Ivaschenko2018 - Modeling of User Behavior For Social Media Analysis
Ivaschenko2018 - Modeling of User Behavior For Social Media Analysis
Ivaschenko2018 - Modeling of User Behavior For Social Media Analysis
generalized behavior and the community of agent. Such corresponds the Bot activity and can be easily identified by the
behavior can be used to study and develop some visual cases. agent comparing the behavior of previous periods. The
In another case it is implemented as a sort of a frame, using described research results show that the proposed model can
which the algorithms of syntactical analysis or other large data be used for online behavior analysis and identification of
analysis can look onto the real world of social networks and negative informational influence.
filter the data for intelligent study.
To implement the proposed approach there was developed a
software solution for social media focus identification based
on knowledge discovery and Big Data analysis.
The solution can integrate with various data sources, pick
out concepts, generate tag clouds for contexts and focuses and
process their changes in time. Solution implementation
architecture is presented in Fig. 3. The data imported from
social networks is captured in database and can be processed
either in real time or in batch mode.
As shown above, the proposed model allows capturing the
process of Internet user’s activity considering a combination
of human and time factors.
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The results are presented in Fig. 4. Gray lines represent the
annual trends of users’ activity. The peak identified on Aug 15