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CLE 7 St. John Bosco 1 40 1

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Domalandan, Lingayen, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2021-2022
Junior High School
Quarter 3 - Summative Test 2
CLE 7 – St. John Bosco

Name: ______________________________ Score:____________
Teacher: Mrs. Rowena M. Uligan Parent’s Signature:_____

Direction: Read and answer the question below. Circle the letter of your answer.
1. Which does not belong to the group?
a. faithful b. forgetful c. provider d. rescuer
2. How is God presented as Rescuer in Scriptures?
a. He provided a blessing to His people.
b. He blissed a covenant with David.
c. He remained faithful despite the unfaithfulness of His people.
d. He delivered the Israelites away from the oppressors, through Moses.
3. Which situation describes the concept of “unity in diversity”?
A. volunteers doing charity work in a barrio
B. students doing a performance task as one class
C. group of doctors conducting studies for the cure of a certain incurable disease
D. All the above
4. What event in the Bible refers to the descent of the holy Spirit upon the apostles?
a. baptism of Jesus b. Pentecost c. resurrection d. passion and death of Jesus
5. What does Catholic identity imply?
a. professing one’s faith b. believing in the same doctrine
c. full communion with the Catholic Church d. All of the above
6. How did God show His loyalty to His people?
a. by creating angels b. by giving punishments to people
c.by giving what the people asked d. by entering into a covenant with His people
7. Which is the best example of loyalty to God?
a. doing whatever you want b. doing what is good and right
c. doing what is asked by your best friend d. All of the above
8. What is loyalty?
a. being friendly, generous, and considerate
b. conforming to the will of the other person
c. Consistence in doing something despite difficulty
d. Showing faithfulness to commitment or obligation
9. Why did the early Christians summarize their beliefs?
a. They were hiding from the Romans.
b. They did not know how to read and write.
c. They did not have yet an official language.
d. They needed it to communicate the message to the world
10. What are the three functions of the Creed based on CFC 232?
a. to deepen the faith, strengthen the bond of every Christian, and spread the Good News
b. summary of Catholic beliefs, pledge of loyalty to God and the Church, and proclamation of self-
c. initiation of every Christian, conversion of non-christians, and discovery of the history of The early
Christian community
d. All of the above
11. Which is an example of proclaiming the gospel to everyone
a. sharing gossip to classmates b. praying the rosary at home
c. doing Bible study and sharing d. posting rants or problems on social media
12. Who is/are responsible for the formulation of the Creed?
a. early Christians b. Muslims c. Pope Francis d. priests
13. What can be a purpose of the Creed?
a. to directly solve a problem b. to be a prerequisite in receiving baptism
c. to deepen the faith of believers of Christ d. to intensify the grace of God in all sacraments
14. What is the difference between Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed?
a. The Apostle’s Creed was composed by St. Peter, while the Nicene Creed by St. Paul.
b. The Apostle’s Creed is intended only for European countries, while the Nicene Creed is for Asian
c. The Apostle’s Creed is an elaboration of the “Roman Creed” of the third century, while The Nicene
Creed was pulmonated by the First Council of Constantinople in 381.
d. All of the above
15. How can you best describe our Creed?
a. The Creed can be interpreted by anybody.
b. It is a long teaching of the early Christians handed down to our generation.
c. The Creed has a Trinitarian pattern that covers an event in the Christian story.
d. The Creed is imperfect because it was formulated by imperfect people in history.
16. What does being Christocentric mean?
a. Jesus is the center of our lives.
b. The Trinity can be understood even without Jesus.
c. Jesus is the most important person in the Trinity.
d. It is through Jesus that we understand the Father and the holy Spirit.
17. What event in the Bible is associated with the work of God the Father?
a. redemption of the world
b. foundation of the Church
c. sanctification of all believers
d. Creation of heaven and earth
18. What does the passage “Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6) mean?
a. The truth can be found within us.
b. We must follow the person and example.
c. We must follow our desires, just like what Jesus did.
d. We can always make a choice that can make us happy.
19. How can you attain the fullness of truth and life?
a. by living out the teachings of Christ
b. by getting the job that your parents wanted you to have
c. by dreaming, believing, and being successful in the future
d. by becoming the wealthiest and most popular in the world
20. Who is the center of Christian faith?
a. Apostles b. Jesus c. Pope d. Self
21. What does the Church teach us about creation in CFC 314?
a. God created everything except human beings.
b. God’s creation is the beginning of the salvation history.
c. God’s creation is the foundation of God’s saving plan.
d. Band C
22. Why do some people doubt the power of God?
a. busy schedule
b. difficulties in life
c. overflowing blessing
d. disastrous calamities
23. What must be the attitude in times of trials?
a. keep oneself busy
b. talk to everyone about the problem
c. stay in the room and cry
d. pray to God and ask for His guidance
24. What does the book of Job teach every Christian?
a. It is a sin to lie.
b. God is always with us even in times of difficulties.
c. We must preach to all nations just like what Jesus did.
d. We need to attend Mass with our family every Sunday.
25. How can we share the love of God?
a. comfort the sick
b. give food to the needy
c. be a good example to neighbours
d. All of the above
26. Which statement is true about God’s love?
a. God’s love is imperfect.
b. God’s love is conditional.
c. God’s love is an illusion, not a reality.
d. God’s love is everlasting and faithful.
27. Which parable in the Bible presents the love of a father to his child?
a. Good Samaritan
b. Sower
c. Prodigal Son
d. Talents
28. How did God show His power in the book of Exodus?
a. by liberating the Israelites from slavery
b. by giving the Ten Commandments to Moses
c. by banishing Adam and Eve from paradise
d. by creating Adam and Eve on the sixth day creation
29. Who said “God rules and compasses all things, for the heights of the heavens and tie Depths of
the abysses and the limits of the world are in his hand”?
a. Luke
b. Pope Francis
c. St. Peter
d. St. Theophilus of Antioch

30. How did Christ attest His power during His earthly ministry?
a. by carrying the cross
b. by performing miracles
c. by calling the 12 disciples
d. by allowing Himself to be baptized by John the Baptist

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