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Workshop proposal for ICMR 2024

1. Workshop title

Workshop full title: The fifth workshop on Intelligent Cross-Data Analysis and Retrieval

Short title: ICDAR2024

2. Main contact point

Title/Name: Dr. Minh-Son Dao

Affiliation: National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan

Email address: dao@nict.go.jp

Institutional webpage: https://bdirc.nict.go.jp/en/member/

3. Workshop organizers

Title/Name, Affiliation, Email addresses, links to personal/institutional webpages of the

members of the workshop Organizing Committee

a) Minh-Son Dao (dao@nict.go.jp): he is a senior researcher of National Institute of

Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan. He received his Ph.D. from
the University of Trento, Italy. His main interests include multimedia retrieval, event
detection, video surveillance, data mining, computer vision, and pattern recognition. He
now leads several national and international projects under the Society 5.0 framework. He
is a PC member and co-chair in a number of conferences and co-organiser of MediaEval
b) Michael Alexander Riegler (michael@simula.no): he is a Chief Research
Scientist/Research Professor at the Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering. He
received his Ph.D. from the University of Oslo, Norway. Michael works mainly with applied
machine learning in the application areas of medicine and multimedia in general. He also
has organised several workshops and special sessions with different topics.
c) Duc Tien Dang Nguyen (ductien.dangnguyen@uib.no): he is an Associate Professor of
Information Science at the University of Bergen. He received his Ph.D. from the University
of Trento, Italy. His area of expertise is on multimedia forensics, lifelogging and
multimedia retrieval. Duc Tien is the author and co-author of more than a hundred peer-
reviewed research papers that have been cited over a thousand times. He is a PC member
in a number of conferences, co-organiser of both the Multimedia Verification, the NTCIR
Lifelog Task and the ImageClef Lifelog tasks, and co-organiser of over ten other MediaEval
tasks. He is also the incoming General Chair of MMM 2023.
d) Hanh Nhi TRAN is working as an Associate Professor at the University of Toulouse Paul
Sabatier and the French Military Academy Saint Cyr Coetquidan. As team member of the
Institute de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) and the Centre de Recherche
Saint Cyr Coetquidan (CREC), she conducts research works centered around the design of
rigorous techniques and methods supporting the development of high-quality software
and systems as well as the development of high-quality systems and software using
rigorous methods and techniques. Her main research topics are process modelling and
mining, system modelling, model transformation and formal verification of model
transformation. Hanh Nhi has served as a PC-member for International Conference on
Software and Systems Process (ICSSP), IEEE WETICE and Asia-Pacific Software Engineering
Conference (APSEC). She has also been reviewer for Journal of Object Technology, Journal
of Software and System Modeling, Journal of Science of Computer Programming, Journal
of Software: Evolution and Process and Journal of Information and Software Technology.
She was co-chair of the International Track on Collaborative Software Processes (CSP
2017) @ IEEE WETICE and co-organizer of the special session SYNAISE@IEEE KSE 2023.
e) RAGE Uday Kiran is working as an Associate Professor at the Division of Information
Systems, The University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan. Uday received his
Ph.D. degree in computer science from IIIT-Hyderabad, India. Uday's main research topic
is Data Science (DS), emphasizing pattern mining, knowledge graphs, tensors, intelligent
transportation systems, and air pollution analytics. He published a book in Springer titled
"Periodic Pattern Mining: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications." In addition, Uday has
100+ peer-reviewed publications covering top-tier conferences and journals in multiple
BIGDATA, DSAA, DASFAA, IEEE ACCESS, Knowledge Base Systems, Applied Intelligence,
Information Science, and Journal of Systems and Software. Uday has been active in the
research community by serving as the publicity co-chair for PAKDD 2024, IEEE ICDM 2022
and PAKDD 2021, publication co-chair for DASFAA 2022, and publication chair for BDA
2022. Uday is also serving/served as a PC-member for IEEE FUZZ, CIKM, PAKDD, DASFAA,
DEXA, and BDA.
f) Takahiro Komamizu. He is an associate professor in the Mathematical and Data Science
Center at Nagoya University. His research interests include database, data analysis,
information retrieval, machinelearning applications (mainly, imbalanced classification
domain), Linked Open Data, and multimedia data management.

4. Workshop topic and goals

i) Brief description of workshop goal

Relevance and significance of this workshop to the main conference.

Multimedia analytics and retrieval have gained significant improvement within the past
decade. People can now extract more data insights precisely and quickly towards having
many excellent applications serving human lives. Nevertheless, people create multimedia
and other types of data that reflect the diverse perspectives of human lives. In other
words, multimedia and other data types are just pieces of the puzzle of the world's big
picture. Hence, it is necessary to assembly all these pieces towards having a better
solution for human-centered problems. In other words, the demand for integrating
diverse multimodal data becomes an exciting challenge for various communities.
Therefore, the workshop can attract people who work with multimedia as well as other
areas and come from diverse research domains and disciplines such as wellbeing, disaster
prevention & mitigation, mobility, food computing, security, and smart city.

Originality and novelty of the proposed topic/topics.

People can currently collect data from themselves and their surrounding environment
quickly due to the exponential development of sensors, communication technologies, and
social networks. Besides, data has evolved and become more intelligent than ever. Thanks
to artificial intelligence and advanced application techniques, data can now be presented
in meaningful forms that provide more information and knowledge for other near-human-
cognitive analytics and retrieval. The ability to collect such (intelligent) data opens up to
new opportunities to understand better the association between human beings and their
surrounding environment's properties (i.e., humans as the center). These associations can
be utilized for intelligence, planning, controlling, retrieval, and decision making efficiently
and effectively by governments, industries, and citizens. Wearable and ambient sensors,
lifelog cameras, and social networks can report people's health, activities, and behaviors
from the first-view perspective. In contrast, surrounding sensors, social network
interaction, and third-party data can give the third-view perspective of how their society
activities look like. Several investigations have been done to deal with each perspective,
but few investigations focus on analyzing and retrieving cross-data from different
perspectives to bring better benefits to human beings. The workshop aims to attract
researchers to work on intelligent cross-data analysis and retrieval to bring a smart and
sustainable society to human beings. The research domain of corresponding applications
are vast and, to name a few, can cover well-being, disaster prevention & mitigation,
mobility, as well as food computing.

ii) list of topics (in form of bullets) – up to 1 page

Example topics of interest include, but is not limited to the following:

• Event-based cross-data retrieval, data mining, and AI technology.

• Complex event processing for linking sensors data from individuals, regions to broad
areas dynamically.
• Transfer Learning and Transformers.
• Hypotheses Development of the associations within the heterogeneous data
• Realization of a prosperous and independent region in which people and nature coexist.
• Applications leveraging intelligent cross-data analysis for a particular domain.
• Cross-datasets for Repeatable Experimentation.
• Federated Analytics, Federated Learning, and Edge AI for cross-data.
• Privacy-public data collaboration.
• Integration of diverse multimodal data.

5. Expected numbers of submissions, accepted papers, and participants

• Number of submitted papers: 15-20 papers
• Number of accepted papers: up to 10 papers
• Workshop participants: > 10 participants

6. Workshop format

We will divide the workshop into three sessions, a full-daykshop according to the topics
of accepted papers. The tentative program of the workshop is
• keynotes (1x)
• invited paper (1x)
• session 1 (3x)
• session 2 (3x)
• session 3 (3x)
• panel

7. Paper selection criteria and mechanism

We invite the following two types of papers with a double-blind review process:

Full Paper: limited to 8 pages, including all text, figures, and references: Full Papers should
describe original contents with evaluations. They will be reviewed by more than two experts
based on:

• Originality of the content

• Quality of the content based on evaluation
• Relevance to the theme
• Clarity of the written presentation

Short Paper: limited to 4 pages, including all text, figures, and references. Short papers should
describe work in-progress as position papers. They will be reviewed by two experts based on:

• Originality of the content

• Relevance to the theme
• Clarity of the written presentation

8. Past versions of the workshop (if any)

• PastWorkshop2023 (22 submissions, 9 accepted, 40% acceptance ratio, ~20 attendees)
– https://www.xdata.nict.jp/icdar_icmr2023/index.html
• PastWorkshop2022 (21 submissions, 10 accepted, 47% acceptance ratio, ~20 attendees)
– https://www.xdata.nict.jp/icdar_icmr2022/index.html
• PastWorkshop2021 (24 submissions, 10 accepted, 41% acceptance ratio, ~20 attendees)
– https://www.xdata.nict.jp/icdar_icmr2021/index.html
• PastWorkshop2020 (17 submissions, 6 accepted, 35% acceptance ratio, ~12 attendees)
– https://www.xdata.nict.jp/icdar_icmr2020/index.html
9. Publicity and promotion plan

Describe how you plan to promote the workshop and attract participants besides the promotion
efforts of ICMR 2024 – 1 paragraph

We circulate the call-for-paper by utilizing the following channels:

• on our website and ICMR 2024 website
• via machine learning group (ml-news@googlegroups.com)
• via computer vision and machine learning group (cvml-request@lists.auth.gr )
• via organizer's networks
• via all conferences/workshops/events the organizers and PC members attend.
• invite authors of ex-ICDAR workshops
• via publishers to form special issues for accepted papers. They will promote the
workshop on their website and channels.

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