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FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ‘TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET "EO0089EN MODELS: ‘TCDS NUMBER EW0OSEN ‘US. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION | REVISION: Revision 7 DATE: Feb 7,2019, CEM INTERNATIONAL, S.A. LEAP-1A354, LEAP-LA33 LEAP-1A3382 LEAP-1A32 LEAP-1830 LEAP-1826 LEAP-1A26E1 LEAP-1A24 LEAP-182481 LEAP-LA23 LEAP.ACI0 LEAP-1C30B1 LEAP C28. LEAP-1A29 LEAP-1A20¢3 LEAP-1A26C3 Engines of mods deseribed herein conforming with thie datasheet (ih is part of Type Certificate Number EOOOS9EN) and osher approved data on fle vith the Federal Avion Adkinistration, moet the msm standards for use in eerifiate szeaft in nzondance ‘vith pertinetaiscra dats sets and applicable portions ofthe Federal Aviation Regulations, provided they are inealles,opertes, ad ‘ainained as prescribed by the approved maafacarer= manele and cer approved insraction, TYPE CERTIFICATE (TC) HOLDER: CFM International, S.A. 2 Boulevard du Général Martial Valin ‘18724 Paris Cedex 18 France TE MODELS TEAPIGSA | _DEAP IAS) | CRAP IAS? [CRAP TYPE Tig Upp urotin engine, WH coil Foe fabooser Given by a mms Wage ow presurs turbine, aml stage compresor, two-stage igh pressure turbine, annular pe tal combustr, and 2 fllauthonty digital engine consal (FADEC) RATINGS See Nove 7 Stic Tana t Sea Level Tbe) + Takeoff 6 ain) 32,160 (14,305) : . + Masizmun continous 31.690 14.099) : : lot Rating Ambient Tesperture FCC) : Takeott 86 (30) : “Min continous 725) COMPONENTS Dat Nomber Full Authority Digital Control (FADEC) ‘© Electronic control unit 2500004 - - - + Sofware 2s00M00 : : 259001 « eatification plug 2531 M61PO2 assimeip22 | 2ssiMeips | 2s31MeiPis LMODELS (Cont) LEAP-1A368 LEAP-IA3) | LEAP-IAS352 | LEAP-IA32 LEFT MARGINEOO0B9EN 2of 17 FUEL + Approved fel cooing o GE specication DSOTFD, Classes A, C.D, and =, Pray Fuel ix DSOTR2 Class-A Get A) wih oer fos listed bans acceptable aliemses, Nol ‘cout adjstmen i suid when chaning from pinay to aerate fl Use of vation goline and DSOTFD ClaseB, Wide-Cot Dsl Jet B or IP) ent asthoriod + Referto the latest revision of CFM Service Bulletin LEAP-1A SB 73-0001 fra tof fle specifically approved for LEAD.1A engine OL © Approved as are ymtbetic type confeaming fo SAE ASSTEO specication erode SPC (Standard Performance Capability) or HPC Gligh perfomance Cepabibty) ‘Refer the atest revision of CFM Service Bulletin LEAP-1A SB 79.0001 fora tof of specially pproved forthe LEAP-1A encne, PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS LEAP-1A G01 PRINCIPLE DIMENSIONS nam) Leng 131.0 3328) Fo fin cs geo TRE of flnge Wii : ” ‘toa Eee 10.1 (2543) . Height Naa age 93.2(2368) 7 - WEIGHT ‘Tis eigine Wests detned us he Wag of basic mine, Inning Dai Sigs Secearonies Neve ces sa Md weight (i a el). Woes) 591 2950) = = CENTER OF GRAVITY LOCATION inom) ager Ons, Noi West Station (asia) (80) 212.6 $4000) - - Waterline 99.0(25146) . Butline 97824841) : - _ PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS LEAP-1A All other Gyy (see Note) PRINCIPLE DIMENSIONS nea Length 131.0328) - - - fin cn age to TRF af age Wii 99.7 2833) - - ‘Matava Height 93.0 2362) - - - Mam Eels WEIGHT “Tie engine weigt a detned ne woah of he baie eine, sling beats cngine eoeNOTeS Natt Eee se hud wei (a 2) Ibs) 6532 3008) = = = CENTER OF GRAVITY LOCATION inom) Expo Ony Nema Wee Station (asa) 212.6 S400) : - - Waterline 99.025146) - - . Butline 97824841) : - -E00089EN 30817 MODELS LEAP [tears] LEAP nancy ‘High bypass raotin engine wth: con ont fan booster even bya mutta low prose TYPE, turbine mut stage compressor tv0-aage high presse turbine twin annular pe sir combustor, and fll athontydigtal gis contol (FADEC). RATINGS Seer f State Thrust Sex Level To(aan) + Tekeoff min) 3216014308) 29,280 13,029) + Maxinuun contonous 31,850 (14.096) 2s'580 (1.858) Flot Rating Ambicut Temperate *FCC) 7 2 Takeo 86 (30) 9766) + Maximus costo 7728) + ‘COMPONENTS ast Nomber Full Authority Digital Contol (EADEC) ‘Electronic contol wit 25004 + Sofsere 250000 2s00Mo1 : + Lewiston plug 253161706 2s31nt51P26 assintorea2 FUEL + Approved fol coafooang 1 GE Upecdicatice DSUIFE, Clams A CD, and E PAGAN fuels DSOTF2 Class-A (et A) wth oer foes Intd bang acceptable allemates. No fel contol ajusaeat equa when changing fon primary to aemate fle Use of inton stole and DSOTF2 Clase-B, Wide-CotDistilbt let Bo P=) isnot ‘thorized ‘+ Referfothe lates revision of CFM Service Bulletin LEAP-LA SB 73.001 fora ist of fuels specifically approved for LEAP-1A engine OE + Approved els re synthetic typ confomung io SAE ASS780 speciicaion, grade SPC (Stara Performance Capability or HBC (ih performance Capablty) ‘+ Refertothe lta cevision of CFM Service Bulletin LEAP-1A SB 79.0001 fora lit ofl specifically approved forthe LEAP-1A euzne PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS LEAP-IA GOL ‘PRINCIPLE DIMENSIONS Bem Length 131.0328) ” - "Pe fn cae ange TR at ne Width 100.1 2543) . - ‘Man Eselge Helaht 2.0368) - - Maun Ege WEIGHT “Ths ene Wig td the WHEN OF We Dane Cage long Da PEE OOO Naess and fd waist (ol nd fos). 1b 591 G50) = = CENTER OF GRAVITY LOCATION in(om) ‘age Ou, Nenu Wegit Station (aie) OC ewe ge 200150802) Wrtertne Busine 212 (S400) - - 99.0 08146) . - 97.8 2484.1) - -EOO0B9EN 4ott7 TE MODELS TEAP-TA30 TEAP-TA29 TEAPAA2CT PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS LLEAP~1A All other Gyy (ee Note 8) PRINCIPLE DIMENSIONS =a) Length 131.0 8328) - - Te fncae ngete TR a ine Widen 99.7 (2833) - - Mana Eee Height - - Sina Eee WEIGHT i oF basis mia, cling ans engine ASSENT Natt Bet 6532 (3008) = = CENTER OF GRAVITY LOCATION in (um) Pegs Oa, Nac Wee Statin (ais) 2126 (5400) - - Cee ange = 200i 080 mm) Woteline 99.025146) - - Butline 97824841) - - ‘THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKEOO0B9EN Sof 17 I MODELS LEAP AS [__—teaPaaaecy_ DEP Tae "High pass mbofin nine, with: conc font fan ostr driven by multi-stage low presare TE ‘urbe, a multi-stage compressor tvo-stage high pressure turbine Win annular pre wil combutos; and full autionty dita enine control (FADEQ). RATINGS ‘See Not Static Than at Sea Level Th (an) + Takeoif Sasa) 27.120 (12064) + Maximum continuous 26,680 (11868) Flot Rating Ambient Temperature FCC) : “also 1s) 120 9) : ‘Maxim continous 77028) ‘COMPONENTS Pant Number Full Authority Digital Contol (EADEC) * Elestonie control wit, 2500004 + Sofieare 200M00 259001 * + entitiaton plog 2531 MIPS 25R1NM6IPA 2s211P30 FUEL ‘> _Approved fol coafooang 1 GE Upecsicatice DSUIFE, Clams A CD. and E PAGAN fuels DSOTF2 Class-A (et A) wth oer foes Intd bang acceptable allemates. No fel contol ajusaeat equa when changing fon primary to aemate fle Use of inton stole and DSOTF2 Clase-B, Wide-CotDistilbt let Bo P=) isnot ‘thorized ‘+ Referfothe lates revision of CFM Service Bulletin LEAP-LA SB 73.001 fora ist of fuels specifically approved for LEAP-1A engine OE + Approved els re synthetic typ confomung io SAE ASS780 speciicaion, grade SPC (Stara Performance Capability or HBC (ih performance Capablty) ‘+ Refertothe lta cevision of CFM Service Bulletin LEAP-1A SB 79.0001 fora lit ofl specifically approved forthe LEAP-1A euzne PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS LEAP-IA GOL ‘PRINCIPLE DIMENSIONS Bem Length 131.0328) ” - "Pe fn cae ange TR at ne Width 100.1 2543) . - ‘Man Eselge Helaht 2.0368) - - Maun Ege WEIGHT “Ths ene Wig td the WHEN OF We Dane Cage long Da PEE OOO Naess and fd waist (ol nd fos). 1b 591 G50) = = CENTER OF GRAVITY LOCATION in(om) ‘age Ou, Nenu Wegit Station (aie) OC ewe ge 200150802) Wrtertne Busine 212 (S400) - - 99.0 08146) . - 97.8 2484.1) - -EOO0B9EN oft? TE MODELS TEAP-TA26 TEAP-IANGCT TEAP.TA20EL PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS LLEAP~1A All other Gyy (ee Note 8) PRINCIPLE DIMENSIONS =a) Length 131.0 8328) - - Te fncae ngete TR a ine Widen 99.7 (2833) - - Mana Eee Height - - Sina Eee WEIGHT i oF basis mia, cling ans engine ASSENT Natt Bet 6532 (3008) = = CENTER OF GRAVITY LOCATION in (um) Pegs Oa, Nac Wee Statin (ais) 2126 (5400) - - Cee ange = 200i 080 mm) Woteline 99.025146) - - Butline 97824841) - - ‘THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKEOO0B9EN Tot 17 TL MopELs LEAP-IAS [ara LEAP AAS TYPE "High bypass turbofan engine, wh: coal font fan booster driven by lista low prese ‘arbine; a mitistazecompresortwo-staze high presse turbine, tin annular pe-sal combuses and ul author cital engin ctl ADEC). RATINGS ‘See NOTET Static That t Sea Level 1b (aN) + Takeoff mia) + -Masimuen corsinaous Flot Rating Ambient Temperature FCO), 23,510 (10.58) 24,010 10.680) 34,000 10,676) 0 rake) 13.48) 13.48) © Maximum soins 7708) : COMPONENTS Pan Nonber Fall Autor Digital Conta (FADEC) * Elstoni onto! uit soon . + Sofa sono wt o oa assann, : * + Testeation lag 2SiMoIPo2 asninirrss 2sn161Ps4 FUEL = Approved fat coufonmg to GE Specification DSOTFY, Claas A, CD, and E Pray fal Js DSOTF2 Clases Get A) with ther fel sted being acceptable alerts, No fe ental adjustments required when changing from primary to alternate fuels. Use of aviation ‘aol and DSOTF? Class 3, Wide-Cut Distillate Jt B orJP-4 sot authonzad, ‘© Refer the latest revision of CFM Serice Bulletin LEAP-1A S'B 75.0001 fora it of fels specially qpproved for LEAPIA, OL Approved cl are syuthete typ confumina te SAE AGS TED specication rade SPC (tundard Performs Capabsiny or HPC Gigh pefonmance Capability). + Refertothe latest revision of CFM Service Bulletin LEAP-1A SB 79.0001 fra ist of oi specially approved forthe LEAD-1A engine PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS LEAP-IA GOL PRINCIPLE DIMENSIONS naa Length 131.0(8328) - - ‘Fd ce geo TAF ania Wide 100. 543) : Marsa Erre Height 93.2 (2368) - . Nina Eeepe ‘WEIGHT “Ts eins weigh dated ar he Wight Ofte Die magne Tang aa gine SORT Newbee! and fads weight (ol and fuel tks) 5594 (2000) = = CENTER OF GRAVITY LOCATION in (am) ager Ons, Noi West Station (asia) (80) Waterline Butline 212.6400) - - 99.0028146) : 97.8 2484.) - -EOO0B9EN Bott? "IL MODELS (Cont), LEAP AAD [are LEAP IG ‘PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS LEAP-1A,All ota Gyy (see Nate 5) PRINCIPLE DIMENSIONS Er) Leng 13106328) - oo case ange TRF a eae Wis 99.7 2833) . . Mama Eevee Height 93.0 2362) - - Msn Eee WEIGHT “Tis eg Weigh dane as he Wagit oF Tass magia, sling Ras engine SCOOOHOS aa Nati’ Aids weight land feb To cig) 5632 (3008) = = CENTER OF GRAVITY LOCATION, in (om) esi Only, Neil eit Station (axa) 212.6 (S400) - - 00 S080) Weterline Butlne 99.0 25146) - - 97.8 28841) - . THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKEOO0B9EN oft TV. MODELS TEAPICS, [__cearicse TAP -1caoBr TYPE "High Ujpan wbofin engi, wath coal foe fin booster ven bya li sage low presse ‘arbi, e multistage compressor, two-stage hgh pressure turbine, tan annular pe-svi] ‘combustors, and full euthonty dint engin cotrl FADEC). ‘Other hardareinchidesacertonee and EBL an exhatst nozzle and pug, an engine mounting system anda trust reverser unt clon adil Ths Reveser Contol Unit (TRCU). RATINGS ‘See NOTE Sttis Tana a Sea Level 16 (aN) + Takeoff 6 min) + Masimn continnos Flat Rating Ambient Temperate FCO, 29220 (12898) 30830 (13714) 30830 (13714) 28760 (12793) 29980 (13322) 39980 (13322) + Takeoff mia) 86,30) ¢ Maximum continuous 7(25) COMPONENTS Fat Nanber Fall Autor Digital Conta (FADEC) Eltron contol uit 2500s + Soitvace 29002 assan003 . - + Testfcaton pos 2831M61P30 asoinina 2sninirPa3 ‘Mmm Eel (ecg TR Uns) FUEL + Approved fn contenant OE Spstieton DSUIFL, Cases CD, and E Panay Sel Je soT#2 Casa Geta) with ter fuss ted beng acespale leas. No fol aol axstneat segue when charging fom primar o alent fis Ue of ion aso: and DSUTF? Clas, Wide CU Dale et B or Ps) act aon Refer he latest revision of CFM Serice Bete LEAP-1C SB 730001 fora Ss of fs special qgyoved for LEAP IC eae om + Aprorsd ois ee syst tps conforming SAE ASST apenicaon Sade SPC {Standard Perfomanos Capa) of HPC sigh perfomance Capi) + _Referto he ates revson of CFM Service Bullen LEAP-IC SB 7.0001 fora tf speically approved fre LEAD-IC ge PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS LEAP.ICGOI PRINCIPLE DINENSTONS aaa Length Fe 17738 (4808) - - wisi 104.65 2685) ‘Main sie erg TR Up : Height toss1 2718) WEIGHT “Te eine weigi is denn she ey Weight ofthe bans egive,acosvone and EDU. a ST Nave ens ‘nozzle and pg, an engine mounting ojsem and ahs revere uni oie 5675 (3055) = = CENTER OF GRAVITY LOCATION in (om) Expo Oe Nein Weert Satin (axial) 215.0(5468) - - TPC cei fange= 20 (080) Wererine 99.2 (2520) - - Butline 98.1 (2492) > ~ [IW MODELS (Cont TEAPACS [__tEaPse0___ |rEOO0B9EN 100f 17 ‘PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS LEAP-IC All other Gyy (see Note § PRINCIPLE DIMENSIONS Bem) Length 17738 (4805) - . anche enn Ser edt caer Widen 10465 2658) ‘Maun Exel icing TR Unt) tig 105812714) 7 7 ‘Muna Ele Gdig TR Uni WEIGHT “Tie engine weit dcfned nr ie dry wig of te basi engine, accesories nd EBU, an chat Nato Bet nozzle nd pus, an engine ousting system and a thst evens at bis) Bost SS) = = CENTER OF GRAVITY LOCATION in (om) an: Oa, Noe eke Station (asst) 218.0 (S468) - - Cee ange = 200i 080 mm) Woteline Butline THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKEOO0B9EN aot t7 ‘CERTIFICATION Basis PRODUCTION BASIS TH CER Pat 33, effective Febmaary 1, 1065 with Amendments 33-1 though 3553 Werete 7 2. LAGER Pat M, Amendacat $A effective October 23,2013. 3. Enissious: ICAO Amiex 16, Volll, Amendment § (CAEP'S) latest change 4A. Equivalent Level of Safety ELOS) Findings: 4 ELOS No. LEAPIAIC-2014-TC-01-2-11 to Mt CFR 35.27(¢): ah Pressure Shaft Losrof-Load + ELOS No. LEAPIAIC.2014:TC.01-P.8 to Ld CFR 38,97) Thnast Reverse (applicable for 1C ‘models only) 5. Special Conditions ‘+ FanBlade Special Condition No. 33-015-C 6. Exemptions: None MODEL. ‘APPLICATION DATE, TCWSSCED/ AMENDED, LEAP-IASEA ‘ne 23,2014 ‘November 20.2015 TEAP-IA33 ‘May 21,2012 ‘March 11,2016 EEAP-LASSB2 | Auguet 7.2015, 2u16 TEAP-IA32 ‘May 21,2012 2016 TEAP-1A30 Tone 23,2014 2016 TEAP.1AI6 ‘May 21,2012 2016 TEAD-IA26ET | May 1, 2012 Dos EEAP-1AD ‘May 21.2012 os EBAP-IA2SE | May 21-2012 2016 TEAP-1A3, Taue 23.2014 2016 TEAP-ICI Tue 37-2012 Decentber 21, 3015 EEAP-IC30 Tone 27,2012 December 21,2016, EEAP-IC30BT | August 27.2013 Decenber 21.2016 TEAP-1A29 February 16,2018 ‘May 30.2018 EEAP-LA29C) | February 16.2018 ‘May 30.2018 TEAP-IA2C) | Febuary 16.2018 ‘May 30.2018 Production Certificate No. 108 for LEAP-1A engines produced inthe United States by General Electric under licese frou CFM Intentional, S.A. (See NOTE 16). Production Organization Approval No. FR.21G 0007 dated December 17th 2009 for engines produced in France by SAFRAN Aircraft Engines under license fom CFM International SA (See NOTE 16), ‘THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.EOO0B9EN 120817 [ NOTES, NOTE. ENGINE RATINGS Engine stings are bared on clit stand performance under the following conditions “Tleoff thst is nominally independent of ambient temperonare (st ted) upto ambient empersre of Std + 15°C (30°C, 86°F) forall models, except as noted above ‘Maxis continuous thrust nominally independent of ambient temperature (at ated) up to ambient temperature of Sd, + 10°C (25°C, 77°F) for all model Assumptions 1 Sea level stati, standaedday> 101.325 KPA Pressure (14.596 pai): 15°C tsnperome GOR) Zero custome bleed or custome horsepower extraction eal inlet, 100% rama seovery Production aria Hligit cow ling ‘Production intrumentation ‘el lower beating value of 18.400 BTU ‘Thrust Setting Parameter Power setting, power checks and contol of engine thrust output inal operations is tobe based on (CEM Interntions engine chars refering t fan speed, Fan speed sears ate inched in the engine ssl for this parpose NOTE2. TEMPERATURE LIMITS INDICATED TURBINE EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE Takeofé Sin TOC IDO) ‘Manin Continous o2sC (8778) ‘Max Transient (30sec) 068° (1949°F) Ground Starts 750°C (1382°F) aight Stace 375°C (16077) FUEL PUMP INLET TEMPERATURE ‘Maxam Sous) ‘Minimum (Cold Star) S4°C (652"P) (rth sea el sen pint hihi ghee ‘DIL TEMPERATURE ‘Nein ‘Continous operation 10°C 2847) + Transient (18 minutes) 155°C GIF) ‘Minimum (Cold Stat) ‘Engines Not Compliant with LEAP-1A S1B 72-0054, 72-0088, & 72-0036: and 28°C (20°F) LEAP-IC. Gol + Engines Compliant with LEAP-1A SB 40°C (40°F) 72-0034, 72-0035, 72-0036, and all ctl LEAPLIC. Gy (cee Note 5) ‘Minium for Acceleration to Take-Off Power 19°C (66"F)EOO0B9EN 130817 NOTES. EVEL AND OIL PRESSURE LIMITS {FUEL PRESSURE LIMITS AT THE ENGINE PUMP INLET * Alremit Boow Pump Operstive The sini prestre ot te engine fel pram inlet with sreaft boost pumps operative ee ‘vapor presse pls §psia (324 KPa) The maximum vapor to liquid rato atthe engine fel pomp inlet with acrat boost pumps operatives zt0, ‘+ Aircraft Boost Pump inoperative The engine fel system operation ie restricted withthe siteraft boost pumps inoperative as online in the LEAP-1A and LEAPCIC lnstalaton Maca O91 PRESSURE LIMITS ‘The mismo pressure limit tile is 174 pid (1200 KPa) and vavies wp fo 29 paid (2000 Pa) redline ‘+ The maximum pressure is limited during cold stats by 2420.5 psd (2900 kPa diferent) pressure slief valve NOTES. ACCESSORY DRIVE CHARACTERISTICS (All LEAP-1A Model ELECTRICAL (DG) soca a Shear a Eee 173 (129) eee ongmonear BBN oa, (wet) : ‘To00 (113) FRAT ae BERS gills ‘Shear Torque inl (Nam) rs 0 ee eames SES ae =) i Sippad Rare 1 GCit'= COUNTERCLOCRITISE fockng ate Pad) 10086 core spond = 18545 BPUL ACCESSORY DRIVE CHARACTERISTICS (AI LEAP_1C Models) Se Ree ee ‘Speed ratio to core"* Tove Peas BP aww) nos ist hear Torfve nem Fess ea) ee acame Ss ae REEF Speed toca” . oS she ana 2 aoe bei state Sotmamanct Be) HED + sama Suppl are + CoH = COENTERCLOCETISE looting athe Pa) +5008 core sped = 16.85 RPLEOO0B9EN 14 of 17 ‘NOTES. ‘MODEL DESCRIPTION “Tie models sown on this TCDS have the following general charctrs LEAP-1A TLEAP-IA38A | ASZIueo optional mode, wilh aldiional tkeodlUrot at high alitade coudiion TEAP-IA33 | ASZlneo optional mode, wih higher tue ating LLEAP-1A33B2 | Same as LEAP-1A33, with addition pilotsclested takeout capability LEAP-1A32 ASZIneo bane model TLEAP-1A30___| AS?Iueo optional model, with Tower iret ratings TLEAP-1A20 | A32One0 optional mode “ASG o ASI aeo Aub Comporte Tet (ACT) optional made LEAP1A20CI | cme as [EAP-1429. “ es TEAP-IAIS | A32Oneo bane model, AST neo oponal model ‘AllOneo or ASTOneo Alnus Compra Jet (ACH basis mode TEAPIAQSCT | Some as LEAP-1A26, mene isiacD TERAP-TAISET | Same as TEAP- 125, with exended ambient tmpersrre ead trat capabl LEAPIAQ {ASI9ne0 basic model A320ne0 optional model TLEAP-1A24Ei | Same as TEAP-1A24, with extended amen! temperature tkeol Ura capabil TLEAPIADS ASToaeo optional mode LLEAP+LA engine series inchudes: LEAP-1A3SA, LEAP+1A33, LEAP-1A3382, LEAP-LA32 LLEAD-1A30, LEAP-1A26, LEAP-1A26E1, LEAP-LA24, LEAP-1A24E1, LEAP-1A2S LEAP-1A29, LLEAD-LA29CI aud LEAP-1A26C] The pars lit for each LEAP-LA engine model contains a configuration group aumber to identity the engine configuration. The engine model configuration i identified as LEAP-LARxGyy hire x isthe ‘odel and yy i the applicable couliguation ax desribed in LEAP-1A Service Bulletin 720220, The model shown on ths TCDS have the following general chareteriaion EAPC LEAP-ICIE CID Standard Range Coafigwtion LEAPACIO (COI Extended Range Configurtion LEAP-ICS0B1 | Same as LEAPLAC30, except for plot selected exended tke rust capability LLEAP-IC engine series inchades LEAP-LC28, LEAP-1C30, and LEAP-ICS0BL ‘The pats list foreach LEAP-IC engine model contain configuration group mmr to identify the gine configuration. The engine model configuration is identified as LEAP-1CsxGyy where xx is the ‘iodel and yy ithe applicable confianrstion as desrined in LEAP-IC Service Bulletin 72-0007 NOTE 6. ACCESSORIES, COMPONENTS, OR SYSTEM ASSEMBLIES PROVIDED AS PART OF ENGINE TYPE DESIGN: For LEAP-C, al models. “Engine mouating eystent and thrust everser nit iclading a digital Thrust Rversee Cotel Unit (TRCU) ae par of engine type desan, with aircraft level requirement NOTED. ACCESSORIES, COMPONENTS, OR SYSTEM ASSEMBLIES NOT PROVIDED AS PART. OF ENGINE TYPE DESIGN: COMPATIBLE SYSTEM ASSEMBLIES Thrust Reverse ‘The LEAP-1A eagine is approved for use with the Aircelle thrust reverer system: PN [BDLOOLI-12-0 forthe left and thst everer bal and PN BDLOOSI-12-0 fr te right baad ‘rust reverse bal ‘The LEAP-IC engine Type Centificate includes the thrust reverse NOTES. SPECIAL ANTLICING OR DE ICING REQUIREMENTS: NOT APPLICABLEEOO0B9EN 18 0f17 NOTES. ENGINE MOUNT SYSTEM PROVISIONS For all models For information regarding Engine Mount provisions refer to the Engine Installation Manuals of the respective models. See Note 15 for applicable Engine istllation Manuals. NOTE 10. POWER BOOST, INJECTION OR AUGMENTATION SYSTEMS: NOT APPLICABLE NOTE AL, SPECIAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: ETOBS ‘The LEAP-LA series engines models comply with th requirements of $§ 33.4 (A33.3(6). 33:71(6\(4) and 33.201, and are therefore elizible fr installation on Extended Operations (ETOPS) and Early FTOPS approved aisplanes. The demoustated diversion tines 180 minutes ft maximum continuous thrust pls 1 minites at bold power. ETOPS eligibility doesnot ‘constitute sigplane or operstionsl level approvals necessary to conduct ETOPS fights LEAP-IA S/B 71-0006 defines the requirements for conducting ETOPS operation. LLEAP-IC engine models are not eligible for Extended Operations (ETOPS) at this time Tins Limited Dispatch Citeria ‘Citeda pertaining t the dispatch and aiantenance sesirements foe the engine contol systems sre sposified inthe sinwortines imitation seston of the Engine Shop Masa (05-17-01 LEAP- 1A ESM.20, LEAP-IC ESM.22), which define the vriowsconfizwations ad mami ‘operating intervals ‘A contol sytem ilibilty moaitoring program has been established with LEAP. a a ‘Contingency of the dispatch ateria approval, to enswe that overall engine conto system and specific component flue rates donot exceed the maimvam valves permite by the reliability analysis Induction System In ‘Demionstation of compliance to Ld CFR Pat 33.68, Induction System Ting is installation specific: Limited tothe Aisbus AS19ne0/A320ne0/A321ne0 model srsaft forthe LEAP-LA eeies engines Limited tothe COMAC C919 model aircraft forthe LEAP-IC series engines Installation ofthese engine models on diffrent isplane models or types wil exe a separate ‘evaluation aud nding of eomplianse to 14 CFR Part 3.68, Emissions Standards ‘The following emissions standards promulgated in 14 CFR Past 34, Amendment 8A effesive (October 25, 2015, and 40 CFR Par 87, effective October 51,2012, have been complied with for the LEAP-1ASSA, LEAP-1A35, LEAP-1ASSB0, LEAP-1A32, LEAP-1A30, LEAP-1A26, LEAP- 1AQ6E1, LEAP-LA24, LEAP-1A24, LEAP-1A24E 1, LEAP-IA25, LEAP-IC30, LEAP-IC30BL, LLEAP-IC28, LEAP-1A29, LEAP-1A29CI, LEAP-1A26CJ engine modes Fuel Venting Emission Standards: 14 CFR 34.10(a) and 34.11: in addition, 40 CFR 87.103) and an Sticke Nuaaber (SN) Euission Standards: 1d CER 34.21 (e)(2): in ation, 40 CFR 87.23(6X0), ‘Carbon Monoxide (CO) Emission Standards: 14 CFR 34.21(@\{)Gi): i edition, 40 CFR §7.23(610. Hydrocarbons (HC) Emlssion Standards: 14 CFR 34.21(4\(1)@)s in ation, 40 CFR 87.256), de fog N03 Ennion Sts 14 CER 42500: tin, 4 CFR 7.286 In addition tothe FAA's finding of compliance based on te certification requirements defined in thie TCDS, the engine mamifacrrr line declares tht the [CAD emissions standard identified in ‘Aanex 16, Volume I, Third Editon, Part Il, Chapter 2, Section 22.2 fee SN, Section 2.2 for (CO and HC, Section 332.€2 for NOx (also notin as CAEP). and Pat I Chapter 2 fr fuel ‘venting have also been demonstratedEOO0B9EN 16 0f 17 NOTED, ‘MANUFACTURER'S SERVICE BULLETINS OR OTHER INSTRUCTIONS COVERING ‘MATTERS OF INTEREST: NOT APPLICABLE NOTE 13. SPECTAL OPERATING PROCEDURES, Negative G Operation ‘During negative g operation only, itis permissible to operate below minimum ol pressure (174 sid) fora maximum of 14 seconds, See LEAP-1A Specific Operating Instustion Manual, GER 1SITI7, andthe LEAP-IC Spesiie OpertingInsrtins Maal, GER. 131718, ‘Minisnam Fight ile ‘The minimum permissible idle in flight is 9 non-adjutale lint, reset ito the FEC Contol schedule, Flight ile is engaged based on tins lever positon snd opera conditions as spesified inthe LEAP-IA Specific Operating lnsntons Maas, GEK LS1717, and the LEAP- AIC Spevfie Operating latnetons Masa, GEK 181718 Takeoff Time Limit The normal $ mine takeoff ating may be extended to 10 minutes for engine out contingeney, as specified in the LEAP-1A Specific Operating Instructions Maal, GEK 131717, and the LEAP- C Specific Operating lnstrctions Manna, GEK 131718, Icing Operation For opertion in cing conditions requirements limitations, and motes are specified in the LEAP- 1A Speviis Operating Inetuctions Maal. GEK 131717, aud the LEAP-1C Specifie Operating Tasrutions Manual, GEE 131718, NOTE, SPECIAL REPAIR OR OVERHAUL LIMITATIONS: NOT APPLICABLE NOTE 18, APPLICABLE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND OVERHAUL MANUALS, LEAP-LA’ The cpplicable installation and operating manuals are referenced in the Latest revision of CFM Service Bulletin LEAP-1A 72-0220, 1) Tawbofin Engine Installation Miasal (EI) 'LEAP-LA GOL (CRE 21060 (320) LEAPAIA Allother Gyy CRE 2106a_3 (M2033) 2) Specific Opersting Instrvtions (SOD): CRL 21058 (GEK 131717) Instructions for Continued Airwosthiness (CA): Engine Shop Manuals, Service Bulletins. (Overhaul and Maistenance Masia, Repair Manuals, Vendor Manuals, aed Design Changes ‘which contain a statement thatthe document is EASA approved oe approved under authacty of DOA No. EASA 21.086 are accepted by the FAA and considered FAA approved. Repair data ‘and related instructions are considered FAA approved or accepted as applicable. These approvals ppevtain to the type design only, The LEAP-1A ICA incides: 1) Engine Shop Marsal (ESM): SM.20 2) Standard Practices Manual SPM): SPM25 53) Constunsble Product Manal (CPM): CPM.25 4))Nen Destructive Test Maaual (NDT); NDTAL2$ 5) Components Maintenance Manuals (CMM): as published by CEM 6) Service Bulletins (SBY: as published by CFM 7) Maintensnee Manual: see Aieraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) 8) Troubleshoot Manual: se Aireraf Troubleshooting Maaval (TSM) LEAPAIC: The applisable installation sad operating monnals ae sefecenced in the Itest revision of CFM Service Bolletin LEAP-IC 72-0007 1) Turbofan Engine Installation Massa (EIM) TEAP-IC G01 (CRE 2106e M2: TEAPLIC AllotherGyy RL 2106 1 (M2211) 2) Specie Operating Iastrtions (SOM): CRL 2105 (GEKIS1718) Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA): Instruction for Continued Airworthiness (CA) forthe LEAP-1C models are incomplete Aircraft with these engines intalled wil be eligible for airworthiness cestifcation when the ICA are coupleted and accepted by the FAA Engine (Centfiestion Office, ANE-140,EOO0B9EN 17of 7 ‘NOTE TS, NOTE. NOTE 18, NOTED, NOTE 20, NOTE 21. NOTED. IMPORT REQUIREMENTS ‘The ype certificate holder, CFM Intemational, S.A. is «company etablished and joiatly owed by SAFRAN Aircraft Engines of Frauce snd the General Besri Company forthe certification, sale, and suppor of CPMS6 & LEAP series engines. The LEAP-LA engine series ea product line
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