Ridwan Olawale: Dr. 'Wale
Ridwan Olawale: Dr. 'Wale
Ridwan Olawale: Dr. 'Wale
Dr. 'Wale
walesonmd@gmail.com | +2349052389099
I am a trained physician with an advanced degree in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, a learning management
system manager. I have worked under various trainee capacities across the United Kingdom National Health
Service (NHS-UK).
I am equipped with the ability to be held responsible and accountable (while working alone, in team or under
guidance) for providing high-end innovative ideas that improve the appropriateness, quality and delivery of up-
to-date statistical and analytical expertise, technical guidance and strategic direction to support evidence-based
decision making in addressing educational priorities.
Within my disposal are initiatives that relates to Public Health Data Analysis (Surveillance; GPEi / STRIPE @
JHSPH), Statistics and Public Health Data Analysis (2021 @ Imperial college London, online certification),
Investigation of Outbreaks, Health Promotion, PSCM (Cold chain and Supply Chain Management ), HSS
(Health Systems Strengthening), Infectious Diseases and Public Health Emergencies of International Concern ,
all drew from various trainings that came about the COVID-19 pandemic. Focusing on emergency
preparedness, response strategies, surveillance / preventive measures , WASH, and Sexual and Gender Based
Violence needs in outbreaks putting people into perspectives of equity and inequity for the purpose of inclusion
in universal basic human right dividends (educational).
I am in the process of obtaining certifications in Health Promotion (Ongoing @ PAHO Virtual campus), Human
Factors in a Healthcare Environment (Ongoing @ UEA-UK) and The Challenges of Global Health (Completed
@ Duke University), teaching topics ranging from outbreaks, maternal and child health to the central role of the
family and community in efforts to address the social determinants of education & health, incorporating various
data collection and reporting parameters.
Supervising every stage of the e-Learning project and coordinating in-house reviews and meetings. Identifying
and assigning internal responsibilities. Leading the project's implementation and internal marketing. Ensuring
the goals for the e-Learning strategy are achieved, through evaluation at different levels.
-Duties and Responsibilities:
As a Biomedical researcher, duties usually vary from project to project. I usually engaged in the examination of
biological systems to determine the factors that lead to disease and other physical conditions. By uncovering the
cause of disease.
I am equipped me with the ability to formulate treatment plans and drug therapies ( mainly in Tropical Diseases)
and also able to;
-Take blood samples, remove tissue specimens, and perform other clinical tests and procedures.
-Use clinical trial results to make adjustments to treatment protocols and drug dosages that lessen side effects
or increase effectiveness.
-Also write technical articles about research outcomes and also able to teach students at colleges and
Presently, I am a freelance medical researcher with keen interest in children, women, adolescents and aged
population's survival and wellbeing in the midst of pandemic.
Within the last couple of years, I have submitted various proposals to the CDC, USAID, RSTMH, EBRAP and
Welcome Trust among others on Vaccines and Immunization; Flu vaccine initiatives, Global Polio Eradication
Initiative (GPEI), NTDs, HIV-TB Co-infections and more.
I am held responsible for looking after demand creation mechanisms and performance monitoring procedures
as well as strengthening disease surveillance, data analysis and evaluation systems.
I am able to act in the interest of my firm as an agent that oversees public health financing, health systems, aid
effectiveness and policy dialogue, financial management and accountability.
Over the years, I have gained cumulative ability to embrace and model the core values of the organization I
represent in my day-to-day behaviour and decision-making; with conscious attention and sensitivity to wider
organizational priorities and perspectives. I identified and developed strategies that catalysed collaborative and
productive working relationship within the organisation and with external partners, promoted a culture of
excellence in all the aspects of individual and organizational performance with integrity and respect for diversity,
but holding others accountable for the decisions they make.
Graduate trainee | Hospital Doctor
UK NHS Trusts , UK NHS Trusts
2009-04-01 | 2010-06-01
-Maintain trust.
A multidisciplinary approach to tropical medicine and related public health issues in our ever changing world of
disease emergencies and work patterns, focusing on Low and middle Income Countries (LMICs) educational
needs in particular.
This program focuses broadly on issues of tropical health, travelers health and on clinical tropical medicine with
emphasies on scientific basis for preventing, diagnosis, treating, and controlling tropical health problems.
Pathology (Clinical wastes disposal and venipuncture) certificate at King's College London
Juba University
A run-through course focusing on recent updates in Health, Safety and Infection Control.
Day 1 - Introduction
Tulane University
Environmental Public Health (PhD 'Thesis' run - through, 2020 @ Tulane University / CDC).
-Vector Control for Environmental Health Professionals: The Importance of Integrated Pest Management
-Bioterrorism Preparedness
-Leadership Development
-Leadership Communication.
Procurement and Supply Chain Management for Pharmaceutical Products (PSMUNDP): Certificate | 2020
Health Systems Strengthening (HSS; UNIMELB): Certificate | 2020
Infection Prevention and Control (WHO) : Certificate | 2020
Disease outbreaks in Low and Middle Income Countries (LSHTM) : Certificate | 2020
COVID - 19: Tackling the Novel Coronavirius ( LSHTM) : Certificate | 2020
COVID - 19: Global Health Perspectives (UNIMELB) : Certificate | 2020
Nutrition in Emergencies (UNICEF) : Certificate | 2020
COVID - 19: Psychological First Aid ( Public Health England) : Certificate | 2020
MBA Foundations (Quantic School of Business and Technology) : Certificate | 2018
Customer Discovery (Quantic School of Business and Technology) : Certificate | 2020
Web Data Analytics (Accenture) : Certificate | 2020
Introduction to Laboratory Informatics (CDC): Certificate | 2020
Management of Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies (UNFPA) : Certificate | 2020
COVID - 19: Operational Planning Guidelines and COVID - 19 Partners Platform to Support Country
Preparedness and Response (WHO) : Certificate | 2020
Planning and Managing Global Health Programmes: Promoting Quality, Accountability, and Equity
(Johns Hopkins University): Certificate | 2021
The Challenges of Global Health (Duke University): Certificate | 2021
Public Health Planning and Budgeting (University of Minnesota): Certificate | 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Training (WHO): Certificate | 2021
Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGPs @ African College of Health): Certificate | 2020
Operational Planning Guidelines and COVID - 19 Partners Platform to Support Country Preparedness
(WHO).: Certificate | 2020
Statistics & Data Analysis in R for Public Health (Imperial College London): Certificate | 2021
Global Public Health @ SDG Academy: Certificate | 2021