CCN Lab 5
CCN Lab 5
CCN Lab 5
College Of Engineering
Dynamic Routing:
Dynamic routing is a networking technique that provides optimal data routing. Unlike static routing,
dynamic routing enables routers to select paths according to real-time logical network layout changes. In
dynamic routing, the routing protocol operating on the router is responsible for the creation, maintenance
and updating of the dynamic routing table. In static routing, all these jobs are manually done by the system
administrator. Dynamic routing uses multiple algorithms and protocols. The most popular are Routing
Information Protocol (RIP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF).
The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is one of the oldest distance-vector routing protocols, which
employs the hop count as a routing metric. RIP prevents routing loops by implementing a limit on the
number of hops allowed in a path from the source to a destination. The maximum number of hops allowed
for RIP is 15. This hop limit, however, also limits the size of networks that RIP can support. A hop count
of 16 is considered an infinite distance, in other words the route is considered unreachable. RIP
implements the split horizon, route poisoning and hold-down mechanisms to prevent incorrect routing
information from being propagated.
In most current networking environments, RIP is not the preferred choice for routing as its time to
converge and scalability are poor compared to EIGRP, OSPF, or IS-IS (the latter two being link-state
routing protocols), and a hop limit severely limits the size of network it can be used in. However, it is easy
to configure, because RIP does not require any parameters on a router unlike other protocols.
RIP Timers:
RIP uses timers both to regulate its performance and to help prevent routing loops. All routers that use
RIP send an update message to all of their neighbors approximately every 30 seconds; this process is
termed advertising.
If a neighbor has not responded in 180 seconds, it is assumed that the neighboring router is unavailable or
the network connecting it to the router has become unusable. When the neighbor has not responded for
180 seconds, the route is marked invalid; 180 seconds is long enough that a route won't be invalidated by
a single missed update message. The neighbor is shown to be unreachable by sending a normal update
message with a metric of "infinity;" in the case of RIP, this number is 16. If an advertisement is received
from a neighbor with a metric of infinity, then the route is placed into hold-down state, advertised with a
distance of 16, and kept in the routing table. No updates from other neighbors for the same route are
accepted while the route is in hold-down state. If other neighbors are still advertising the same route when
the hold-down timer expires, then their updates will then be accepted. The route will be advertised with
infinity metric for a period of time after the hold-down state if no alternate paths are found.
The actual timers used to accomplish the above tasks are a routing-update timer, a route-invalid timer, a
route-hold-down timer, and a route-flush timer. The RIP routing-update timer is generally set to 30
seconds, ensuring that each router will send a complete copy of its routing table to all neighbors every 30
seconds. The route-invalid timer determines how much time must expire without a router having heard
about a particular route before that route is considered invalid. When a route is marked invalid or put in
hold-down state, neighbors are notified of this fact. This notification must occur prior to expiration of the
route-flush timer. When the route flush-timer expires, the route is removed from the routing table. Typical
initial values for these timers are 180 seconds for the route-invalid and route-holddown timers and 240
seconds for the route-flush timer. The values for each of these timers can be adjusted with the timers basic
router configuration command.
Hop Count:
The hop count refers to the number of intermediate devices through which data must pass between source
and destination.
b) After the device has finished booting, change the display name of the router to CISCO_1. Changing
the display name does not affect the configuration. If the device hangs up in the booting process,
save the activity. Then close the Application and reopen the file.
c) Click in the Hostname field and type CISCO_1, then press the TAB key. Note the equivalent IOS
command is entered in the lower portion of the window.
d) Click on interface Fast Ethernet 0/0 and assign the IP address, then press the TAB Key.
Enter the subnet mask
e) Click the Port Status to On to enable the port (no shutdown).
Task 2: Create A Copy of The Existing Router Complete With WIC Modules Already In Place
a) Make sure that the existing router is selected (it will be grayed out).
b) In the Main Tool Bar click on the Copy tool.
c) Click on the Paste tool and the copied device will appear in the work area.
d) Drag the new device to the desired location.
e) Click on the Network Component Box and select Connections. Then select the Serial DCE
f) Click on the CISCO_1 router and connect to the Serial 0/0/0 interface.
g) Click on the new router (copy CISCO_1) and connect to the Serial 0/0/0 interface.
h) Click on the CISCO_1 router and connect to the Serial 0/0/0 interface .Click on the new router
(copy CISCO_1) and connect to the Serial 0/0/0 interface.
Task 3: Configuring The WAN Link
a) Click on the CISCO_1 router and select the Config mode
b) Select interface Serial 0/0/0
c) Configure the interface Serial 0/0/0 with the IP address, then press the TAB key and
enter the subnet mask on the interface.
d) Set the clock rate to 56000
e) Click the Port Status to On to enable the port (no shutdown).
f) Click on the new router and select the Config mode.
g) Change the Display Name and Hostname to CISCO_2.
h) Configure the interface Serial 0/0/0 with the IP address, then press the TAB key and
enter the subnet mask on the interface.
i) Click the Port Status to On to enable the port (no shutdown). The link lights on the serial link
should change from red to green to indicate the link is active.
a) We will assign IP addresses to all the fast Ethernet and serial interfaces respectively.
b) We will change the state of the interfaces from down to UP.
c) Then, after we are done with the basic step. We will apply RIP protocol commands on both routers.
As follows.
Configurating RIP version2 using IOS Commands:
In order to apply protocol RIP, we will write the following set of commands.
1. Build the following network as shown below and configure it using RIPv1. (Marks: 5)
Home Task:
1. Build the network as shown below and implement RIPv1 and attach the print out of the
following: (Marks: 4)
a) Network Diagram
b) Command Window of PCs of your SID ping to remaining PCs:
• SID: 1234 (so Command window of PC1, PC2, PC3 & PC4 and command window of PC1
contain result of PC1 ping to PC0, PC5 and similarly with PC2, PC3, & PC4)
• SID: 8496 (so Command Window of PC(8%5), PC4, PC(9%5) & PC(6%5))