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Modulation Format 1 9.6.

Christoph Wree; Jochen Leibrich; Werner Rosenkranz Chair for Communications, University of Kiel, Kaiserstr. 2, 24143 Kiel, Germany (cw(&f.uni-kiel.des

Abstract We propose a simple concept to implement a direct-detection DQPSK transmission to double the transmission rate, The robustness of RZ-DQPSK towards nonhinearities is Investigated in a 8x800bIs WDMsystem over 400km SSMF and compaed to 8x40GbIs RZ-ASK.
Introduction Recently, dfferential binary phase-shift-keying (DBPSK) with return to zero pulse shape (RZ) has been considered as an advantageous modulation format in optical transmission systems to achieve a higher robustness towards nonlinear effects (1.2]. In this work, we propose a simple concept to extend CFRZ-DPSK to differential quadrature PSK (RZ-DQPSK) to Increase the spectral efficiency by a factor of two. RZ-DQPSK transmission Is Implemented by means of an additional sequential phase modulator and two binary DPSK balanced receivers in parallel. The performance of Sx8OGbis RZ-DQPSK Is compared to 8x4OGb/s conventional On/Off-Keying with RZ pulse shape (RZ-ASK) both at a channel spacing of 1OOGHz over 400km dispersion compensated SSMF.
Proposal for RZ-DQPSK direct dotection In most DQPSK systems In classical digital communications the four-symbol signal Is generated by superposing two bipolar modulated carrier frequencies that exhibit the same frequency but have a 90g phase shift to each other [4]. It Is difficult to adapt this concept to optical communications because the required phase shit of 90* has to be guaranteed until the signals are merged by a 3dB coupler, In a recent optical DQPSK proposal (3] this problem Is overcome by OtE converting part of the transmitter signal and feeding it to a servo-control loop. We avoid this problem by a DQPSK transmitter setup shown in fig. 1.

(GVD). Fig. I also shows that for transmitting RZDQPSK with a bit rate of 80Gb/s the electronic components only have to operate at the symbol rate of 40GSymbts. The dfferential QPSK precoder [4] is necessary in order to use the simple receiver (3] in fig. 2b) with an optical filer (delay line Ts= 2 x bit duration) and two balanced receivers.




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Fig. 2: a) Trajectones of RZ-OQPSK signal constellation In complex plane, b) DQPSK recetver




Experimental verification at 2OGbls For experimental use at 2OGb/s, we implemented the transmitter acoording to fig. 1. For the receiver, the optical filter was realized by means of spliced fiber couplers. The length of the arms are chosen carefully via temperature control. For 2OGbJs BER measurements without precoder. the pulse pattern generator was programmed with a 27-1 data sequence that allowed to receive the expected sequence with the bit error tester. We achieve error free transmission in each arm. The measured eye diagram In the upper receiver arm for 20Gb/s is shown in fia. 3.

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Fig. 1: Transmission setup for RZ-DQPSK The first two Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZM) form a chirp-free binary DPSK signal with RZ pulse shape (CF-RZ-DPSK [21). The subsequent phase modulator (PM) with a phase shift of either 90 (d1=1) or 0 (d,=0) generates four symbols out of the binary PSK signal, see fig. 2a). This concept requires only electrical tuning of the PM input data within a bit duration by a delay compensation. Fig. 2a) shows that the signal has almost no power during bit transitions and Is thus inherently chirp free. This Is advantageous considering the effect of group velocity dispersion

Fig. 3: Measured RZ-DQPSK eye diagram for 20Gb/s

data rate using single photo diode

Setup The DWDM signal consists of 8 multiplexed channels in RZ-DQPSK and RZ-ASK modulation format with a data rate of 80Gb/s and 40Gb/s per channel, respectively (channel spacing 100Hz, conform to ITU-T G.692). The optical multiplexer is modeled as

Modulation Format 1 9.6.6

an Arrayed-Waveguide Gratlng with a Gaussian shaped transfer function for each channel (B3da=72GHZ). The RZ-DQPSK transmission setup is described in the previous section. The conventional RZ-ASK transmitter consists of two MZM. For RZ-DQPSK and RZ-ASK the 8-channel DWDM signal (PRBS length 21o-1) passes through 4 fiber spans. Each span consists of 100km of a standard single mode fiber followed by a dispersion compensating fiber and a noiseless optical ampifier. The average fiber input power per channel in each span is varied between 0 and 9dBm. The length of the DCF is chosen such that the 40 channel (fl-193ATHz) is fully compensated. At the receiver side a channel selection filter with a bandwidth of 100GHz filters the signal at a center frequency of 1 93ATHz. The DQPSK receiver of fig. 2b) is used with the optical filter, two balanced receivers and an electrical lowpass filter (Butterworth, 3rd order, f3d8=28GHz).

The eye diagrams of the 4OGbIs-RZ-ASK signal and the 80Gbls-RZ-DQPSK signal at 193.4THz and for 6dBm average fiber input power in case of full Kerr nonlinearities are shown in fig. 5 in comparison to the back-to-back eye diagrams.

Results In fig. 4 and 5, we show simulation results that are discussed in the next section. To understand the influence of the various nonlinear effects separately, two types of WDM simulation methods are carried out. The first considers linear crosstalk and full Kerr nonlinearity (SPM, XPM and FWM). For the second, we neglected XPM and FWM in our simulation (2]. In fig. 4, we measure the eye opening penalty (EOP) of the 41h channel for both WDM systems respectively normalized to the back-to-back case as a function of the average fiber input power per channel Ph.
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Discussion Our simulation results (fig. 4 and 5) indicate that RZDQPSK with a spectral efficiency of 0.8b(slHz tolerates even higher input powers than RZ-ASK with Just 0.4b/slHz spectral efficiency. Fig. 4 shows that in the case of the considered WDMsystem for an EOP of 1dB RZ-DQPSK tolerates approx. 3dB more input power compared to RZ-ASK. This indicates that the advantageous properties of binary DPSK that are shown in e.g. (1.2] can be transferred to (quadrature) RZ-DQPSK. By comparing the simulation methods with (i) full Kerr nonlinearity (solid line) and (ii) neglecting XPM and FWM (dashed line) in fig. 4, it can be noticed that for RZ-ASK and RZ-DOPSK the most important impairment is SPM in agreement with [5]. Nearly no additional degradation through XPM and FWM can be seen. Further simulations indicated, that 80Gb/s RZDQPSK and 40Gb/s RZ-ASK reveal the same amount of dispersion tolerance although the bit-rate is doubled. Comparing on equal bit rate, this means that for the QPSK format the uncompensated length can be quadrupled.
Conclusions We propose an RZ-DQPSK approach to double the

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Fig. 4: Eye opening penalty over Pi, for 8x40Gbls-RZASK, 8x80-GbIs-RZ-DQPSIC WDM (uin. Xtalk, SPM, XPM, FWM), WDM without XPM&FWM


b)RZ.ASK 40Gbs
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transmission rate In optical direct detection systems with standard equipment. Compared to RZ-ASK a differential quaternary precoder, a subsequent phase modulator and a simple optical filter in front of two balanced receivers is needed. We could experimentally prove the feasibility of this concept at a data rate of 20Gb/s. By means of RZ-DQPSK, we achieve a spectral efficiency of 0.8Bs/Hz without polarization multiplexing. Our simulations show that in spite of the doubled transmission rate (8x80Gbls) RZDQPSK is even more robust against fiber nonlinearTties than RZ-ASK with just half the bit rate (8x4OGb/s), both having a channel spacing of 100GHz. By means of this It is possible not only to double the transmission rate but also to extend the optical transparent length through Increased robustness towards fiber nonlinearities.

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Figure 5: Eye opening of a): 8OGbIs-RZ-DQPSK and b): 4OGbls-RZ-ASK, Pk=6dBm, 4OOkm, 100GHz ch.sp., WOM considering tin. Xtalk, SPM, XPM, FWM

References I Gnauck, et al, OFC, Postdeadline FC2, 2002 2 Leibrich, et al, PTL. vol. 14, pp 155-157, 2002 3 Griffin, et at, OFC Postdeadline FD6, 2002 4 Benedetto, et al, Principles of Digital Transmission, Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, NY, 1999 5 Elbers, et al, Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEOJ) 55, pp 295-304, 2001

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