CCN Lab 2
CCN Lab 2
CCN Lab 2
College Of Engineering
Class-Full Addressing:
IPv4 addressing used the concept of classes. This architecture is called classful addressing. The address
space is divided into five classes: A, B, C, D, and E. Each class occupies some part of the address space.
We can find the class of an address when given the address in binary notation or dotted-decimal notation.
OSI and TCP/IP Model Layers:
Whether it’s wired or wireless, most data communications today happen by way of packets of
information travelling over one or more networks. But before these networks can work together,
though, they must use a common protocol, or a set of rules for transmitting and receiving these packets
of data.
The OSI Model:
The OSI model consists of seven different layers that are labeled from 1 through 7; Figure
below shows a representation of the OSI model:
TCP/IP Model:
Like the OSI model, the TCP/IP model is layered and is used in the same fashion as the OSI model
but with fewer layers.
When referring to a network, a hub is the most basic networking device that connects multiple computers
or other network devices together. Unlike a network switch or router, a network hub has no routing tables
or intelligence on where to send information and broadcasts all network data across each connection. Most
hubs can detect basic network errors such as collisions, but having all information broadcast to multiple
ports can be a security risk and cause bottlenecks. In the past network hubs were popular because they
were much cheaper than a switch and router, but today most switches do not cost much more than a hub
and are a much better solution for any network. HUB is a layer 1 device, (physical layer of OSI model)..
1. Start Packet Tracer and Enter in Simulation Mode and build the following network.
2. Assign IP Address to PCs and Hover on a PC.
3. Click the Simulation icon, to enter simulation mode. Simulation mode allows you to view the
sequence of events associated with the communications between two or more devices. Real – time
mode performs the operation with all of the sequence of events happening at “real time”.
3. Viewing the frame (Protocol Analyzer): To examine the actual protocols being sent, click on the
colored Info box in the Event List. The Event List shows where this Ethernet Frame is currently,
“At Device”, the previous devices, “Last Device”, and the type of information encapsulated in the
Ethernet Frame, “Info”. Single click on the second event’s Info box to view the Ethernet frame
with the encapsulated IP Packet and the encapsulated ICMP message “At Device” PC0.
The PDU (Protocol Data Unit) is displayed in two different formats, OSI Model and Outbound PDU
Details. View them both, paying particular attention to the Layer 2 Ethernet frame. We will discuss IP
and ICMP later. If you only see the IP packet and the ICMP message, and do not see the Ethernet II
frame, click on the next ICMP Info box. This happened because we are looking at the IP packet before
it got encapsulated into an Ethernet frame.
The default is the OSI Model view with a brief description with what is occurring with this packet.
Click on the Outbound PDU Details tab to see the protocol details including the layer 2 Ethernet frame,
the layer 3 IP packet and ICMP message.
Data is transported over a network by three simple methods i.e. Unicast, Broadcast, and Multicast.
Unicast: from one source to one destination i.e. One-to-One
Multicast: from one source to multiple destinations stating an interest in receiving the traffic i.e. One-
Lab Task:
1. Build a network using hub and observe its working. (Marks: 5)
Home Task:
1. Find the class of each IP address (Marks: 1)
a. 00000001 00001011 00001011 11101111
2. Find the subnet mask of each IP address (Marks: 1)
a. 00001100 00001011 00001011 11101111
3. Is there any software rather than cisco packet tracer to build computer/device network? Named any 3
of them. (Marks: 1)
5. Attach the Printout of Hub based network which is design in lab, Command Prompt window of any
PC and Simulation window.