Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Application Subsystem:
Collaborative computing:
- The current infrastructure of network workstations and PCs, and the availability of
audio and video at these points, makes it easier for people to cooperate and bridge
space and time. In this way, network connectivity and end-point integration of
multimedia provides the users with a collaboration computing environment.
- Collaboration computing is generally known as computer supported
cooperative work (CSCW).
- There are many tools for collaboration computing, such as electronic mail,
bulletin boards, screen sharing tools, text-based conferencing systems
(Example, Internet Relay chat), telephone conference system, conference
rooms and video conference system.
Session Management:
- Session management is an important part of multimedia communication
architecture. It is the core part which separates the control, needed during the
transport from the actual transport.
Media Agents: Media agents are separate from session manager and they are
responsible for decision specific to each type of media. This modularity allows a
replacement of agents. Each agent performs its own control mechanism over the
particular medium, such as mute, un-mute, change video quality, start sending, stop
sending etc.
Shared Workspace Agent: The shared workspace agent transmits shared objects.
(Example, Tele-pointer coordinate, graphical or textual object) among the shared
Transport Layer:
Transport protocols, to support multimedia transmission need to have features
and provide the following functions.
- timing function: timing information, semi-reliability, multicasting
- NAK (Non-Acknowledgment) – based error recovery mechanism and
- rate control
Transport Protocols: TCP and UDP, which are used in the Internet Protocol stack for
multimedia transmission.
New emerging protocols: RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) and XTP (Xpress
Transport Protocol), which are suitable for multimedia.
Other Protocols:
- Telnet Transport Protocol
- Real-time Channel Administration Protocol (RCAP)
- Real-time Message Transport Protocol (RMTP)
- Continuous Media Transport Protocol (CMTP)
Network Layer:
The requirements on the network layer for multimedia transmission are
provision of high bandwidth, multicasting, resource management and QOS
guarantees, new routing protocols with support for streaming capabilities and new-
higher capacity routs with support of integrated services.
Some protocols used in internet services
(1) IP (Internet Protocol)
(2) IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)
(3) RSVP (Resource Reservation Protocol)
Basic Concepts:
Parameterization of the services is defined is ISO standards through the notion
of Quality of service (QOS). The ISO standard defines QOS as a concept for
specifying how “good” the offered networking services. QOS can be characterized by
a number of specific parameters.
QOS layering: