50 m. beyond the building area &
stacking and spreading as directed,
1 205.292 Cu.M.
dewatering, preparing the bed for the
foundation and necessary back filling,
ramming, watering including shoring and
strutting etc. complete. (Lift upto 1.5 m.) By
Mechanical Means
Excavation for foundation in hard murum
including removing the excavated material
upto distance of 50 metres beyond the
building area and stacking and spreading as
2 directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for the 34.788 Cu.M.
foundation and necessary back filling,
ramming, watering including shoring and
strutting etc. complete. (Lift upto 1.50 m to 3.0
m) By Mechanical Means
Excavation for foundation in hard murum and
3 31.612 Cu.M.
boulders including removing the excavated
Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
material upto distance of 50 metres beyond
the building area and stacking and spreading
as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for
the foundation and necessary back filling,
ramming, watering including shoring and
strutting etc. complete. (Lift upto 1.50 m to 3.0
m) By Mechanical Means
Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix
cement concrete in M-10 of trap/ granite/
quartzite/ gneiss metal for foundation and
bedding including bailing out water,
formwork, laying/pumping, compacting,
roughening them if special finish is to be
4 provided, finishing if required and curing 150.667 Cu.M.
complete, with fully automatic micro
processor based PLC with SCADA enabled
reversible Drum Type mixer/concrete Batch
mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine
aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI G
rade finely washed etc)
Providing and laying in situ/Ready Mix cement
concrete M-20 of trap/
granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for R.C.C.work
in foundations like raft,strip foundations,
grillage and footings of R.C.C.columns and
5 steel stanchions etc.including bailing out 41.650 Cu.M.
water, formwork, laying/pumping cover
blocks,compaction and curing roughening the
surface if special finish is to be provided
(Excluding reinforcement and structural steel)
etc. complete, with fully automatic micro

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
processor based PLC with SCADA enabled
reversible Drum Type mixer/concrete Batch
mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete.With
natural sand/V.S.I. quality Artificial Sand
Providing and laying Cast in situ /Ready Mix
cement concrete M20 of trap
/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for
R.C.C.columns as per detailed designs and
drawing or as directed including
centering,formwork,cover blocks ,laying/
pumping, compaction finishing the formed
surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient
6 minimum thickness to give a smooth and even 30.218 Cu.M.
surface or roughening if special finish is to be
provided and curing etc.complete,(Excluding
reinforcement and structural steel).with fully
automatic microprocess or based PLC with
SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer
/concrete Batch mix plant (Panmixer )etc.
complete. With natural sand /V.S.I. quality
Artificial Sand
Providing and laying Cast in situ /Ready Mix
cement concrete M20 of
trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for R.C.C.
beams and lintels as per detailed designs and
drawings or as directed including centering,
7 49.522 Cu.M.
formwork, cover blocks, laying/pumping,
compaction and roughening the surface if
special finish is to be provided and curing etc.
complete. (Excluding reinforcement and
structural steel).with fully automatic

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
microprocessor based PLC with SCAD
Aenabled reversible Drum Type mixer/
concrete Batch mix plant (Panmixer)
etc .complete. With natural sand /V.S.I. quality
Artificial Sand
Providing and laying Cast in situ /Ready Mix
cement concrete M-20 of
trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for R.C.C.
Chajja as per detailed designs and drawings
including centering, formwork, cover blocks,
compactiong, curing, finishing and roughening
the surface if special finish is to be provided
8 14.58 Cu.M.
and curing etc.complete. (Excluding
reinforcement and structural steel).with fully
automatic microprocessor based PLC with
SCAD Aenabled reversible Drum Type mixer/
concrete Batch mix plant (Panmixer)
etc .complete. With natural sand /V.S.I. quality
Artificial Sand
Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix
cement concrete M-25 of trap / granite /
quartzite / gneiss metal for R.C.C. canopy as
per detailed designs and drawings including
steel centering, formwork, laying/pumping,
compacting and roughening the surface if
9 9.450 Cu.M.
special finish is to be provided and curing etc.
complete (excluding reinforcement). with fully
automatic micro processor based PLC with
SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/
concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc.
complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
VSI Grade)

Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix

cement concrete in M-20 of trap / quartzite
/granite /gneiss metal for R.C.C. Waist slab,
and steps of staircases as per detailed design
and drawings or as directed including steel
centering, formwork, steel props,
laying/pumping, compaction, finishing uneven
and honeycombed surface with C.M. 1:3 of
sufficient minimum thickness to give a smooth
10 and even surface or roughening the surface if 13.451 Cu.M.
special finish is to be provided and curing etc.
complete. (Excluding reinforcement, including
cover block).(Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin etc.)
with fully automatic microprocessor based
PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum
Type mixer/concrete Batch mix plant (Pan
mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate
(Crushed sand VSI Grade)

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
Providing and fixing in position TMT-FE-500
bar reinforcement of various diameters for
R.C.C .pile caps, footings, foundations, slabs,
beams, columns ,canopies, staircase, newels,
11 chajjas, lintels, pardis, copings, fins, arches etc. 18.105 MT
as per detailed designs, drawings and
schedules. including cutting, bending, hooking
the bars, binding with wires or tack welding
and supporting as required complete
Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry
with conventional/ I.S. type bricks in cement
mortar 1:6 in foundations and plinth of inner
12 walls/ in plinth external walls including 23.830 Cu.M.
bailing out water manually, striking joints on
unexposed faces, raking out joints on exposed
faces and watering etc. Complete
Filling in plinth and floors with approved
excavated material in 15cm. to 20cm. Layers
13 201.292 Cu.M.
including watering and compacting etc.
Filling in plinth and floors with contractors
material/ brought from out side and approved
14 by Engineer incharge in layers of 15 cm to 20 1052.40 Cu.M.
cm including watering and compaction etc.
Complete (Spec.No.Bd.A.11 page No.263)
Providing soling using 80mm. size trap metal
in 15cm. layer including filling voids with
15 crused sand/grit, ramming, watering etc. 191.60 CUM
complete. Spec. no. As directed by Engineer in
charge .

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry
with conventional/ I.S. type bricks in cement
mortar 1:6
16 150.500 Cu.M.
in superstructure including striking joints,
raking out joints, watering and scaffolding etc.
Providing internal cement plaster 20mm thick
in Single coats in cement mortar 1:5 without
17 neeru finish, to concrete, brick surface, in all 900.00 Sq.M.
positions including scaffolding and curing etc.
Providing sand faced plaster externally in
cement mortar using approved screened sand,
in all positions including base coat of 15 mm
thick in cement mortar 1:4 using
waterproofing compound at 1 Kilogramper
18 cement bag curing the same for not less than 2 880.00 Sq.M.
days and keeping the surface of the base coat
rough to receive the sand faced treatment 6 to
8 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 finishing the
surface by taking out grains and curing for
fourteen days scaffolding etc.complete.

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
Providing and fixing in position factory made
box type steel window with glazed fanlight
including steel windows of cold rolled section
of 105mm x 60mm x 1.25mm thick frame
section filled with cement concrete (1:2:4) and
metal pressed steel shutters of 20 gauge
(1mm) as per detailed drawing and design or
as directed including providing horizontal
19 81.00 Sq.M.
mild steel 12mm square bars at 10cm center
to center, required F7B section, section 76,
section 20mm x 5mm mild steel flat for
shutter and F4B section for frame, 3mm thick
glass of approved quality for fanlight
necessary fixtures and fastening etc. complete
finishing with one coat of anticorrosive paint
Providing and fixing rolling shutter fabricated
from steel laths of minimum thickness 0.9 mm
with lock plate of 3.15 mm thickness
reinforced with 35 x 35 x 5 mm angle section
fitted with sliding bolts and handles for both
sides, deep M.S. channel section of depth and
thickness not less than 65 mm and 3.15 mm
20 respectively with hold fast arrangements, M.S. 63.000 Sq.M.
Bracket plate 300 x 300 x 3.15 mm minimum
size and shape with square bar, suspension
shaft of minimum 32 mm diameter, hood
cover of M.S. sheet not less than 0.9 mm
thickness and of any size at top and safety
devices including mechanical gear operation
arrangement consisting of worm gear wheels

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
and worms of high grade cast iron or mild
steel and one coat of red lead primer etc.
complete. (I.S.62481979) (Without mechanical

Providing and applying white-wash in two

coats on old / new plastered or masonry
21 surfaces and asbestos cement sheets including 2223.000 Sq.M.
scaffolding and preparing the surface by
brushing and brooming down etc. complete.
Providing and applying washable oil-bound
distemper of approved colour and shade to old
22 and new surfaces in two coats including 1076.040 Sq.M.
scaffolding, preparing the surfaces. (excluding
the primer coat.) etc. complete
Providing and applying three coats of water
proof cement paint of approved manufacture
and of approved colour to new plastered
23 1146.960 Sq.M.
surfaces including scaffolding if necessary,
cleaning and preparing the surface, watering
for two days etc. complete

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
Providing preconstructional antitermite
treatment as per I.S. 6313 (Part-II) by treating
the bottom surface and sides of excavation at
24 the rate of 5 litres of emulsion concentrate of 1161.200 Sq.M.
1.0 percent of chlorophyrifos per square meter
of surface area covering 10 years guarantee on
bond paper.
Providing and fixing lioghtening conductor
system comprising of erecting Air-
Termination consisting of tubular copper rod
of 25mm dia. 1.2 mm thick with multiple
points head 1.2 mt. long ( Heavy Duty) welded
or clamped to G.I. pipe pole B grade 50 mm
diaof requiired length with M.S. round bnase
plate 25 Cm diam and 10mm thick at bottom
embeded in cement concrete 1:3:6
dfoundation of size 45 cm diam x 45 cm Height
and providing earthing with copper earth
25 1.000 Nos.
plate of size 60 x 60 x 0.3 cms with cadmium
plated nut bolts to fix earthing strip burried in
specially prepared earth pits 1.5 metre below
ground level with 40 Kilogram charcoal and
salt with altemate layers of charcoal and salt
and G.I.pipe 40mm dia 2 meter length burried
in earthe upto earthling plate remining
portion above ground level for watering and
refilling comcpete Note- Copper strip fropm
lightening conductor is not considered in this

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
Providing and laying in situ cement concrete
M30 with tremix treatment for 200 mm
thickness for flooring with groove cutting of
26 1133.00 Sq.M.
4mm wide and 20mm deep with necessary
refilling with bitumen etc.
B SW-II - Above Plinth - PEB
Structural Steel E-350
Supplying, fabricating, erecting and fixing in
position of steel structures at all elevations
using fusion welding quality steel E-350
(Fe490) conforming to IS:2062 - 2006. Rate
shall include cost of cutting, welding, splice
plates and packing plates, transporting,
straightening, cleaning, fabricating and
erecting in position welded/bolted Structural
steelwork in columns, beams, trusses, purlins,
platforms, ladders, monorails,
staircases ,supports, strengthening of steel
members etc. at site to line and level, supply 19.059 MT
of approved bolts/nuts/washers etc. complete
as per drawings including painting as per
G4/G5/G6 before erection and all materials
and labour charges etc., complete and
including Sand blasting & painted with 1 coats
of enamel paint (Berger EPILUX SG – HHI
664002) of 35-50 micron each coat with air
less spray gun over a coat of zinc chromate
primer - 35-50 micron etc., complete as shown
in drawings, as per specifications and as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge /

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
Construction Manager. (The rate quoted shall
include cost of bolts, nuts, washers, welding
and electrodes required for the complete

Structural Steel - Cold Formed Light gauged

Supplying, fabricating and erecting of Cold
Formed Light Gauge structural steel members
conforming to IS:801/ IS:811 hot-dip
galvanised to IS:4759 - 96 including cutting, 6.911 MT
welding or bolting, splice plates and packing
plates, transporting, straightening, cleaning,
fabricating and erecting in position.
PPGL 0.5 mm thk
Supply & Fixing of PPGI sheets of 0.5 mm thick
as shown in drawing or as directed by
6.462 MT
engineer incharge with all necessary
Roof Accessories
Supply & Fixing of 0.5 mm thk PPGL roof
accessories as per drawing or as directed by
4 engineer incharge-
Center Ridge 54 RMT
Gable flashing 44 RMT
Roof Gutter
5 Roof Gutter (Assumed Girth- 600 mm) PPGI
0.5 mm Thk.

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
Supplying, fabricating and erecting in position
PPGI Eaves Gutter of required size with stop
ends,all fixing accessories, drop ends, etc., at
all elevations levels & heights including
aligning, leveling, providing and fixing bolts,
108 RMT
nuts, washers etc., conforming to latest
specification including straightening, cutting,
welding, bending to shape, bolting etc.,
complete and as directed as per engineer
incharge / Construction Manager.
Downtake Pipe
Providing and fixing of the rain water down
take pipes of PPGI, the sectional area of rain
water down take pipes provided shall be
generally at the rate of 1 square cm per 70 to
80 square decimetre of roof area drained. No
spout shall be less than 80 mm in diameter.
The spacing of spouts shall be arranged to suit 48 RMT
the position of openings in the wall including
necessary accessories for fixing the pipe and
including all materials and labour charges etc.,
complete as shown in drawings, as per
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge / Construction Manager.
Polycarbonate Sheet
Supply & Fixing of 2mm thk polycarbonate
sheets as per drawing & as directed by 10.08 Sqm
engineer in-charge.
Turbo Ventilator
Supply & Fixing of turbo ventilator with 610 14.00 Nos.
8 mm throat, having base ring & top plate in

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
stainless steel of 0.8 mm thick, rotated using
twin bearings of SKF - 600122 & 600322
permanently lubricated & sealed. Fixed in FRP
base plate of2mm thk clear 1.020 mtr wide &
1.7 mtr long.
1 FOR SAND 465.679 Cu.M.
2 FOR OTHER METAL 1129.55 Cu.M.
1 CEMENT ;-Fineness, Consistency, Setting 1.00 No.
Time, Compressive strength, Specific gravity.
M20 CONCRETE ;-i)Mix Design with all tests 2.00 No.
on basic materials
3 ii)Concrete cube compressive strength 10.00 No.
4 iii) Rebound hammer Test 3.00 No.
M15 CONCRETE ;-i)Mix Design with all tests 1.00 No.
on basic materials
6 ii)Concrete cube compressive strength 4.00 No.
MAETAL FOR ROAD ;-i)Water absorption, 4.00 No.
Specific gravity,Impact value,Crushing value
iii) Combined Flakiness & Elongatio of single 4.00 No.
BRICKS :-Water Absorption (Set of 5 Bricks), 2.00 No.
9 Compressive strength (Set of 5 Bricks),
Efflorescence (Set of 5 Bricks)
STONE MASONARY:-Crushing value,/ 2.00 No.
10 compressive strength, water absorption,
Specific Gravity.
TMT STEEL :-Yield stress, ultimate tensile 2.00 No.
stress, elongation, weight per running meter.

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
12 SAND :-I)Fineness Modulus, silt content. 3.00 No.
13 MURUM;-ii) Atterberg Limit 3.00 No.
IV SW- IV - Electrification
1 Supplying, erecting & terminating XLPE 30.00 Running
armoured cable 3 core 6 sq. mm. copper Meter
conductor continuous 5.48 sq. mm. (12
SWG) G.I. earth wire complete erected with
glands & lugs, on wall/ trusses/ pole or laid in
provided trench/ pipe as per specification no.
2 Making trench of suitable width and depth 30.00 Running
in hard murum / tar road for laying Meter
provided LT cable up to and including 16 sq.
mm complete as per specification no. CW-
3 Making trench of suitable width and depth 10.00 Running
in soft soil for laying provided LT cable up Meter
to and including 16 sq.mm complete as per
specification no. CW-EXN-CTR
4 Supplying & erecting mains PVC unarmoured 130.00 Running
cable 1100Volt grade ISI mark 3 core / 2.5 Meter
sq mm stranded / solid copper complete
erected on wall with duly painted G. I.
5 Supplying & erecting weatherproof 12.00 Number
powder coated distribution board 4 way
with 2 x 6/10 Amp S. P. M. C. B. with industrial
two pin plug socket 10 A and 3 pin plug
top 10 A with top cover necessary
connection etc complete with

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
approved make.
6 Providing point wiring for street light with 10.00 Number
PVC unarmoured cable 1100Volt grade ISI
mark 3 core 1.5 sqmm stranded / solid
copper erected on wall with G. I. Saddle duly
painted @ 0,25 m C/C rigidly grouted in the
wall with the help of plated
screw including 4” x 4” M. S. box 2 way with
epoxy painting
7 Supplying & erecting 10-12W, 230V integral 8.00 Number
type LED Lamp suitable for B-22/E-27 base.
8 Supplying and erecting LED street light fitting 8.00 Number
suitable for 20 to 25W, with PF > 0.95 class
IP 65 and above housing of pressure die
cast aluminium alloy and heat sink
extruded aluminium complete as per
specification No FG-ODF/FLS
9 Supplying and erecting street light Wall 1.00 Number
bracket made from 40 mm. dia ‘B’ class G.I.
pipe 1.2 m in total length complete as per
specification no. FG-BKT/WB
10 Providing earthing with galvanized iron earth 1.00 Number
plate size 60 x 60 x 0.6 cm complete with all
materials, testing & recording the results as
per specification no. EA-EP
11 Providing pipe type earthing with 40mm. dia. 1.00 Number
G.l. pipe or 20 mm dia. G.l. Rod complete
with all materials as per specification no.
12 Supplying, erecting & marking DPMCB 6A to 1.00 Number
32A, C- series (for motor/power) in

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
provided distribution board as per
specification no. SW-SWR/MCB
13 Supplying, erecting & marking SPMCB 6A to 1.00 Number
32A, B- series (for lighting) in provided
distribution board as per specification no. SW-
14 Supplying and erecting GI sheet 1.6 mm 1.00 Square
(16 SWG) to be used for fabrication of Meter
boxes panel boards etc. including cutting,
bending, drilling, welding, riveting etc. and
painting with one coat of red lead paint and 2
coats of enamel paint.
15 Supplying and erecting marine plywood 18/19 1.00 Square
mm thick fixed to wall or on provided panel Meter
board with necessary materials such as
screws, wall fasteners, supports, nut
bolts etc. complete.
16 Supplying and erecting triple pole and 4.00 Number
neutral distribution board (TPNDB) surface/
flush mounted suitable for SPMCB of 12
ways on iron / GI frame (horizontal busbar
type) as per
specification no. SW-SWR/MCBDB
17 Supplying & erecting G.I. pipe ‘A’ class 25 20.00 Running
mm dia. erected for enclosing XLPE Meter
armoured cable on wall/pole as per
specification no. CB-CE
18 Supplying & erecting G.I. pipe ‘A’ class 40 mm 12.00 Running
dia. erected for enclosing XLPE armoured Meter
cable on wall/pole as per specification no.

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
19 Supplying and laying (including excavation of 24.00 Running
suitable width & depth up to 90 cm) 75 Meter
mm outside dia. double wall corrugated
pipes (DWC) of HDPE for enclosing cable
below ground/road surface, to required depth
20 Supplying & erecting 18 guage M.S. Box 8.00 Number
powder coated (4"x4") 3 way for mains
21 Supplying & erecting Siemens type brass cable 6.00 Number
glands for 3 to 4 core 6 sq. mm. /2 to 4
core 10 sq. mm. for XLPE armoured cable as
per specification No. CB-GL
22 Supplying shockproof type hand lamp with 6.00 Number
lamp holder, bulb/ lamp 100 W guarded
glass and 30 mtr. 3 core PVC flexible cord
with hand shield type 3 pin 6 Amp. Plug top.
23 Point wiring for independent plug in 20 mm 6.00 Number
ISI marked HMS PVC conduit with 1.5
sq.mm (2+1E) FRLSH grade copper wire,
flush type switch, earthing and required
accessories as per specification No: WG-
24 Supplying and erecting Street light bracket 8.00 Number
made from 25 mm. dia ‗B‘ class G.I. Pipe, 0.6
m in length along with pole cap of 300 mm
length and 80 mm dia duly welded with
provided leads as per specification no. FG-
25 Supplying & erecting mains with 2 x 2.5 8.00 Running
Sq.mm stranded copper PVC insulated wire Meter

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
with 2 x 1.5 Sq.mm copper PVC wire in PVC
casing - caping 20 mm on wall / ceiling.
26 Supplying & erecting main with 2 x 4.00 8.00 Running
Sq.mm stranded copper PVC insulated wire Meter
with 2 x 1.5 Sq.mm copper PVC wire in PVC
casing - caping on wall / ceiling.
27 Supplying and erecting double pole switch 10.00 Number
surface type/ flush type 240V, 32A with
indicator lamp & fuse as per
specification no. SW-SWR/BDP.
28 Supplying and erecting double pole metal clad 8.00 Number
switch withHC type fuse and neutral link
240V, 32A on iron / GI frame as per
specification no. SW-SWR/MDP ..
29 Supplying & erecting 3W, 230V integral 8.00 Number
type LED Lamp suitable for B-22/E-27 base.
30 Supplying and erecting T8 Fluorescent 6.00 Number
tube day light 1200mm 36 W
31 Supplying & erecting ready to use Retrofit 8.00 Number
T8 LED 18 / 20 tube light with
polycarbonate body, heat sink, integrated
HF electronic driver complete & compatible
to T8 / T12 LED luminaire by disconnecting
starter & ballast if necessary.
32 Supplying and erecting regular/ standard 10.00 SqMter
model ceiling fan of 900 /1050 mm. sweep
complete erected in position as per
specification no. FG-FN/CF
33 Supplying and fixing wiremesh (Jali) cover 8.00 Number
suitable for fitting / fan or for any purpose,
complete with necessary materials. The jali

Sr. Item Quantity Unit Unit Rate in Rs. inclusive of all duties, Total Amount
No GST, other levies etc. in Rs.
In figures In words
cover shall be made from good quality G.I.
wire mesh
34 Supplying and erecting ding dong / 6.00 Number
electronic musical type call bell with heavy
duty coil suitable to operate on 230V A.C.
supply erected on polished double wooden
block/sunmica block of suitable size
35 Supplying and erecting street light Wall 6.00 Number
bracket made from 25 mm. dia ‘B’ class G.I.
pipe 1.2 m in total length complete as per
specification no. FG-BKT/WB
36 Supplying & erecting CRCA sheet metal one 1.00 Number
wayenclosures suitable for DP MCB /TP MCB
/FP MCB erected on angle iron/GI frame
37 Supplying erecting and marking four pole 1.00 Number
isolators only switch version of miniature
circuit breakers of 40A in provided
distribution board complete.
VII Management Strategies and Implementation
Plan (MSIP) to manage the Environmental, lumsum
Social,Health and Safety (ESHS) risks and
ESHS Code of Conduct
Total Amount inclusive of all in Rs.
Note: The total amount mentioned in the form-8 should be same as mentioned in the BOQ.
We agree to execute the works in accordance with the terms and conditions mentioned in the LCB document , approved drawings and
technical specifications at a total fixed contract price of Rs……………………./-(amount in
figures)(Rs. ………………………………………………………………………………………..…only amount in words).

Stamp & Signature of Contractor

Management Strategies and Implementation Plan (MSIP) to manage the
Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) risks and ESHS Code of Conduct
The policy goal, as a minimum, shall be to integrate environmental protection, forest and
biodiversity conservation, pollution prevention, promote resource use efficiency, waste
management, community health and safety measures and protection of cultural heritage sites
during designing and execution of the civil works. It is also to promote gender equality, child
protection, vulnerable people (including those with disabilities), sexual harassment, gender-
based violence (GBV), sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention
in the planning processes, programs, and various activities involved in the execution of the
The Bidder shall accordingly submit a comprehensive and concise Management Strategies
and Implementation Plan (MSIP) to manage the Environmental, Social (including sexual
exploitation and abuse (SEA) and gender-based violence (GBV), Health and Safety (ESHS) risks,
and ESHS Code of Conduct.
The Plan shall include;
1. Management of construction debris (silt, oil, solid waste, wastewater, etc.) and traffic
management plan to ensure safety of local communities and ecosystem from construction
2. Abatement plan for environmental pollution, re-vegetation of construction site and
sensitization of workforce
3. Water resource protection plan to prevent contamination of drinking water;
4. Boundary marking and protection strategy to prevent depositing on private land and offsite
adverse impacts;
5. Gender based violence and sexual exploitation and abuse (GBV/SEA) prevention and
response action plan
6. Mobilization strategy
7. Worker’s camp management plan including the process for mitigating construction related
impacts on local community
8. Occupational health and safety plan of the workforce
9. Child Protection Plan
10. Capacity building/training Plan
11. HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention plan
12. Prevention and mitigation plan of COVID-19
The plan shall describe the actions, materials, equipment, management processes, including
costs etc. that will be implemented by the Contractor, and its subcontractors.
The Bidder shall document and submit the Code of Conduct that will apply to its employees and
subcontractors, to mitigate ESHS risks and to ensure compliance with its Environmental, Social,
Health and Safety (ESHS) obligations under the contract.
In addition, the Bidder shall submit an outline of how this Code of Conduct will be implemented
and availability of qualified and trained personnel to supervise and implement the action plan.
This will include how it will be introduced into conditions of employment/engagement, what
training will be provided, how it will be monitored and how the Contractor proposes to deal
with any breaches.
For details, please refer to the chapter no. 11 on the Construction Management Guideline and
chapter no 14 on Labour Management Framework of the SMART project’s Environment & Social
Management Framework (ESMF) report. For accessing ESMF report,
please visit https://www.smart-mh.org/cdn //2019/08/190818171526_405e 4be 8b9
d3ce2374fe29ce1561a62b.pdf and for EHS guideline visit http:// documents1. worldbank.
org /curated/en/157871484635724258/pdf/112110-WP-Final-General-EHS-
Guidelines .pdf


Dated: ____________________________

To: _________________________________ [Name and address of the Contractor]


Dear Sirs,

This is to notify you that your Bid dated ____________________ for execution of the
_____________________________________________________________ for the contract price of Rupees
__________________________________________ [amount in words and figures], is hereby accepted
by us.

You are hereby requested to furnish performance security for an amount of Rs.
____________________ (equivalent to 3% of the contract price) within 15 days of the receipt
of the letter. The Performance Security in the form of Bank guarantee or a Bank draft in
favour of ..........................(Employer) shall be valid until date 28 days after the date of issue
of the Certificate of Completioni.e.,up to ______________________. Failure to furnish the
Performance Security will entail cancellation of the award of contract.

You have to submit detailed ESHS compliance plan within one week from the
date of this letter of acceptance. Failure to submit the acceptable ESHS plan will entail
cancellation of the award of contract.

You are also requested to sign the agreement form and proceed with the work not
later than ____________________________ under the instructions of the Engineer,
____________________________ and ensure its completion within the contract period.

With the issuance of this acceptance letter and you’re furnishing the Performance
Security, contract for the above said work stands concluded.

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signature
Name and title of Signatory

Draft Agreement form for

1. This deed of agreement is made in the form of agreement on ________ day

_______________ month ____________ 20 ___, between the _____________________________ (Employer)
or his authorized representative (hereinafter referred to as the first party) and
_____________________ (Name of the Contractor), S/O _______________ resident of ______________ 1
(hereinafter referred to as the second party), to execute the work of construction of
__________________________ (hereinafter referred to as works) on the following terms and

2. Cost of the Contract

The total cost of the works (hereinafter referred to as the “total cost”) is
Rs. …………/- as per the final contract amount /amount reflected in final BOQ.

3. Payments under the contract:

Payments to the second party for the construction work will be released by the
first party in the following manner: -

1stR. A. Bill 25% of the total cost

2ndR. A. Bill 20% of the total cost
3rdR. A. Bill 20% of the total cost
4thR. A. Bill 20% of the total cost
Final Work Completed as per Tender 15% of the total cost

3.1 (Not Applicable)

3.2 The Employer shall retain (Retention Money) 6% of the amount from each
payment due to the Contractor subject to the maximum of 5% of final contract
price. Half of the amount retained shall be repaid upon completion of the works,
and other half shall be repaid when the Defects Liability Period has passed and the
Engineer has certified that all Defects notified to the Contractor before the end of
this period have been corrected. On completion of the whole works the Contractor
may substitute the balance retention money with an “on demand” Bank guarantee.

3.3 Payments at each stage will be made by the first party:

(a) on the second party submitting an invoice for an equivalent amount;
(b) on certification of the invoice (except for the first installment) by the
engineer nominated by the first party with respect to quality of works in
the format in Annexure - 1; and
(c) upon proper and justified utilization of at least 50 % of the previous
installment and 100 % of any prior installment.

4. Notice by Contractor to Engineer

In case of a firm insert ‘complete address of the firm’. In case of an individual contractor insert identification
like ‘son of and resident of’ etc.

The second party, on the works reaching each stage of construction, shall issue a
notice to the first party or the Engineer nominated by the first party [who is
responsible for supervising the contractor, administering the contract, certifying
payments due to the contractor, issuing and valuing variations to the contract,
awarding extension of time etc.] to visit the site for certification of stage
completion. Within 15 days of the receipt of such notice, the first party or the
engineer nominated by it, will ensure issue of stage completion certificate after
due verification.
5. Completion time
The works should be completed in 18 Month from the date of this Agreement. In
exceptional circumstances, the time period stated in this clause may be extended
in writing by mutual consent of both the parties.
6. If any of the compensation events mentioned below would prevent the work
being completed by the intended completion date, the first party will decide on
the intended completion date being extended by a suitable period:
a) The first party does not give access to the site or a part thereof by the agreed
b) The first party orders a delay or does not issue completed drawings,
specifications or instructions for execution of the work on time.
c) Ground conditions are substantially more adverse than could reasonably
have been assumed before issue of letter of acceptance and from
information provided to second party or from visual inspection of the site.
d) Payments due to the second party are delayed without reason.
e) Certification for stage completion of the work is delayed unreasonably.
7. Any willful delay on the part of the second party in completing the construction
within the stipulated period will render him liable to pay liquidated
damages @ 0.05 % of the contract value of the work per day which will be
deducted from payments due to him. The first party may cancel the contract and
take recourse to such other action as deemed appropriate once the total amount
of liquidated damages exceeds 5 % of the contract amount.

8. Duties and responsibilities of the first party

8.1 The first party shall be responsible for providing regular and frequent
supervision and guidance to the second party for carrying out the works as per
specifications. This will include written guidelines and regular site visit of the
authorized personnel of the first party, for checking quality of material and
construction to ensure that it is as per the norms.
8.2 The first party shall supply 3 sets of drawings, specifications and guidelines to
the second party for the proposed works.
8.3 Possession of the site will be handed over to the second party within 10 days of
signing of the agreement.
8.4 The Engineer or such other person as may be authorized by the first party shall
hold meeting once in a month where the second party or his representative at
site will submit the latest information including progress report and difficulties if
any, in the execution of the work. The whole team may jointly inspect the site on
a particular day to take stock of activities.
8.5 The Engineer shall record his observations/instructions at the time of his site
visit in a site register maintained by the second party. The second party will
carry out the instructions and promptly rectify any deviations pointed out by the
engineer. If the deviations are not rectified, within the time specified in the

Engineer’s notice, the first party as well as the engineer nominated by it, may
instruct stoppage or suspension of the construction. It shall thereupon be open
to the first party or the engineer to have the deviations rectified at the cost of the
second party.
8.6 The Engineer shall issue a Certificate of Completion of the Works on the request
of the second party, and upon deciding that the whole of the Works is completed.

9. Duties and responsibilities of the second party

9.1 The second party shall:

a) take up the works and arrange for its completion within the time period
stipulated in clause 5;
b) employ suitable skilled persons to carry out the works;
c) regularly supervise and monitor the progress of work;
d) abide by the technical suggestions/ direction of supervisory personnel
including engineers etc. regarding building construction;
e) be responsible for bringing any discrepancy to the notice of the
representative of the first party and seek necessary clarification;
f) ensure that the work is carried out in accordance with specifications,
drawings and within the total of the contract amount without any cost
g) keep the first party informed about the progress of work;
h) correct the notified defects within the length of time specified by the
i) be responsible for all security and watch and ward arrangements at site till
handing over of the works to the first party;
j) maintain necessary insurance against loss of materials/cash, etc. or workman
disability compensation claims of the personnel deployed on the works as
well as third party claims from the start date to the end of defect liability
k) pay all duties, taxes and other levies payable by construction agencies as per
law under the contract (First party will effect deduction from running bills
in respect of such taxes as may be imposed under the law);
l) abide by the regulatory authority conditions (if any) attached to any permits
or approvals for the project; and the ESHS Management Strategies and
Implementation Plan and ESHS Code of Conduct, if any prescribed by the
m) abide by all labour enactments and rules made there under, regulations,
notifications and bye laws of the State or Central Government or local
n) abide by all enactments on environmental protection and rules made there
under, regulations, notifications and by-laws of the Sate or Central
Government, or local authorities;
o) be responsible for the safety of all activities on the Site.

10. Variations / Extra Items

The works shall be executed by the second party in accordance with the
approved drawings and specifications. No variation in cost is acceptable.
However, if the Engineer issues instructions for execution of extra items, the
following procedure shall be followed:-

a) The second party shall provide the Engineer with a quotation for carrying out
the extra items when requested to do so by the Engineer. The Engineer
shall assess the quotation, which shall be given within seven days of the
request before the extra items are ordered.
b) If the quotation given by the second party is unreasonable, the Engineer may
order the extra items and make a change to the Contract Price which shall
be based on Engineer’s own forecast of the effects of the extra items on
the Contractor’s costs.
c) The second party shall not be entitled to additional payment for costs, which
could have been avoided by giving early warning.
11. Securities
The Performance Security shall be provided to the Employer no later than the
date specified in the Letter of Acceptance and shall be issued in an amount and
form and by a bank acceptable to the Employer. The Performance Security shall
be valid until a date 28 days from the date of issue of the Certificate of
Completion in the case of a Bank Guarantee.

12. Termination
12.1 The Employer may terminate the Contract if the other party causes a
fundamental breach of the Contract.
12.2 Fundamental breaches of Contract include, but shall not be limited to the
(a) the contractor stops work for 28 days and the stoppage has not
been authorized by the Engineer;
(b) the Contractor has become bankrupt or goes into liquidation other
than for a reconstruction or amalgamation;
(c) the Engineer gives Notice that failure to correct a particular Defect
is a fundamental breach of Contract and the Contractor fails to
correct it within a reasonable period of time determined by the
(d) the Contractor does not maintain a security which is required;
(e) the Contractor has engaged in Fraud and Corruption as defined in
Section C, in competing for or in executing the Contract; and
(f) the contractor has delayed the completion of the Works by the
number of days for which the maximum amount of liquidated
damages can be paid
12.3 Notwithstanding the above, the Employer may terminate the Contract for
12.4 If the Contract is terminated the Contractor shall stop work immediately, make
the Site safe and secure and leave the Site as soon as reasonably possible.

13. Payment upon Termination

13.1 If the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach of Contract
by the Contractor, the Engineer shall issue a certificate for the value of the
work done less advance payments received up to the date of the issue of
the certificate, less other recoveries due in terms of the contract, less
taxes due to be deducted at source as per applicable law.
13.2 If the Contract is terminated at the Employer’s convenience, the Engineer
shall issue a certificate for the value of the work done, the reasonable cost
of removal of Equipment, repatriation of the Contractor’s personnel

employed solely on the Works, and the Contractor’s costs of protecting
and securing the Works and less advance payments received up to the
date of the certificate, less other recoveries due in terms of the contract
and less taxes due to be deducted at source as per applicable law.

14. Dispute settlement

If over the works, any dispute arises between the two parties, relating to any
aspects of this Agreement, the parties shall first attempt to settle the dispute
through mutual and amicable consultation.

In the event of agreement not being reached, the matter will be referred for
arbitration by a Sole Arbitrator not below the level of retired Chief Engineer /
Superintending Engineer, (not connected in part or whole with this Project in his
service) to be appointed by the first party. The Arbitration will be conducted in
accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The decision of the
Arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties.

15. Fraud and Corruption

The World Bank requires compliance with the Bank’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines
and its prevailing sanctions policiesand procedures as set forth in the WBG’s
Sanctions Framework, as set forth in Section C. In further pursuance of this
policy, the Contractor shall permit and shall cause its sub-contractors, sub-
consultants, service providers, suppliers, agents’ personnel, to permit the Bankto
inspect all accounts,records, and other documents relating to the procurement
process, selection and/or contract execution, and to have them audited by
auditors appointed by the Bank.

Annexure I

Format of certificate

Certified that the works up to -------------------------------------------------- level in

respect of construction of ------------------------------------- at -----------------------------------
have been executed in accordance with the approved drawings and technical

Name & Designation
(Official address)

Office seal

Technical Specifications

Specifications & Performance Requirements

(1) Concrete, Steel, Paints etc shall confirm to the I.S.I expert otherwise specified.
(2) The Mode of measurement shall generally follow I.S. 1200 (Revised) along with other
applicable parts except otherwise specified.
Scope of work : The work contemplated under this contract includes general Builder,
work for the aforesaid project, all as detailed in the Bill of Quantities, Specifications and
drawings and to complete the said work in every respect in accordance with this
contract and with the directions and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. Such
other works which are not included in the aforesaid Bill of quantities are generally
intended to be executed through a separate agency. Notwithstanding the above, the
Engineer-in-Charge reserves the right to order additional works under the same
Contract. The Engineer-in-charge also reserves the right to omit any item of work
included in the aforesaid Bill of quantities and award the same to any other contractor
or not perform it at all at his discretion and the Contractor shall not have any claim
because of the same. The Contractor for this work shall be required to work in co-
operation and co-ordination with other agencies on site and give them all reasonable
assistance and help for the execution of the work in an efficient manner all as directed.
The words “approved” or “as directed” shall be deemed to convey approval or the
discretion of the Engineer-in-charge of the work.

1.1.2 Indian Standard Specification: The particular Specifications for the work are as
detailed hereinafter. These specifications shall be read in conjunction with the relevant
Indian Standard Specifications. The obtainable local practice as detailed in various
regional handbooks of practice may be used subject to specific approval from the
Engineer-in-charge. Where the specifications in any of the standards are at variance
with the specifications detailed herein, the specifications herein shall govern.

1.1.3 Quality of Materials & General Standards of work: The contractor under this
contract commits himself to use materials conforming to relevant Indian Standards /
Codes and assumes full responsibility for the quality of all materials incorporated or
brought for incorporation in the work, the work shall be executed in accordance with
acceptable engineering practice and as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.

1.1.4 Scaffolding : All scaffolding and ladders required for the proper execution of the
work shall be provided by the contractor. The scaffolding should be stout and strong to
prevent any collapse or displacement. Proper measures for safety of workmen working
on scaffolding should be taken by the contractor. The mode of measurements, wherever
possible is specifically mentioned in these documents. Where it has not been mentioned,
it shall be as per provision of the relevant Indian Standards. All the measuring tapes and
other accessories necessary, shall be provided by the contractor.
The bidder along with his bid shall furnish a list of tools, plant and machinery which he
intends to use on the works in Bid document. The list should indicate the exact type of
machine, its capacity, year of manufacture, kind and capacity of propelling force, spare
parts readily available and all other pertinent information. The contractor is obliged to
use the machinery mentioned in his list if the Engineer-in-charge considers it necessary.

1.1.5 Surveying and staking : It is the express responsibility of the contractor to bring
to site all surveying instruments necessary for the marking out, fixation of levels, etc.
and conduct these survey operations himself with utmost accuracy. The contractor shall
put up stable bench marks etc. as necessary for the work. Engineer-in-charge / his
representative will be present when this work is being carried out and will inspect all
these operations with the contractors assistance. The contractor shall be entirely
responsible for accurate setting out the work and he shall at his own expense make
good any defects arising from errors in the line and levels.

1.1.6 Dewatering: Dewatering of accumulated water in all locations on work site from
whatever source of cause until the virtual completion of the entire work shall be done
by the contractor at his own expenses and shall not be separately paid for. The rates
quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of this.

1.1.7 Access to site, approach roads and roads within the premises : The contractor
shall at his own cost provide all approach roads required for the purpose of carrying out
the work in the most expeditious and efficient manner and shall remove the temporary
roads on completion. He shall acquaint himself thoroughly regarding condition and
suitability of public roads leading up to the limits of the premises and will provide
vehicles for transportation of materials which meet the requirements of these road
conditions. It shall also be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain at his own
cost the road till the construction is completed. The bidder is also to acquaint himself
with local laws and bylaws and comply with all police and highway authority



The excavation shall be carefully done to the levels, shapes and dimensions us shown in
figures on the Drawings or as required by the Architect to receive bed concrete. Should
any of the excavation be taken down below the proper levels the contractor shall fill in
such excavation if so instructed by Architect at his own expenses with M-1OO concrete,
well rammed in position until it is brought upto the proper level. Filling in with
excavated material will not be allowed for this purpose, however the Architect's
decision shall be final in such cases.
If the foundation pits and trenches are made broader or longer than that shown on
drawings, the extra breadth and length shall be filled in with earth, rammed hard after
the foundation are built. The contractor shall athis own expense and without extra
charge, make provision for all shoring, strutting, pumping, dredging or bailing out water.
The foundations shall be kept free from water while the work is in progress. The
contractor shall also remove such portions of boulders' 'or rock, as are required to make
the bottom of the foundations horizontal and level. The foundations shall be inspected
and, passed by, the Architect before any filling work is commenced.
The excavated useful stuff shall be used for filling up the sides of the foundations and
between the plinth walls in layers not exceeding 23cm. properly rammed and watered.
All surplus earth left over shall be either spread or deposited on the site as required by
the Architect shall be carted away at places directed by the Architect. However,
contractor would be paid for this work as per the Tender Rate.

The measurements of work shall be exact length, width and depth of the foundations
according to and as shown on the Drawings. (if the Architect and the depth shall be
measured vertically. It shall be paid per Cubic Meter, and the work shall be measured as
per Drawings only. Any excavation shall include labour for excavation, spreading or
stacking the excavated stuff within a radius of 15 Mtr. 011 site of work. No extra shall be
allowed for planking and strutting or shoring of sides of excavation provided for
prevention the sides from sliding.

Cutting in rock shall be done either by blasting or chiselling, as directed, to the required
widths, depths and lengths. As far as possible the beds should be made in level.

Rock excavation, shall be measured by working out levels before and after excavation
measured from a permanent Bench Mark, The rates shall be per Cubic meter. In case of
small work of rock excavation the measurements of excavated rock shall be made with
stacks which shall be made with the spoils without leaving any voids and the rate shall
be per Unit of one Cubic Meter. All excavation shall be done as per Drawings and to the
required width, breadth and depth. A deduction of 20% shall be made in measurements
for voids if work is measured by stack measurements. The spills of rock excavation will
be the property of the Employer.
Contractor has to obtain necessary permission in writing for blasting from the
concerned Govt. Authorities parties if required, before commencement of blasting work
and during execution. However, Employer may make use of his good offices in giving
necessary assistance to contractor in obtaining such permission if so desired by the
Contractor has to pay all the necessary fees for obtaining such permission for blasting.


NOTE: Wastage: The contractor shall allow in his rates for all wastages in all materials, used or to
be used for this work by him.
Stone for rubble masonry shall be the best of its kind; sharp angles and free from flakes,
of quality approved by the Architect.
Stone for cut stone work or masonry work shall be the best of its kind, should, durable,
free from flows, cracks, veins, crystals, minerals, salt, cavities or other defects and it
shall be of uniform texture. No earthy discolored or weathered or water born stones
shall be used. , All stone's shall belaid on their natural beds and properly bounded in the
work. It shall be from a quarry approved by the Architects. Stones should conform to
relevant I.S. specifications.
Sand to be used in concreting shall be clean and of approved quality and from
approved places by Architect, free from salt, dust or other impurities. It shall be
washed with clean water if required, before use. Screened sand shall be used for
plaster and masonry, work. sand should conform to I.S. specifications. No extra charges
shall be paid for washing or screening or wastage of sand.
Metal or concrete in foundation work shall not be larger than 40 mm gauge or smaller

than 25 mm and should be free from all dust or earthy substances and of stone
approved by the Architects. Flat stone chippings shall be rejected. Metal for R.C.C. work
No.1 may be 6 mm. to 12mm. and No.2 may be 12 mm. to 20 mm size (Coarse,
aggregate in R.C.C.) The larger aggregate (No.2) shall pass through 25 mm diameter
mesh but not through 12 mm dia mesh. The smaller aggregate (No.1) shall pass
through 12mm. dia mesh but not through 5 mm, dia mesh. Metal No.3 for plain cement
concrete may be 40 mm to 25 mm. and shall pass through 40 mm. dia mesh but not
through 25 mm dia mesh, The crushing strength of the metal shall be as per I.S.
specifications or metal shall be as per I.S. specifications. All metal shall be of approved
quality by the Architect.
Neeru made cut of the best quality material. The lime shall be reduced to fine powder
by grinding in a mortar mill with 160 turns. The neeru shall be kept moist until used
and no more than that can be consumed in a week shall be prepared at a time. Before
using the neeru, it should be prepared at a time. Before using the neeru It should be
tested to see that, there are no unslaked particles, and it should be got approved from
the Architect. ‘Sagol' if it is of quality approved by the Architects shall be used in place
of neeru. Neeru shall be sieved with fine saive before mixing with water.
The best quality of hydraulic lime from a locality approved by the Architects, properly
burnt, shall be slacked, with fresh water on the site and used on works. The lime shall
be free from unburnt kankar, ashes and oilier impurities including salt. Lime should
conform to I.S. specifications.
Bricks shall be well burnt of a quality approved by the Architects, free from lumps or
grit, well. burnt sound, hard and with sharp edges and shall give a ringing sound when
struck with a mallet. they, should be of uniform size. No brick after 24 hours
immersion in water shall absorb water more than 15% of its weight. The size of bricks
shall be as per standard practices and approved by the Architects, The bricks should
conform to I.S. specifications.
Timber shall be of best quality teak wood or as specified in the schedule of quantities,
of the best descriptions, perfectly dry, well-seasoned, free from sap wood, sound,
straight, free from large and loose knots; cracks, shakes and other defects and any
appearance of rot. It shall be of a quality approved by the Architects. Ply wood shall be
of standard make and approved by the Architects.
Large and loose knots, cracks, shakes and other defects and any appearance of rot. It
shall be of a quality approved by the Architects. Ply wood shall be of standard make
and approved by the Architects.


All steel work shall comply with the Indian standard specifications for structural steel
as well as that for reinforcement. The surface shall be free from rust. All steel shall be
in tested and shall be Tata’s or other equivalent manufacturers and approved by
Architect. All steel shall confirm with latest IS-226 and IS-432 as applicable. All steel
shall be tested in Laboratory before putting it to use and use results shall be submitted
to the Architect for approval. If test results are not upto the standard, then Architect
may reject the steel.
Reinforcing bars and rods 6 mm. or higher in dia metre, shall be supplied by the
Employer if possible and the rates and place of delivery mentioned in Schedule-A of
the Tender documents.

The Bars and Rods shall be supplied according to the available lengths and the supply
shall be at the rate stipulated in Schedule-A or the Tender documents.
The Contractor shall place firm indents of his monthly requirements not less than
three months in advances. The contractor shall be responsible for all consequences
that may arise of his failure to comply with these requirements of the procedure that
may be laid therefore.
The contractor shall make suitable arrangements for storage of steel supplied by the
Employer. The Employer's representative shall have the authority at all times to
inspect the storage, arrangements and to suggest modifications and improvements if
any, and the contractor shall comply with the same.
The storing, arrangements shall be such as to afford convenience of the inspection and
check of materials. Bars of the same size, length, shape and grade shall be assembled in
stack and marked distinctly.
The contractor shall at all times maintain proper records showing the basis of indents,
the receipts and the utilization of the steel supplied by the Employer and these shall at
all times be open for inspection by the Architects.
The steel bars shall be issued on the basis of weight of steel. The weight shall be
arrived at by measuring the lengths of the bars and multiplying by same by the
standard weights as per unit length given in the Table below, "for any other sizes not
included in the Table, standard weights as per the manufacturers catalogues shall be
used. The lengths shall be measured to the nearest ten cms any fractions of less than 5
cms, being neglect and fractions of 5 cms. or above taken as 10 cms.
Sections rolled in Metric System.
Bars of diameter in mms Weight in Kg, per Running Metre.
6 0.22
10 0.62
12 0.89
16 1.58
20 2.47
22 3.00
25 3.87
28 4.8
32 6.8
36 8.0
40 9.9

Unless otherwise specified the glazing shall be patent, flattened sheet glass of Indian
Make of the best quality, plain or ground. It shall weight 7.5 Kg / M2 (24 ozs per sq.ft)
upto a size of 60 cm. X 60 cm. and above that size 10 kg/m2 (32 ozs. per Sq. Ft.). In case
of non-actinic glass it shall be or Pilkington (India) make of thickness not less than 3
mm. Glazing shall beof quality approved by the Architects.

Base : These shall be of the best white lead, red lead, zinc white peroxide of iron or
best approved make.
Varnishes :The oil shall be double boiled linseed oil and shall appear, where filled in a
glass tube, pale and clear liquid it shall taste sweet with very little odour and shall dry
quickly and firmly. It shall be of Godrej, Blundell and Spence or of other quality
approved by the Architects. Solvents shall be sprits of turpentine.

Pigments : These shall be of selected tints and approved make. Paints should conform
to I. S. specifications.


Mortar shall be composed of one part of lime and two parts of sand, measured in
wooden boxes. Lime and sand shall' confirm to relevant specifications given in
section(B) The mortar shall be ground in a mechanical mortar will with 200 turns. The
mortar shall be kept moist and protected from sun, rain and dust.. Mortar of more than
7 days old shall not be used and before use the mortar shall be matured for 24 Hours.
Lime mortar should confirm to I. S .specification.
Surkhi shall be added without any extra as instructed by the Architects.
All cement concrete for foundations shall have the mix as specified on the Drawings or
as per written instructions of the Architects. If hand mixed, cement, sand and metal
shall be accurately gauged using 10 % extra cement and thoroughly mixed on platform
by being turned over atleast, twice dry and twice wet. Water shall be added gradually
and no more shall be used than necessary to sufficiently wet the materials. It should be
deposited gently in the trenches in horizontal layers of not more than 15cm. thick and
gently levelled by suitable rammers. No more concrete shall be mixed than can be used
within half an hour. After laying, the concrete shall be kept wet for the required curing
period. Rate shall be per Cubic Meter.
NOTE- Hand mixing will only be allowed if the total quantity of work is very small.
Concrete should conform to L. S. Specifications.
The various mixes ofconcrete, in the various parts of the works specified on the
Drawings $hall be accurately followed. The quantity of water used shall be the minimum
required for work-ability and shall be varied as required to suit humidity and the
moisture content of the aggregate and sand and to produce concrete having the
specified slump. .
If the concreting is to be done either on volumetric basis or by weight batching, then in
such cases the contractor has to submit the design mix along with the test results for
such specified. concrete mix, to the approval of the Architects. However, for normal
curing such test results shal1 be submitted after a period of 7 days curing and 28· days
curing, after 'casting of concrete cubes, as specified for design mix. Testing of concrete
cubes shall be done in the. Laboratories approved by the Architects. If a particular or
specified design mix does not give satisfactory results, then the contractor has to make
the variations in design mix in such a way that the design mix gives the desired results
for that specified mix, subject to the approval of the Architects to such results. If design
mix is to be used then it must be got approved by the Architects prior using the same in
Mixing - An approved mechanical batch mixer shall be used. The mixer and mixing
platform shall be suitably protected from wind and rain. The aggregate and cement shall
be first mixed dry and then after addition of water. Mixing shall be carried out until the
concrete is of even colour and consistent throughout. The mixing of concrete of different

mixes shall not be allowed to be carried out at one time, by the same mixer.
Aggregates forreinforced concrete shall be of stone metal sharp, clean and angular
approved by the Architects, shingle will not be allowed. Cement concrete for reinforced
concrete work: and/or plain cement concrete work, unless otherwise specified, shall
consist of M·80, M·l00, M·l50, M-200, M-250, M·300 or such mixer as the Architect will
direct from time to time during construction work.
The aggregate and sand shall be' washed 'or all dust and silt before using. The materials,
shall be accurately measured and mixed as per approved design mix by the Consultants
in a machine thoroughly or as on volumetric basis. The concrete shall have aspecific
When proportions are specifically required by weight, they shall be mixed so.
The' consistency of the concrete shall be determined at all times by means of a slump
Cone test. The slum for concrete in the various members. shall not exceed the following
I] Precast work 35 mm slump

2) Footings and Roads 30 mm slump

3] Columns 50 mm sIurqp:

4] Walls (R.C.C.) 50 mm slump

5] Floor Slab 40 mm slump

6] Beams and Lintels 50 mm slump
The slump tests shall be carried out as per I. S. 1. Care should be taken to ensure that a
representative sample is taken.
Ordinary concrete mix on volumetric basis shall have the crushing strength as per IS-
456 specifications. Ordinary concrete shall have minimum cement bags per cu.mtr. as
given below.
NO. Concrete Grade Concrete Mix Minimum Cement
1 PCC- M-75 1:4:8 3.20 Bags
2 PCC- M-100 1:3:6 4.05 Bags
3 RCC- M-150 1:2:4 5.90 Bags
4 RCC- M-200 1:1.1/2:3 6.90 Bags
5 RCC-M-250 1:1:2 8.50 Bags

Target strength
The target mean strength of specimen shall exceed the specified characteristic
compressive strength by at least the “current margin”.

(i) The current margin for a concrete mix shall be determined by the Contractor and
shall be taken as 1.64 times the standard deviation of sample test results taken from
at least 40 separate batches of concrete of nominally similar proportions produced

at site by the same plant under similar supervision over a period exceeding 5 days,
but not exceeding 15 months.
(ii) Where there is insufficient data to satisfy the above, the current margin for the
initial design mix shall be taken as given in Table

Target Mean Strength
Concrete Grade Current Margin (N/mm2)
(N/mm )2

M 15 10 25
M 20 10 30
M 25 11 36
M 30 12 42
M 35 12 47
M 40 12 52
M 45 13 58
M 50 13 63
M 55 14 69


The grades of concrete shall be designated by the characteristic strength as given in

Table where the characteristic strength is defined as the strength of concrete below
which not more than 5 percent of the test results are expected to fall.
Specified characteristic compressive
Grade Designation strength of 150 mm cubes at 28 days, in MPa
M 15 15
M 20 20
M 25 25
M 30 30
M 35 35
M 40 40
M 45 45
M 50 50
M 55 55


Min. cement content for all Max. water cement ratio
Structural Member exposure conditions Exposure conditions
(kg/Cu.m,) Normal Severe
a) PCC members 360 0.45 0.45
b) RCC members 400 0.45 0.40
c) PSC members 400 0.40 0.40


Member Condition of Exposure

Moderate Severe
a) PCC members M 25 M 30
b) RCC members M 35 M 40
c) PSC members M 35 M 40
The Contractor shall as and when directed by - the, Architects cast 15 cm ( 6" ) cubes of
the concrete of approved design mix being used in the work arid after curing shall get
then tested. The cost of all testing shall be borne by the contractor. Forms for such test
cubs 3 shall be provided by the Contractor. The test results for such concrete cubes shall
be submitted by contractor to Architects for Approval. Concrete mix, for shell roof shall
be, controlled concrete M·200. The design. mix shall be .approved and tested from
recognized Laboratory.
Concrete shall be placed in mounds within 15 minutes of its being mixed with water.
Mechanical vibrator shall be used while laying concrete for walls, slabs columns and
means,footings .etc., for carrying up concrete, a mechanical power driven hoist shall be
used, if so required by the Architects/ Engg.
FORM WORK [General]
Shuttering shall be either of hard wooden 'planks 37 mm. thick or ply wood shuttering
of 30 mmthickness or of steel plates stiffened by angle iron and all approved by
All shuttering work shall be supported on battens, beams, props and wedges and
properly cross braced together so as to make the form work sufficiently rigid, strong
and stable to support the wet concrete and workers. It should yield on working and
laying concrete. Beams for entering shall be carried and supported on the floor P. C. C.
with double wedges underneath and supported at intervals with props.
Props shall be either T. W. bellies of sufficient strength and length or A. C. prop bellies
props shall rest on double wedges placed over wooden sole planks of minimum 37 mm
thickness. so as to Facilitate tightening and casing of the centering and shuttering work.
Shuttering shall be kept clear of wall bearing or column bearing and made to rest
oncross beams or battens. The shuttering shall have smooth and even surface and its
joints shall be close tight and shall not permit leakage of cement. Slurry or water. Foam
oil shall be applied to the inner faces of shuttering work which will be coming in contact
with concrete work. To prevent adherence of concrete to shuttering materials.
All shuttering and centering work shall be removed as specified, All shuttering and
centering work shall be removed slowly and care without any jerks or vibrations in such
a that no part of concrete damaged and disturbed.
The contractor shall apply all necessary centering (false work) including planks. props,
bracing, nails etc. and all necessary labour, plant and machinery etc. for contenting
centering of accurate size and shape for the various members isas also the labour and
tools required for striking the same.
Forms shall be carefully examined to see that they are truly vertical and horizontal and
the joints properly closed. When forms are to be reused they should be carefully
examined before such reuse, properly aligned and have all open joints repaired and
coated with a separator.
Centering and props for the various R. C. C. members shall be fixed in a workman like
manner and shall be approved by the Architects or Engineers. They shall be of such
sizes as Architects or Engineer think fit and proper. The centering shall be removed only
after permission to that effect has been obtained (from the Architects or Engineers).
Props shall not be less than 75 mm dia on top and shall be supported on wedges and
planks. Planks shall not be less than 25 mm thick. The centering planks, runners and
props shall of such dimension as are required by static calculations to be approved by
the Architects or Engineers. For special type of work complete Drawings showing
arrangement of centering shall be submitted, if demanded by the Architects or
Engineers. .
The area of form work coming in contact with specified concrete work shall, only be
measured for payments, if there is separate item for providing form work for concrete
work .in the Tender. The minimum period for keeping the centering in position for after
laying material shall be as follows

Name of work Centring Watering

Slab in general 10 Days Water Shall be compounded

Single slabs Up to the completion of the on slabs by making 1 m x 1 m
storey above. ponds by bunds of cement
Under side of beams and 20 Days mortar. Column shall be
Lintel bottoms. beams shall also be so covered
Vault roof slab flat slab 20 Days to be kept wet for period 20
Side of the beams 02 Days days.
Side of the column 02 Days
Side of the Lintels 02 Days
Coping sides 02 Days
Shell Roof As per the instruction given
in drawings.
Cover to reinforcement: -
Cover to reinforcement shall be in accordance with plate indicated on the R. C. C.
Drawings and shall be maintained by the use of Precast cubes or cover blocks, of the
size. The cover specified, or by mild steel bar spacers (equal in diameter to the cover
Specified). These will not be measured and paid separately. .
The reinforcement bar shall be mild steel /tor steel as specified and shall confirm to
relevant specifications given in section (B). It shall be accurately bent cold the shapes
shown on the R. C. C. Drawings and all bends shall confirm to the details supplied. The
reinforcement shall be built up exactly shown on the detailed Drawing and supported,
so as to give correct cover. All inter sections bars shall be secured tightly with binding
wires. Stirrups shall be secured tightly to the bars which they embrace and shall be kept
from the faces of the concrete of the distance on the drawing.
The iron bars shall be free from scale or rust and shall be properly brushed and not
painted. They shall be of diameters specified and bent to shapes as dimensioned and
placed in position shown on plans &ends shall be hooked, the hook being eight times
the diameters of the bars.
No splicing shall be allowed in short members. Where there is splicing, the bars shall be
overlap for tension and for compression asper Drawings but excluding the hooked ends.
They shall be bound together by binding wires. The reinforcement shall be approved
and measured by the Consultant or their Engineer before concreting is started. The
concrete shall be worked round the reinforcement and well vibrated. For consolidation
of concrete in columns, beams, walls, &slabs, Mech. immersion vibrators shall be used.
Where concrete is measured excluding steel only that steel actually in concrete shall be
measured, but no allowance shall be made for wastage. Binding wire, laps or welding if
any, steel used for maintaining reinforcement in position shall not be measured. Laps
other than those shown on Drawings will not be measured &paid separately, but
contractor has to provide the laps as shown in Drawing. The rate shall be inclusive of all.

Reinforced or plain cement concrete copings and sills shall be of the full thickness of
the walls or will be as of specified thickness and, width and of specified concrete mix
and finished and molded as per Design and drawings. They shall be reinforced as per
Design. While casting the coping, the concrete shall be vibrated properly. Concrete mix
shall be as specified on drawings.
These shall be of dimensions as shown on the drawings and shall have the minimum
bearing equal to the depth of the lintels on both sides of the opening, unless otherwise
directed. The centering shall not be nailed to the door or window frames. The concrete
mix be as specified on the Drawing.


The cover below the lowest bar in beams shall be 25mm or the diameter of the
thickest bar whichever is more and cover for bars in slab shall be 20 mm or as shown
on Drawings. The work of filling in beams and slabs shall be completed in one operation
as far as possible. If concreting is to be top permission shall be obtained from the
Architects or Engineers and it shall be stopped at the center of the beam or wall as the
case may be for the slabs in vertical plane and at right angles to the direction of beams,
or as directed. After the forms are struck the surface shall be properly picked,& hacked
immediately and amixture of sand and cement dashed against the surface making .It the
surface true in one plane. The surface shall then be plastered with sand and cement
mortar and finally finished smooth with a fine coating or neeru. The visible edges of
beams and columns shall not be knife sharpe but shall be finished as per Design and
cornices. if any at the Junction of slabs and beam or walls shall also be finished as per
Design. The surface then shall receive two coat of white wash.


The rate for all R.C.C. members shall be exclusive of steel as reinforcement and finishing
unless otherwise specified. Columns shall be measured in Cubic Meters of the actual
work done between the slab. All beams shall be measured between the slabs . Beams
being measured between columns. Slabs shall be measured in between columns. Slab
shall be measured in Square Meter as of specified thickness and of specified mix or in
M3 as shown on the Drawings.
Chajjas and canopies shall be measured in Sq. Meter clear of walls and of specified
thickness and of specified concrete mix. If the facia form or drop or pardi has been
provided. It shall be measured in Square Meter separately and paid under pardi item.
Lintels shall be measured in Cubic Meters for actual length provided. The sizes of all
R.C.C. members shall be measured exclusive or finishing and as per the dimensions on
Steel reinforcement bars shall be measured and shall be paid as the weight in Kg. of the
actual quantity of steel. reinforcement placed in structure arrived at by measuring the
length of the bars multiplied by the standard weight per unit length for particular
diameter of bar given in relevant part of Section (B). . .
In case of deformed bars the weight per unit length for bar of specified diameter will be
as shown in the manufactured catalogue. This shall include quantity of 'laps, hooks and
bends. The cost of wire used for tying reinforcement steel chairs and angles etc. shall be
deemed to be included in the rate of the item of reinforcement and shall not be paid for
Cement mortar shall be normally composed of one parts of cement to six parts of sand
unless otherwise specified the ingredients shal1 be accurately gauged by measured and
shall be well and evenly mixed together dry on a platform, care being taken not to add
more water than is required. No mortar that has began to set shall be used.
Where a different preparation is specified that shall be the proportion used in that
particular place. Contractor at his own expenses shall be required to test the cement
mortar, if found necessary and the test result shall be submitted to the Architects or
Engineers for approval.

Brick work is to be carried out with all necessary setbacks projections, cuttings footings
etc. which are shown on Drawings and strict conformity with them. All uneven irregular
and bad brick work shall be demolished if deemed necessary by the Architect or
Engineers and rebuilt at contractor’s risk and cost.
All joint of brick work to be plastered or pointed, shall be proper1y racked out to a
depth of 12 mm as the work proceeds. In no case mortar which has set shall be removed
from joints by hammering, chiseling or in a manner as to cause no damage to the brick,
but shall be racked out with a suitable metal tool before the mortar sets.
Every brick shall be thoroughly soaked in water before using, till bubbles cease to come
up. No broken bricks shall be used except as closers. The courses shall be be truly
horizontal and the work strictly in plumb, joints shall be broken vertically and they shall
not exceed 12 mm in thickness. The brick work shall not be raised by more than 10
coursed per day. Tables shall be formed at every eleventh course and kept full of water.
The bricks shall be laid in English bond.
In bricks arches or other circular work, the bricks shall be shaped to slope joints
radiating correctly to the centre, from front to back of walls and not more than 12 mm.
thick .The face bricks shall be of uniform colour and have sharp arise. The work: shall be
well watered three times a day for 10 days and afterwards twice a day 21 days. The
brick to be used in work shall conform to I.S. specifications. Good quality locally
available bricks can also be used if approved by the Architects or Engineers. The work
shall be protected during the rains as directed.
The rate of brick work shall be inclusive of all necessary scaffolding, centering, watering
and cutting of bricks for circular works, arches, corbels, projections etc. The
measurement of work shall be the produce of length, height and thickness. Deductions
shall be made for all openings, lintels, beams and columns occupying the full thickness
of the wall. The work shall be paid per unit of one Cubic Meter or square Metre as given
in schedule of quantities.
Brick partitions shall be of 1/2 brick width or brick on edge when so specified.
Partitions of 1/2 brick thickness shall have one R. C. C. M·150 bonding layer, 2 layers
high and of full width. It shall be reinforced with 4 numbers of 6 mm. Dia. M. S bars with
stirrups of 6 MM Dia. M. S. bars at 200 mm c/c, Cement mortar used for masonry will be
1:6 or as specified und when there are doors in such partition the bend will be on top of
such door.
For bricks on edge partitions separate specifications will be indicated in the job
description in schedule of quantities. 1/2" brick partitions will be measured in Sq. Meter

without plaster. No allowance shall be made for concrete band or shuttering,
Reinforcement will be measured and paid separately, under M. S. reinforcement item for
R. C. C. pardi.
All 115 mm, 125 mm, 350mm and 450 mm walls will be built fair faced on the side
only. .All walls of greater thickness shall be built exception with fair face to both sides.

Cement shall be thoroughly mixed dry with sand in the proportion of one to four or as
specified. Water shall then be added gradually to make the mixture homogeneous. No
more cement shall be mixed than, that can be used within half an hour. The joints
between the stones or bricks will be racked out to a depth of 12 mm and the surface
shall be thoroughly watered and the mixture of sand and cement applied evenly on all
surfaces to be plastered. The surface shall be finished off with a thin layer of neeru. The
plaster work shall be kept thoroughly wet for a period of seven days. The item shall be
paid per Sq. Metre. Local sand, if approved by the Architect or Engineer can also be used
for plaster work.
The rate shall include jambs, coves at the junction of walls, ceiling and beams and all
corners. Deductions for openings, doors, windows, etc. shall be made as per I.S.
All surfaces shall be cleaned or all dust and dirt and the brick work thoroughly watered.
The backing coat shall be 12 mm, thick of cement plaster in the ratio of 1:4 and a
finishing coat 6 mm thick consisting of grey cement and sand shall be applied on the
surface. After curing the, this first coat sufficiently, a finishing coat 6 mm. thick
consisting of grey cement and sand of approved quality in c.m. mix (1:3) shall be applied
and finished to desired texture local sand if approved by the Architects or Engineers
can also be used for sand faced cement plaster. The average plaster thickness shall be
16 m to 20 mm .
The mode of measurement shall be the same as per cement plaster, and deductions
shall be made as per I. S. specifications. .

Mortar shall racked out of the joint to a depth of 12 mm. Dust shall be brushed out of the
joints and the wall well wetted. Pointing shall be done with cement and sand mix in
equal proportion or as per proportion specified. The joints of the pointed work shall be
neatly finished as directed and shall be kept wet till the cementing material has set and
become hard. Curing shall continue for a minimum period of seven days.
The item will be paid per Square Metre. Deductions shall be made as per I. S.
specifications. Local sand can be used for this work if approved by the Architect or
All joints shall be racked out as for cement plaster. Cement shall be thoroughly mixed
dry with sand and gravel to pass through 6 mm. (1/4)mesh but not through 1.5 mm.
(l/l6") in the proportion of I part of cement, 2 parts of sand and I part of gravel. Water
shall be gradually added to make the mixture homogeneous. No more mixture shall be
prepared that what cement be used within half an hour. The mixture shall be dashed
against the surface to a thickness of 20 mm. and finished level. The mode of

measurement shall be the same as for cement plaster, curing shall continue for a
minimum period of seven days. Deductions shall be made as per I. S. specifications.
Average thickness of plaster work shall be 20 mm.
The work of finishing to interior building surfaces shall be done by Spray Plaster of
Terraco. It is a ready made mix plaster which replaces neeru finishing, putty primer and
also reduces paint consumption. If the Item of Terraco finishing included in the schedule
of quantities, following procedure shall be adopted.
The spray plaster should be applied one day surfaces only. Before spray plastering, the
work of common type of plastering should be done without neeru and left the surfaces
for complete drying. When surfaces where spray plastering is to be applied become dry,
then only the spray plaster shall be applied on cement plaster likewise the application
before painting the wall. Before applying the spray plaster, the dust, dirt and foreign
matter should be brushed away. So also any ridges and form oil should be removed
suitably. The work of spray plastering shall be done in two coats. However the work of
finishing should be done up to the satisfaction of the Architects or Engineers.

Providing and laying cement concrete flooring 50mm thick with M20 cement concrete
laid to proper level and slope in alternate bays including compaction, filling joints,
marking lines to give the appearance of tiles of 30cm x 30cm or other size laid
diagonally/ square etc. finishing smooth (with extra cement) in any colour as directed
and curing etc. complete. With Natural Sand

Steel doors and windows shall be with standard sections and sizes, as mentioned on the
Drawings. They shall be of approved make. They shall comply with I.S.1038: 1959.

i. Windows and ventilators shall be of rolled mild steel sections 25mm wide
(l.5KP/M) and Doors of 35 m.m. wide sections (Approx, 2.55Kg/M) or as
specified in the Drawings.

ii. The frames shall be in one plane; joints shall be mitered and welded on butt
weldingmachines. Glazing bars shall be tennoned and riveted. The intersection of
T bars should have Fenestre joints .

iii. The sections shall be given anti-rust treatment (by picking) before shop coat of
paint is applied. Final coats of paints shall be specified. Glass panels to Doors and
Windows shall be fixed by means of teak and bends. putty, glazing to skylight
shall be fixed as per manufacturer specifications. These shall be measured from
outside to outside to outside and shall be paid per Sq. Mtr. The rate shall include
storing, handing and fixing in position.

iv. Providing and fixing solid core flush door shutter in single leaf 32 mm thick
decorative type of exterior grade as per detailed drawings approved face veneers
3 mm thick on both faces or as directed, all necessary beads, mouldings and
lipping, wrought iron hold fasts, chromium plated fixtures and fastenings, with
brass mortise lock, chromium plated handles on both sides, and finishing with
French Polish etc. complete.

v. Providing and fixing 30mm thick SOLID PANEL PVC INTERNAL DOOR SHUTTER
consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes of 19 gauge thickness and size of
40mm x 20mm for stiles ,top, lock and bottom rails. M.S. frame shall have a coat
of steel primers of approved make and manufacture. M.S. frame shall be covered
with 5mm thick heat molded PVC channel of size 30 x 100mm forming stiles,
and 5mm thick, 125mm wide PVC sheets for top rail, lock rail and bottom rail on
either side, and 15mm (5mm x 3) thick, 20mm wide cross PVC sheet as gap
insert for top rail and bottom rail. Paneling of 10 mm thick prelam PVC sheet to
be fitted in the M.S. frame welded / sealed to the stiles and rails with 30mm wide
x 5mm thick PVC sheet beading on either side, and joined together with solvent
cement adhesive etc. An additional 5mm thick PVC strip of 20mm width is to be
stuck on the interior side of the C Channel using PVC solvent cement adhesive.
including stainless steel fixtures and fastening Complete as per direction of
Engineerincharge,manufacturer'sspecification and drawing.

vi. Providing and fixing in position. (as per I.S.1868 / 1982) Aluminium sliding
window of two tracks with rectangular pipe having overall dimension ?63.50 x
38.10 x 1.02 mm at weight 0.547 kg/Rmt. and window frame bottom track
section 61.85 x 31.75 x 1.20 mm at weight 0.695 kg/Rmt. Top and side track
section 61.85 x 31.75 x 1.30 mm at weight 0.659 kg/Rmt. The shutter should be
of bearing bottom 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 kg/Rmt. Inter locking
section 40 x 18 x 1.10 mm at weight 0.469 kg/Rmt. And handle section 40 x 18 x
1.25 mm at weight 0.417 kg/Rmt. and top section 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight
0.417 kg/Rmt. As per detailed drawings and as directed by Engineer in charge
with all necessary Aluminium sections fixtures and fastenings such as roller
bearing in nylon casting and self locking catch fitted in vertical section of shutter
including 5 mm thick plain glass with all required screws and nuts etc, complete.
With powder coating without box


Providing and fixing mild steel grill work for windows, ventilators etc. 20 kg/sqm
as per drawing including fixtures, necessarywelding and painting with one coats of
anticorrosive paint andtwo coats of oil painting complete. All W. I. and steelwork shall
comply with specification and design. The manufacturer shall be as approved by the
architects or Engineers. Grill. work, and grill gates shall be as per the Architect's or
Engineers design.Collapsible gates will be of mid bars type, made out of 20mm channel
and will be top hung with ball bearings and will have locking arrangements as specified.
Roller shutter will be of approved make, the rolling slates, being in one place, they shall
be provided with a cylindrical hood at top to enclose the shutter when it is opened. All
the W.I. and steelwork mentioned in this section should receive a shop coat of red lead
paint before erection on site. In the case of grill work, grill gates, collapsible gates, or
welded mesh grill and failing, the work shall, be measured in square meter for supply
and fixing and shall be paid per Square Meter including painting, Fitting etc. Rolling
shutter shall be measured as per opening provided in masonry work for fixing the same
In the case of steelwork in trusses, purlins and other fabricated work, the work shall be
measured by weight of actual work done and shall be paid per Tonne. Detailed
specifications specified on Drawings or as per direction from Architects or Engineers.
The rates shall be inclusive at one coat of primary red oxide paint. .

Where the term paint or painting or to be painted or Colour wash or white wash etc. is
used in specification or in bill of quantities. It includes the scraping, cleaning and
painting or color washing or distempering or white wash as the case may be all to be the
satisfaction of the Engineers or Architectures.

Neither any shop quote of paint here in specified for any priming quote shall be
considered as a quote of paint for the purpose of these specification. Putty shall be
composed of the best quality of whiting mixed with double boiled linseed oil properly
kneaded to workable consistency

Oil Paint:
Surfaces to be painted shall be dry free from dust and dolt and rubbed smooth by means
of sand paper, of pumice stone to the satisfaction of the Architect or Engineers the paint
shall be mixed in proper proportion as per the manufacturers specification and driers
and pigments shall be carefully added as and when required alternatively paints of
approved quality and shad may be used.
The primary coat shall be of white zinc and double boiled oil only and shall be applied
evenly after the primary coat is applied and perfectly dried all holes, cracks etc., shall be
filled in with putty and the surface are prepared then a second coat of paint with the
addition of the pigment shall be carefully applied as and when required . When the work
is to be varnished the varnish shall be best varnish. mixed with turpentine if required
and evenly applied in required number of coat the rate shall be per sq. Meter and
deduction shall be as per I.S. Specification.


All plaster shall be thoroughly cleaned and shall receive three coats us specified below
First, a coat of prime shall be applied,, after the primary coat, of white lime wash is
properly scraped off, the second. And the third coat shall be applied with oil bound
distemper of approved tint and quality, mixed with water as, per Manufacturer's
specifications. If after these operations, the work is not done to the Architects or
Engineers then one more coat shall be applied without extra cost till the work is
executed to the satisfaction of the Arch./Eng.


All plastered surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and shall receive coats of dry
distemper color wash at first White lime wash shall be evenly applied and scraped off
when. dry, A first coat, of prime size shall then be applied. Second and third costs shall
be of dry. Distemper or ·of color wash of approved quality in mixed with water as per
manufacture's specifications. in case the work is not done to the Architects or Engineers
then one more coat shall be applied without extra cost till the work is executed to the
satisfaction of the Arch./Eng. All the painting work shall be measured in Square Meter
for actual work. done including all soffits, jambs, sills, walls, plastering surfaces etc. and
shall be paid per Sq. M., All deductions shall, be per I.S. Specification.

The Woodwork shall be first be cleaned and scraped thoroughly with glass paper, It will
the be painted with a filter composed of whitening and methylated spirit and against
clean with glass paper a thin coat of French polish shall be applied until the finishing is

done to the satisfaction of the Architects or engineers.

Providing and applying plastic emulsion paint of approved quality,colour and shade to
old and new surfaces in two coats including scaffolding,preparing the surface.(excluding
the primer coat)etc. complete.

Providing and applying two coats of exterior weather shield paint of approved
manufacture and of approved colour to the plastered surfaces including
cleaning ,preparing the plaster surface ,applying primer coat ,scaffolding if necessary,
and watering the surface for two days etc complete.


The oil paints and French and wax polish work will be measured in sq. Meter from
outside of the framing as follows
a) Fully glazed partition window and door : Sq. area of one face only.
b) Half paneled and half glazed. :1. 1/2 times the area of one face.
c) Fully paneled : twicethe area of one face.

Note- The work mentioned in this section shall be measured separately in case it is
distinctly so specified in scheduled of quantities.



'The contractor will be wholly, responsible’ for any, extra excavation done by him below
the required levels as directed. Extra width of excavation will be required at the place of
joints, for the facility of work of caulking the joints. This extra excavation in width and
depth will not be paid in any item.
Bailing out of water should be properly carried out by the contractor at his own cost
Electric, diesel pumps or manual labor can be used for the purpose.
The final bed of the foundation, after the excavation is completed shall be got approved
by the contractor from the Architect or Engineer before the concrete is laid.
a) All the pipes to be taken into use shall be cleaned and brushed clear off rust and
painted at both spigot and socket ends.
b) Before the pipes are lowered and laid in trenches the contractor shall see that the
bedding is plain of the surface is brought to uniform grade and leveled with the
help of cross sight rails and boning staff and approved in advance by at least 3 days
by the Architects or Engineers
c) The contractor shall provide and fix and maintain cross sight rails and boning staff
wherever required until' the time of completion without any extra claim for cost etc.
and which shall be considered inclusive in the rates for excavation etc.
d) Temporary bench marks shall be provided by the contractor if called upon at a
minim distance of every 30 Mt. without any claim for extra cost. The bench marks.
Shall be either of stone masonry Or mass concrete.
e) Materials used for jointing such as hemp etc. shall be got approved in advance from
the Architect or Engineer.
f) No jointing operations shall be started unless tile grade and levels are approved by
the Architects or Engineers
g) Under no circumstances the C. 1. Pipes and other water mains will be laid on rock
bedd- ing without murum cushioning.
h) The murum cushioning of a depth of 1/3rd the dia Mtr. or 15 cm. 'whichever is
greater as Specified shall always be provided in all formation with the rate of
laying pipe line unless as item for murum bedding is provided for separately in the
i) All obstacles such as electric wires, water and sewer main, manholes,
natural ,drainage Culverts, storm water drain etc. coming in the way shall carefully
be looked after and any damage be prevented to the same. Any work of removing,
repairing and re-doing such structures Or obstacles in the process of laying pipe
lines etc. should be carried by the Contractor without any claim for extra cost unless
previously approved by the Architects or Engineers.
j) The contractor shall allow for wastage breakage in cost pipes at his own cost
wheneverthe item is for providing and laying pipe lines.
k) Pipes shall be laid in reasonably dry trenches and under no circumstance on slushy
murum bedding.
l) The contractor shall make own arrangements for the obtaining permission for
storing and Stacking of pipes etc., on the road from the land owners whether it
belongs to any other Govt. Department or Municipal or private land owner.


The item pertains to providing and laying A.C./P. V.C; pipes of all classes of specified dia-
meter with CID, joint/solvent cement as specified in the item for water supply including
collar, socketed bends, socketed tee, socket cross, socket and spigot, tapers cap, plug,
duck foot bends, excavation, laying pipes and back filing.
This item shall be subject to the general specification.
The diameter of the A.C./P.V.C. pipes specified in the wording of the item shall be the
diameter of the bore of the pipes and the pipes shall conform to I. S. 1536-1967 or I. S.
1537 -1960. All the fittings (specials) shall conform to L S. 1538 -1960. The pipes and
fittings shall have sockets and or spigot as shown in the Drawings, specified in the
special provisions or necessary for the work.
Before starting excavation of the trench, sight rails shall he fixed on the alignment of the
pipe line at an interval of 30 mtr. and at every change of grade and direction at a definite
and as far as practicable uniform height above the invert of the pipes the centre line
being clearly marked on each rail.
The width of the trench shall be at least 30 cms. (about 12") wider than the socket of the
pipe so as to allow room for ramming the refilil1ed material under and at the sides of
the pipe.
The depth shall be such that the pipes shall have a clear cover of at least 75 cm. The
trench shall be excavated through all strata met with. When it is necessary and ordered
by the consultant in writing, the sides shall be shored or sloped, otherwise, they shall be
as vertical as possible The rate shall includes shoring and provision of slopes. In case
rock is met with, it shall be excavated 15 cm. more than the required depth for
providing cushioning by chiseling and line drilling unless blasting is permitted in
writing by the Consultant. Special precautions shall have to be taken in blasting as
ordered by the Consultants. Dewatering of the trench, if required, shall be done without
separate claims. The bed shall be even and to the correct grade and line in all cases.

The trench shall be barricaded and warning boards fixed. Red lights shall be, hung at
night time at sufficiently close intervals to indicate the danger and a Chowkidar
employed to see that the lights are properly burning. The contractor shall be solely
responsible for any accidents due to any default in barricading. Sign posting or red
lights and shall bear the consequences.
In case of excavation across a road, permission of road authorities shall be obtained for
the excavation of the road surface which shall be made good and restored to the original
condition by the contractor at his own cost. At all road crossings, the trench shall be
excavated only for half the width of the road and pipe laid. The other half shall be
excavated only after backfilling over the laid pipe and marking it suitable for the traffic
At all road crossing, the pipes shall be laid below the crust of the road.
All pipes, cables, service lines etc., met with during, the excavation shall be carefully
protected and supported. Any damage done shall be made good by the contractor at his
own cost.
The pipes shall be laid out along the side of the trench, each pipe in its proper Position
for laying with an extra pipe after every 20 to allow for cutting if necessary whether the
trench crosses a road or place where such distribution is in admissible the pipes shall
be stacked in heaps at each end, sufficient to fill in the length. Small pipes below 100
mm diameter may be stacked in heaps at every 30 m.
As far as possible, pipes shall be laid straight in rising or falling gradient. It should be
possible to empty the pipe readily and completely.
In case of rock bed, murum bedding of 15 cm. shall be provided before laying pipe. The
C.I.D Joints/Coupler joints shall be made and paid separately. The P. V,C, pipes shall be
jointed with solvent cement and shall be paid under this item only. At the end of each
day's work, the open end shall be suitably plugged.
After making the joints, and testing the pipe line to ensure leak proof joints, the trench
shall be refilled in layer. And manually rammed. The excavated stuff shall be used in
filling, .such that the filling .shall correspond to the original natural layers. The fillings
shall be kept raised by about 8 cm. per meter of the depth of trench for subsequent
settlement. In the case of trench in rock, 4 bedding and cushioning 'of murum shall be
provided on the sides and top of the 'Pipe; Any surplus excavated stuff' shall be
disposed off satisfactory without causing nuisance.
1) Supply of A.C/P. V. C. pipes of specified type nod diameter and fittings such as socket,
collar, socketed bends, socketed cross, socket and spigot layers, Clip and solvent
cement for jointing of P. V. C. pipes.
2) Excavating trench including laying. out, setting up sight rails, remaining soft bed,
providing and ramming murum cushioning in rock excavation, shoring sloping.
dewatering if required. Protecting and refilling trench, after laying the 'pipe and
making good excavated road surface.
3) Laying pipes including cutting where necessary and waste.
4) All necessary l abor, materials and use of tools and equipment to complete the item
The contract rate shall be for One meter of pipe laid including all fitting. Making up C.I.D.
/coupler joint paid for separately. For P. V. C. pipes the item includes jointing also
cutting and waste will not be paid for separately The length shall be measured net on
the straight and curves a1ong the centre line over the pipes and fittings correct up to
one item.
Providing and fixing colour coated Zincalume ( R ) AZ150 ( min 150 gms/sq.mt. total on
each side ) profiled sheets for roofing. The feed material is manufactured out of nominal
0.45mm Base Metal Thickness ( BMT ) (0.5 mm TCT ), Hi-strength steel with min.550
MPa yield strength, metallic hot dip coated with Aluminium-Zinc alloy (55% aluminium
43.4% zinc 1.6% silicon) with COLORBOND ( R ) steel quality super durable polyester
paint coat ( with inorganic pigment). The paint shall have a total coating thickness of
nominal 35 um, comprising of nominal 25 um exterior coat on top surface and nominal
10 um reverse coat on back surface. Profile sheet shall have nom. 950-1050 mm
effective cover width and nominal 25-30 mm deep ribs with subtle square fluting in the
five pan at nominal 180-250 mm centerto-center. The end rib shall be designed for anti-
capillary groove. and return leg. The feed material should have coil manufacturers
product details marked a regular interval. Including fasteners with min. fastened with
min. 25 um Zinc-Tin alloy coated, Hex head, self-drilling screw etc. complete. (weight of
profile 4.52 Kilogram/Square Metre)
Providing and fixing valley gutter of 24 B.W.G. (0.63 mm) thick G.I. sheet 120 cm wide
with 20 mm thick teak wood planking underneath coal tarring etc. complete.



The S.W. or Hume pipes should be of approved design and of standard quality.

The joints to be made (spigot and socket or collar as the case may be) by dashing 2 or 3
strands of tarred gasket which should be filled afterwards with neat C. M. (112) and
wiped out clean. The line should be perfectly. straight and true to required grade or
Before filling the excavated trenches, the pipe line should be tested for standard
hydraulic test to the entire satisfaction of the Architects or Engineers. The item includes
laying the pipe line on rammed and consolidated foundations jointing, testing and
refilling the excavated trenches after completion of work. The trench is to be filled with
hard murum for 30 mm. above the pipes and the rest should be filled with ordinary
excavated stuff. The trenches to be filled in 2 layers. If any leakage is found It should be
immediately removed.
The chamber shall be excavated to the depth required for the foundation below the
invert of the drain pipe, at the site of the pit and shall be of required size Foundation
shall be (1:3:6) C,C wall to be in 25cm brick work in C.M. (1:6) walls and bottom to be
internally plastered with a 20 mm thick plaster thickness in cement and sand (1:3)
finished with neat cement, At the bottom of each pit a channel of full width and depth of
pipe drain is to be constructed of cement concrete plastered with 25 mm coating of
cement and sand (1:3) similar curved channels are to be constructed of cement
concrete plastered with 2.54 coating of cement and sand (1:3). Similar curved channels
are to be constructed in the pits to be given gradient of 1 in 30. All cement work to be
watered for 15 days after completion.
The rate shall be including excavating, base concreting B.B. Masonry inside plastering,
fixing of gully trap fixing of CI frame and cover of concrete cover fixing, benching etc.
comp l.- etc The frame and cover should be got approved before fixing..

Specifications same as per above Item. The item includes providing and fixing sewer
trap of size specification specified in the memorandum with CI frame and cover of
required size of precast RCC cover as specified The cover shall be fixed neatly on the top
of chamber in CM (1:6) The cover shall be of required weight and size either round or
rectangular as required CI steps shall be provided in the sewer tripe chamber.
Providing and fixing 10 CM dia GI Pipe ventilator with screen cover of mosquito wire
gauge, with burnet brick masonry in cement mortar in proportion 1:6 Ventilator
includes the construction of cement concrete foundation and pillar of 45 *45*60 cm as
per instructions The pillar should be plastered on all side and should be watered for 10
days 10 cm dia GI pipe of 4.5 Meters heights should be fitted in the pillar with mosquito
gauge at the top end.
1) The sewer shall be to the alignment and gradient shown on the places and sections
and also actually on site. The socket end. of pipes shall always face upstream of
sewage flow.
2) The sewer shall run in perfectly straight lines between manholes as shown on plans.
3) The alignment and gradient of each pipe shall be checked by means of boning rod
and sight rail and of the invert will be tested by means of straight edge regularly.
4) The pipes before being laid shall be thoroughly cleaned, specially at the inside of the
5) No extra rate will be paid for cutting pipes to make up and adjust length in
alignment between manholes.
6) After sufficient time has been allowed for the joints. to set,. before filling the trench,
the joints of pipes must be proved water tight by filling the pipes with water to the
level of 2 meters above the top of the highest pipe in the length to be tested heading
the water up for a period of testing. No portion of pipe shall under any
circumstances be covered up until inspected and passed by the Architect or
7) The water test is made inserting plug at the lower end of each length and a right
angled bend at the. top brought into position and made tight with clary. The air
bubbles having escaped after the first filling, water is again added to completely fill
the pipe. If the water level does not fall more than 13 mm. in a length of 9 m. the
joints may be regarded as satisfactory. All testing apparatus. are to be brought and
fixed by the contractor at his costs.
R.C.C. Saddle block of size (1OO X 60cm.) clear and 1.5 Cm. thickness and these must be
fixed in position and fixed in base in C. M. (1:6) Rate to include providing foundation for
these blocks, curing etc. complete. The blocks will have to be cast on site as approved by
the Architects or Engineers. The curing tank must be constructed and blocks cured for
21 days. The reinforcement will be 12 m.m dia at 15 cm. c/c both ways.
Steel bars should be provided and fixed in position according. as required and as per
instructions. The payment will be done on M.T. basis.
Quality Control

1. Allmaterials to be used, all methods adopted and all works performed shall be strictly
in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications. The Contractor shall set up
a field laboratory at locations approved by the Engineer and equip the same with
adequate equipment and personnel in order to carry out all required tests and Quality

Control work as per Specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer. The internal
layout of the laboratory shall be as per Clause 121 and/or as directed by the Engineer.
The list of equipment and the facilities to be provided shall be got approved from the
Engineer in advance.
2. The Contractor’s laboratory should be manned by a qualified Material Engineer/Civil
Engineer assisted by experienced technicians, and the set-up should be got approved by
the Engineer.
3. The Contractor shall carry out quality control tests on the materials and work to the
frequency stipulated in subsequent paragraphs. In the absence of clear indications
about method and or frequency of tests for any item, the instructions of the Engineer
shall be followed.
4. For satisfying himself about the quality of the materials and work, quality control
tests will also be conducted by the Engineer (by himself, by his Quality Control Units or
by any other agencies deemed fit by him), generally to the frequency set forth herein
under. Additional tests may also be conducted where, in the opinion of the Engineer,
need for such tests exists.
5. The Contractor shall provide necessary co-operation and assistance in obtaining the
samples for tests and carrying out the field tests as required by the Engineer from time
to time. This may include provision of labour, attendants, assistance in packing and
dispatching and any other assistance considered necessary in connection with the tests.
6. For the work of embankment, subgrade and pavement, construction of subsequent
layer of same or other material over the finished layer shall be done after obtaining
permission from the Engineer. Similar permission from the Engineer shall be obtained
in respect of all other items of works prior to proceeding with the next stage of

7. The Contractor shall carry out modifications in the procedure of work, if found
necessary, as directed by the Engineer during inspection. Works falling short of quality
shall be rectified/redone by the Contractor at his own cost, and defective work shall
also be removed from the site of works by the Contractor at his own cost.
8. The cost of laboratory building including services, essential supplies like water,
electricity, sanitary services and their maintenance and cost of all equipment, tools,
materials, labour and incidentals to perform tests and other operations of quality
control according to the Specification requirements shall be deemed to be incidental to
the work and no extra payment shall be made for the same. If, however, there is a
separate item in the Bill of Quantities for setting up of a laboratory and installing testing
equipment, such work shall be paid for separately.
9. For testing of samples of soils/soil mixes, granular materials, and mixes, bituminous
materials and mixes, aggregates, cores etc., samples in the required quantity and form
shall be supplied to the Engineer by the Contractor at his own cost.
10. For cement, bitumen, mild steel, and similar other materials where essential tests
are to be carried out at the manufacturer’s plants or at laboratories other than the site
laboratory, the cost of samples, sampling, testing and furnishing of test certificates shall
be borne by the Contractor. He shall also furnish the test certificates to the Engineer.
11. For testing of cement, concrete at site during construction, arrangements for supply
of samples, sampling, testing and supply of test results shall be made by the Contractor
as per the frequency and number of tests specified in the Handbook of Quality Control
for Construction of Roads and Runways (IRC : SP : 11) and relevant IS Codes or relevant
clauses of these Specifications, the cost of which shall be borne by the Contractor.
12. The method of sampling and testing of materials shall be as required by the
“Handbook of Quality Control for Construction of Roads and Runways” (IRC : SP : 11),

and these MOST Specifications. Where they are contradicting, the provision in these
Specifications shall be followed. Where they are silent, sound engineering practices shall
be adopted. The sampling and testing procedure to be used shall be as approved by the
Engineer and his decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor.

13. The materials for embankment construction shall be got approved from the
Engineer. The responsibility for arranging and obtaining the land for borrowing or
exploitation in any other way shall rest with the Contractor who shall ensure smooth
and uninterrupted supply of materials in the required quantity during the construction
Similarly, the supply of aggregates for construction of road pavement shall be from
quarries approved by the Engineer. Responsibility for arranging uninterrupted supply
of materials from the source shall be that of the Contractor.
14. Defective Materials

All materials which the Engineer/his representative has determined as not conforming
to the requirements of the Contract shall be rejected whether in place or not; they shall
be removed immediately from the site as directed. Materials, which have been
subsequently corrected, shall not be used in the work unless approval is accorded in
writing by the Engineer. Upon failure of the Contractor to comply with any order of the
Engineer/his representative, given under this Clause, the Engineer/his representative
shall have authority to cause the removal of rejected material and to deduct the removal
cost thereof from any payments due to the Contractor.

ESHS Compliance Plan

After finalization of a contractor, it is mandatory for the contractor to prepare

and implement the Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP). For
Health and Safety of workers and community, the plan entailing the below
aspects need to be prepared and implemented;

A) Social Management Plan:

1. In case of labour influx, (if labours are not available locally and to be
outsourced from outside district/region/state) the basic residence facility
(setting up of camps, provision of residence with all basic amenities) need to be
provided. Due to labour influx, there may be risk of communicable disease,
gender based violence among workers and community. Hence the plan to
avoid/mitigate these factors also need to be prepared and implemented.
2. At workplace : The following provisions/measures need to be complied at
 The provision of clean drinking water, health and hygiene facilities, separate
washrooms for male & female, first aid kit, child crèches for women etc.
 Mechanism to restrict sexual harassment of women and child at construction
site, mechanism to prevent child labour and bonded labour, etc.
 For safety of workers, Safety equipment like provision of personal protection
equipment (PPE) for workers, such as safety boots, helmets, masks, gloves,
protective clothing, goggles, full-face eye shields, and ear protection,
firefighting equipment need to be provided.
3. Community Safety Measure: For avoiding the accidents due to increase in
traffic at local level, the plan regarding road transport and road traffic
management i.e. to provide signs at strategic locations of the roads, install and
maintain a display board at each important road intersection on the roads to be
used during construction, display boards about information regarding
construction works as well as vehicle movements and warning signs etc. .needs
to be prepared and implemented.

B) Environmental Management Plan

I. Air Quality
Possible impacts during construction are dust emission due to activities such as
excavation, leveling, movement of vehicles at construction site. Emission due to
operation of construction machineries.
Following mitigation measures should be adopted by the contractors;
1) Construction materials shall be transported to the site in covered trucks,
where necessary.
2) Land clearing for construction site will be kept at the absolute minimum
3) Layout should be designed to minimize the removal of soil and vegetation

4) Topsoil removed will be preserved for later reinstatement purposes by piling it
within and along the boundary of the site.
5) Dust suppression systems (water spray) shall be put into service as per
requirement at the construction site.
6) Fuel used for machineries shall be clean and with low Sulphur content.
7) Construction machineries used shall have a valid PUC certificate.
8) Construction workers shall be provided with clean fuel for cooking.
9) Reducing speed of vehicle on Water Bound Macadam (WBM) road within the
construction site to 20 km/hr will reduce dust emission.
10)Vehicles used shall be Bharat Stage V or VI compliant as per the prevailing

II. Noise quality

Noise quality shall be impacted due to operation of construction machineries.
Mitigation measures should be adopted are as follows;
1) Provision of silencers to modulate the noise generated by machines
2) Provision of protective devices like ear muff/ plugs to the workers who will be
working in the noise prone areas.
3) Acoustic enclosure to D.G set shall be provided if used.
4) Construction activity generating noise shall be limited to the day time

III. Water Use and Quality

Following water conservation measures should be adopted;
1) Curing water shall be sprayed on to the concrete structures instead of free flow
of water.
2) Concrete structures shall be covered with thick cloth/gunny bags to avoid water
rebound and will ensure sustained and complete curing.
3) Following mitigation measures should be integrated in case of waste water
generated from temporary labour tents or rainwater run-off from construction
4) Sewage generated shall be treated in septic tank followed by soak pits.
5) Silt traps shall be provided prior to discharge of run-off from construction area
into drains.
6) An oil trap shall be provided in the drainage line to prevent contamination by
accidental spillage of oil and grease.
7) Washdown area shall be provided for cleaning of vehicle wheels and the waste
water shall be drained properly. Here also a settling pit and baffled oil water
separator shall be provided.

IV. Soil Quality

Possible impacts on Soil Quality are due to generation of construction waste and
municipal solid waste from workers camps.
Following mitigation measures should be followed;
1) Construction waste generated shall be collected, segregated and disposed as per
the Construction and Demolition Waste Rules 2016.

2) Municipal solid waste generated shall be disposed as per Solid Waste
Management Rules 2016.
3) Used oil generated shall be collected and sold to authorized recyclers.

V. Design Elements for energy efficiency:

General measures that shall be adopted in the design for energy efficient and
sustainable design of building for Warehouse, Cold Storages, etc. are as follows;
1) Building design shall utilize maximum natural daylight and rely minimum on
artificial lighting.
2) Use low energy Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting system to reduce their
energy usage.
3) Waste management based on the concept of reduce, reuse and recycle shall be
adopted to promote waste avoidance ahead of recycling and disposal.
4) Electrical / electronic equipment used in the facility shall be of 3 star and above
5) Warehouse and Retails shall utilize solar energy for internal and external lighting
to the extent possible.
6) Construction material to the extent possible shall be sourced locally to reduce
carbon foot print.
7) Building material to the extent possible considering the design requirement shall
utilize recyclable material such as fly ash bricks.
8) Refrigerator trucks shall be energy efficient and Bharat Stage VI and above
compliant as per the prevailing norms.
9) Cold Storages and Retails shall use refrigerants that are environment friendly
and non-ozone depleting and adhere to Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation
and Control) Rules, 2000 and its amendments.
10)HVAC (Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning) system used shall be energy


The Engineer-in-charge is at liberty to select any of the brands indicated. below.

The Contractor obtain prior approval from Engineer-in-charge. In charge before
placing order for any specific material may approved order any of the 'Makes'
or 'Brands' out of the list below.

All material should confirm to relevant standards and codes of BIS and. shall
have ISI mark. In the case of items for which approved make / vendor is not
given below.
The Contractor shall with the prior approval of the Engineer-In- charge. In
charge procure the same of the first quality and satisfy the Engineer-ln-
charge before use in the works. in case of Contradiction between the
approved makes /vendors specified below and mentioned in the
Specifications / Bill of quantities. The decision of the Engineer-incharge shall
be final and binding on the Contractor.

Sr No. Material Approved Manufacturers

1 Reinforced Steel TATA,GOAL or equivalent

2 Structural steel TATA, GD MALHOTRA, GOAL or equivalent

3 Roof Sheet JSW, TATA or equivalent

4 Cement L&T, ACC, Birla supper or equivalent

Performance Security - Bank Guarantee

[Guarantor letter head or SWIFT identifier code]

Performance Guarantee No…………………….[insert guarantee reference number]
Date………………………….[insert date of issue of the guarantee]


WHEREAS (hereinafter called "the Contractor") has undertaken, in pursuance of

Contract No. _____ dated ________________ to execute RFB for Construction of [name of
Contract and brief description of Works] (hereinafter called "the Contract");
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the
Contractor shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum
specified therein as security for compliance with his obligations in accordance with the
AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee;
NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible
to you, on behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of ____________________ [amount of
guarantee2] ___________________________ [in words], such sum being payable in the types and
proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, and we undertake to
pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or
sums within the limits of ____________________ [amount of guarantee] as aforesaid without
your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum
specified therein.
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the
Contractor before presenting us with the demand.
We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms
of the Contract or of the Works to be performed thereunder or of any of the Contract
documents which may be made between you and the Contractor shall in any way
release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any
such change, addition or modification.
This guarantee shall be valid until …… (i.e.) 28 days after the date of issue of the
Certificate of Completion, and any demand for payment under it must be received by us
at this office on or before that date.

Signature and seal of the guarantor _____________________________

Name of Bank ____________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________
Date ____________________________________________

Note: All italicized text (including footnotes)is for use in preparing this form and shall be
deleted from the final product.

An amount shall be inserted by the Guarantor, representing the percentage of the Contract Price specified in
the Contract and denominated in Indian Rupees.

Section C. Fraud and Corruption
(Text in this Section shall not be modified)

1. Purpose
1.1 The Bank’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines and this annex apply with respect to
procurement under Bank Investment Project Financing operations.
2. Requirements
2.1 The Bank requires that Borrowers (including beneficiaries of Bank financing);
bidders(applicants/proposers), consultants, contractors and suppliers; any sub-
contractors, sub-consultants, service providers or suppliers; any agents (whether
declared or not); and any of their personnel, observe the highest standard of ethics
during the procurement process, selection and contract execution of Bank-financed
contracts, and refrain from Fraud and Corruption.
2.2 To this end, the Bank:
a. Defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:
i. “corrupt practice” is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or
indirectly, of anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another
ii. “fraudulent practice” is any act or omission, including misrepresentation, that
knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain
financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation;
iii. “collusive practice” is an arrangement between two or more parties designed to
achieve an improper purpose, including to influence improperly the actions of
another party;
iv. “coercive practice” is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm,
directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influence
improperly the actions of a party;
v. “obstructive practice” is:
(a) deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering, or concealing of evidence material
to the investigation or making false statements to investigators in order to
materially impede a Bank investigation into allegations of a corrupt, fraudulent,
coercive, or collusive practice; and/or threatening, harassing, or intimidating
any party to prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the
investigation or from pursuing the investigation; or
(b) acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the Bank’s inspection and
audit rights provided for under paragraph 2.2 e. below.
b. Rejects a proposal for award if the Bank determines that the firm or individual
recommended for award, any of its personnel, or its agents, or its sub-
consultants, sub-contractors, service providers, suppliers and/ or their
employees, has, directly or indirectly, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive,
coercive, or obstructive practices in competing for the contract in question;
c. In addition to the legal remedies set out in the relevant Legal Agreement, may
take other appropriate actions, including declaring misprocurement, if the Bank
determines at any time that representatives of the Borrower or of a recipient of

any part of the proceeds of the loan engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive,
coercive, or obstructive practices during the procurement process, selection
and/or execution of the contract in question, without the Borrower having
taken timely and appropriate action satisfactory to the Bank to address such
practices when they occur, including by failing to inform the Bank in a timely
manner at the time they knew of the practices;
d. Pursuant to the Bank’s Anti- Corruption Guidelines and in accordance with the
Bank’s prevailing sanctions policies and procedures, may sanction a firm or
individual, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, including by publicly
declaring such firm or individual ineligible (i) to be awarded or otherwise
benefit from a Bank-financed contract, financially or in any other manner;3 (ii)
to be a nominated4 sub-contractor, consultant, manufacturer or supplier, or
service provider of an otherwise eligible firm being awarded a Bank-financed
contract; and (iii) to receive the proceeds of any loan made by the Bank or
otherwise to participate further in the preparation or implementation of any
Bank-financed project;
e. Requires that a clause be included in bidding/request for proposals documents
and in contracts financed by a Bank loan, requiring (i)
bidders(applicants/proposers), consultants, contractors, and suppliers, and
their sub-contractors, sub-consultants, service providers, suppliers, agents
personnel, permit the Bank to inspect5 all accounts, records and other
documents relating to the procurement process, selection and/ or contract
execution, and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Bank.

For the avoidance of doubt, a sanctioned party’s ineligibility to be awarded a contract shall include, without limitation, (i) applying
for pre-qualification, expressing interest in a consultancy, and bidding, either directly or as a nominated sub-contractor, nominated
consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or nominated service provider, in respect of such contract, and (ii) entering into an
addendum or amendment introducing a material modification to any existing contract.
A nominated sub-contractor, nominated consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or nominated service provider (different
names are used depending on the particular bidding document) is one which has been: (i) included by the bidder in its pre-qualification
application or bid because it brings specific and critical experience and know-how that allow the bidder to meet the qualification
requirements for the particular bid; or (ii) appointed by the Borrower.
Inspections in this context usually are investigative (i.e., forensic) in nature. They involve fact-finding activities undertaken by the
Bank or persons appointed by the Bank to address specific matters related to investigations/audits, such as evaluating the veracity of an
allegation of possible Fraud and Corruption, through the appropriate mechanisms. Such activity includes but is not limited to: accessing and
examining a firm's or individual's financial records and information, and making copies thereof as relevant; accessing and examining
any other documents, data and information (whether in hard copy or electronic format) deemed relevant for the
investigation/audit, and making copies thereof as relevant; interviewing staff and other relevant individuals; performing
physical inspections and site visits; and obtaining third party verification of information.


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