Artículo Original
Artículo Original
Artículo Original
Objective. To investigate whether serum urate levels, number of gout flares, and tophi burden are related to death
from cardiovascular (CV) causes after treatment with febuxostat or allopurinol in patients with gout from the Cardiovas-
cular Safety of Febuxostat or Allopurinol in Patients With Gout and Cardiovascular Comorbidities (CARES) trial.
Methods. Patients were randomly assigned to receive febuxostat (40 mg or 80 mg once daily, according to serum urate
levels at week 2) or allopurinol titrated in 100-mg increments from 200–400 mg or 300–600 mg (with dose determined accord-
ing to kidney function). Changes from baseline in serum urate level, gout flares, and tophus resolution were key exploratory effi-
cacy parameters in the overall population and in subgroups of patients who died and those who did not die from a CV-related
cause. The latter subgroup included patients who died due to non-CV causes and those who did not die due to any cause.
Results. Patients received treatment with febuxostat (n = 3,098) or allopurinol (n = 3,092) for a median follow-up
period of 32 months (for a maximum of 85 months). In the overall population, mean serum urate levels were lower in those
receiving febuxostat compared with those receiving allopurinol at most study visits. There were no associations between
serum urate levels and death from CV causes with febuxostat. The number of gout flares requiring treatment was higher
within 1 year of treatment with febuxostat compared with allopurinol (mean incidence of gout flares per patient-years of
exposure 1.33 versus 1.20), but was comparable thereafter and decreased overall throughout the study period (mean inci-
dence of gout flares per patient-years of exposure 0.35 versus 0.34 after 1 year of treatment; overall mean incidence 0.68
versus 0.63) irrespective of whether the patient died from a CV-related cause. Overall, 20.8% of patients had ≥1 tophus at
baseline; tophus resolution rates were similar between treatment groups, with cumulative resolution rates of >50%.
Conclusion. In the CARES trial, febuxostat and allopurinol (≤600 mg doses) had comparable efficacy in patients
with gout and CV disease, and there was no evidence of a relationship between death from CV causes and serum urate
levels, number of gout flares, or tophus resolution among the patients receiving febuxostat. NCT01101035.
Supported by Takeda Development Center Americas, Inc. Barbara Hunt, MS, Majin Castillo, MD, Lhanoo Gunawardhana, MD, PhD:
Kenneth G. Saag, MD, MSc: University of Alabama at Birmingham; Takeda Development Center Americas, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts.
Michael A. Becker, MD: University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Author disclosures are available at
Chicago, Illinois; 3William B. White, MD: Cardiology Center, University of Con- downloadSupplement?doi=10.1002%2Fart.42160&file=art42160-sup-0001-
necticut School of Medicine, Farmington; 4Andrew Whelton, MD, FACP: Johns Disclosureform.pdf.
Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland; 5Jeffrey S. Borer, MD: State Univer- Address correspondence to Kenneth G. Saag, MD, MSc, University of Ala-
sity of New York Downstate University of the Health Sciences, Brooklyn, New bama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35233. Email:
York; 6Philip B. Gorelick, MD, MPH, FACP: Davee Department of Neurology, Submitted for publication May 17, 2021; accepted in revised form May
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois; 4, 2022.
adjusting for other risk factors (including age, sex, smoking status, febuxostat compared with allopurinol in patients with gout and
alcohol consumption, body weight, blood pressure, history of significant CV comorbidities.
CVD, kidney function, and plasma glucose levels), serum urate
levels were still strongly associated with death from all causes, Patients. Patients were men aged ≥50 years and women
including CVD (9). However, contrary to findings from these epide- aged ≥55 years who had been postmenopausal for ≥2 years.
miologic studies, data from Mendelian randomization studies do Eligibility criteria included a history or presence of gout according
not support a consistent causal role of serum urate in CVD to the American College of Rheumatology criteria (20), as well as
(10,11). Therefore, the relationship between serum urate levels and a history of major CVD or cerebrovascular disease, including
death from CV causes remains to be determined (12,13). ≥1 of the following: myocardial infarction, cardiac or cerebrovas-
The mainstay of chronic gout management is reduction of cular revascularization, stroke, hospitalization for unstable angina
serum urate levels and maintenance of these levels at <6.0 mg/dl or transient ischemic attack, peripheral vascular disease, or his-
(14–16). The urate-lowering xanthine oxidase inhibitors are con- tory of diabetes mellitus with evidence of microvascular disease
sidered first-line pharmacologic therapy for hyperuricemia in or macrovascular disease. Patients had serum urate levels ≥7.0
patients with gout (13–16). Currently, allopurinol and febuxostat mg/dl at screening, or ≥6.0 mg/dl at screening and inadequately
are the only available xanthine oxidase inhibitors. controlled gout (i.e., the presence of flares and/or the presence
The Cardiovascular Safety of Febuxostat or Allopurinol in of tophi in the 12 months prior to screening). Written informed
Patients With Gout and Cardiovascular Comorbidities (CARES) trial consent was obtained from each patient in accordance with the
( identifier: NCT01101035) examined rates of major Declaration of Helsinki and the International Council for Harmoni-
CV events in patients with gout and CVD who received treatment sation Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice, and the study was
with febuxostat or allopurinol (17). The CARES trial has the longest conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
study duration (median follow-up period of 32 months), and largest The appropriate national and institutional regulatory authorities
data set (n = 6,190) of any randomized controlled trial comparing and ethics committees approved the trial design.
febuxostat with allopurinol. In this study, the proportion of patients Key exclusion criteria included myocardial infarction within
with the primary end point (a composite of cardiovascular death, 60 days prior to screening, secondary hyperuricemia, history of
nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, and unstable angina xanthinuria, known hypersensitivity to febuxostat or allopurinol,
with urgent revascularization) was noninferior between febuxostat or an estimated creatinine clearance (CrCl) of <30 ml/minute using
and allopurinol. However, in the secondary end point analysis, the the Cockcroft-Gault formula.
rate of death from CV causes was greater in patients who received
treatment with febuxostat compared with patients who received Treatments and procedures. Eligible patients were ran-
treatment with allopurinol (4.3% and 3.2%, respectively; hazard domly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive once-daily febuxostat or
ratio [HR] 1.34) (17). In addition, prespecified subgroup analyses allopurinol. Patients randomized to receive febuxostat initially
were performed in order to investigate the potential effects of non- received 40 mg every day; patients with serum urate levels <6.0
steroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use, since NSAIDs are mg/dl at the week 2 visit continued to receive the 40-mg dose
known to be associated with CVD (18). These analyses found that for the remainder of the study. Patients with serum urate levels
both the use of NSAIDs and absence of low-dose aspirin at baseline ≥6.0 mg/dl at week 2 received once-daily febuxostat (80 mg) at
were associated with death from CV causes (unadjusted P < 0.05 week 4 and continued to receive this dose for the remainder of
for both comparisons) (17). With the exception of NSAID use for the study. Patients who were randomized to receive allopurinol
gout flair prophylaxis and/or treatment, use of NSAIDs and low- and who had normal renal function or mild renal impairment (esti-
dose aspirin were not systematically monitored during the study. In mated CrCl ≥60 ml/minute) initially received 300 mg of allopurinol
an additional analysis, all-cause mortality was higher with febuxostat daily, with the dose increased in 100-mg increments monthly until
treatment compared with allopurinol treatment (HR 1.22) as a result either the serum urate level was <6.0 mg/dl or a daily allopurinol
of an imbalance in the rates of death from CV causes (17). dosage of 600 mg was achieved. Patients who had moderate
The objective of this exploratory analysis was to evaluate renal impairment (estimated CrCl ≥30 but <60 ml/minute) initially
data from the CARES trial to investigate if serum urate levels, gout received once-daily allopurinol (200 mg), with the dose increased
flares, and tophi burden were associated with death from CV in 100-mg increments monthly until either the serum urate level
causes after febuxostat or allopurinol treatment. was <6.0 mg/dl or a daily allopurinol dosage of 400 mg was
For the first 6 months of the study, all patients received once-
daily colchicine (0.6 mg) as gout flare prophylaxis. Alternatively, if
The CARES trial has been described previously (17,19). In once-daily 0.6 mg of colchicine was not tolerated by the patient,
brief, the CARES trial was a multicenter, randomized, double- 0.6 mg every other day was permitted. If colchicine was not toler-
blind trial designed to evaluate the CV safety and efficacy of ated and the estimated CrCl was ≥50 ml/minute, naproxen was
Table 1. Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with gout in the modified intent-to-treat population*
Overall Patients who died from a CV-related cause Patients who did not die from a CV-related cause†
Febuxostat Allopurinol Febuxostat Allopurinol Febuxostat Allopurinol
(n = 3,098) (n = 3,092) (n = 134) (n = 100) (n = 2,964) (n = 2,992)
Years since gout diagnosis, mean ± SD‡ 11.8 ± 11.4 11.9 ± 11.2 11.5 ± 12.2 10.3 ± 11.5 11.8 ± 11.4 11.9 ± 11.2
Baseline serum urate level, mean ± SD mg/dl 8.7 ± 1.7 8.7 ± 1.7 9.3 ± 1.8 9.8 ± 1.9 8.7 ± 1.7 8.7 ± 1.7
Baseline serum urate category
<7 mg/dl 412 (13.3) 436 (14.1) 8 (6.0) 5 (5.0) 404 (13.6) 431 (14.4)
7–<8 mg/dl 631 (20.4) 620 (20.1) 26 (19.4) 11 (11.0) 605 (20.4) 609 (20.4)
8–<9 mg/dl 735 (23.7) 759 (24.5) 26 (19.4) 19 (19.0) 709 (23.9) 740 (24.7)
9–<10 mg/dl 666 (21.5) 646 (20.9) 28 (20.9) 26 (26.0) 638 (21.5) 620 (20.7)
≥10 mg/dl 654 (21.1) 631 (20.4) 46 (34.3) 39 (39.0) 608 (20.5) 592 (19.8)
Months since last gout flare
<1 1,017 (32.8) 978 (31.6) 47 (35.1) 42 (42.0) 970 (32.7) 936 (31.3)
1–<4 981 (31.7) 1,009 (32.6) 39 (29.1) 29 (29.0) 942 (31.8) 980 (32.8)
4–<6 311 (10.0) 353 (11.4) 14 (10.4) 9 (9.0) 297 (10.0) 344 (11.5)
6–<12 471 (15.2) 455 (14.7) 20 (14.9) 10 (10.0) 451 (15.2) 445 (14.9)
≥12 317 (10.2) 296 (9.6) 14 (10.4) 10 (10.0) 303 (10.2) 286 (9.6)
No. of gout flares in the past year
1–3 1,880 (60.7) 1,842 (59.6) 77 (57.5) 56 (56.0) 1,803 (60.8) 1,786 (59.7)
4–6 544 (17.6) 544 (17.6) 25 (18.7) 17 (17.0) 519 (17.5) 527 (17.6)
>6 356 (11.5) 409 (13.2) 18 (13.4) 17 (17.0) 338 (11.4) 392 (13.1)
Presence of tophi 668 (21.6) 650 (21.0) 28 (20.9) 30 (30.0) 640 (21.6) 620 (20.7)
No. of tophi, mean ± SD 4.1 ± 10.2 4.2 ± 7.0 12.3 ± 39.6 5.3 ± 6.2 3.8 ± 6.3 4.1 ± 7.0
Renal function at baseline§
Moderately impaired 1,636 (52.8) 1,631 (52.7) 93 (69.4) 78 (78.0) 1,543 (52.1) 1,553 (51.9)
Mildly impaired 1,217 (39.3) 1,231 (39.8) 34 (25.4) 19 (19.0) 1,183 (39.9) 1,212 (40.5)
Normal 239 (7.7) 228 (7.4) 6 (4.5) 3 (3.0) 233 (7.9) 225 (7.5)
Patients who received prior urate-lowering 1,914 (61.8) 1,914 (61.9) 88 (65.7) 68 (68.0) 1,826 (61.6) 1,846 (61.7)
* Except where indicated otherwise, values are the number (%) of patients. CV = cardiovascular.
† Included patients who died due to non-CV causes and those who did not die due to any cause.
‡ Years are calculated according to the first double-blind dose of study drug.
§ Moderately impaired indicates an estimated creatinine clearance (CrCl) 30–59 ml/minute, mildly impaired indicates an estimated CrCl 60–89 ml/minute, and normal indicates an
estimated CrCl ≥90 ml/minute. Seven patients had baseline estimated CrCl <30 ml/minute. One patient was missing baseline estimated CrCl measurements.
administered at a dose of 250 mg twice daily with 15 mg of once- level was <6.0 mg/ml at week 4 or 8, then that patient would not
daily lansoprazole. In instances when patients could not receive be required to return to the study clinic until month 3. Clinical
colchicine or naproxen, other NSAIDs or prednisone were pro- assessments, including those regarding gout flare assessment,
vided at the investigator’s discretion. In the event that colchicine, serum urate measurements, tophus physical examination, vital
naproxen, other NSAIDs, proton-pump inhibitors, or prednisone signs, treatment compliance, and concomitant medication usage
were not tolerated or were contraindicated, the investigator could were performed at each visit.
choose not to use prophylaxis but rather to manage gout flares as
they occurred. Statistical analysis. Efficacy end points were assessed in
the modified intent-to-treat (ITT) population, which included all
End points and assessments. In this analysis, key explor- randomized patients who received ≥1 dose of study medication.
atory efficacy end points included changes from baseline in serum Demographic and baseline clinical characteristics and changes
urate levels, gout flares, and tophus assessment. Effects on the in efficacy parameters in the subgroup of patients who died from
efficacy end points were explored in post hoc analyses in patients a CV-related cause and those who did not die from a CV-related
who died from a CV-related cause and patients who did not die cause are summarized.
from a CV-related cause (i.e., the remainder of the study popula- Gout flare rate was stratified by post-baseline serum urate
tion, which included those who died due to non-CV causes and levels and was calculated as the number of flares from the end
those who did not die due to any cause). of the first year of treatment to the end of the study divided by
Clinic visits occurred on weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10; months the length of time on treatment during the period after the first year
3 and 6; and every 6 months thereafter. If a patient’s serum urate of treatment until the end of the study.
Figure 1. Change in mean serum urate (sUA) levels in patients receiving febuxostat and those receiving allopurinol in the overall modified intent-
to-treat (ITT) population (A) and in the subgroup of patients who died from a cardiovascular (CV)–related cause compared with patients who did
not die from a CV-related cause (B). The modified ITT population comprised patients randomized to a treatment group who received ≥1 dose of
study drug. Bars show the mean ± SD. Patient numbers are summarized in Supplementary Table 2 (available on the Arthritis & Rheumatology
website at The number of patients in each subgroup who had serum urate (sUA) data at
months 60 and 72 was too low (n ≤ 5) to allow for meaningful interpretation of serum urate levels at these time points.
Figure 2. Gout flares requiring treatment among patients receiving febuxostat or allopurinol in the overall modified ITT population (A) and in the sub-
group of patients who died from a CV-related cause compared with patients who did not die from a CV-related cause (B). The modified ITT population
comprised patients who were randomized to a treatment group and received ≥1 dose of study drug. Symbols represent the mean number of gout
flares per patient-years of exposure, with numbers of patient-years shown in the tables below the graphs. See Figure 1 for definitions.
Post hoc analyses for the relationship between treatment, baseline was 8.7 ± 1.7 mg/dl; 20.8% of patients had a baseline
death from CV causes, and on-treatment serum urate levels were serum urate level ≥10.0 mg/dl. Approximately 90% of patients
performed using Cochran-Armitage test for trend. Reported in the CARES trial had experienced a gout flare within the year
P values are nominal and are not provided as indicators of statis- prior to study entry, and most patients (61.8%) previously
tical significance. received a urate-lowering therapy. In total, 21.3% of patients
had a tophus or tophi at baseline (Table 1). Data regarding
the disposition of patients have been previously reported
RESULTS (Supplementary Table 1, available on the Arthritis & Rheumatol-
A total of 6,198 patients were enrolled and were randomized ogy website at
to receive either febuxostat or allopurinol in the CARES trial; of 42160) (17).
these, 8 patients did not receive treatment; therefore, 6,190 Death from CV causes subgroups were composed of
patients were included in the modified ITT population. Patients patients in the CARES trial who died from a CV-related cause
were randomized to receive treatment with febuxostat (febuxostat n = 134; allopurinol n = 100) and those who did not
(n = 3,098) or allopurinol (n = 3,092). The median follow-up period die from a CV-related cause (febuxostat n = 2,964; allopurinol
was 32 months (maximum 85 months). n = 2,992) (see Table 1 for baseline demographic and clinical
Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics have characteristics).
been described previously and were comparable between treat-
ment arms (17). The study population was predominantly male Relationship between serum urate levels and death
(83.9%) and White (69.5%), the median (range) age was 65.0 from a CV-related cause. In the overall modified ITT popula-
(44–93) years, and the mean ± SD body mass index was tion, baseline serum urate levels were comparable between
33.5 ± 6.92 kg/m2. The overall mean ± SD serum urate level at the febuxostat treatment group (8.7 mg/dl, n = 3,098) and
Table 2. Incidence of gout flares among patients receiving febuxostat or allopurinol, by treatment duration and
severity of flare*
Febuxostat (n = 3,098)† Allopurinol (n = 3,092)‡
≤1 year of >1 year of ≤1 year of >1 year of
Overall treatment treatment Overall treatment treatment
All flares 0.68 1.33 0.35 0.63 1.20 0.34
Severe 0.20 0.40 0.09 0.17 0.32 0.09
Moderate 0.33 0.63 0.17 0.30 0.56 0.16
Mild 0.14 0.27 0.08 0.15 0.29 0.08
* The highest level of severity reported for the 4 symptoms collected for each flare (swelling, redness, tenderness,
and joint warmth) was used to categorize the flare as mild, moderate, or severe. Values are the mean incidence of
flares per patient-years of exposure. The total number of patients for each treatment group refers to the number at
† Per 7,574 patient-years of exposure.
‡ Per 7,455 patient-years of exposure.
allopurinol treatment group (8.7 mg/dl, n = 3,092) (Figure 1 and In the
Supplementary Table 2, overall modified ITT population, gout flare rates (per patient-year)
1002/art.42160). However, after the first dose of study medica- had a trend of being higher with febuxostat than with allopurinol
tion, serum urate levels in patients receiving febuxostat were during the first year of treatment (overall modified ITT population,
nominally lower than in those receiving allopurinol at most study 1.33 versus 1.20, respectively) but were comparable thereafter
visits (week 2 and months 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, and 72). Base- (overall modified ITT population >1 year, febuxostat 0.35 versus
line serum urate levels were higher in patients who died from a allopurinol 0.34) and decreased over the study period in both
CV-related cause (febuxostat 9.3 mg/dl, n = 134; allopurinol 9.8 treatment groups (Figure 2 and Supplementary Table 3, http://
mg/dl, n = 100) than in those who did not die from a CV-related The incidence
cause (8.7 mg/dl in both the febuxostat treatment group rates of gout flares within the first year of study treatment were
[n = 2,964] and allopurinol treatment group [n = 2,992]). In slightly higher in the subgroup of patients who died from a CV-
patients who did not die from a CV-related cause, serum urate related cause compared with the subgroup of patients who did
levels with febuxostat treatment were nominally lower than with not die from a CV-related cause, but was generally lower for the
treatment with allopurinol at week 2 and months 3, 6, 12, 24, remainder of the study period (Figure 2 and Supplementary
36, 48, 60, and 72. By contrast, in the subgroup of patients who Table 3). Throughout the duration of the study, gout flare severity
died from a CV-related cause, serum urate levels varied through- was similar between the febuxostat and allopurinol treatment
out the study period and were comparable between the febuxo- groups, with most flares classified as moderate in intensity
stat and allopurinol treatment group (Figure 1 and (febuxostat 0.33 versus allopurinol 0.30) (Table 2), although the
Supplementary Table 2, number and severity of gout flares were slightly higher within the
1002/art.42160). first year of treatment in the febuxostat group (overall 1.33 flares
versus moderate-to-severe flares 1.03) compared with the allopu-
Gout flares. Relationship between gout flares requiring rinol group (overall flares 1.20 versus moderate-to-severe flares
treatment and death from CV causes. The incidence rates of gout 0.88) (Table 2).
flares requiring treatment (per patient-year) were similar between In the overall modified ITT population, gout flare rates within
the febuxostat and allopurinol treatment groups over the entire the 3-month period over which data were available closest to
study period (overall modified ITT population, febuxostat 0.68 death from a CV-related cause were low. The number of gout
versus allopurinol 0.63) (Figure 2 and Supplementary Table 3, flares was higher with febuxostat treatment (6% [8 of 134])
Table 3. Gout flare rates among patients receiving febuxostat or allopurinol according to post-baseline mean serum
urate levels, overall and by treatment group*
Mean flare rates per patient-years of exposure (95% CI)
Post-baseline mean serum urate level Febuxostat Allopurinol Total
<4.0 mg/dl 0.27 (0.24–0.31) 0.25 (0.19–0.33) 0.27 (0.24–0.30)
4.0–5.0 mg/dl 0.27 (0.25–0.30) 0.20 (0.18–0.23) 0.24 (0.23–0.26)
5.0–6.0 mg/dl 0.35 (0.32–0.39) 0.31 (0.29–0.34) 0.33 (0.31–0.35)
≥6.0 mg/dl 0.49 (0.45–0.53) 0.52 (0.48–0.55) 0.50 (0.48–0.53)
* Post-baseline serum urate level measurements were collected from the end of the first year of treatment until the
end of the study. The mean flare rates per patient-years of exposure (with 95% confidence intervals [95% CIs])
include occurrence of gout flares from the end of the first year of treatment until the end of the study.
Table 4. Numbers of patients who died from a CV-related cause by average post-baseline mean serum urate level and treatment group*
Post-baseline mean serum urate level P for trend, death from
CV-related cause and mean
<4.0 mg/dl 4.0–<5.0 mg/dl 5.0–<6.0 mg/dl ≥6.0 mg/dl serum urate level†
Overall 0.034
Total no. of patients 383 1,353 2,345 2,109
Patients who died from a CV-related cause 6 (1.6) 16 (1.2) 34 (1.4) 47 (2.2)
Patients who did not die from a CV-related cause 377 (98.4) 1,337 (98.8) 2,311 (98.6) 2,062 (97.8)
Febuxostat 0.199
Total no. of patients 298 838 1,012 950
Patients who died from a CV-related cause 6 (2.0) 13 (1.6) 18 (1.8) 25 (2.6)
Patients who did not die from a CV-related cause 292 (98.0) 825 (98.4) 994 (98.2) 925 (97.4)
Allopurinol 0.012
Total no. of patients 85 515 1,333 1,159
Patients who died from a CV-related cause 0 (0) 3 (0.6) 16 (1.2) 22 (1.9)
Patients who did not die from a CV-related cause 85 (100.0) 512 (99.4) 1,317 (98.8) 1,137 (98.1)
* The mean serum urate level was calculated using all post-baseline serum urate values collected after the first dose of study drug and >1 day
after a patient’s final dose of study drug. Death from a cardiovascular (CV)–related cause includes deaths up to 30 days after a patient’s final
dose of study drug. Except where indicated otherwise, values are the number (%) of patients.
† Other associations evaluated included the overall relationship between treatment and death from a CV-related cause (P = 0.038) and between
treatment and mean serum urate level (P ≤ 0.001). P values were determined by Cochran–Armitage test for trend.
order to prevent progressive joint damage resulting from flare risk in patients from the CARES trial, which included patients
recurrence and reduce deformity caused by tophus formation. with CV event rates of >10%, which is higher compared with
Achievement of long-term serum urate levels at a minimum of other gout studies (17,24,25). The CARES trial previously dem-
<6.0 mg/dl or even lower at <5.0 mg/dl to durably improve the onstrated that the rates of predefined major adverse CV events
signs and symptoms of gout, including palpable and visible with febuxostat treatment were noninferior to allopurinol (17).
tophi detected on physical examination (16,22), is essential to Findings from the present analyses show that very few patients
preventing these pathologic processes. In the overall modified experienced a gout flare within the 3-month period over which
ITT population in the CARES trial, febuxostat was associated data were available closest to a cardiac event. Furthermore,
with lower serum urate levels than allopurinol at most study there were no imbalances in nonfatal CV events, including acute
visits. To further investigate a potential association between coronary syndrome, ischemic stroke, or revascularization rates
febuxostat and increased deaths from CV causes, we analyzed in the CARES trial (17). These findings suggest a lack of an asso-
participants from the CARES trial organized into subgroups of ciation between an off-target effect of febuxostat on mecha-
either patients who died from a CV-related cause or those who nisms such as inflammation and prothrombosis.
did not die from a CV-related cause. Baseline serum urate levels Our study had several strengths. First, it is the largest and
in the CARES trial patient population were higher in those who longest clinical trial in the gout population. Second, it is the only
died from a CV-related cause than in those who did not. In the trial enriched for CVD. Finally, there were frequent measurements
subgroup of patients who did not die from a CV-related cause, of serum urate levels and clinical assessments for gout flares and
at most study visits those who received treatment with febuxo- tophi status during the trial. This allowed for examination of the
stat had lower serum urate levels than those who received allo- relationships between serum urate levels and gout flares with CV
purinol. In the subgroup of patients who died from a CV-related outcomes in the entire cohort as well as each treatment
cause there were no clear relationships between serum urate assignment.
levels and treatment groups; however, interpretation of these Limitations of this study have been discussed previously (17).
findings is limited by the small number of patients (febuxostat First, there was no placebo arm in the trial, which could have char-
n = 134 versus allopurinol n = 100). acterized the incidence rates of CV events in the high-risk gout
In the overall modified ITT population, gout flare rates were population; use of a placebo group was not feasible considering
similar in patients who received febuxostat and those who the planned length of the trial. Second, a large proportion of par-
received allopurinol and decreased during the study period ticipants either discontinued participation in the study, did not
regardless of whether the patient died from a CV-related cause complete follow-up, or discontinued treatment, making the com-
or not. Moreover, in patients who died of a CV-related cause, plete analysis of all patients difficult. However, baseline demo-
94% and 98% of those who received febuxostat and those who graphic and clinical characteristics were comparable between
received allopurinol, respectively, did not have a reported gout treatment groups and between patients who either continued or
flare within 3 months of death. Across different post-baseline discontinued treatment (17). Third, we cannot draw any conclu-
serum urate categories, regardless of treatment group, there sions between levels of inflammation markers in serum and death
was a trend toward a reduction in the rate of gout flare at lower from CV causes in this study, as the former was not collected as
serum urate levels. part of the CARES study design. Additionally, it is important to note
The overall proportion of patients with ≥1 tophus at baseline that the positive association between serum urate levels and death
was 20.8%, with similar proportions of patients in the febuxostat from CV causes seen in the overall population and in allopurinol
and allopurinol treatment groups. Tophus resolution rates were treatment group, but not in the febuxostat treatment group, was
similar between treatment groups throughout the study period. based on post hoc analyses and should be considered explor-
Within the first 2 years, tophus resolution rates remained compa- atory. Further studies with large sample sizes are necessary to con-
rable between treatment groups, regardless of whether the firm these trends. Finally, rates of gout flares in clinical trials are
patient died from a CV-related cause or not. difficult to capture accurately, despite the best efforts by site
The links between serum urate levels, hyperuricemia, gout personnel (study coordinator, study nurse, or the investigator). Mis-
flares, and CVD are unclear. Some studies suggest that there is classification of gout flares may complicate the interpretation of
no link between increased serum urate levels and coronary heart data and potentially bias findings toward the null hypothesis.
disease (10). However, other studies indicate that increased In conclusion, in this new analysis of patients from the
serum urate levels may be associated with worse outcomes in CARES trial, we found no relationships between death from
patients with CVD and renal disease (6,7,9). One potential CV causes and gout flares or tophus resolution in patients
mechanism by which serum urate levels could lead to increased who received treatment with febuxostat or allopurinol. There
CV events is by impairing nitric oxide synthesis, resulting in vas- were also no clear associations between serum urate levels
cular endothelial dysfunction that may lead to inflammation and and death from CV causes in patients who received treatment
prothrombosis (23). It is important to note the relatively high CV with febuxostat.
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Takeda Development Center Americas, Inc. for his contributions and 2008;58:623–30.
advice on our statistical analyses and Eileen Hartman from Takeda
10. Keenan T, Zhao W, Rasheed A, Ho WK, Malik R, Felix JF, et al. Causal
Development Center Americas, Inc. for her review of the manuscript for
assessment of serum urate levels in cardiometabolic diseases
scientific accuracy. Medical writing assistance was provided by Simon
through a Mendelian randomization study. J Am Coll Cardiol 2016;
Wigfield (Caudex, Oxford, UK) and Lauren Gwynne (Caudex, Oxford,
UK), and editorial assistance was provided by Danielle Johnson
(Caudex, Oxford, UK) (all supported by Takeda Development Center 11. Kleber ME, Delgado G, Grammer TB, Silbernagel G, Huang J,
Americas, Inc.). Kramer BK, et al. Uric acid and cardiovascular events: a Mendelian
randomization study. J Am Soc Nephrol 2015;26:2831–8.
12. Richette P, Latourte A, Bardin T. Cardiac and renal protective effects
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16. Khanna D, Fitzgerald JD, Khanna PP, Bae S, Singh MK, Neogi T, et al.
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