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Theophilos A. Limniotes, George A. Papadopoulos†

Department of Computer Science

University of Cyprus
75 Kallipoleos St, Nicosia, POB 20537, CY-1678, CYPRUS
Tel: +357-2-892242, Fax: +357-2-339062


The purpose of this work is to examine and exploit the potential of the coordination paradigm to act as
the main communication and synchronization mechanism between components forming a distributed
multimedia environment and exhibiting real-time properties. Towards this purpose, we have
developed a mechanism for coordinating the distributed execution of components, as these are defined
by the Multimedia System Services Architecture (MSSA). Our coordination environment uses the
control-driven approach to coordination, namely the model IWIM and the associated language
Manifold. In the process we show how Manifold can be used to realize object communication and
synchronization of MSSA components and we present a methodology of combining a software
architecture such as MSSA with a coordination language such as Manifold. We illustrate our
approach by means of a suitable example.
Keywords: Coordination Paradigm; Distributed Multimedia Systems; Component-Based Systems;
Real-Time Systems.


One of the most important developments in contemporary Software Engineering for Distributed
Systems is that of component-based systems. Towards that end, we have seen a proliferation of
models supporting the development of component-based software, such as middleware platforms,
software architectures, coordination models and languages, etc.
The purpose of this work is to explore and exploit the potential of the coordination paradigm to act as
the communication and synchronization mechanism between components forming a distributed
multimedia environment and exhibiting real-time properties. We are particularly interested in two
specific environments: the Multimedia System Services Architecture (Hewlett Packard, 1994), a
software architecture framework for Distributed Multimedia environments proposed by some major
companies in the field; and the coordination language Manifold (Arbab, 1996; Arbab et al., 1998)
which belongs to the control- or event-driven category of coordination models and associated
languages (Papadopoulos and Arbab, 1998).

Please refer to this author for all correspondence regarding this paper.


ECIS 2002 • June 6–8, Gdańsk, Poland — First — Previous — Next — Last — Contents —
Theophilos A. Limniotes, George A. Papadopoulos

More to the point, we have developed a framework for executing components developed using the
MSSA paradigm where object communication and synchronization is realized by means of a
coordination infrastructure. The advantages of this approach is that we can develop reusable
coordination patterns for distributed multimedia applications (Blair and Stefani, 1998), but also we
make easier the distributed execution of components developed in the MSSA framework.
Furthermore, and in a more general setting, we illustrate how software architectures (at the modeling
level) can be combined with coordination languages (at the implementation level) to form a coherent
methodology for developing component-based systems.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next two sections provide a brief introduction to
MSSA and Manifold. The next section presents the general philosophy of combining the software
architecture MSSA with the coordination language Manifold. An example illustrating the relevant
ideas is presented in the following section. The paper ends with some conclusions and reference to
future work.


The primary goal of Multimedia System Services Architecture (Hewlett Packard, 1994), developed by
the combined efforts of HP, IBM and SunSoft, is to provide an infrastructure for building interactive
multimedia applications, dealing with synchronized and time-based media, and consisting of
components running in heterogeneous distributed environments. In that respect, MSSA is a software
architecture that specifies a methodology for building distributed multimedia frameworks. In
particular, MSSA addresses issues such as the provision of abstract interfaces for media objects,
grouping of objects into single composite ones, separation of media format abstractions from dataflow
ones, etc. However, the actual communication and synchronization between MSSA media objects is a
responsibility left to other formalisms that can be used in conjunction with the MSSA, typically a
middleware platform for registering objects and providing inter-object communication mechanisms.

Stream Format Format Stream

Virtual Virtual
Port Port
Device Device

Fig. 1. Basic Component Functionality in MSSA

Figure 1 above shows a simplified illustration of MSSA, featuring two of its three main entities,
namely virtual devices and virtual connections (the third, groups, is not relevant to the contents of this
paper and is omitted for reasons of brevity). A virtual device is an abstraction over a physical device
(e.g., CD player, microphone, etc.). Virtual devices offer a stream interface for communication with
the environment. They also feature format interfaces providing an abstract representation of the details
of media formatting. Finally, virtual devices feature one or more ports as input or output mechanisms.
MSSA adheres to an object-oriented approach. Thus, there exists an MSSObject class that produces
a VirtualResource, Format or Stream. A client in order to access an MSSObject has to
declare and initialise the MSSA client-side library. Then it requests a reference to a factory that would
be able to satisfy a constraint list, from the Registration and Retrieval Service (RR). The reply is used


ECIS 2002 • June 6–8, Gdańsk, Poland — First — Previous — Next — Last — Contents —
Coordinating Components in the Multimedia System Services Architecture

with a constraint list to request an object from the factory. The factory instantiates the object and
returns a reference of the newly created object. Objects can register with the factory their interest to be
informed of any evolution in the system’s architecture, such as failing of streams, non-adherence to
QoS requirements, etc.; this is achieved by means of registering to and monitoring of events.
MSSA objects are associated with characteristics which define their behaviour and are specified by
capabilities, which are key/value pairs. Furthermore, constraints are used to select objects that satisfy
certain characteristics with a key/value/operator triple. These can be used in searching, creating and
setting the requirements of an object. The state of an object reflects the constraints enforced on its
capabilities. An event is a message between objects defined (as a key/value pair) by the sender, while
the receivers must register for it. An event handler generates, registers, and processes the events.
Exceptions are generated by an object or the distributed object infrastructure in case of encountering
errors. There exists also a narrowing function that returns a pointer to the class of an object reference.
Finally, an object can determine its class inheritance with a class relationship function.
Although a number of other formalisms have appeared lately addressing issues related to developing
distributed multimedia information systems, MSSA remains one of the few which is both platform and
language independent. Note however that MSSA does not concern itself with providing a
methodology for coordinating the concurrent and distributed activities of media objects, nor the
establishment of reusable collaboration patterns between such components (Blair and Stefani, 1998). It
also relies on the underlying infrastructure for the enforcement of any real-time constraints and the
satisfaction of any Quality-of-Service requirements. It is in these areas that we propose to use the
coordination paradigm for.


Manifold (Arbab, 1996; Arbab et al., 1998) is a control-driven coordination language which is a
realisation of the so-called Ideal Worker Ideal Manager (IWIM) coordination model (Arbab, 1996). In
Manifold there exist two different types of processes: managers (or coordinators) and workers. A
manager is responsible for setting up and taking care of the communication needs of the worker
processes it controls. A worker is completely unaware of who (if anyone) needs the results it computes
or from where it itself receives the data to process. Manifold possesses the following characteristics:
x Processes. A process is a black box with well defined ports of connection through which it
exchanges units of information with the rest of the world. A process can be either a manager
(coordinator) process or a worker. A manager process is responsible for setting up and managing
the computation performed by a group of workers. Note that worker processes can themselves be
managers of subgroups of other processes. The bottom line in this hierarchy is atomic processes
which may in fact be written in any programming language.
x Ports. These are named openings in the boundary walls of a process through which units of
information are exchanged using standard I/O type primitives analogous to read and write. Without
loss of generality, we assume that each port is used for the exchange of information in only one
direction: either into (input port) or out of (output port) a process. We use the notation p.i to refer
to the port i of a process instance p.
x Streams. These are the means by which interconnections between the ports of processes are
realized. A stream connects a (port of a) producer (process) to a (port of a) consumer (process). We
write p.o -> q.i to denote a stream connecting the port o of a producer process p to the port i
of a consumer process q.
x Events. Independent of streams, there is also an event mechanism for information exchange. Events
are broadcast by their sources in the environment, yielding event occurrences. In principle, any
process in the environment can pick up a broadcast event; in practice, only a subset of the potential
receivers is interested in an event occurrence. We say that these processes are tuned in to the
sources of the events they receive. We write e.p to refer to the event e raised by a source p.


ECIS 2002 • June 6–8, Gdańsk, Poland — First — Previous — Next — Last — Contents —
Theophilos A. Limniotes, George A. Papadopoulos

Activity in a Manifold configuration is event driven. A coordinator process waits to observe an

occurrence of some specific event (usually raised by a worker process it coordinates), which triggers it
to enter a certain state and perform some actions. These actions typically consist of setting up or
breaking off connections of ports and streams. It then remains in that state until it observes the
occurrence of some other event, which causes the preemption of the current state in favour of a new
one corresponding to that event. Once an event has been raised, its source generally continues with its
activities, while the event occurrence propagates through the environment independently and is
observed (if at all) by the other processes according to each observer’s own sense of priorities.

e1 e2

s1 s4
s2 p out
in2 s5

e3 e4

Fig. 2. An Illustration of Manifold’s Coordination Structures

Figure 2 above shows diagrammatically the infrastructure of a Manifold process. The process p has
two input ports (in1, in2) and an output one (out). Two input streams (s1, s2) are connected to
in1 and another one (s3) to in2 delivering input data to p. Furthermore, p itself produces data,
which via the out port are replicated to all outgoing streams (s4, s5). Finally, p observes the
occurrence of the events e1 and e2 while it can itself raise the events e3 and e4. Note that p need not
know anything else about the environment within which it functions (i.e. who is sending it data, to
whom it itself sends data, etc.).
The following is a Manifold program computing the Fibonacci series.
manifold PrintUnits() import.
manifold variable(port in) import.
manifold sum(event)
port in x.
port in y.
event overflow.
auto process v0 is variable(0).
auto process v1 is variable(1).
auto process print is PrintUnits.
auto process sigma is sum(overflow).
manifold Main()
begin:(v0->sigma.x, v1->sigma.y,v1->v0, sigma->v1,sigma->print).


ECIS 2002 • June 6–8, Gdańsk, Poland — First — Previous — Next — Last — Contents —
Coordinating Components in the Multimedia System Services Architecture

The above code defines sigma as an instance of some predefined process sum with two input ports
(x,y) and a default output one. The main part of the program sets up the network where the initial
values (0,1) are fed into the network by means of two “variables” (v0,v1). The continuous generation
of the series is realised by feeding the output of sigma back to itself via v0 and v1. Note that in
Manifold there are no variables (or constants for that matter) as such. A Manifold variable is a rather
simple process that forwards whatever input it receives via its input port to all streams connected to its
output port. A variable “assignment” is realised by feeding the contents of an output port into its input.
Note also that computation will end when the event overflow is raised by sigma. Main will then
get preempted from its begin state and make a transition to the overflow state and subsequently
terminate by executing halt. Preemption of Main from its begin state causes the breaking of the
stream connections; the processes involved in the network will then detect the breaking of their
incoming streams and will also terminate.
More information on Manifold can be found in Arbab (1996), Arbab et al (1998), Papadopoulos
(1998); the language has been implemented on top of PVM and has been successfully ported to a
number of platforms including Sun, Silicon Graphics, Linux, and IBM AIX, SP1 and SP2.
A natural way to enhance the model with real-time capabilities is by extending its event manager.
More to the point, we have enhanced the event manager with the ability to express real-time
constraints associated with the raising of events but also reacting in bound time to observing them.
With events that can be raised and detected respecting timing constraints, we essentially have a real-
time coordination framework, since we can now guarantee that changes in the configuration of some
system’s infrastructure will be done in bounded time. A number of predicates that we have introduced
in Manifold are useful in coordinating the raising of events when real-time constraints must be
observed. Such predicates are AP_Cause which causes the raising of an event based on the time point
of another event and AP_Defer which restricts the raising of an event based on the period of the time
points of other two events. The use of these new primitives in coordinating real-time applications and
safeguarding QoS constraints is discussed in Limniotes and Papadopoulos (2000).
Unlike the MSSA, which supports rather simple stream-based inter-object interactions, Manifold can
handle stream and multi-stream connections of arbitrary complexity. Moreover streams in Manifold
are just as good, for the transfer of discrete or continuous data for QoS agreement between objects or
invocation and termination of operations. Explicit binding, which is a must in multimedia support in
order to achieve QoS management, can be created between operational, stream and signal interfaces,
for negotiation and agreement. However the stream bindings can only be passive with respect to
initiating interactions. Note that the QoS provided by an object still depends on the QoS of the objects
from which it inherits. The Manifold platform finally, has the additional advantage of the event
management, which acts as an immediate reactive system, and provides the means to build a real-time
response system.


In this section we discuss the general principles and philosophy in using the coordination paradigm, as
this is expressed in the language Manifold, to synchronize the distributed execution of MSSA
components. In the Manifold world we have two types of processes: coordinator programs written in
Manifold itself and atomic processes performing computational work. The latter are viewed by the
system as black boxes, communicating with their environment by means of well-defined interfaces,
whose internals are completely hidden and play no role in the apparatus. Furthermore, some of the
properties of this coordination model, such as ports, streams and events, are directly related to similar
features of the MSSA paradigm.
Thus, we are going to view the MSSA objects as Manifold atomic processes, whose internal structure
(as dictated by the MSS software architecture) is immaterial to our coordination framework. In
particular, we are going to use the interface inheritance proposed by MSSA with the Manifold


ECIS 2002 • June 6–8, Gdańsk, Poland — First — Previous — Next — Last — Contents —
Theophilos A. Limniotes, George A. Papadopoulos

platform. For every type of an instance in the Manifold code, there should be a Manifold to activate
and run it (something which makes the Factory Services of MSSA redundant). In the implementation
every VirtualDevice type should correspond to every PhysicalDevice registered in the
network and should be instantiated in the Manifold code. Each type may have different security,
bandwidth, delay bound, resolution, transport mechanism and location.
The overall MSSA structure is not abandoned but some elements are replaced by corresponding
elements in the Manifold model. In particular, the event, port and stream management of MSSA can
be directly mapped to the event, port and stream management of Manifold. These mappings are done
at the coordination level. The rest of the mapping is done at a lower level. In particular, the following
MSSObject characteristics have the associated corresponding attributes in a Manifold atomic
process: Capabilities associate machine and encoding, constraints associate location and machine.
Also, exceptions are still generated by the object. The narrowing function remains intact into a
RegistrationRetrieval Manifold atomic and so does the class relationship function.
For example, if we are going to have a particular VirtualDevice class (inherited from a
VirtualResource) registered in the system, it should contain all the port management and event
management functions that a Manifold atomic process should have. If that VirtualDevice is a
MicrophoneDevice this should have its own in/out ports and events (such as one which is
triggered if the signals sent per second exceed a certain maximum) defined in its C++ (say) code. The
format of transferring the data is arranged from MIDI to tuples. The opposite transformation is done
with the object that manages the speaker. QoS factors like timeliness could be important for allocating
the process to a task that runs on a particular machine. Similarly the throughput of data required
(sound signals per second) could weight (through event voting) to the decision for the specific
MicrophoneDevice class that will run on a specific site. Reliability of the interactions is
considered as secured throughout the system. Moreover, negotiations for QoS management can easily
be carried out on the Manifold platform, with the coordination control transfer to a preliminary state
where discrete information can be exchanged between two objects before being transferred to a final
interaction state. The stream connection management relieves the MSSA from the need of a
VirtualConnection class, although stream positions cannot be determined as with the MSSA.
The Registration and Retrieval Service which allows clients to locate and retrieve a service can be
preserved as is with the MSSA structure that keeps a name-to-object binding list which is then
associated to a key list. These methods can be called by a RegistrationRetrieval atomic
process in Manifold and every chosen device can invoke its own events that would cause its activation.
The methods for selecting the proper type by an RR Service of a virtual device are:
x ConstraintList(constraints) which defines a constraint builder and adds a constraint list
for the type of object that is going to be selected.
x DeviceType=VirtualDeviceNarrow() which defines an object reference and gets the
constraint list in order to narrow to the proper DeviceType. Note that it merely provides the type
of an instance and not the instance itself.
x VirtualDeviceRaise() which raises an event for a particular DeviceType. This will cause
preemption to a state (of a manifold) that contains the activation of a DeviceCoordinator()
which contains the execution of this DeviceType.
All of the above classes in their implementation can either behave as atomic processes or be called by
the RegistrationRetrieval atomic process.


This paradigm deals with a remote audio and video capture with synchronized local play as might be
used for half of a LAN based video conferencing system. The weaving is done at the remote machine
by a process that sends its information at an unweaving device to the local machine which in turn
supplies the proper outputs to a monitor and a speaker. For an overall view see figure 3.


ECIS 2002 • June 6–8, Gdańsk, Poland — First — Previous — Next — Last — Contents —
Coordinating Components in the Multimedia System Services Architecture

5.1. The Manifold Atomic Processes

The atomic processes correspond to the DeviceTypes of our model. The implementation of the
paradigm requires two device atomics for capturing the video and sound information, namely
CameraDevice and MicrophoneDevice respectively, two atomics for weaving and unweaving
this information, namely WeaverDevice and UnweaverDevice, and two atomic devices for
producing this information at the output devices namely XwindowDevice and SpeakerDevice.

Camera Window

Microphone Speaker

Weaver Unweaver


Fig 3. Audio/Video Remote Capture Example

5.2. The Manifold Coordinator Processes

These play the role of the DeviceCoordinator in the MMSA prototype, i.e. they activate the
device drivers and set up the pattern of the pipelines for the transition of data from source to sink. So
the atomics above are coordinated by the following processes:
Weaver() which takes care of processing in parallel the outputs from CameraDevice and
MicrophoneDevice instances to the WeaverDevice instance. Simultaneously it passes the
woven information to the output of the WeaverDevice output which in turn supplies the
Weaver’s output. This coordination is processed in the start_weaver state invoked by the
cause1 instance. This is an instance of AP_Cause that raises the start_weaver event 5
seconds after the start of the application. The weaving is ceased with a preemption to the
finish_weaver state, invoked by the cause2 instance. This raises the finish_weaver
event 30 (say) seconds after the eventStart of the application.
manifold Weaver()
finish_weaver:("weaver done"->stdout,WAIT).

In the code above camera is the instance of CameraDevice, microphone is the instance of
MicrophoneDevice, and weaver the instance for WeaverDevice. x and y are the receiving
ports for weaver.


ECIS 2002 • June 6–8, Gdańsk, Poland — First — Previous — Next — Last — Contents —
Theophilos A. Limniotes, George A. Papadopoulos

Unweaver() processes the woven information from Weaver() to the UnweaverDevice

which simultaneously produces the unwoven results from the previous input, and passes them to
instances of XwindowDevice and SpeakerDevice.

5.3. The Main Coordinator

The instances of coordinators Weaver and Unweaver are activated and run in the core state of the
Main procedure. In this pipeline Weaver is the producer and Unweaver the consumer. These two
are said to be the building blocks of the higher coordination level.
manifold Main()
process w is Weaver.
process u is Unweaver.
begin: AP_PutEventTimeAssociation_W(eventStart);
core: activate(w,u);

In the code above the two coordinators instances w and u form a pipeline. The
AP_PutEventTimeAssociation_W(eventStart) function creates and initialises a record
for the starting event of the paradigm. The rest of AP_PutEventTimeAssociation simply
create empty records for the rest of the events.

5.4. Distribution of Tasks

The computation manifolds (atomics) that are to be run as separate tasks (usually on separate
machines) have to be declared as elsewhere in the main object file.
manifold CameraDevice elsewhere.
manifold MicrophoneDevice elsewhere.
manifold XwindowDevice elsewhere.
manifold SpeakerDevice elsewhere.

So the two source devices are exported from the source Manifold file source.m:
// pragma include "tm.ato.h"
export manifold CameraDevice() atomic {internal.}.
export manifold MicrophoneDevice() atomic {internal.}.

Likewise, the two sink devices are exported from the sink Manifold file sink.m.
The rest of the computation manifolds can be chosen to run on the local host by declaring them as
manifold AP_PutEventTimeAssociation(event) atomic {internal.}.
manifold AP_PutEventTimeAssociation_W(event)
atomic {internal.}.
manifold AP_Cause(event,event,port in,port in)
atomic {internal.}.
manifold AP_CTime() atomic {internal.}.
manifold WeaverDevice()
port in x.
port in y.
atomic {internal.}.
manifold UnweaverDevice()


ECIS 2002 • June 6–8, Gdańsk, Poland — First — Previous — Next — Last — Contents —
Coordinating Components in the Multimedia System Services Architecture

port out x.
port out y.
atomic {internal.}.
The next step in task allocation is to include each generated object file to a task, in a task mapfile. This
will help produce the link information for the tasks accordingly. The merits of running tasks in a
heterogeneous environment are that: (i) some of the tasks may include atomics written in different
languages for different hardware/software architectures; (ii) some given tasks may have different
versions, each suitable for a different hardware/software architecture.
The program mlink that composes the various tasks in a Manifold application, produces nothing but
text files, suitable for all heterogeneous environments. These can be used to link their corresponding
versions of the tasks in the Manifold application. The restriction with mlink is that there should be
one compilation on an appointed host, which will then hold the same version of Manifold object files
and Manifold application libraries. These will provide the required link information to mlink in
order to make up the application tasks. Regarding the library and executables, it follows that these do
not have to be recompiled on the remote hosts on which they are intended to run, as mlink requires
only the native binary format. In case that the appointed hosts cannot make available a meaningful to
mlink binary version, the decoy utility decompiles to a C source that provides the required link
information, and then recompiles to create a perceivable object file. So, it is important to take into
consideration the following conditions: (i) If the executable code for the new instance is not contained
in an existing task instance; (ii) If the number of instances exceed a maximum weightload for an
existing task instance. If the answer is no to either of the above conditions, a new task instance has to
be created in order to house the new process instance at the designated site.


In this paper we have addressed a rather general issue, namely the use of a coordination paradigm as
the gluing mechanism and communication medium for the synchronized execution of distributed
components, as the latter are defined by a software architecture framework. We have done the above
by concentrating on the specific case of distributed multimedia components, as these are defined by
the MSSA software architecture (Hewlett Packard, 1994), and we have developed for them an
execution framework based on a real-time extension of the coordination model IWIM and its
associated language Manifold.
The IWIM model enforces isolation of computational aspects from the matters of connectionism,
coordination and reusability (after recompilation) while our Manifold real-time primitives were able to
improve further the real-time behaviour of the system. Thus, the same coordination code can be
applicable to any other similar behavioural pattern of media modules. With respect to the continuous
data transfer issue, Manifold’s streams guarantee, by virtue of the model, a flow without loss, error or
duplication, and with causal order preserved. Moreover the stream and event services of Manifold
offer the means to manage discrete message passing and state invocation for QoS support with
minimum programming effort (Blair and Stefani, 1998).
So far we have built language constructs to define temporal interdependencies in a multimedia
presentation. The next step is to synchronise distributed multimedia systems with blocking times for
every task (Mourlas, 1999). More to the point, every multimedia task should have a determined
execution time which is made up of the time that a task requires to retrieve information from certain
resources plus the computation period for processing. To this, a blocking time must be added for the
possible lower priority tasks that are already using the same resources, and all the higher priority
resources that are waiting to use these resources (Halbwachs, 1993).
An important factor in the above scheme is the determination of priority for each task. The calculation
of the blocking time depends on the priority of the task. In Manifold priorities can be allocated to


ECIS 2002 • June 6–8, Gdańsk, Poland — First — Previous — Next — Last — Contents —
Theophilos A. Limniotes, George A. Papadopoulos

states that can contain many tasks in a pipeline. So it is only possible to give priority to a set of tasks
that are included in the same pipeline.


This work has been partially supported by the INCO-DC KIT (Keep-in-Touch) program 962144
“Developing Software Engineering Environments for Distributed Information Systems” financed by
the Commission of the European Union.


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