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Math 1104

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MATH 1104A Linear Algebra for Engineering or Science, Fall 2021

(Course outline, subject to change, updated September 2, 2021)

Instructor: Şaban Alaca

E-mail: SabanAlaca (at) cunet (dot) carleton (dot) ca

Textbook: Linear Algebra and its Applications (with MyLab Access Code), Sixth Edition, David
C. Lay, Steven R. Lay, and Judi J. McDonald.

E-Textbook with MyLab Access Code can be purchased directly from the publisher (Pearson)
either as a bundle or separately. Links to purchase options from the publisher will be posted on
the course Brighstpace page. E-Textbook with MyLab Access Code can also be purchased from
the university bookstore. You might wish to compare pricing at both places before making your

Prerequisite: Ontario Grade 12 Mathematics: Advanced Functions, or MATH 0005, or

equivalent, or permission of the School.

Calendar description: Systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, determinants, invertible

matrix theorem, Cramer’s rule. Vector space R^n, subspaces, bases. Eigenvalues,
diagonalization. Linear transformations, kernel, range. Complex numbers (including De
Moivre’s theorem). Inner product spaces and orthogonality. Applications.

Lectures (online via Zoom): Mondays and Wednesdays 11:35am -12:55pm. Lectures begin on
Wednesday September 8, 2021, and end on Friday December 10, 2021.

Tutorials: Mondays 3:35-4:25pm. There will be online problem-solving sessions during the
tutorial hours. There might also be in-person tutorial sessions, depending on the number of
students registered for the in-person tutorial. Tutorials start on September 20, 2021.

Office hours (online via Zoom): Wednesdays 1:00pm-1:50pm (subject to change)

Class conduct: Students are expected to always behave in a professional manner. Disrupting a
class is an Instructional Offence (see University Calendar). Please adhere to the same standards
of behaviour online that you follow in a real classroom.

Five written assignments (each worth 10%, to be submitted via Brightspace): 50%.
Five online quizzes (each worth 3%, hosted on MyLab): 15%
Online final exam (hosted on MyLab): 35%

Online final exam: There will be a 3-hour online final exam scheduled during the usual exam
period. It is the responsibility of each student to be available at the time of the final examination.
Important notes:

 Lectures will be online via Zoom during the scheduled class times. Lecture notes will be
posted on Brightspace in advance. Students are expected to study the assigned pages of
the lecture notes and the relevant sections of the textbook before each class. During
online lecture times, you will have an opportunity to ask your questions. The classes are
not a substitute for studying the lecture notes and the relevant sections of the textbook by
yourself prior to each class.

 Instructions on how to join the Zoom sessions will be posted on Brightspace.

 More details for lectures, tutorials and office hours will be posted on Brightspace.

 Be sure that you know the academic integrity standards at Carleton which can be found at

 Please use your Carleton e-mail account for all course related e-mails.

 You are responsible for keeping up with information announced during the lectures and
tutorials, or sent to your Carleton e-mail account, or announced on Brightspace.

 All materials created for this course (including lecture notes, tutorials, assignments,
quizzes, and tests) are the intellectual property of the instructor, Şaban Alaca. They are
intended for personal use only and may not be reproduced or redistributed without prior
written consent of the instructor.
MATH 1104A Lecture Schedule
Dates Sections Topics
Sep 8 1.1 Systems of Linear Equations
1.2 Row Reduction and Echelon Forms
Sep 13, 15
1.3, 1.4 Vector Equations, The Matrix Equation Ax = b
1.5 Solution Sets of Linear Systems
Sep 20, 22 Assignment 1
1.7 Linear Independence
Applications of Linear Systems
1.6, 1.10
Sep 27, 29 Quiz 1 Introduction to Linear Transformations
1.8, 1.9
The Matrix of a Linear Transformation
Oct 4, 6 2.1, 2.2 Assignment 2 Matrix Operations, The Inverse of a Matrix,
Oct 13 2.3 Characterizations of Invertible Matrices
Oct 18, 20 2.8 Quiz 2 Subspaces of Rn
2.9 Dimension of a Subspace
Nov 1, 3 Assignment 3
Rank of a Matrix
3.1 Introduction to Determinants
Nov 8, 10 3.2 Quiz 3 Properties of Determinants
3.3 Cramer’s Rule
5.1 Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
Nov 15, 17 5.2 Assignment 4 The Characteristic Equation
5.3 Diagonalization

Appendix B
Nov 22, 24 Quiz 4 Complex Numbers
Lecture Notes

5.5 Complex Eigenvalues

Nov 29, Dec 1 Assignment 5
6.1 Inner Product, Length and Orthogonality
6.2 Quiz 5 Orthogonal Sets
Dec 6, 8, 10
6.3 Orthogonal Projections
Each quiz and assignment will be released on Sunday at 11pm and will be due on the following
Sunday at 11pm (Ottawa time).

Academic accommodation: You may need special arrangements to meet your academic
obligations during the term. For an accommodation request the processes are as follows:

Academic accommodations for students with disabilities: The Paul Menton Centre for
Students with Disabilities (PMC) provides services to students with Learning Disabilities (LD),
psychiatric/mental health disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism
Spectrum Disorders (ASD), chronic medical conditions, and impairments in mobility, hearing,
and vision. If you have a disability requiring academic accommodations in this course, please
contact PMC at 613-520-6608 or https://carleton.ca/pmc/ for a formal evaluation. If you are
already registered with the PMC, contact your PMC coordinator to send me your Letter of
Accommodation at the beginning of the term, and no later than two weeks before the first in-
class scheduled test requiring accommodation. After requesting accommodation from PMC,
meet with me to ensure accommodation arrangements are made. For the deadline to request
accommodations for the formally-scheduled exams, visit the PMC website

Religious obligations and/or accommodation for pregnancy: write to me with any requests
for academic accommodation during the first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the
need for accommodation is known to exist. For more details see the student guide at

Teaching assistants:

Section Teaching Assistant Email: @cmail.carleton.ca

A1 Lubna Almadi lubnaalmadi@cmail.carleton.ca
A2W Mohammad Abumosameh mohammadabumosameh@cmail.carleton.ca
A3W Amna Grgar amnagrgar@cmail.carleton.ca
A4W Farzad Maghsoudi farzadmaghsoudi@cmail.carleton.ca

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