Comp ML4004 - Assessment - ReflectionQuestions - To21Cv2
Comp ML4004 - Assessment - ReflectionQuestions - To21Cv2
Comp ML4004 - Assessment - ReflectionQuestions - To21Cv2
Reflecting on and evaluating the learning and teaching experiences in which you
engage in with children will give you insights that may help you better support children’s
development and learning, as well as grow as an early childhood professional. In the
rush of working with children and families, you may be tempted to not take the time. But
if you don't, you surely will miss opportunities for growth.
Drawing on what you have learned from the resources, your reflections on the learning
experiences you engaged in with the children in your field experience setting, and your
Host Teacher feedback, respond to the following by analyzing:
Reflection Questions:
observation. The next time, I will go there a little bit earlier so that I can organise my
paperwork and set up my computer before I even get there. Being prepared helps to
alleviate the impression that everything is spinning out of control.
4. What did I learn from this experience that will help me design and implement
meaningful learning experiences in the future?
I've seen that many different things can affect how much a child learns. I've noticed that
it's easy to prepare for each course because it has different standards and topics.
It's also important to keep an eye on and pay close attention to each child in your care
so you know what each one needs. Families should be involved to make sure that these
learning opportunities help children both inside and outside of school. Also, when
children's learning activities are based on their interests, they are more interested and
stay interested for longer.